Pulsar_LVDS: Add Project on Zedboard

* Add axi_pulsar_lvds IP core


Signed-off-by: Ioan-daniel Pop <Pop.Ioan-daniel@analog.com>
PIoandan 2024-04-16 11:25:32 +03:00 committed by GitHub
parent 15ff99a9bd
commit ab4ea30f6b
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
14 changed files with 1508 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
## Copyright (c) 2018 - 2024 Analog Devices, Inc.
### SPDX short identifier: BSD-1-Clause
## Auto-generated, do not modify!
LIBRARY_NAME := axi_pulsar_lvds
GENERIC_DEPS += ../common/ad_datafmt.v
GENERIC_DEPS += ../common/ad_rst.v
GENERIC_DEPS += ../common/up_adc_channel.v
GENERIC_DEPS += ../common/up_adc_common.v
GENERIC_DEPS += ../common/up_axi.v
GENERIC_DEPS += ../common/up_clock_mon.v
GENERIC_DEPS += ../common/up_delay_cntrl.v
GENERIC_DEPS += ../common/up_xfer_cntrl.v
GENERIC_DEPS += ../common/up_xfer_status.v
GENERIC_DEPS += axi_pulsar_lvds.v
GENERIC_DEPS += axi_pulsar_lvds_channel.v
GENERIC_DEPS += axi_pulsar_lvds_if.v
XILINX_DEPS += ../xilinx/common/ad_data_clk.v
XILINX_DEPS += ../xilinx/common/ad_data_in.v
XILINX_DEPS += ../xilinx/common/ad_rst_constr.xdc
XILINX_DEPS += ../xilinx/common/up_clock_mon_constr.xdc
XILINX_DEPS += ../xilinx/common/up_xfer_cntrl_constr.xdc
XILINX_DEPS += ../xilinx/common/up_xfer_status_constr.xdc
XILINX_DEPS += axi_pulsar_lvds_ip.tcl
include ../scripts/library.mk

View File

@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
// In this HDL repository, there are many different and unique modules, consisting
// of various HDL (Verilog or VHDL) components. The individual modules are
// developed independently, and may be accompanied by separate and unique license
// terms.
// The user should read each of these license terms, and understand the
// freedoms and responsibilities that he or she has by using this source/core.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// Redistribution and use of source or resulting binaries, with or without modification
// of this file, are permitted under one of the following two license terms:
// 1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory
// of this repository (LICENSE_GPL2), and also online at:
// <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html>
// OR
// 2. An ADI specific BSD license, which can be found in the top level directory
// of this repository (LICENSE_ADIBSD), and also on-line at:
// https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/hdl/blob/master/LICENSE_ADIBSD
// This will allow to generate bit files and not release the source code,
// as long as it attaches to an ADI device.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module axi_pulsar_lvds #(
parameter ID = 0,
parameter FPGA_TECHNOLOGY = 0,
parameter FPGA_FAMILY = 0,
parameter SPEED_GRADE = 0,
parameter DEV_PACKAGE = 0,
parameter IO_DELAY_GROUP = "adc_if_delay_group",
parameter IODELAY_CTRL = 1,
parameter USERPORTS_DISABLE = 0,
parameter ADC_INIT_DELAY = 0,
parameter ADC_DATA_WIDTH = 16,
parameter BITS_PER_SAMPLE = 32
) (
input delay_clk,
// adc interface
input ref_clk,
input clk_gate,
input dco_p,
input dco_n,
input d_p,
input d_n,
// dma interface
output adc_valid,
output [BITS_PER_SAMPLE-1:0] adc_data,
input adc_dovf,
// axi interface
input s_axi_aclk,
input s_axi_aresetn,
input s_axi_awvalid,
input [15:0] s_axi_awaddr,
output s_axi_awready,
input s_axi_wvalid,
input [31:0] s_axi_wdata,
input [ 3:0] s_axi_wstrb,
output s_axi_wready,
output s_axi_bvalid,
output [ 1:0] s_axi_bresp,
input s_axi_bready,
input s_axi_arvalid,
input [15:0] s_axi_araddr,
output s_axi_arready,
output s_axi_rvalid,
output [ 1:0] s_axi_rresp,
output [31:0] s_axi_rdata,
input s_axi_rready,
input [ 2:0] s_axi_awprot,
input [ 2:0] s_axi_arprot
// internal signals
wire [(ADC_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] adc_data_s;
wire adc_or_s;
wire [ 1:0] up_dld_s;
wire [ 9:0] up_dwdata_s;
wire [ 9:0] up_drdata_s;
wire delay_locked_s;
wire up_status_pn_err_s;
wire up_status_pn_oos_s;
wire up_status_or_s;
wire up_rreq_s;
wire [13:0] up_raddr_s;
wire [31:0] up_rdata_s[0:2];
wire up_rack_s[0:2];
wire up_wack_s[0:2];
wire up_wreq_s;
wire [13:0] up_waddr_s;
wire [31:0] up_wdata_s;
// internal registers
reg up_wack = 'd0;
reg [31:0] up_rdata = 'd0;
reg up_rack = 'd0;
// internal signals
wire adc_rst;
wire adc_clk;
wire adc_enable;
wire up_clk;
wire up_rstn;
wire delay_rst;
wire adc_valid_ch_s;
wire [(ADC_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] adc_data_ch_s;
// signal name changes
assign up_clk = s_axi_aclk;
assign up_rstn = s_axi_aresetn;
assign adc_clk = ref_clk;
// processor read interface
always @(negedge up_rstn or posedge up_clk) begin
if (!up_rstn) begin
up_rdata <= 32'd0;
up_rack <= 1'd0;
up_wack <= 1'd0;
end else begin
up_rdata <= up_rdata_s[0] | up_rdata_s[1] | up_rdata_s[2];
up_rack <= up_rack_s[0] | up_rack_s[1] | up_rack_s[2];
up_wack <= up_wack_s[0] | up_wack_s[1] | up_wack_s[2];
// main (device interface)
axi_pulsar_lvds_if #(
) axi_pulsar_lvds_if_inst (
// channel
axi_pulsar_lvds_channel #(
) i_channel (
.adc_clk (adc_clk),
.adc_rst (adc_rst),
.adc_data_in (adc_data_ch_s),
.adc_valid_in (adc_valid_ch_s),
.adc_enable (adc_enable),
.adc_valid (adc_valid),
.adc_data (adc_data),
.up_adc_pn_err (up_status_pn_err_s),
.up_adc_pn_oos (up_status_pn_oos_s),
.up_adc_or (up_status_or_s),
.up_rstn (up_rstn),
.up_clk (up_clk),
.up_wreq (up_wreq_s),
.up_waddr (up_waddr_s),
.up_wdata (up_wdata_s),
.up_wack (up_wack_s[0]),
.up_rreq (up_rreq_s),
.up_raddr (up_raddr_s),
.up_rdata (up_rdata_s[0]),
.up_rack (up_rack_s[0]));
// adc delay control
up_delay_cntrl #(
) i_delay_cntrl (
.delay_clk (delay_clk),
.delay_rst (delay_rst),
.delay_locked (delay_locked_s),
.up_dld (up_dld_s),
.up_dwdata (up_dwdata_s),
.up_drdata (up_drdata_s),
.up_rstn (up_rstn),
.up_clk (up_clk),
.up_wreq (up_wreq_s),
.up_waddr (up_waddr_s),
.up_wdata (up_wdata_s),
.up_wack (up_wack_s[2]),
.up_rreq (up_rreq_s),
.up_raddr (up_raddr_s),
.up_rdata (up_rdata_s[2]),
.up_rack (up_rack_s[2]));
// common processor control
up_adc_common #(
.ID (ID),
.CONFIG (0),
.COMMON_ID (6'h00),
.DRP_DISABLE (6'h00),
) i_up_adc_common (
.mmcm_rst (),
.adc_clk (adc_clk),
.adc_rst (adc_rst),
.adc_r1_mode (),
.adc_ddr_edgesel (),
.adc_pin_mode (),
.adc_status (delay_locked_s),
.adc_sync_status (1'd0),
.adc_status_ovf (adc_dovf),
.adc_clk_ratio (32'b1),
.adc_start_code (),
.adc_sref_sync (),
.adc_sync (),
.adc_num_lanes (),
.adc_crc_enable (),
.adc_sdr_ddr_n (),
.adc_symb_op (),
.adc_symb_8_16b (),
.up_pps_rcounter (32'd0),
.up_pps_status (1'd0),
.up_pps_irq_mask (),
.up_adc_r1_mode (),
.up_adc_ce (),
.up_status_pn_err (up_status_pn_err_s),
.up_status_pn_oos (up_status_pn_oos_s),
.up_status_or (up_status_or_s),
.up_drp_sel (),
.up_drp_wr (),
.up_drp_addr (),
.up_drp_wdata (),
.up_drp_rdata (32'b0),
.up_drp_ready (1'b0),
.up_drp_locked (1'b1),
.adc_config_wr (),
.adc_config_ctrl (),
.adc_config_rd ('d0),
.adc_ctrl_status ('d0),
.up_usr_chanmax_out (),
.up_usr_chanmax_in (8'd1),
.up_adc_gpio_in (32'd0),
.up_adc_gpio_out (),
.up_rstn (up_rstn),
.up_clk (up_clk),
.up_wreq (up_wreq_s),
.up_waddr (up_waddr_s),
.up_wdata (up_wdata_s),
.up_wack (up_wack_s[1]),
.up_rreq (up_rreq_s),
.up_raddr (up_raddr_s),
.up_rdata (up_rdata_s[1]),
.up_rack (up_rack_s[1]));
// up bus interface
up_axi i_up_axi (
.up_rstn (up_rstn),
.up_clk (up_clk),
.up_axi_awvalid (s_axi_awvalid),
.up_axi_awaddr (s_axi_awaddr),
.up_axi_awready (s_axi_awready),
.up_axi_wvalid (s_axi_wvalid),
.up_axi_wdata (s_axi_wdata),
.up_axi_wstrb (s_axi_wstrb),
.up_axi_wready (s_axi_wready),
.up_axi_bvalid (s_axi_bvalid),
.up_axi_bresp (s_axi_bresp),
.up_axi_bready (s_axi_bready),
.up_axi_arvalid (s_axi_arvalid),
.up_axi_araddr (s_axi_araddr),
.up_axi_arready (s_axi_arready),
.up_axi_rvalid (s_axi_rvalid),
.up_axi_rresp (s_axi_rresp),
.up_axi_rdata (s_axi_rdata),
.up_axi_rready (s_axi_rready),
.up_wreq (up_wreq_s),
.up_waddr (up_waddr_s),
.up_wdata (up_wdata_s),
.up_wack (up_wack),
.up_rreq (up_rreq_s),
.up_raddr (up_raddr_s),
.up_rdata (up_rdata),
.up_rack (up_rack));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
// In this HDL repository, there are many different and unique modules, consisting
// of various HDL (Verilog or VHDL) components. The individual modules are
// developed independently, and may be accompanied by separate and unique license
// terms.
// The user should read each of these license terms, and understand the
// freedoms and responsibilities that he or she has by using this source/core.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// Redistribution and use of source or resulting binaries, with or without modification
// of this file, are permitted under one of the following two license terms:
// 1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory
// of this repository (LICENSE_GPL2), and also online at:
// <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html>
// OR
// 2. An ADI specific BSD license, which can be found in the top level directory
// of this repository (LICENSE_ADIBSD), and also on-line at:
// https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/hdl/blob/master/LICENSE_ADIBSD
// This will allow to generate bit files and not release the source code,
// as long as it attaches to an ADI device.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module axi_pulsar_lvds_channel #(
parameter USERPORTS_DISABLE = 0,
parameter ADC_DATA_WIDTH = 16,
parameter BITS_PER_SAMPLE = 32
) (
// adc interface
input adc_clk,
input adc_rst,
input adc_valid_in,
input [18:0] adc_data_in,
// dma interface
output adc_enable,
output adc_valid,
output [BITS_PER_SAMPLE-1:0] adc_data,
// error monitoring
output up_adc_pn_err,
output up_adc_pn_oos,
output up_adc_or,
// processor interface
input up_rstn,
input up_clk,
input up_wreq,
input [13:0] up_waddr,
input [31:0] up_wdata,
output up_wack,
input up_rreq,
input [13:0] up_raddr,
output [31:0] up_rdata,
output up_rack
// internal signals
wire adc_dfmt_valid_s;
wire [(ADC_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] adc_dfmt_data_s;
wire adc_dcfilter_valid_s;
wire adc_iqcor_enb_s;
wire adc_dcfilt_enb_s;
wire adc_dfmt_se_s;
wire adc_dfmt_type_s;
wire adc_dfmt_enable_s;
wire [15:0] adc_dcfilt_offset_s;
wire [15:0] adc_dcfilt_coeff_s;
wire [15:0] adc_iqcor_coeff_1_s;
wire [15:0] adc_iqcor_coeff_2_s;
wire [ 3:0] adc_pnseq_sel_s;
wire [ 3:0] adc_data_sel_s;
ad_datafmt #(
) i_ad_datafmt (
.clk (adc_clk),
.valid (adc_valid_in),
.data (adc_data_in),
.valid_out (adc_valid),
.data_out (adc_data),
.dfmt_enable (adc_dfmt_enable_s),
.dfmt_type (adc_dfmt_type_s),
.dfmt_se (adc_dfmt_se_s));
// adc channel regmap
up_adc_channel #(
) i_up_adc_channel (
.adc_clk (adc_clk),
.adc_rst (adc_rst),
.adc_enable (adc_enable),
.adc_iqcor_enb (adc_iqcor_enb_s),
.adc_dcfilt_enb (adc_dcfilt_enb_s),
.adc_dfmt_se (adc_dfmt_se_s),
.adc_dfmt_type (adc_dfmt_type_s),
.adc_dfmt_enable (adc_dfmt_enable_s),
.adc_dcfilt_offset (adc_dcfilt_offset_s),
.adc_dcfilt_coeff (adc_dcfilt_coeff_s),
.adc_iqcor_coeff_1 (adc_iqcor_coeff_1_s),
.adc_iqcor_coeff_2 (adc_iqcor_coeff_2_s),
.adc_pnseq_sel (adc_pnseq_sel_s),
.adc_data_sel (),
.adc_pn_err (),
.adc_pn_oos (1'b0),
.adc_or (1'b0),
.adc_read_data ('d0),
.adc_status_header ('d0),
.adc_crc_err ('d0),
.adc_softspan (),
.up_adc_crc_err (),
.up_adc_pn_err (up_adc_pn_err),
.up_adc_pn_oos (up_adc_pn_oos),
.up_adc_or (up_adc_or),
.up_usr_datatype_be (),
.up_usr_datatype_signed (),
.up_usr_datatype_shift (),
.up_usr_datatype_total_bits (),
.up_usr_datatype_bits (),
.up_usr_decimation_m (),
.up_usr_decimation_n (),
.adc_usr_datatype_be (1'b0),
.adc_usr_datatype_signed (1'b1),
.adc_usr_datatype_shift (8'd0),
.adc_usr_datatype_total_bits (8'd16),
.adc_usr_datatype_bits (8'd16),
.adc_usr_decimation_m (16'd1),
.adc_usr_decimation_n (16'd1),
.up_rstn (up_rstn),
.up_clk (up_clk),
.up_wreq (up_wreq),
.up_waddr (up_waddr),
.up_wdata (up_wdata),
.up_wack (up_wack),
.up_rreq (up_rreq),
.up_raddr (up_raddr),
.up_rdata (up_rdata),
.up_rack (up_rack));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
// In this HDL repository, there are many different and unique modules, consisting
// of various HDL (Verilog or VHDL) components. The individual modules are
// developed independently, and may be accompanied by separate and unique license
// terms.
// The user should read each of these license terms, and understand the
// freedoms and responsibilities that he or she has by using this source/core.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// Redistribution and use of source or resulting binaries, with or without modification
// of this file, are permitted under one of the following two license terms:
// 1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory
// of this repository (LICENSE_GPL2), and also online at:
// <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html>
// OR
// 2. An ADI specific BSD license, which can be found in the top level directory
// of this repository (LICENSE_ADIBSD), and also on-line at:
// https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/hdl/blob/master/LICENSE_ADIBSD
// This will allow to generate bit files and not release the source code,
// as long as it attaches to an ADI device.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// This is the LVDS/DDR interface, note that overrange is independent of data path,
// software will not be able to relate overrange to a specific sample!
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module axi_pulsar_lvds_if #(
parameter FPGA_TECHNOLOGY = 1,
parameter IO_DELAY_GROUP = "adc_if_delay_group",
parameter IODELAY_CTRL = 1,
parameter ADC_DATA_WIDTH = 16
) (
// delay interface
input up_clk,
input [ 1:0] up_dld,
input [ 9:0] up_dwdata,
output [ 9:0] up_drdata,
input delay_clk,
input delay_rst,
output delay_locked,
// adc interface
input clk,
input clk_gate,
input dco_p,
input dco_n,
input d_p,
input d_n,
output reg adc_valid,
output reg [(ADC_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] adc_data
// internal wires
wire d_p_int_s;
wire dco;
wire dco_s;
// internal register
reg [ 1:0] clk_gate_d = 'b0;
reg [(ADC_DATA_WIDTH-1):0] adc_data_int = 'b0;
// adc_valid is 1 for the current sample that is sent
always @(posedge clk) begin
adc_valid <= 1'b0;
clk_gate_d <= {clk_gate_d[0], clk_gate};
if (clk_gate_d[1] == 1'b1 && clk_gate_d[0] == 1'b0) begin
adc_data <= adc_data_int;
adc_valid <= 1'b1;
always @(posedge dco) begin
adc_data_int <= {adc_data_int[(ADC_DATA_WIDTH-2):0], d_p_int_s};
// data interface - differential to single ended
ad_data_in #(
) i_rx_da (
.rx_clk (dco),
.rx_data_in_p (d_p),
.rx_data_in_n (d_n),
.rx_data_p (d_p_int_s),
.rx_data_n (),
.up_clk (up_clk),
.up_dld (up_dld[0]),
.up_dwdata (up_dwdata[4:0]),
.up_drdata (up_drdata[4:0]),
.delay_clk (delay_clk),
.delay_rst (delay_rst),
.delay_locked (delay_locked));
// clock
IBUFDS i_rx_clk_ibuf (
.I (dco_p),
.O (dco_s));
BUFH i_clk_buf (
.I (dco_s),
.O (dco));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
## Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
### SPDX short identifier: ADIBSD
source ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
source $ad_hdl_dir/library/scripts/adi_ip_xilinx.tcl
adi_ip_create axi_pulsar_lvds
adi_ip_files axi_pulsar_lvds [list \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/xilinx/common/ad_data_clk.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/xilinx/common/ad_data_in.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/up_adc_common.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/up_adc_channel.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/up_xfer_cntrl.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/up_xfer_status.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/up_clock_mon.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/ad_datafmt.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/ad_rst.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/up_delay_cntrl.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/up_axi.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/xilinx/common/up_xfer_cntrl_constr.xdc" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/xilinx/common/ad_rst_constr.xdc" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/xilinx/common/up_clock_mon_constr.xdc" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/xilinx/common/up_xfer_status_constr.xdc" \
"axi_pulsar_lvds_if.v" \
"axi_pulsar_lvds_channel.v" \
"axi_pulsar_lvds.v" ]
adi_ip_properties axi_pulsar_lvds
adi_add_bus "fifo_wr" "master" \
"analog.com:interface:fifo_wr_rtl:1.0" \
"analog.com:interface:fifo_wr:1.0" \
{ \
{"adc_valid" "EN"} \
{"adc_data" "DATA"} \
{"adc_dovf" "OVERFLOW"} \
adi_add_bus_clock "fifo_wr_clk" "fifo_wr"
adi_ip_bd axi_pulsar_lvds "bd/bd.tcl"
set cc [ipx::current_core]
ipx::infer_bus_interface ref_clk xilinx.com:signal:clock_rtl:1.0 $cc
ipx::infer_bus_interface dco_p xilinx.com:signal:clock_rtl:1.0 $cc
ipx::infer_bus_interface dco_n xilinx.com:signal:clock_rtl:1.0 $cc
ipx::create_xgui_files $cc
ipx::save_core $cc

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
## Copyright (c) 2018 - 2024 Analog Devices, Inc.
### SPDX short identifier: BSD-1-Clause
## Auto-generated, do not modify!
include ../scripts/project-toplevel.mk

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Here are some pointers to help you:
* [EVAL-AD7626 board Product Page ](https://www.analog.com/en/design-center/evaluation-hardware-and-software/evaluation-boards-kits/EVAL-AD7626.html)
* Parts: [AD7626: 16-Bit, 10 MSPS, PulSAR Differential ADC](https://www.analog.com/ad7626)
* Parts: [AD7625: 16-Bit, 6 MSPS, PulSAR Differential ADC](https://www.analog.com/ad7625)
* Parts: [AD7961: 16-Bit, 5 MSPS, PULSAR® Differential ADC](https://www.analog.com/ad7961)
* Parts: [AD7960: 18-Bit, 5 MSPS, PULSAR® Differential ADC](https://www.analog.com/ad7960)
* HDL Doc: https://wiki.analog.com/resources/eval/user-guides/circuits-from-the-lab/cn0577/hdl
* Project Doc: https://wiki.analog.com/resources/eval/user-guides/circuits-from-the-lab/cn0577
* Linux Drivers: https://wiki.analog.com/resources/tools-software/linux-drivers/iio-adc/ltc2387
How to use over-writable parameters from the environment:
hdl/projects/pulsar_lvds_adc/zed> make RESOLUTION_16_18N=0
RESOLUTION_16_18N - Defines the resolution of the ADC: 0 - 18 BITS, 1 - 16 BITS.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
## Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
### SPDX short identifier: ADIBSD
set RESOLUTION_16_18N $ad_project_params(RESOLUTION_16_18N)
puts "build parameters: RESOLUTION_16_18N: $RESOLUTION_16_18N"
set ADC_DATA_WIDTH [expr {$RESOLUTION_16_18N == 1 ? 16 : 18}]
set BITS_PER_SAMPLE [expr {$RESOLUTION_16_18N == 1 ? 16 : 32}]
create_bd_port -dir O sampling_clk
create_bd_port -dir I dco_p
create_bd_port -dir I dco_n
create_bd_port -dir O cnv
create_bd_port -dir I d_p
create_bd_port -dir I d_n
create_bd_port -dir O clk_gate
# adc peripheral
ad_ip_instance axi_pulsar_lvds axi_pulsar_lvds
ad_ip_parameter axi_pulsar_lvds CONFIG.ADC_DATA_WIDTH $ADC_DATA_WIDTH
ad_ip_parameter axi_pulsar_lvds CONFIG.BITS_PER_SAMPLE $BITS_PER_SAMPLE
# axi pwm gen
ad_ip_instance axi_pwm_gen axi_pwm_gen
ad_ip_parameter axi_pwm_gen CONFIG.N_PWMS 2
ad_ip_parameter axi_pwm_gen CONFIG.PULSE_0_WIDTH 1
ad_ip_parameter axi_pwm_gen CONFIG.PULSE_0_PERIOD 25
ad_ip_parameter axi_pwm_gen CONFIG.PULSE_1_WIDTH 5
ad_ip_parameter axi_pwm_gen CONFIG.PULSE_1_PERIOD 25
ad_ip_parameter axi_pwm_gen CONFIG.PULSE_1_OFFSET 0
# dma
ad_ip_instance axi_dmac axi_pulsar_lvds_dma
ad_ip_parameter axi_pulsar_lvds_dma CONFIG.DMA_TYPE_SRC 2
ad_ip_parameter axi_pulsar_lvds_dma CONFIG.DMA_TYPE_DEST 0
ad_ip_parameter axi_pulsar_lvds_dma CONFIG.CYCLIC 0
ad_ip_parameter axi_pulsar_lvds_dma CONFIG.SYNC_TRANSFER_START 0
ad_ip_parameter axi_pulsar_lvds_dma CONFIG.AXI_SLICE_SRC 0
ad_ip_parameter axi_pulsar_lvds_dma CONFIG.AXI_SLICE_DEST 0
ad_ip_parameter axi_pulsar_lvds_dma CONFIG.DMA_2D_TRANSFER 0
ad_ip_parameter axi_pulsar_lvds_dma CONFIG.DMA_DATA_WIDTH_SRC $BITS_PER_SAMPLE
ad_ip_parameter axi_pulsar_lvds_dma CONFIG.DMA_DATA_WIDTH_DEST 64
# axi clk_gen
ad_ip_instance axi_clkgen reference_clkgen
ad_ip_parameter reference_clkgen CONFIG.VCO_DIV 1
ad_ip_parameter reference_clkgen CONFIG.VCO_MUL 10
ad_ip_parameter reference_clkgen CONFIG.CLK0_DIV 6
ad_connect reference_clkgen/clk $sys_cpu_clk
ad_connect reference_clkgen/clk_0 sampling_clk
ad_connect reference_clkgen/clk_0 axi_pulsar_lvds/ref_clk
# connections
ad_connect sys_200m_clk axi_pulsar_lvds/delay_clk
ad_connect clk_gate axi_pulsar_lvds/clk_gate
ad_connect dco_p axi_pulsar_lvds/dco_p
ad_connect dco_n axi_pulsar_lvds/dco_n
ad_connect d_p axi_pulsar_lvds/d_p
ad_connect d_n axi_pulsar_lvds/d_n
ad_connect reference_clkgen/clk_0 axi_pulsar_lvds_dma/fifo_wr_clk
ad_connect axi_pulsar_lvds/fifo_wr axi_pulsar_lvds_dma/fifo_wr
ad_connect cnv axi_pwm_gen/pwm_0
ad_connect clk_gate axi_pwm_gen/pwm_1
ad_connect reference_clkgen/clk_0 axi_pwm_gen/ext_clk
ad_connect sys_cpu_resetn axi_pwm_gen/s_axi_aresetn
ad_connect sys_cpu_clk axi_pwm_gen/s_axi_aclk
# address mapping
ad_cpu_interconnect 0x44A00000 axi_pulsar_lvds
ad_cpu_interconnect 0x44A30000 axi_pulsar_lvds_dma
ad_cpu_interconnect 0x44A60000 axi_pwm_gen
ad_cpu_interconnect 0x44A80000 reference_clkgen
# interconnect (adc)
ad_mem_hp2_interconnect $sys_cpu_clk sys_ps7/S_AXI_HP2
ad_mem_hp2_interconnect $sys_cpu_clk axi_pulsar_lvds_dma/m_dest_axi
ad_connect $sys_cpu_resetn axi_pulsar_lvds_dma/m_dest_axi_aresetn
# interrupts
ad_cpu_interrupt ps-13 mb-12 axi_pulsar_lvds_dma/irq

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
## Copyright (c) 2018 - 2024 Analog Devices, Inc.
### SPDX short identifier: BSD-1-Clause
## Auto-generated, do not modify!
PROJECT_NAME := pulsar_lvds_adc_zed
M_DEPS += ad7960_system_top.v
M_DEPS += ad7626_system_top.v
M_DEPS += ../common/pulsar_lvds_adc_bd.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_pd.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../common/zed/zed_system_constr.xdc
M_DEPS += ../../common/zed/zed_system_bd.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../../library/xilinx/common/ad_data_clk.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/ad_iobuf.v
LIB_DEPS += axi_clkgen
LIB_DEPS += axi_dmac
LIB_DEPS += axi_hdmi_tx
LIB_DEPS += axi_i2s_adi
LIB_DEPS += axi_pulsar_lvds
LIB_DEPS += axi_pwm_gen
LIB_DEPS += axi_spdif_tx
LIB_DEPS += axi_sysid
LIB_DEPS += sysid_rom
LIB_DEPS += util_i2c_mixer
include ../../scripts/project-xilinx.mk

View File

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
// In this HDL repository, there are many different and unique modules, consisting
// of various HDL (Verilog or VHDL) components. The individual modules are
// developed independently, and may be accompanied by separate and unique license
// terms.
// The user should read each of these license terms, and understand the
// freedoms and responsibilities that he or she has by using this source/core.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// Redistribution and use of source or resulting binaries, with or without modification
// of this file, are permitted under one of the following two license terms:
// 1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory
// of this repository (LICENSE_GPL2), and also online at:
// <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html>
// OR
// 2. An ADI specific BSD license, which can be found in the top level directory
// of this repository (LICENSE_ADIBSD), and also on-line at:
// https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/hdl/blob/master/LICENSE_ADIBSD
// This will allow to generate bit files and not release the source code,
// as long as it attaches to an ADI device.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module system_top (
inout [14:0] ddr_addr,
inout [ 2:0] ddr_ba,
inout ddr_cas_n,
inout ddr_ck_n,
inout ddr_ck_p,
inout ddr_cke,
inout ddr_cs_n,
inout [ 3:0] ddr_dm,
inout [31:0] ddr_dq,
inout [ 3:0] ddr_dqs_n,
inout [ 3:0] ddr_dqs_p,
inout ddr_odt,
inout ddr_ras_n,
inout ddr_reset_n,
inout ddr_we_n,
inout fixed_io_ddr_vrn,
inout fixed_io_ddr_vrp,
inout [53:0] fixed_io_mio,
inout fixed_io_ps_clk,
inout fixed_io_ps_porb,
inout fixed_io_ps_srstb,
inout [31:0] gpio_bd,
output hdmi_out_clk,
output hdmi_vsync,
output hdmi_hsync,
output hdmi_data_e,
output [15:0] hdmi_data,
output i2s_mclk,
output i2s_bclk,
output i2s_lrclk,
output i2s_sdata_out,
input i2s_sdata_in,
output spdif,
inout iic_scl,
inout iic_sda,
inout [ 1:0] iic_mux_scl,
inout [ 1:0] iic_mux_sda,
input otg_vbusoc,
output clk_p,
output clk_n,
input dco_p,
input dco_n,
input d_n,
input d_p,
output cnv_p,
output cnv_n,
inout en0_fmc,
inout en1_fmc,
inout fpga_pll_cnv_p,
inout fpga_pll_cnv_n,
inout pll_sync_fmc
// internal signals
wire [63:0] gpio_i;
wire [63:0] gpio_o;
wire [63:0] gpio_t;
wire [ 1:0] iic_mux_scl_i_s;
wire [ 1:0] iic_mux_scl_o_s;
wire iic_mux_scl_t_s;
wire [ 1:0] iic_mux_sda_i_s;
wire [ 1:0] iic_mux_sda_o_s;
wire iic_mux_sda_t_s;
wire cnv_s;
wire cnv;
wire clk_gate;
wire sampling_clk_s;
wire gated_sampling_clk;
assign gpio_i[63:36] = gpio_o[63:36];
ad_iobuf #(
) i_iobuf (
.dio_p({en1_fmc, // 87
en0_fmc})); // 86
// instantiations
) i_tx_clk_oddr (
.CE (1'b1),
.R (1'b0),
.S (1'b0),
.C (sampling_clk_s),
.D1 (clk_gate),
.D2 (1'b0),
.Q (gated_sampling_clk));
) i_cnv_oddr (
.CE (1'b1),
.R (1'b0),
.S (1'b0),
.C (sampling_clk_s),
.D1 (cnv),
.D2 (cnv),
.Q (cnv_s));
OBUFDS i_tx_data_obuf (
.I (gated_sampling_clk),
.O (clk_p),
.OB (clk_n));
.O (cnv_p),
.OB (cnv_n),
.I (cnv_s));
ad_iobuf #(
) iobuf_gpio_bd (
.dio_i (gpio_o[31:0]),
.dio_o (gpio_i[31:0]),
.dio_t (gpio_t[31:0]),
.dio_p (gpio_bd));
ad_iobuf #(
) i_iic_mux_scl (
.dio_t ({iic_mux_scl_t_s, iic_mux_scl_t_s}),
.dio_i (iic_mux_scl_o_s),
.dio_o (iic_mux_scl_i_s),
.dio_p (iic_mux_scl));
ad_iobuf #(
) i_iic_mux_sda (
.dio_t ({iic_mux_sda_t_s, iic_mux_sda_t_s}),
.dio_i (iic_mux_sda_o_s),
.dio_o (iic_mux_sda_i_s),
.dio_p (iic_mux_sda));
system_wrapper i_system_wrapper (
.ddr_addr (ddr_addr),
.ddr_ba (ddr_ba),
.ddr_cas_n (ddr_cas_n),
.ddr_ck_n (ddr_ck_n),
.ddr_ck_p (ddr_ck_p),
.ddr_cke (ddr_cke),
.ddr_cs_n (ddr_cs_n),
.ddr_dm (ddr_dm),
.ddr_dq (ddr_dq),
.ddr_dqs_n (ddr_dqs_n),
.ddr_dqs_p (ddr_dqs_p),
.ddr_odt (ddr_odt),
.ddr_ras_n (ddr_ras_n),
.ddr_reset_n (ddr_reset_n),
.ddr_we_n (ddr_we_n),
.fixed_io_ddr_vrn (fixed_io_ddr_vrn),
.fixed_io_ddr_vrp (fixed_io_ddr_vrp),
.fixed_io_mio (fixed_io_mio),
.fixed_io_ps_clk (fixed_io_ps_clk),
.fixed_io_ps_porb (fixed_io_ps_porb),
.fixed_io_ps_srstb (fixed_io_ps_srstb),
.gpio_i (gpio_i),
.gpio_o (gpio_o),
.gpio_t (gpio_t),
.hdmi_data (hdmi_data),
.hdmi_data_e (hdmi_data_e),
.hdmi_hsync (hdmi_hsync),
.hdmi_out_clk (hdmi_out_clk),
.hdmi_vsync (hdmi_vsync),
.i2s_bclk (i2s_bclk),
.i2s_lrclk (i2s_lrclk),
.i2s_mclk (i2s_mclk),
.i2s_sdata_in (i2s_sdata_in),
.i2s_sdata_out (i2s_sdata_out),
.iic_fmc_scl_io (iic_scl),
.iic_fmc_sda_io (iic_sda),
.iic_mux_scl_i (iic_mux_scl_i_s),
.iic_mux_scl_o (iic_mux_scl_o_s),
.iic_mux_scl_t (iic_mux_scl_t_s),
.iic_mux_sda_i (iic_mux_sda_i_s),
.iic_mux_sda_o (iic_mux_sda_o_s),
.iic_mux_sda_t (iic_mux_sda_t_s),
.otg_vbusoc (otg_vbusoc),
.spdif (spdif),
.sampling_clk (sampling_clk_s),
.dco_p (dco_p),
.dco_n (dco_n),
.d_n (d_n),
.d_p (d_p),
.cnv (cnv),
.clk_gate (clk_gate),
.spi0_clk_i (1'b0),
.spi0_clk_o (),
.spi0_csn_0_o (),
.spi0_csn_1_o (),
.spi0_csn_2_o (),
.spi0_csn_i (1'b1),
.spi0_sdi_i (1'b0),
.spi0_sdo_i (1'b0),
.spi0_sdo_o (),
.spi1_clk_i (1'b0),
.spi1_clk_o (),
.spi1_csn_0_o (),
.spi1_csn_1_o (),
.spi1_csn_2_o (),
.spi1_csn_i (1'b1),
.spi1_sdi_i (1'b0),
.spi1_sdo_i (1'b0),
.spi1_sdo_o ());

View File

@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
// In this HDL repository, there are many different and unique modules, consisting
// of various HDL (Verilog or VHDL) components. The individual modules are
// developed independently, and may be accompanied by separate and unique license
// terms.
// The user should read each of these license terms, and understand the
// freedoms and responsibilities that he or she has by using this source/core.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// Redistribution and use of source or resulting binaries, with or without modification
// of this file, are permitted under one of the following two license terms:
// 1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory
// of this repository (LICENSE_GPL2), and also online at:
// <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html>
// OR
// 2. An ADI specific BSD license, which can be found in the top level directory
// of this repository (LICENSE_ADIBSD), and also on-line at:
// https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/hdl/blob/master/LICENSE_ADIBSD
// This will allow to generate bit files and not release the source code,
// as long as it attaches to an ADI device.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module system_top (
inout [14:0] ddr_addr,
inout [ 2:0] ddr_ba,
inout ddr_cas_n,
inout ddr_ck_n,
inout ddr_ck_p,
inout ddr_cke,
inout ddr_cs_n,
inout [ 3:0] ddr_dm,
inout [31:0] ddr_dq,
inout [ 3:0] ddr_dqs_n,
inout [ 3:0] ddr_dqs_p,
inout ddr_odt,
inout ddr_ras_n,
inout ddr_reset_n,
inout ddr_we_n,
inout fixed_io_ddr_vrn,
inout fixed_io_ddr_vrp,
inout [53:0] fixed_io_mio,
inout fixed_io_ps_clk,
inout fixed_io_ps_porb,
inout fixed_io_ps_srstb,
inout [31:0] gpio_bd,
output hdmi_out_clk,
output hdmi_vsync,
output hdmi_hsync,
output hdmi_data_e,
output [15:0] hdmi_data,
output i2s_mclk,
output i2s_bclk,
output i2s_lrclk,
output i2s_sdata_out,
input i2s_sdata_in,
output spdif,
inout iic_scl,
inout iic_sda,
inout [ 1:0] iic_mux_scl,
inout [ 1:0] iic_mux_sda,
input otg_vbusoc,
output clk_p,
output clk_n,
input dco_p,
input dco_n,
input d_n,
input d_p,
output cnv_p,
output cnv_n,
inout en0_fmc,
inout en1_fmc,
inout en2_fmc,
inout en3_fmc
// internal signals
wire [63:0] gpio_i;
wire [63:0] gpio_o;
wire [63:0] gpio_t;
wire [ 1:0] iic_mux_scl_i_s;
wire [ 1:0] iic_mux_scl_o_s;
wire iic_mux_scl_t_s;
wire [ 1:0] iic_mux_sda_i_s;
wire [ 1:0] iic_mux_sda_o_s;
wire iic_mux_sda_t_s;
wire cnv_s;
wire cnv;
wire clk_gate;
wire sampling_clk_s;
wire gated_sampling_clk;
assign gpio_i[63:36] = gpio_o[63:36];
ad_iobuf #(
) i_iobuf (
.dio_p({en3_fmc, // 89
en2_fmc, // 88
en1_fmc, // 87
en0_fmc})); // 86
// instantiations
) i_tx_clk_oddr (
.CE (1'b1),
.R (1'b0),
.S (1'b0),
.C (sampling_clk_s),
.D1 (clk_gate),
.D2 (1'b0),
.Q (gated_sampling_clk));
) i_cnv_oddr (
.CE (1'b1),
.R (1'b0),
.S (1'b0),
.C (sampling_clk_s),
.D1 (cnv),
.D2 (cnv),
.Q (cnv_s));
OBUFDS i_tx_data_obuf (
.I (gated_sampling_clk),
.O (clk_p),
.OB (clk_n));
.O (cnv_p),
.OB (cnv_n),
.I (cnv_s));
ad_iobuf #(
) iobuf_gpio_bd (
.dio_i (gpio_o[31:0]),
.dio_o (gpio_i[31:0]),
.dio_t (gpio_t[31:0]),
.dio_p (gpio_bd));
ad_iobuf #(
) i_iic_mux_scl (
.dio_t ({iic_mux_scl_t_s, iic_mux_scl_t_s}),
.dio_i (iic_mux_scl_o_s),
.dio_o (iic_mux_scl_i_s),
.dio_p (iic_mux_scl));
ad_iobuf #(
) i_iic_mux_sda (
.dio_t ({iic_mux_sda_t_s, iic_mux_sda_t_s}),
.dio_i (iic_mux_sda_o_s),
.dio_o (iic_mux_sda_i_s),
.dio_p (iic_mux_sda));
system_wrapper i_system_wrapper (
.ddr_addr (ddr_addr),
.ddr_ba (ddr_ba),
.ddr_cas_n (ddr_cas_n),
.ddr_ck_n (ddr_ck_n),
.ddr_ck_p (ddr_ck_p),
.ddr_cke (ddr_cke),
.ddr_cs_n (ddr_cs_n),
.ddr_dm (ddr_dm),
.ddr_dq (ddr_dq),
.ddr_dqs_n (ddr_dqs_n),
.ddr_dqs_p (ddr_dqs_p),
.ddr_odt (ddr_odt),
.ddr_ras_n (ddr_ras_n),
.ddr_reset_n (ddr_reset_n),
.ddr_we_n (ddr_we_n),
.fixed_io_ddr_vrn (fixed_io_ddr_vrn),
.fixed_io_ddr_vrp (fixed_io_ddr_vrp),
.fixed_io_mio (fixed_io_mio),
.fixed_io_ps_clk (fixed_io_ps_clk),
.fixed_io_ps_porb (fixed_io_ps_porb),
.fixed_io_ps_srstb (fixed_io_ps_srstb),
.gpio_i (gpio_i),
.gpio_o (gpio_o),
.gpio_t (gpio_t),
.hdmi_data (hdmi_data),
.hdmi_data_e (hdmi_data_e),
.hdmi_hsync (hdmi_hsync),
.hdmi_out_clk (hdmi_out_clk),
.hdmi_vsync (hdmi_vsync),
.i2s_bclk (i2s_bclk),
.i2s_lrclk (i2s_lrclk),
.i2s_mclk (i2s_mclk),
.i2s_sdata_in (i2s_sdata_in),
.i2s_sdata_out (i2s_sdata_out),
.iic_fmc_scl_io (iic_scl),
.iic_fmc_sda_io (iic_sda),
.iic_mux_scl_i (iic_mux_scl_i_s),
.iic_mux_scl_o (iic_mux_scl_o_s),
.iic_mux_scl_t (iic_mux_scl_t_s),
.iic_mux_sda_i (iic_mux_sda_i_s),
.iic_mux_sda_o (iic_mux_sda_o_s),
.iic_mux_sda_t (iic_mux_sda_t_s),
.otg_vbusoc (otg_vbusoc),
.spdif (spdif),
.sampling_clk (sampling_clk_s),
.dco_p (dco_p),
.dco_n (dco_n),
.d_n (d_n),
.d_p (d_p),
.cnv (cnv),
.clk_gate (clk_gate),
.spi0_clk_i (1'b0),
.spi0_clk_o (),
.spi0_csn_0_o (),
.spi0_csn_1_o (),
.spi0_csn_2_o (),
.spi0_csn_i (1'b1),
.spi0_sdi_i (1'b0),
.spi0_sdo_i (1'b0),
.spi0_sdo_o (),
.spi1_clk_i (1'b0),
.spi1_clk_o (),
.spi1_csn_0_o (),
.spi1_csn_1_o (),
.spi1_csn_2_o (),
.spi1_csn_i (1'b1),
.spi1_sdi_i (1'b0),
.spi1_sdo_i (1'b0),
.spi1_sdo_o ());

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
## Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
### SPDX short identifier: ADIBSD
source $ad_hdl_dir/projects/common/zed/zed_system_bd.tcl
source $ad_hdl_dir/projects/scripts/adi_pd.tcl
source ../common/pulsar_lvds_adc_bd.tcl
set mem_init_sys_path [get_env_param ADI_PROJECT_DIR ""]mem_init_sys.txt;
#system ID
ad_ip_parameter axi_sysid_0 CONFIG.ROM_ADDR_BITS 9
ad_ip_parameter rom_sys_0 CONFIG.PATH_TO_FILE "[pwd]/$mem_init_sys_path"
ad_ip_parameter rom_sys_0 CONFIG.ROM_ADDR_BITS 9
set sys_cstring "sys rom custom string placeholder"
sysid_gen_sys_init_file $sys_cstring

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
## Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
### SPDX short identifier: ADIBSD
if {![info exists RESOLUTION_16_18N]} {
set RESOLUTION_16_18N $::env(RESOLUTION_16_18N)
# clocks
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN M19 IOSTANDARD LVDS_25} [get_ports clk_p]; ## G06 FMC_LPC_LA00_CC_P
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN M20 IOSTANDARD LVDS_25} [get_ports clk_n]; ## G07 FMC_LPC_LA00_CC_N
# cnv
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN N19 IOSTANDARD LVDS_25} [get_ports cnv_p]; ## D08 FMC_LPC_LA01_CC_P
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN N20 IOSTANDARD LVDS_25} [get_ports cnv_n]; ## D09 FMC_LPC_LA01_CC_N
# dco, da
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN L18 IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 DIFF_TERM 1} [get_ports dco_p]; ## H04 FMC_LPC_CLK0_M2C_P
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN L19 IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 DIFF_TERM 1} [get_ports dco_n]; ## H05 FMC_LPC_CLK0_M2C_N
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN P17 IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 DIFF_TERM 1} [get_ports d_p]; ## H07 FMC_LPC_LA02_P
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN P18 IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 DIFF_TERM 1} [get_ports d_n]; ## H08 FMC_LPC_LA02_N
# control signals
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN N22 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25} [get_ports en0_fmc]; ## G09 FMC_LPC_LA03_P
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN P22 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25} [get_ports en1_fmc]; ## G10 FMC_LPC_LA03_N
switch $RESOLUTION_16_18N {
0 {
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN M21 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25} [get_ports en2_fmc]; ## H10 FMC_LPC_LA04_P
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN M22 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25} [get_ports en3_fmc]; ## H11 FMC_LPC_LA04_N
1 {
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN M21 IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 DIFF_TERM 1} [get_ports fpga_pll_cnv_p]; ## H10 FMC_LPC_LA04_P
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN M22 IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 DIFF_TERM 1} [get_ports fpga_pll_cnv_n]; ## H11 FMC_LPC_LA04_N
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN J18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25} [get_ports pll_sync_fmc]; ## D11 FMC_LPC_LA05_P
# 166.66 MHz clock
create_clock -period 6.000 -name dco [get_ports dco_p]
create_clock -period 6.000 -name out_clock [get_ports clk_p]
set input_clock dco; # Name of input clock
set input_clock_period 6.000; # Period of input clock
set dv_bre 2.000; # Data valid before the rising clock edge
set dv_are 2.000; # Data valid after the rising clock edge
set input_ports d_p; # List of input ports
# Input Delay Constraint
set_input_delay -clock $input_clock -max [expr $input_clock_period - $dv_bre] [get_ports $input_ports];
set_input_delay -clock $input_clock -min $dv_are [get_ports $input_ports];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
## Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
### SPDX short identifier: ADIBSD
# load script
source ../../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
source $ad_hdl_dir/projects/scripts/adi_project_xilinx.tcl
source $ad_hdl_dir/projects/scripts/adi_board.tcl
# RESOLUTION_16_18N - The resolution of the ADC
set RESOLUTION_16_18N 0
if {[info exists ::env(RESOLUTION_16_18N)]} {
set RESOLUTION_16_18N $::env(RESOLUTION_16_18N)
} else {
set env(RESOLUTION_16_18N) $RESOLUTION_16_18N
adi_project pulsar_lvds_adc_zed 0 [list \
adi_project_files pulsar_lvds_adc_zed [list \
"system_constr.tcl" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/xilinx/common/ad_data_clk.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/ad_iobuf.v" \
switch $RESOLUTION_16_18N {
0 {
adi_project_files pulsar_lvds_adc_zed [list \
"ad7960_system_top.v" ]
1 {
adi_project_files pulsar_lvds_adc_zed [list \
"ad7626_system_top.v" ]
adi_project_run pulsar_lvds_adc_zed