util_axis_fifo: Improve GUI layout in Vivado

Istvan Csomortani 2021-03-09 11:55:18 +02:00 committed by István Csomortáni
parent a1773c661c
commit c9ca1ac00a
1 changed files with 150 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -16,29 +16,176 @@ adi_ip_add_core_dependencies { \
analog.com:user:util_cdc:1.0 \ analog.com:user:util_cdc:1.0 \
} }
set_property display_name "ADI AXI Stream FIFO" [ipx::current_core]
set_property description "ADI AXI Stream FIFO" [ipx::current_core]
## Interface definitions
adi_add_bus "s_axis" "slave" \ adi_add_bus "s_axis" "slave" \
"xilinx.com:interface:axis_rtl:1.0" \ "xilinx.com:interface:axis_rtl:1.0" \
"xilinx.com:interface:axis:1.0" \ "xilinx.com:interface:axis:1.0" \
{ {
{"s_axis_valid" "TVALID"} \ {"s_axis_valid" "TVALID"} \
{"s_axis_ready" "TREADY"} \ {"s_axis_ready" "TREADY"} \
{"s_axis_data" "TDATA"} \ {"s_axis_data" "TDATA"} \
{"s_axis_tlast" "TLAST"} \ {"s_axis_tlast" "TLAST"} \
{"s_axis_tkeep" "TKEEP"} \
} }
adi_set_ports_dependency "s_axis_tlast" \
"(spirit:decode(id('MODELPARAM_VALUE.TLAST_EN')) = 1)"
adi_set_ports_dependency "s_axis_tkeep" \
"(spirit:decode(id('MODELPARAM_VALUE.TKEEP_EN')) = 1)"
adi_add_bus "m_axis" "master" \ adi_add_bus "m_axis" "master" \
"xilinx.com:interface:axis_rtl:1.0" \ "xilinx.com:interface:axis_rtl:1.0" \
"xilinx.com:interface:axis:1.0" \ "xilinx.com:interface:axis:1.0" \
{ {
{"m_axis_valid" "TVALID"} \ {"m_axis_valid" "TVALID"} \
{"m_axis_ready" "TREADY"} \ {"m_axis_ready" "TREADY"} \
{"m_axis_data" "TDATA"} \ {"m_axis_data" "TDATA"} \
{"m_axis_tlast" "TLAST"} \ {"m_axis_tlast" "TLAST"} \
{"m_axis_tkeep" "TKEEP"} \
} }
adi_set_ports_dependency "m_axis_tlast" \
"(spirit:decode(id('MODELPARAM_VALUE.TLAST_EN')) = 1)"
adi_set_ports_dependency "m_axis_tkeep" \
"(spirit:decode(id('MODELPARAM_VALUE.TKEEP_EN')) = 1)"
adi_add_bus_clock "m_axis_aclk" "m_axis" "m_axis_aresetn" adi_add_bus_clock "m_axis_aclk" "m_axis" "m_axis_aresetn"
adi_add_bus_clock "s_axis_aclk" "s_axis" "s_axis_aresetn" adi_add_bus_clock "s_axis_aclk" "s_axis" "s_axis_aresetn"
## TODO: Validate RD_ADDRESS_WIDTH ## Parameter validation
set_property -dict [list \
"value_validation_type" "list" \
"value_validation_list" "8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096" \
] \
[ipx::get_user_parameters DATA_WIDTH -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
set_property -dict [list \
"value_validation_type" "range_long" \
"value_validation_range_minimum" "0" \
"value_validation_range_maximum" "4096" \
] \
[ipx::get_user_parameters ADDRESS_WIDTH -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
set_property -dict [list \
"value_validation_type" "range_long" \
"value_validation_range_minimum" "0" \
] \
[ipx::get_user_parameters ALMOST_FULL_THRESHOLD -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
set_property -dict [list \
"value_validation_type" "range_long" \
"value_validation_range_minimum" "0" \
] \
[ipx::get_user_parameters ALMOST_EMPTY_THRESHOLD -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
set_property -dict [list \
"value_validation_type" "pairs" \
"value_validation_pairs" { \
"Synchronous" "0" \
"Asynchronous" "1" \
} \
] \
[ipx::get_user_parameters ASYNC_CLK -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
foreach {k v} { \
"TLAST_EN" "false" \
"TKEEP_EN" "true" \
} { \
set_property -dict [list \
"value_format" "bool" \
"value" $v \
] \
[ipx::get_user_parameters $k -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
set_property -dict [list \
"value_format" "bool" \
"value" $v \
] \
[ipx::get_hdl_parameters $k -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
## Customize IP layout
## Remove the automatically generated GUI page
ipgui::remove_page -component [ipx::current_core] [ipgui::get_pagespec -name "Page 0" -component [ipx::current_core]]
ipx::save_core [ipx::current_core]
## Create a new GUI page
ipgui::add_page -name {AXI Stream FIFO} -component [ipx::current_core] -display_name {AXI Stream FIFO}
set page0 [ipgui::get_pagespec -name "AXI Stream FIFO" -component [ipx::current_core]]
set clock_group [ipgui::add_group -name "Clock Configuration" -component [ipx::current_core] \
-parent $page0 -display_name "Clock Configuration" ]
ipgui::add_param -name "ASYNC_CLK" -component [ipx::current_core] -parent $clock_group
set_property -dict [list \
"widget" "comboBox" \
"display_name" "Clocking mode" \
"tooltip" "\[ASYNC_CLK\] If enabled the readn and write interface of the FIFO is asynchronous (its clocks are from different clock domain)."
] [ipgui::get_guiparamspec -name "ASYNC_CLK" -component [ipx::current_core]]
set interface_group [ipgui::add_group -name "Interface Configuration" -component [ipx::current_core] \
-parent $page0 -display_name "Interface Configuration" ]
ipgui::add_param -name "DATA_WIDTH" -component [ipx::current_core] -parent $interface_group
set_property -dict [list \
"display_name" "Data width" \
"tooltip" "\[DATA_WIDTH\] Data width of the AXI stream interfaces." \
] [ipgui::get_guiparamspec -name "DATA_WIDTH" -component [ipx::current_core]]
ipgui::add_param -name "ADDRESS_WIDTH" -component [ipx::current_core] -parent $interface_group
set_property -dict [list \
"display_name" "Address width" \
"tooltip" "\[ADDRESS_WIDTH\] Address width of the read and write address pointers. It defines the depth of the FIFO : DATA_WIDTH/8 * (2 ^ ADDRESS_WIDTH)" \
] [ipgui::get_guiparamspec -name "ADDRESS_WIDTH" -component [ipx::current_core]]
ipgui::add_param -name "ALMOST_FULL_THRESHOLD" -component [ipx::current_core] -parent $interface_group
set_property -dict [list \
"display_name" "Almost full threshold" \
"tooltip" "\[ALMOST_FULL_THRESHOLD\] The offset between the almost full assertion and full assertion in number of FIFO words." \
] [ipgui::get_guiparamspec -name "ALMOST_FULL_THRESHOLD" -component [ipx::current_core]]
ipgui::add_param -name "ALMOST_EMPTY_THRESHOLD" -component [ipx::current_core] -parent $interface_group
set_property -dict [list \
"display_name" "Almost empty threshold" \
"tooltip" "\[ALMOST_EMPTY_THRESHOLD\] The offset between the almost empty assertion and empty assertion in number of FIFO words." \
] [ipgui::get_guiparamspec -name "ALMOST_EMPTY_THRESHOLD" -component [ipx::current_core]]
ipgui::add_param -name "TLAST_EN" -component [ipx::current_core] -parent $interface_group
set_property -dict [list \
"display_name" "TLAST Enable" \
"tooltip" "\[TLAST_EN\] Enable the TLAST for the AXI stream interface, signaling packet boundaries." \
] [ipgui::get_guiparamspec -name "TLAST_EN" -component [ipx::current_core]]
ipgui::add_param -name "TKEEP_EN" -component [ipx::current_core] -parent $interface_group
set_property -dict [list \
"display_name" "TKEEP Enable" \
"tooltip" "\[TKEEP_EN\] Enable the TKEEP for the AXI stream interface, for data byte qualification for each AXIS beat." \
] [ipgui::get_guiparamspec -name "TKEEP_EN" -component [ipx::current_core]]
set other_group [ipgui::add_group -name "Other Features" -component [ipx::current_core] \
-parent $page0 -display_name "Other Features" ]
ipgui::add_param -name "M_AXIS_REGISTERED" -component [ipx::current_core] -parent $other_group
set_property -dict [list \
"display_name" "Master AXIS Registered output" \
"tooltip" "\[M_AXIS_REGISTERED\] Add an additional register stage to the master AXI stream data output." \
] [ipgui::get_guiparamspec -name "M_AXIS_REGISTERED" -component [ipx::current_core]]
ipgui::add_param -name "REMOVE_NULL_BEAT_EN" -component [ipx::current_core] -parent $other_group
set_property -dict [list \
"display_name" "REMOVE_NULL_BEAT_EN Enable" \
"tooltip" "\[REMOVE_NULL_BEAT_EN\] Filteres out all the beats with a null TKEEP qualifier." \
] [ipgui::get_guiparamspec -name "REMOVE_NULL_BEAT_EN" -component [ipx::current_core]]
set_property enablement_tcl_expr {$TKEEP_EN == "true"} [ipx::get_user_parameters REMOVE_NULL_BEAT_EN -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
## Create and save the XGUI file
ipx::create_xgui_files [ipx::current_core]
ipx::save_core [ipx::current_core] ipx::save_core [ipx::current_core]