docs: add regmap directive

Automate table generation for register maps.
Based on tfcollins' vger python scripts.
There are docs/adi_regmap_*.txt with more than one regmap per file,
so the logic changed to allow that.
Using title tool as the unique identifier now.
It has a global option to set the default state (hidden or visible)
for the collpasible tables.
Also remove CSVs.

Signed-off-by: Jorge Marques <>
Jorge Marques 2023-08-07 16:31:41 -03:00 committed by Jorge Marques
parent 83d2bf9603
commit cf056cf81c
18 changed files with 635 additions and 540 deletions

View File

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store']
# -- Custom extensions configuration -------------------------------------------
hide_collapsible_content = False
# -- todo configuration -------------------------------------------------------
todo_include_todos = True
@ -41,10 +43,6 @@ todo_emit_warnings = True
symbolator_cmd = '~/.local/bin/symbolator' # Update with your installed location
symbolator_cmd_args = ['-t', '--scale=0.75']
# -- BibTeX configuration -----------------------------------------------------
bibtex_bibfiles = ['appendix/references.bib']
# -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------
html_theme = 'furo'

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ Templates are available:
* :git-hdl:`docs/library/template_ip` (:ref:`rendered <template_ip>`).
* :git-hdl:`docs/library/template_framework` (:ref:`rendered <template_framework>`).
* :git-hdl:`docs/projects/template` (:ref:`rendered <template_project>`).
Remove the ``:orphan:`` in the first line, it is to hide the templates from the
`TOC tree <>`_.
@ -282,7 +283,7 @@ Renders as:
- Number of SDI lines on the physical SPI interface.
Descriptions in the directive have higher precedece tha in the *component.xml*
Descriptions in the directive have higher precedence than in the *component.xml*
The ``:path:`` option is optional, and should **not** be included if the
@ -316,24 +317,57 @@ For example:
.. hdl-interfaces::
:path: library/spi_engine/spi_engine_interconnect
Renders as:
.. hdl-interfaces::
:path: library/spi_engine/spi_engine_interconnect
Descriptions in the directive have higher precedece than in the *component.xml*
Descriptions in the directive have higher precedence than in the *component.xml*
You can provide description to a port or a bus, but not for a bus port.
The ``:path:`` option is optional, and should **not** be included if the
documentation file path matches the *component.xml* hierarchically.
HDL regmap directive
The HDL regmap directive gets information from *docs/regmap/adi_regmap_\*.txt* files
and generates tables with the register maps.
The directive syntax is:
.. code:: rst
.. hdl-regmap::
:name: <regmap_name>
For example:
.. code:: rst
.. hdl-regmap::
:name: DMAC
.. note::
The register map name is the title-tool, the value above ``ENDTITLE`` in the
source file.
This directive does not support content for descriptions, since the source file
already have proper descriptions.
The ``:name:`` option is **required**, because the title tool does not match
the IP name and one single *docs/regmap/adi_regmap_\*.txt* file can have more than
one register map.
The ``:no-type-info:`` option is optional, and should **not** be included if it is
in the main IP documentation page. It appends an auxiliary table explaining the
register access types.
.. _installing_pandoc:
Global options for HDL directives
Use the `hide_collapsible_content` to set the default state of the collapsibles,
if you set to False, they be expanded by default.
Installing pandoc

View File

@ -5,11 +5,58 @@ from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives
from sphinx.util.nodes import nested_parse_with_titles
from sphinx.util import logging
from lxml import etree
from adi_hdl_static import hdl_strings
from uuid import uuid4
import contextlib
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class node_parameters(nodes.Structural, nodes.Element):
dft_hide_collapsible_content = True
class node_base(nodes.Element, nodes.General):
Adapted from
def visit(translator, node):
attributes = node.attributes.copy()
text = translator.starttag(node, node.tagname, **attributes)
def depart(translator, node):
if node.endtag:
def default(translator, node):
class node_div(node_base):
tagname = 'div'
endtag = 'true'
class node_input(node_base):
tagname = 'input'
endtag = 'false'
class node_label(node_base):
tagname = 'label'
endtag = 'true'
class node_icon(node_base):
tagname = 'div'
endtag = 'false'
def dot_fix(string):
if (string.rfind('.') != len(string)-1):
@ -22,19 +69,24 @@ def pretty_dep(string):
return ''
return string.replace("'MODELPARAM_VALUE.",'').replace("'",'')
def sanitized_bool(string):
string_ = string.strip().lower()
if string_ in ['1', 'true', 'yes', 'y']:
return True
elif string_ in ['0', 'false', 'no', 'n']:
return False
logger.warning(f"Got malformed bool value {string}.")
return False
class directive_base(Directive):
option_spec = {'path': directives.unchanged}
has_content = True
add_index = True
current_doc = ''
final_argument_whitespace = True
def warning(self, msg):
logger.warning(msg + f" Current file: {self.current_doc}")
def info(self, msg): + f" Current file: {self.current_doc}")
def get_descriptions(self, content):
def get_descriptions(content):
items = {}
key = ''
for line in content:
@ -47,6 +99,32 @@ class directive_base(Directive):
items[key] = ' '.join(items[key]).strip().replace('- ', '', 1)
return items
def column_entry(self, row, text, node_type, classes=[]):
entry = nodes.entry(classes=classes)
if node_type == 'literal':
entry += nodes.literal(text=text)
elif node_type == 'paragraph':
entry += nodes.paragraph(text=text)
elif node_type == 'reST':
rst = ViewList()
rst.append(text, f"virtual_{str(uuid4())}", 0)
node = nodes.section()
node.document = self.state.document
nested_parse_with_titles(self.state, rst, node)
entry += node
row += entry
def column_entries(self, rows, items):
row = nodes.row()
for item in items:
if len(item) == 3:
self.column_entry(row, item[0], item[1], classes=item[2])
self.column_entry(row, item[0], item[1])
def generic_table(self, description):
tgroup = nodes.tgroup(cols=2)
for _ in range(2):
@ -65,7 +143,7 @@ class directive_base(Directive):
row += entry
entry = nodes.entry()
rst = ViewList()
rst.append(description[key], "virtual_"+self.current_doc, 0)
rst.append(description[key], f"virtual_{str(uuid4())}", 0)
node = nodes.section()
node.document = self.state.document
nested_parse_with_titles(self.state, rst, node)
@ -79,7 +157,8 @@ class directive_base(Directive):
return table
def table_header(self, tgroup, columns):
def table_header(tgroup, columns):
thead = nodes.thead()
tgroup += thead
row = nodes.row()
@ -91,40 +170,83 @@ class directive_base(Directive):
def collapsible(self, section, text=""):
env = self.state.document.settings.env
_id = str(uuid4())
container = nodes.container(
checked = {"checked": ''} if not env.config.hide_collapsible_content else {}
input_ = node_input(
label = node_label(
**{"for": _id}
icon = node_icon(
content = nodes.container(
label += icon
label += nodes.paragraph(text=text)
container += input_
container += label
container += content
section += container
return (content, label)
class directive_interfaces(directive_base):
option_spec = {'path': directives.unchanged}
required_arguments = 0
optional_arguments = 0
def tables(self, content, component):
def tables(self, subnode, content, component):
description = self.get_descriptions(content)
if component is None:
return self.generic_table(description)
node_tables = nodes.section()
bs = component['bus_interface']
for tag in bs:
section = nodes.section(ids=[f"virtual_{self.current_doc}_bus_interface_{tag}"])
section = nodes.section(
title = nodes.title(text=tag)
section += title
if bs[tag]['dependency'] is not None:
dependency = nodes.paragraph(text=f"Depends on {pretty_dep(bs[tag]['dependency'])}.")
section += dependency
if tag in description:
rst = ViewList()
rst.append(description[tag], "virtual_"+self.current_doc, 0)
rst.append(description[tag], f"virtual_{str(uuid4())}", 0)
node = nodes.section()
node.document = self.state.document
nested_parse_with_titles(self.state, rst, node)
section += node
content, _ = self.collapsible(section, f"Ports of {tag} bus.")
tgroup = nodes.tgroup(cols=3)
for _ in range(3):
colspec = nodes.colspec(colwidth=1)
table = nodes.table()
table += section
table += tgroup
self.table_header(tgroup, ["Physical Port", "Logical Port", "Direction"])
@ -132,91 +254,187 @@ class directive_interfaces(directive_base):
rows = []
pm = bs[tag]['port_map']
for key in pm:
row = nodes.row()
entry = nodes.entry()
entry += nodes.literal(text=key)
row += entry
entry = nodes.entry()
entry += nodes.literal(text=pm[key]['logical_port'])
row += entry
entry = nodes.entry()
entry += nodes.paragraph(text=pm[key]['direction'])
row += entry
self.column_entries(rows, [
[key, 'literal'],
[pm[key]['logical_port'], 'literal'],
[pm[key]['direction'], 'paragraph'],
tbody = nodes.tbody()
tgroup += tbody
node_tables += table
content += table
section = nodes.section(ids=[f"virtual_{self.current_doc}_ports"])
subnode += section
section = nodes.section(ids=[f"ports"])
title = nodes.title(text="Ports")
section += title
content, _ = self.collapsible(section, f"Ports table.")
tgroup = nodes.tgroup(cols=4)
for _ in range(4):
colspec = nodes.colspec(colwidth=1)
table = nodes.table()
table += section
table += tgroup
self.table_header(tgroup, ["Physical Port", "Description", "Direction", "Dependency"])
self.table_header(tgroup, ["Physical Port", "Direction", "Dependency", "Description"])
rows = []
pr = component['ports']
for key in pr:
row = nodes.row()
entry = nodes.entry()
entry += nodes.literal(text=key)
row += entry
entry = nodes.entry()
self.column_entry(row, key, 'literal')
self.column_entry(row, pr[key]['direction'], 'paragraph')
self.column_entry(row, pretty_dep(pr[key]['dependency']), 'paragraph')
if key in description:
rst = ViewList()
rst.append(description[key], "virtual_"+self.current_doc, 0)
node = nodes.section()
node.document = self.state.document
nested_parse_with_titles(self.state, rst, node)
entry += node
self.column_entry(row, description[key], 'reST', classes=['description'])
entry += nodes.paragraph(text='')
row += entry
entry = nodes.entry()
entry += nodes.paragraph(text=pr[key]['direction'])
row += entry
entry = nodes.entry()
entry += nodes.paragraph(text=pretty_dep(pr[key]['dependency']))
row += entry
self.column_entry(row, '', 'paragraph')
tbody = nodes.tbody()
tgroup += tbody
node_tables += table
content += table
return node_tables
subnode += section
return subnode
def run(self):
env = self.state.document.settings.env
self.current_doc = env.doc2path(env.docname)
node = node_parameters()
node = node_div()
if 'path' in self.options:
lib_name = self.options['path']
lib_name = env.docname.replace('/index', '')
subnode = nodes.section(ids=["hdl-interfaces"])
if lib_name in env.component:
subnode += self.tables(self.content, env.component[lib_name])
self.tables(node, self.content, env.component[lib_name])
subnode += self.tables(self.content, None)
node += subnode
self.tables(node, self.content, None)
return [ node ]
class directive_regmap(directive_base):
option_spec = {'name': directives.unchanged, 'no-type-info': directives.unchanged}
required_arguments = 0
optional_arguments = 0
def tables(self, subnode, obj):
section = nodes.section(ids=[f"register-map-{obj['title']}"])
title = nodes.title(text=f"{obj['title']} ({obj['title']})")
section += title
content, _ = self.collapsible(section, f"Register map table.")
tgroup = nodes.tgroup(cols=7)
for _ in range(7):
colspec = nodes.colspec(colwidth=1)
table = nodes.table(classes=['regmap'])
table += tgroup
self.table_header(tgroup, ["DWORD", "BYTE", "BITS", "Name", "Type", "Default", "Description"])
rows = []
for reg in obj['regmap']:
self.column_entries(rows, [
[reg['address'][0], 'literal'],
[reg['address'][1], 'literal'],
['', 'literal'],
[reg['name'], 'literal'],
['', 'literal'],
['', 'literal'],
[reg['description'], 'reST', ['description']],
for field in reg['fields']:
self.column_entries(rows, [
['', 'literal'],
['', 'literal'],
[f"[{field['bits']}]", 'literal'],
[field['name'], 'literal'],
[field['rw'], 'paragraph'],
[field['default'], 'paragraph', ['default']],
[field['description'], 'reST', ['description']],
tbody = nodes.tbody()
tgroup += tbody
content += table
subnode += section
if 'no-type-info' in self.options:
return subnode
tgroup = nodes.tgroup(cols=3)
for _ in range(3):
colspec = nodes.colspec(colwidth=1)
table = nodes.table()
table += tgroup
self.table_header(tgroup, ["Access Type", "Name", "Description"])
rows = []
for at in obj['access_type']:
self.column_entries(rows, [
[at, 'paragraph'],
[hdl_strings.access_type[at]['name'], 'paragraph'],
[hdl_strings.access_type[at]['description'], 'paragraph']
tbody = nodes.tbody()
tgroup += tbody
section += table
return subnode
def run(self):
env = self.state.document.settings.env
self.current_doc = env.doc2path(env.docname)
if os.getcwd() not in self.current_doc:
raise Exception(f"Inconsistent paths, {os.getcwd()} not in {self.current_doc}")
owner = self.current_doc[len(os.getcwd())+1:-4]
node = node_div()
if 'name' in self.options:
lib_name = self.options['name']
logger.warning("hdl-regmap directive without name option, skipped!")
return [ node ]
subnode = nodes.section(ids=["hdl-regmap"])
# Have to search all because it is allowed to have more than one regmap per file...
file = None
for f in env.regmaps:
if lib_name in env.regmaps[f]['subregmap']:
file = f
if file is None:
logger.warning(f"Title tool {lib_name} not-found in any regmap file, skipped!")
return [ node ]
if owner not in env.regmaps[f]['owners']:
self.tables(subnode, env.regmaps[f]['subregmap'][lib_name])
node += subnode
return [ node ]
class directive_parameters(directive_base):
option_spec = {'path': directives.unchanged}
required_arguments = 0
optional_arguments = 0
@ -238,33 +456,20 @@ class directive_parameters(directive_base):
rows = []
for key in parameter:
row = nodes.row()
entry = nodes.entry()
entry += nodes.literal(text="{:s}".format(key))
row += entry
entry = nodes.entry()
self.column_entry(row, "{:s}".format(key), 'literal')
if key in description:
rst = ViewList()
rst.append(description[key], "virtual_"+self.current_doc, 0)
node = nodes.section()
node.document = self.state.document
nested_parse_with_titles(self.state, rst, node)
entry += node
self.column_entry(row, description[key], 'reST', classes=['description'])
entry += nodes.paragraph(text=dot_fix(parameter[key]['description']))
row += entry
self.column_entry(row, dot_fix(parameter[key]['description']), 'paragraph', classes=['description'])
for tag in ['type', 'default']:
entry = nodes.entry()
entry += nodes.paragraph(text=parameter[key][tag].title())
row += entry
self.column_entry(row, parameter[key][tag].title(), 'paragraph')
crange = []
if parameter[key]['choices'] is not None:
if parameter[key]['range'] is not None:
crange = '. '.join(crange)
entry = nodes.entry()
entry += nodes.paragraph(text=crange)
row += entry
self.column_entry(row, crange, 'paragraph')
@ -274,7 +479,7 @@ class directive_parameters(directive_base):
for tag in description:
if tag not in parameter:
self.warning(f"{tag} does not exist in {file_2}!")
logger.warning(f"{tag} does not exist in {file_2}!")
return table
@ -282,7 +487,7 @@ class directive_parameters(directive_base):
env = self.state.document.settings.env
self.current_doc = env.doc2path(env.docname)
node = node_parameters()
node = node_div()
if 'path' in self.options:
lib_name = self.options['path']
@ -299,12 +504,6 @@ class directive_parameters(directive_base):
return [ node ]
def visit_node_parameters(self, node):
def depart_node_parameters(self, node):
def parse_hdl_component(path, ctime):
component = {
@ -313,7 +512,7 @@ def parse_hdl_component(path, ctime):
'ctime': ctime
def get_namespaces( item):
def get_namespaces(item):
nsmap = item.nsmap
for i in ['spirit', 'xilinx', 'xsi']:
if i not in nsmap:
@ -321,40 +520,40 @@ def parse_hdl_component(path, ctime):
return (nsmap['spirit'], nsmap['xilinx'], nsmap['xsi'])
def get( item, local_name):
def get(item, local_name):
items = get_all(item, local_name)
if len(items) == 0:
return None
return items[0]
def get_all( item, local_name):
def get_all(item, local_name):
template = "/*[local-name()='%s']"
if not isinstance(local_name, str):
raise Exception("Got wrong type, only Strings are allowed")
local_name = local_name.split('/')
return item.xpath('.' + ''.join([template % ln for ln in local_name]))
def sattrib( item, attr):
def sattrib(item, attr):
nonlocal spirit
return item.get(f"{{{spirit}}}{attr}")
def xattrib( item, attr):
def xattrib(item, attr):
nonlocal xilinx
return item.get(f"{{{xilinx}}}{attr}")
def stag( item):
def stag(item):
nonlocal spirit
return item.tag.replace(f"{{{spirit}}}",'')
def xtag( item):
def xtag(item):
nonlocal xilinx
return item.tag.replace(f"{{{xilinx}}}",'')
def clean_dependency( string):
def clean_dependency(string):
return string[string.find("'"): string.rfind(')')].replace(')','')
def get_dependency( item, type_=None):
def get_dependency(item, type_=None):
if type_ is None:
type_ = stag(item)
@ -364,7 +563,7 @@ def parse_hdl_component(path, ctime):
return clean_dependency(xattrib(dependency, 'dependency'))
def get_range( item):
def get_range(item):
min_ = sattrib(item, 'minimum')
max_ = sattrib(item, 'maximum')
if max_ == None or min_ == None:
@ -372,7 +571,7 @@ def parse_hdl_component(path, ctime):
return f"From {min_} to {max_}."
def get_choice_type( name):
def get_choice_type(name):
return name[name.find('_')+1:name.rfind('_')]
root = etree.parse(path).getroot()
@ -393,7 +592,7 @@ def parse_hdl_component(path, ctime):
for port_map in get_all(bus_interface, 'portMaps/portMap'):
pm[get(port_map, 'physicalPort/name').text] = {
'logical_port': get(port_map, 'logicalPort/name').text,
'direction': None
'direction': ''
lport = component['ports']
@ -448,9 +647,7 @@ def parse_hdl_component(path, ctime):
return component
def manage_hdl_components(app, env, docnames):
libraries = [[k.replace('/index',''), k] for k in env.found_docs if k.find('library/') == 0]
def manage_hdl_components(env, docnames, libraries):
if not hasattr(env, 'component'):
env.component = {}
cp = env.component
@ -470,15 +667,182 @@ def manage_hdl_components(app, env, docnames):
cp[lib] = parse_hdl_component(f, ctime)
# From
def parse_hdl_regmap(reg, ctime):
regmap = {
'subregmap': {},
'ctime': ctime
with open(f"regmap/adi_regmap_{reg}.txt", "r") as f:
data = f.readlines()
data = [d.replace("\n", "") for d in data]
while "TITLE" in data:
# Get title
tit = data.index("TITLE")
title = str(data[tit + 1].strip())
title_tool = str(data[tit + 2].strip())
data = data[tit + 2 :]
if 'ENDTITLE' in [title_tool, title]:
logger.warning(f"Malformed title fields at file regmap/adi_regmap_{reg}.txt, skipped!")
regmap['subregmap'][title_tool] = {
'title': title,
'regmap': [],
'access_type': []
# Get registers
access_type = []
while "REG" in data:
regi = data.index("REG")
rfi = data.index("ENDREG")
if not regi:
reg_addr = data[regi + 1].strip()
reg_name = data[regi + 2].strip()
reg_desc = [data[fi].strip() for fi in range(regi + 3, rfi)]
reg_desc = " ".join(reg_desc)
with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
if tet := data.index("TITLE"):
if regi > tet:
# into next regmap
data = data[regi + 1 :]
# Get fields
fields = []
while "FIELD" in data:
fi = data.index("FIELD")
efi = data.index("ENDFIELD")
if not fi:
with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
if rege := data.index("REG"):
if fi > rege:
# into next register
field_loc = data[fi + 1].strip()
field_loc = field_loc.split(" ")
field_bits = field_loc[0].replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
field_default = field_loc[1] if len(field_loc) > 1 else "NA"
field_name = data[fi + 2].strip()
field_rw = data[fi + 3].strip()
if field_rw == 'R':
field_rw = 'RO'
elif field_rw == 'W':
field_rw = 'WO'
if '-V' in field_rw:
if 'V' not in access_type:
field_rw_ = field_rw.replace('-V','')
if field_rw_ not in access_type:
if field_rw_ not in hdl_strings.access_type:
logger.warning(f"Malformed access type {field_rw} for register {field_name}, file regmap/adi_regmap_{reg}.txt.")
field_desc = [data[fi].strip() for fi in range(fi + 4, efi)]
field_desc = " ".join(field_desc)
"name": field_name,
"bits": field_bits,
"default": field_default,
"rw": field_rw,
"description": field_desc,
data = data[fi + 1 :]
if '+' in reg_addr:
reg_addr_ = reg_addr.split('+')
reg_addr_[0] = int(reg_addr_[0], 16)
reg_addr_[1] = int(reg_addr_[1].replace('*n',''), 16)
reg_addr_dword = f"{hex(reg_addr_[0])} + {hex(reg_addr_[1])}*n"
reg_addr_byte = f"{hex(reg_addr_[0]<<2)} + {hex(reg_addr_[1]<<2)}*n"
reg_addr_ = int(reg_addr, 16)
reg_addr_dword = f"{hex(reg_addr_)}"
reg_addr_byte = f"{hex(reg_addr_<<2)}"
logger.warning(f"Got malformed register address {reg_addr} for register {reg_name}, file regmap/adi_regmap_{reg}.txt.")
reg_addr_dword = ""
reg_addr_byte = ""
'name': reg_name,
'address': [reg_addr_dword, reg_addr_byte],
'description': reg_desc,
'fields': fields
regmap['subregmap'][title_tool]['access_type'] = access_type
return regmap
def manage_hdl_regmaps(env, docnames):
if not hasattr(env, 'regmaps'):
env.regmaps = {}
rm = env.regmaps
for lib in list(rm):
f = f"regmap/adi_regmap_{lib}.txt"
if not os.path.isfile(f):
del rm[lib]
# Inconsistent naming convention, need to parse all in directory.
files = []
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk("regmap"):
regmaps = [f.replace('adi_regmap_','').replace('.txt','') for f in files]
for reg_name in regmaps:
ctime = os.path.getctime(f"regmap/adi_regmap_{reg_name}.txt")
if reg_name in rm and rm[reg_name]['ctime'] < ctime:
for o in rm[reg_name]['owners']:
if o not in docnames:
if reg_name in rm and rm[reg_name]['ctime'] >= ctime:
rm[reg_name] = parse_hdl_regmap(reg_name, ctime)
def manage_hdl_artifacts(app, env, docnames):
libraries = [[k.replace('/index',''), k] for k in env.found_docs if k.find('library/') == 0]
manage_hdl_components(env, docnames, libraries)
manage_hdl_regmaps(env, docnames)
def setup(app):
app.add_directive('hdl-parameters', directive_parameters)
app.add_directive('hdl-interfaces', directive_interfaces)
html=(visit_node_parameters, depart_node_parameters),
latex=(visit_node_parameters, depart_node_parameters),
text=(visit_node_parameters, depart_node_parameters))
app.add_directive('hdl-regmap', directive_regmap)
app.connect('env-before-read-docs', manage_hdl_components)
for node in [node_div, node_input, node_label, node_icon]:
html =(node.visit, node.depart),
latex=(node.visit, node.depart),
text =(node.visit, node.depart))
app.connect('env-before-read-docs', manage_hdl_artifacts)
app.add_config_value('hide_collapsible_content', dft_hide_collapsible_content, 'env')
return {
'version': '0.1',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
class hdl_strings ():
access_type = {
'name': 'Read-only',
'description': 'Reads will return the current register value. Writes have no effect.'
'name': 'Write-only',
'description': 'Writes will change the current register value. Reads have no effect.'
'name': 'Read-write',
'description': 'Reads will return the current register value. Writes will change the current register value.'
'name': 'Read,write-1-to-clear',
'description': 'Reads will return the current register value. Writing the register will clear those bits of the register which were set to 1 in the value written. Bits are set by hardware.'
'name': 'Read,write-1-to-set',
'description': 'Reads will return the current register value. Writing the register will set those bits of the register which were set to 1 in the value written. Bits are cleared by hardware.'
'name': 'Write-1-to-set',
'description': 'Writing the register will set those bits of the register which were set to 1 in the value written. Bits are cleared by hardware. Reads have no effect.'
'name': 'Volatile',
'description': 'The V suffix indicates that the register is volatile and its content might change without software interaction. The value of registers without the volatile designation will not change without an explicit write done by software.'
'name': 'No access',
'description': 'Do not read or write the register.'

View File

@ -186,42 +186,8 @@ Interface
Register Map
.. csv-table::
:file: regmap.csv
:class: regmap
:header-rows: 2
.. list-table::
:widths: 10 20 70
:header-rows: 1
* - Access Type
- Name
- Description
* - RO
- Read-only
- Reads will return the current register value. Writes have no effect.
* - RW
- Read-write
- Reads will return the current register value. Writes will change the
current register value.
* - RW1C
- Write-1-to-clear
- Reads will return the current register value. Writing the register will
clear those bits of the register which were set to 1 in the value written.
Bits are set by hardware.
* - RW1S
- Write-1-to-set
- Reads will return the current register value. Writing the register will
set those bits of the register which were set to 1 in the value written.
Bits are cleared by hardware.
* - V
- Volatile
- The V suffix indicates that the register is volatile and its content
might change without software interaction. The value of registers without
the volatile designation will not change without an explicit write done
by software.
.. hdl-regmap::
:name: DMAC
Theory of Operation

View File

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
Address ,,,,,,
DWORD ,BYTE ,Bits ,Name ,Type ,Default ,Description
0x000 ,0x0000 ,,VERSION ,,,Version of the peripheral. Follows semantic versioning. Current version 4.04.61.
,,[31:16] ,VERSION_MAJOR ,RO ,0x04 ,
,,[15:8] ,VERSION_MINOR ,RO ,0x03 ,
,,[7:0] ,VERSION_PATCH ,RO ,0x61 ,
0x001 ,0x0004 ,,PERIPHERAL_ID ,,,
,,[31:0] ,PERIPHERAL_ID ,RO ,ID ,Value of the ID configuration parameter.
0x002 ,0x0008 ,,SCRATCH ,,,
,,[31:0] ,SCRATCH ,RW ,0x00000000 ,Scratch register useful for debug.
0x003 ,0x000c ,,IDENTIFICATION ,,,
,,[31:0] ,IDENTIFICATION ,RO ,0x444D4143 ,"Peripheral identification ('D', 'M', 'A', 'C'). "
0x004 ,0x0010 ,,INTERFACE_DESCRIPTION ,,,
,,[3:0] ,BYTES_PER_BEAT_DEST_LOG2 ,R ,log2(DMA_DATA_WIDTH_DEST/8) ,Width of data bus on destination interface. Log2 of interface data widths in bytes.
,,[5:4] ,DMA_TYPE_DEST ,R ,DMA_TYPE_DEST ,"Value of DMA_TYPE_DEST parameter.(0 - AXI MemoryMap, 1 - AXI Stream, 2 - FIFO "
,,[11:8] ,BYTES_PER_BEAT_SRC_LOG2 ,R ,log2(DMA_DATA_WIDTH_SRC/8) ,Width of data bus on source interface. Log2 of interface data widths in bytes.
,,[13:12] ,DMA_TYPE_SRC ,R ,DMA_TYPE_SRC ,"Value of DMA_TYPE_SRC parameter.(0 - AXI MemoryMap, 1 - AXI Stream, 2 - FIFO "
,,[19:16] ,BYTES_PER_BURST_WIDTH ,R ,BYTES_PER_BURST_WIDTH ,Value of BYTES_PER_BURST_WIDTH interface parameter. Log2 of the real MAX_BYTES_PER_BURST. The starting address of the transfer must be aligned with MAX_BYTES_PER_BURST to avoid crossing the 4kB address boundary.
0x020 ,0x0080 ,,IRQ_MASK ,,,
0x021 ,0x0084 ,,IRQ_PENDING ,,,
,,[1] ,TRANSFER_COMPLETED ,RW1C ,0x0 ,This bit will be asserted if a transfer has been completed and the TRANSFER_COMPLETED bit in the IRQ_MASK register is not set. Either if all bytes have been transferred or an error occurred during the transfer.
,,[0] ,TRANSFER_QUEUED ,RW1C ,0x0 ,This bit will be asserted if a transfer has been queued and it is possible to queue the next transfer. It can be masked out by setting the TRANSFER_QUEUED bit in the IRQ_MASK register.
0x022 ,0x0088 ,,IRQ_SOURCE ,,,
,,[1] ,TRANSFER_COMPLETED ,RO ,0x0 ,This bit will be asserted if a transfer has been completed. Either if all bytes have been transferred or an error occurred during the transfer. Cleared together with the corresponding IRQ_PENDING bit.
,,[0] ,TRANSFER_QUEUED ,RO ,0x0 ,This bit will be asserted if a transfer has been queued and it is possible to queue the next transfer. Cleared together with the corresponding IRQ_PENDING bit.
0x100 ,0x0400 ,,CONTROL ,,,
,,[1] ,PAUSE ,RW ,0x0 ,When set to 1 the currently active transfer is paused. It will be resumed once the bit is cleared again.
,,[0] ,ENABLE ,RW ,0x0 ,When set to 1 the DMA channel is enabled.
0x101 ,0x0404 ,,TRANSFER_ID ,,,
,,[1:0] ,TRANSFER_ID ,RO ,0x00 ,This register contains the ID of the next transfer. The ID is generated by the DMAC and after the transfer has been started can be used to check if the transfer has finished by checking the corresponding bit in the TRANSFER_DONE register. The contents of this register is only valid if TRANSFER_SUBMIT is 0.
0x102 ,0x0408 ,,TRANSFER_SUBMIT ,,,
,,[0] ,TRANSFER_SUBMIT ,RW ,0x00 ,Writing a 1 to this register queues a new transfer. The bit transitions back to 0 once the transfer has been queued or the DMA channel is disabled. Writing a 0 to this register has no effect.
0x103 ,0x040c ,FLAGS ,,,,
,,[0] ,CYCLIC ,RW ,CYCLIC ,Setting this field to 1 puts the DMA transfer into cyclic mode. In cyclic mode the controller will re-start a transfer again once it has finished. In cyclic mode no end-of-transfer interrupts will be generated.
,,[1] ,TLAST ,RW ,0x1 ,When setting this bit for a MM to AXIS transfer the TLAST signal will be asserted during the last beat of the transfer. For AXIS to MM transfers the TLAST signal from the AXIS interface is monitored. After its occurrence all descriptors are ignored until this bit is set.
,,[2] ,PARTIAL_REPORTING_EN ,RW ,0x0 ,When setting this bit the length of partial transfers caused eventually by TLAST will be recorded.
0x104 ,0x0410 ,,DEST_ADDRESS ,,,
,,[31:0] ,DEST_ADDRESS ,RW ,0x00000000 ,This register contains the destination address of the transfer. The address needs to be aligned to the bus width. This register is only valid if the DMA channel has been configured for write to memory support.
0x105 ,0x0414 ,,SRC_ADDRESS ,,,
,,[31:0] ,SRC_ADDRESS ,RW ,0x00000000 ,This register contains the source address of the transfer. The address needs to be aligned to the bus width. This register is only valid if the DMA channel has been configured for read from memory support.
0x106 ,0x0418 ,,X_LENGTH ,,,
,,[23:0] ,X_LENGTH ,RW ,"{log2(max(
)/8){1'b1}} ",Number of bytes to transfer - 1.
0x107 ,0x041c ,,Y_LENGTH ,,,
,,[23:0] ,Y_LENGTH ,RW ,0x000000 ,"Number of rows to transfer - 1. Note, this field is only valid if the DMA channel has been configured with 2D transfer support. "
0x108 ,0x0420 ,,DEST_STRIDE ,,,
,,[23:0] ,DEST_STRIDE ,RW ,0x000000 ,"The number of bytes between the start of one row and the next row for the destination address. Needs to be aligned to the bus width. Note, this field is only valid if the DMA channel has been configured with 2D transfer support and write to memory support. "
0x109 ,0x0424 ,,SRC_STRIDE ,,,
,,[23:0] ,SRC_STRIDE ,RW ,0x000000 ,"The number of bytes between the start of one row and the next row for the source address. Needs to be aligned to the bus width. Note, this field is only valid if the DMA channel has been configured with 2D transfer and read from memory support. "
0x10a ,0x0428 ,,TRANSFER_DONE ,,,If bit x is set in this register the transfer with ID x has been completed. The bit will automatically be cleared when a new transfer with this ID is queued and will be set when the transfer has been completed.
,,[0] ,TRANSFER_0_DONE ,RO ,0x0 ,If this bit is set the transfer with ID 0 has been completed.
,,[1] ,TRANSFER_1_DONE ,RO ,0x0 ,If this bit is set the transfer with ID 1 has been completed.
,,[2] ,TRANSFER_2_DONE ,RO ,0x0 ,If this bit is set the transfer with ID 2 has been completed.
,,[3] ,TRANSFER_3_DONE ,RO ,0x0 ,If this bit is set the transfer with ID 3 has been completed.
,,[31] ,PARTIAL_TRANSFER_DONE ,RO ,0x0 ,If this bit is set at least one partial transfer was transferred. This field will reset when the ENABLE control bit is reset or when all information on partial transfers was read through PARTIAL_TRANSFER_LENGTH and PARTIAL_TRANSFER_ID registers.
0x10b ,0x042c ,,ACTIVE_TRANSFER_ID ,,,
,,[4:0] ,ACTIVE_TRANSFER_ID ,RO ,0x00 ,ID of the currently active transfer. When no transfer is active this register will be equal to the TRANSFER_ID register.
0x10c ,0x0430 ,,STATUS ,,,
,,[31:0] ,RESERVED ,RO ,0x00 ,This register is reserved for future usage. Reading it will always return 0.
0x10d ,0x0434 ,,CURRENT_DEST_ADDRESS ,,,
,,[31:0] ,CURRENT_DEST_ADDRESS ,RO ,0x00 ,Address to which the next data sample is written to. This register is only valid if the DMA channel has been configured for write to memory support.
0x10e ,0x0438 ,,CURRENT_SRC_ADDRESS ,,,
,,[31:0] ,CURRENT_SRC_ADDRESS ,RO ,0x00 ,Address form which the next data sample is read. This register is only valid if the DMA channel has been configured for read from memory support.
0x112 ,0x0448 ,,TRANSFER_PROGRESS ,,,
,,[23:0] ,TRANSFER_PROGRESS ,RO ,0x000000 ,This field presents the number of bytes transferred to the destination for the current transfer. This register will be cleared once the transfer completes. This should be used for debugging purposes only.
0x113 ,0x044c ,,PARTIAL_TRANSFER_LENGTH ,,,
,,[31:0] ,PARTIAL_LENGTH ,RO ,0x000000 ,Length of the partial transfer in bytes. Represents the number of bytes received until the moment of TLAST assertion. This will be smaller than the programmed length from the X_LENGTH and Y_LENGTH registers.
0x114 ,0x0450 ,,PARTIAL_TRANSFER_ID ,,,Must be read after the PARTIAL_TRANSFER_LENGTH registers.
,,[1:0] ,PARTIAL_TRANSFER_ID ,RO ,0x0 ,ID of the transfer that was partial.
0x124 ,0x0490 ,,DEST_ADDRESS_HIGH ,,,
,,[31:0] ,DEST_ADDRESS_HIGH ,RW ,0x00000000 ,This register contains the HIGH segment of the destination address of the transfer. This register is only valid if the DMA_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH is bigger than 32 and if DMA channel has been configured for write to memory support.
0x125 ,0x0494 ,,SRC_ADDRESS_HIGH ,,,
,,[31:0] ,SRC_ADDRESS_HIGH ,RW ,0x00000000 ,This register contains the HIGH segment of the source address of the transfer. This register is only valid if the DMA_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH is bigger than 32 and if the DMA channel has been configured for read from memory support.
0x126 ,0x0498 ,,CURRENT_DEST_ADDRESS_HIGH ,,,
,,[31:0] ,CURRENT_DEST_ADDRESS_HIGH ,RO ,0x00 ,HIGH segment of the address to which the next data sample is written to. This register is only valid if the DMA_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH is bigger than 32 and if the DMA channel has been configured for write to memory support.
0x127 ,0x049c ,,CURRENT_SRC_ADDRESS_HIGH ,,,
,,[31:0] ,CURRENT_SRC_ADDRESS_HIGH ,RO ,0x00 ,HIGH segment of the address from which the next data sample is read. This register is only valid if the DMA_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH is bigger than 32 and if the DMA channel has been configured for read from memory support.
,,,,,,Tue Mar 14 10:17:59 2023
1 Address
2 DWORD BYTE Bits Name Type Default Description
3 0x000 0x0000 VERSION Version of the peripheral. Follows semantic versioning. Current version 4.04.61.
4 [31:16] VERSION_MAJOR RO 0x04
5 [15:8] VERSION_MINOR RO 0x03
6 [7:0] VERSION_PATCH RO 0x61
7 0x001 0x0004 PERIPHERAL_ID
8 [31:0] PERIPHERAL_ID RO ID Value of the ID configuration parameter.
9 0x002 0x0008 SCRATCH
10 [31:0] SCRATCH RW 0x00000000 Scratch register useful for debug.
11 0x003 0x000c IDENTIFICATION
12 [31:0] IDENTIFICATION RO 0x444D4143 Peripheral identification ('D', 'M', 'A', 'C').
14 [3:0] BYTES_PER_BEAT_DEST_LOG2 R log2(DMA_DATA_WIDTH_DEST/8) Width of data bus on destination interface. Log2 of interface data widths in bytes.
15 [5:4] DMA_TYPE_DEST R DMA_TYPE_DEST Value of DMA_TYPE_DEST parameter.(0 - AXI MemoryMap, 1 - AXI Stream, 2 - FIFO
16 [11:8] BYTES_PER_BEAT_SRC_LOG2 R log2(DMA_DATA_WIDTH_SRC/8) Width of data bus on source interface. Log2 of interface data widths in bytes.
17 [13:12] DMA_TYPE_SRC R DMA_TYPE_SRC Value of DMA_TYPE_SRC parameter.(0 - AXI MemoryMap, 1 - AXI Stream, 2 - FIFO
18 [19:16] BYTES_PER_BURST_WIDTH R BYTES_PER_BURST_WIDTH Value of BYTES_PER_BURST_WIDTH interface parameter. Log2 of the real MAX_BYTES_PER_BURST. The starting address of the transfer must be aligned with MAX_BYTES_PER_BURST to avoid crossing the 4kB address boundary.
19 0x020 0x0080 IRQ_MASK
22 0x021 0x0084 IRQ_PENDING
23 [1] TRANSFER_COMPLETED RW1C 0x0 This bit will be asserted if a transfer has been completed and the TRANSFER_COMPLETED bit in the IRQ_MASK register is not set. Either if all bytes have been transferred or an error occurred during the transfer.
24 [0] TRANSFER_QUEUED RW1C 0x0 This bit will be asserted if a transfer has been queued and it is possible to queue the next transfer. It can be masked out by setting the TRANSFER_QUEUED bit in the IRQ_MASK register.
25 0x022 0x0088 IRQ_SOURCE
26 [1] TRANSFER_COMPLETED RO 0x0 This bit will be asserted if a transfer has been completed. Either if all bytes have been transferred or an error occurred during the transfer. Cleared together with the corresponding IRQ_PENDING bit.
27 [0] TRANSFER_QUEUED RO 0x0 This bit will be asserted if a transfer has been queued and it is possible to queue the next transfer. Cleared together with the corresponding IRQ_PENDING bit.
28 0x100 0x0400 CONTROL
29 [1] PAUSE RW 0x0 When set to 1 the currently active transfer is paused. It will be resumed once the bit is cleared again.
30 [0] ENABLE RW 0x0 When set to 1 the DMA channel is enabled.
31 0x101 0x0404 TRANSFER_ID
32 [1:0] TRANSFER_ID RO 0x00 This register contains the ID of the next transfer. The ID is generated by the DMAC and after the transfer has been started can be used to check if the transfer has finished by checking the corresponding bit in the TRANSFER_DONE register. The contents of this register is only valid if TRANSFER_SUBMIT is 0.
33 0x102 0x0408 TRANSFER_SUBMIT
34 [0] TRANSFER_SUBMIT RW 0x00 Writing a 1 to this register queues a new transfer. The bit transitions back to 0 once the transfer has been queued or the DMA channel is disabled. Writing a 0 to this register has no effect.
35 0x103 0x040c FLAGS
36 [0] CYCLIC RW CYCLIC Setting this field to 1 puts the DMA transfer into cyclic mode. In cyclic mode the controller will re-start a transfer again once it has finished. In cyclic mode no end-of-transfer interrupts will be generated.
37 [1] TLAST RW 0x1 When setting this bit for a MM to AXIS transfer the TLAST signal will be asserted during the last beat of the transfer. For AXIS to MM transfers the TLAST signal from the AXIS interface is monitored. After its occurrence all descriptors are ignored until this bit is set.
38 [2] PARTIAL_REPORTING_EN RW 0x0 When setting this bit the length of partial transfers caused eventually by TLAST will be recorded.
39 0x104 0x0410 DEST_ADDRESS
40 [31:0] DEST_ADDRESS RW 0x00000000 This register contains the destination address of the transfer. The address needs to be aligned to the bus width. This register is only valid if the DMA channel has been configured for write to memory support.
41 0x105 0x0414 SRC_ADDRESS
42 [31:0] SRC_ADDRESS RW 0x00000000 This register contains the source address of the transfer. The address needs to be aligned to the bus width. This register is only valid if the DMA channel has been configured for read from memory support.
43 0x106 0x0418 X_LENGTH
44 [23:0] X_LENGTH RW {log2(max( DMA_DATA_WIDTH_SRC, DMA_DATA_WIDTH_DEST )/8){1'b1}} Number of bytes to transfer - 1.
45 0x107 0x041c Y_LENGTH
46 [23:0] Y_LENGTH RW 0x000000 Number of rows to transfer - 1. Note, this field is only valid if the DMA channel has been configured with 2D transfer support.
47 0x108 0x0420 DEST_STRIDE
48 [23:0] DEST_STRIDE RW 0x000000 The number of bytes between the start of one row and the next row for the destination address. Needs to be aligned to the bus width. Note, this field is only valid if the DMA channel has been configured with 2D transfer support and write to memory support.
49 0x109 0x0424 SRC_STRIDE
50 [23:0] SRC_STRIDE RW 0x000000 The number of bytes between the start of one row and the next row for the source address. Needs to be aligned to the bus width. Note, this field is only valid if the DMA channel has been configured with 2D transfer and read from memory support.
51 0x10a 0x0428 TRANSFER_DONE If bit x is set in this register the transfer with ID x has been completed. The bit will automatically be cleared when a new transfer with this ID is queued and will be set when the transfer has been completed.
52 [0] TRANSFER_0_DONE RO 0x0 If this bit is set the transfer with ID 0 has been completed.
53 [1] TRANSFER_1_DONE RO 0x0 If this bit is set the transfer with ID 1 has been completed.
54 [2] TRANSFER_2_DONE RO 0x0 If this bit is set the transfer with ID 2 has been completed.
55 [3] TRANSFER_3_DONE RO 0x0 If this bit is set the transfer with ID 3 has been completed.
56 [31] PARTIAL_TRANSFER_DONE RO 0x0 If this bit is set at least one partial transfer was transferred. This field will reset when the ENABLE control bit is reset or when all information on partial transfers was read through PARTIAL_TRANSFER_LENGTH and PARTIAL_TRANSFER_ID registers.
57 0x10b 0x042c ACTIVE_TRANSFER_ID
58 [4:0] ACTIVE_TRANSFER_ID RO 0x00 ID of the currently active transfer. When no transfer is active this register will be equal to the TRANSFER_ID register.
59 0x10c 0x0430 STATUS
60 [31:0] RESERVED RO 0x00 This register is reserved for future usage. Reading it will always return 0.
61 0x10d 0x0434 CURRENT_DEST_ADDRESS
62 [31:0] CURRENT_DEST_ADDRESS RO 0x00 Address to which the next data sample is written to. This register is only valid if the DMA channel has been configured for write to memory support.
63 0x10e 0x0438 CURRENT_SRC_ADDRESS
64 [31:0] CURRENT_SRC_ADDRESS RO 0x00 Address form which the next data sample is read. This register is only valid if the DMA channel has been configured for read from memory support.
65 0x112 0x0448 TRANSFER_PROGRESS
66 [23:0] TRANSFER_PROGRESS RO 0x000000 This field presents the number of bytes transferred to the destination for the current transfer. This register will be cleared once the transfer completes. This should be used for debugging purposes only.
68 [31:0] PARTIAL_LENGTH RO 0x000000 Length of the partial transfer in bytes. Represents the number of bytes received until the moment of TLAST assertion. This will be smaller than the programmed length from the X_LENGTH and Y_LENGTH registers.
69 0x114 0x0450 PARTIAL_TRANSFER_ID Must be read after the PARTIAL_TRANSFER_LENGTH registers.
70 [1:0] PARTIAL_TRANSFER_ID RO 0x0 ID of the transfer that was partial.
71 0x124 0x0490 DEST_ADDRESS_HIGH
72 [31:0] DEST_ADDRESS_HIGH RW 0x00000000 This register contains the HIGH segment of the destination address of the transfer. This register is only valid if the DMA_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH is bigger than 32 and if DMA channel has been configured for write to memory support.
73 0x125 0x0494 SRC_ADDRESS_HIGH
74 [31:0] SRC_ADDRESS_HIGH RW 0x00000000 This register contains the HIGH segment of the source address of the transfer. This register is only valid if the DMA_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH is bigger than 32 and if the DMA channel has been configured for read from memory support.
76 [31:0] CURRENT_DEST_ADDRESS_HIGH RO 0x00 HIGH segment of the address to which the next data sample is written to. This register is only valid if the DMA_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH is bigger than 32 and if the DMA channel has been configured for write to memory support.
78 [31:0] CURRENT_SRC_ADDRESS_HIGH RO 0x00 HIGH segment of the address from which the next data sample is read. This register is only valid if the DMA_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH is bigger than 32 and if the DMA channel has been configured for read from memory support.
79 Tue Mar 14 10:17:59 2023

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
Address ,,,,,,
DWORD ,BYTE ,Bits ,Name ,Type ,Default ,Description
0x0100 ,0x0400 ,,REG_CHAN_CNTRL ,,,ADC Interface Control & Status
,,[11] ,ADC_LB_OWR ,RW ,0x0 ,"If set, forces ADC_DATA_SEL to 1, enabling data loopback "
,,[10] ,ADC_PN_SEL_OWR ,RW ,0x0 ,"If set, forces ADC_PN_SEL to 0x9, device specific pn (e.g. ad9361) If both ADC_PN_TYPE_OWR and ADC_PN_SEL_OWR are set, they are ignored "
,,[9] ,IQCOR_ENB ,RW ,0x0 ,"if set, enables IQ correction or scale correction. NOT-APPLICABLE if IQCORRECTION_DISABLE is set (0x1). "
,,[8] ,DCFILT_ENB ,RW ,0x0 ,"if set, enables DC filter (to disable DC offset, set offset value to 0x0). NOT-APPLICABLE if DCFILTER_DISABLE is set (0x1). "
,,[6] ,FORMAT_SIGNEXT ,RW ,0x0 ,"if set, enables sign extension (applicable only in 2's complement mode). The data is always sign extended to the nearest byte boundary. NOT-APPLICABLE if DATAFORMAT_DISABLE is set (0x1). "
,,[5] ,FORMAT_TYPE ,RW ,0x0 ,Select offset binary (0x1) or 2's complement (0x0) data type. This sets the incoming data type and is required by the post processing modules for any data conversion. NOT-APPLICABLE if DATAFORMAT_DISABLE is set (0x1).
,,[4] ,FORMAT_ENABLE ,RW ,0x0 ,Enable data format conversion (see register bits above). NOT-APPLICABLE if DATAFORMAT_DISABLE is set (0x1).
,,[3] ,RESERVED ,RO ,0x0 ,Reserved for backward compatibility.
,,[2] ,RESERVED ,RO ,0x0 ,Reserved for backward compatibility.
,,[1] ,ADC_PN_TYPE_OWR ,RW ,0x0 ,"If set, forces ADC_PN_SEL to 0x1, modified pn23 If both ADC_PN_TYPE_OWR and ADC_PN_SEL_OWR are set, they are ignored "
,,[0] ,ENABLE ,RW ,0x0 ,"If set, enables channel. A 0x0 to 0x1 transition transfers all the control signals to the respective channel processing module. If a channel is part of a complex signal (I/Q), even channel is the master and the odd channel is the slave. Though a single control is used, both must be individually selected. "
0x0101 ,0x0404 ,,REG_CHAN_STATUS ,,,ADC Interface Control & Status
,,[12] ,CRC_ERR ,RW1C ,0x0 ,"CRC errors. If set, indicates CRC error. Software must first clear this bit before initiating a transfer and monitor afterwards. "
,,[11:4] ,STATUS_HEADER ,RO ,0x00 ,The status header sent by the ADC.(compatible with AD7768/AD7768-4/AD777x).
,,[2] ,PN_ERR ,RW1C ,0x0 ,"PN errors. If set, indicates spurious mismatches in sync state. This bit is cleared if OOS is set and is only indicates errors when OOS is cleared. "
,,[1] ,PN_OOS ,RW1C ,0x0 ,"PN Out Of Sync. If set, indicates an OOS status. OOS is set, if 64 consecutive patterns mismatch from the expected pattern. It is cleared, when 16 consecutive patterns match the expected pattern. "
,,[0] ,OVER_RANGE ,RW1C ,0x0 ,"If set, indicates over range. Note that over range is independent of the data path, it indicates an over range over a data transfer period. Software must first clear this bit before initiating a transfer and monitor afterwards. "
0x0102 ,0x0408 ,,REG_CHAN_RAW_DATA ,,,ADC Raw Data Reading
,,[31:0] ,ADC_READ_DATA[31:0] ,RO ,0x0000 ,Raw data read from the ADC.
0x0104 ,0x0410 ,,REG_CHAN_CNTRL_1 ,,,ADC Interface Control & Status
,,[31:16] ,DCFILT_OFFSET[15:0] ,RW ,0x0000 ,DC removal (if equipped) offset. This is a 2's complement number added to the incoming data to remove a known DC offset. NOT-APPLICABLE if DCFILTER_DISABLE is set (0x1).
,,[15:0] ,DCFILT_COEFF[15:0] ,RW ,0x0000 ,"DC removal filter (if equipped) coefficient. The format is 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). NOT-APPLICABLE if DCFILTER_DISABLE is set (0x1). "
0x0105 ,0x0414 ,,REG_CHAN_CNTRL_2 ,,,ADC Interface Control & Status
,,[31:16] ,IQCOR_COEFF_1[15:0] ,RW ,0x0000 ,"IQ correction (if equipped) coefficient. If scale & offset is implemented, this is the scale value and the format is 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). If matrix multiplication is used, this is the channel I coefficient and the format is 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). If SCALECORRECTION_ONLY is set, this implements the scale value correction for the current channel with the format 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). NOT-APPLICABLE if IQCORRECTION_DISABLE is set (0x1). "
,,[15:0] ,IQCOR_COEFF_2[15:0] ,RW ,0x0000 ,"IQ correction (if equipped) coefficient. If scale & offset is implemented, this is the offset value and the format is 2's complement. If matrix multiplication is used, this is the channel Q coefficient and the format is 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). NOT-APPLICABLE if IQCORRECTION_DISABLE is set (0x1). "
0x0106 ,0x0418 ,,REG_CHAN_CNTRL_3 ,,,ADC Interface Control & Status
,,[19:16] ,ADC_PN_SEL[3:0] ,RW ,0x0 ,"Selects the PN monitor sequence type (available only if ADC supports it).
- 0x0: pn9a (device specific, modified pn9)
- 0x1: pn23a (device specific, modified pn23)
- 0x4: pn7 (standard O.150)
- 0x5: pn15 (standard O.150)
- 0x6: pn23 (standard O.150)
- 0x7: pn31 (standard O.150)
- 0x9: pnX (device specific, e.g. ad9361)
- 0x0A: Nibble ramp (Device specific e.g. adrv9001)
- 0x0B: 16 bit ramp (Device specific e.g. adrv9001) "
,,[3:0] ,ADC_DATA_SEL[3:0] ,RW ,0x0 ,Selects the data source to DMA. 0x0: input data (ADC) 0x1: loopback data (DAC)
0x0108 ,0x0420 ,,REG_CHAN_USR_CNTRL_1 ,,,ADC Interface Control & Status
,,[25] ,USR_DATATYPE_BE ,RO ,0x0 ,"The user data type format- if set, indicates big endian (default is little endian). NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1). "
,,[24] ,USR_DATATYPE_SIGNED ,RO ,0x0 ,"The user data type format- if set, indicates signed (2's complement) data (default is unsigned). NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1). "
,,[23:16] ,USR_DATATYPE_SHIFT[7:0] ,RO ,0x00 ,The user data type format- the amount of right shift for actual samples within the total number of bits. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
,,[15:8] ,USR_DATATYPE_TOTAL_BITS[7:0] ,RO ,0x00 ,The user data type format- number of total bits used for a sample. The total number of bits must be an integer multiple of 8 (byte aligned). NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
,,[7:0] ,USR_DATATYPE_BITS[7:0] ,RO ,0x00 ,The user data type format- number of bits in a sample. This indicates the actual sample data bits. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
0x0109 ,0x0424 ,,REG_CHAN_USR_CNTRL_2 ,,,ADC Interface Control & Status
,,[31:16] ,USR_DECIMATION_M[15:0] ,RW ,0x0000 ,This holds the user decimation M value of the channel that is currently being selected on the multiplexer above. The total decimation factor is of the form M/N. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
,,[15:0] ,USR_DECIMATION_N[15:0] ,RW ,0x0000 ,This holds the user decimation N value of the channel that is currently being selected on the multiplexer above. The total decimation factor is of the form M/N. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
0x0110 ,0x0440 ,,REG_* ,,,"Channel 1, similar to register 0x100 to 0x10f. "
0x0120 ,0x0480 ,,REG_* ,,,"Channel 2, similar to register 0x100 to 0x10f. "
0x01F0 ,0x07c0 ,,REG_* ,,,"Channel 15, similar to register 0x100 to 0x10f. "
,,,,,,Tue Mar 14 10:17:59 2023
1 Address
2 DWORD BYTE Bits Name Type Default Description
3 0x0100 0x0400 REG_CHAN_CNTRL ADC Interface Control & Status
4 [11] ADC_LB_OWR RW 0x0 If set, forces ADC_DATA_SEL to 1, enabling data loopback
5 [10] ADC_PN_SEL_OWR RW 0x0 If set, forces ADC_PN_SEL to 0x9, device specific pn (e.g. ad9361) If both ADC_PN_TYPE_OWR and ADC_PN_SEL_OWR are set, they are ignored
6 [9] IQCOR_ENB RW 0x0 if set, enables IQ correction or scale correction. NOT-APPLICABLE if IQCORRECTION_DISABLE is set (0x1).
7 [8] DCFILT_ENB RW 0x0 if set, enables DC filter (to disable DC offset, set offset value to 0x0). NOT-APPLICABLE if DCFILTER_DISABLE is set (0x1).
8 [6] FORMAT_SIGNEXT RW 0x0 if set, enables sign extension (applicable only in 2's complement mode). The data is always sign extended to the nearest byte boundary. NOT-APPLICABLE if DATAFORMAT_DISABLE is set (0x1).
9 [5] FORMAT_TYPE RW 0x0 Select offset binary (0x1) or 2's complement (0x0) data type. This sets the incoming data type and is required by the post processing modules for any data conversion. NOT-APPLICABLE if DATAFORMAT_DISABLE is set (0x1).
10 [4] FORMAT_ENABLE RW 0x0 Enable data format conversion (see register bits above). NOT-APPLICABLE if DATAFORMAT_DISABLE is set (0x1).
11 [3] RESERVED RO 0x0 Reserved for backward compatibility.
12 [2] RESERVED RO 0x0 Reserved for backward compatibility.
13 [1] ADC_PN_TYPE_OWR RW 0x0 If set, forces ADC_PN_SEL to 0x1, modified pn23 If both ADC_PN_TYPE_OWR and ADC_PN_SEL_OWR are set, they are ignored
14 [0] ENABLE RW 0x0 If set, enables channel. A 0x0 to 0x1 transition transfers all the control signals to the respective channel processing module. If a channel is part of a complex signal (I/Q), even channel is the master and the odd channel is the slave. Though a single control is used, both must be individually selected.
15 0x0101 0x0404 REG_CHAN_STATUS ADC Interface Control & Status
16 [12] CRC_ERR RW1C 0x0 CRC errors. If set, indicates CRC error. Software must first clear this bit before initiating a transfer and monitor afterwards.
17 [11:4] STATUS_HEADER RO 0x00 The status header sent by the ADC.(compatible with AD7768/AD7768-4/AD777x).
18 [2] PN_ERR RW1C 0x0 PN errors. If set, indicates spurious mismatches in sync state. This bit is cleared if OOS is set and is only indicates errors when OOS is cleared.
19 [1] PN_OOS RW1C 0x0 PN Out Of Sync. If set, indicates an OOS status. OOS is set, if 64 consecutive patterns mismatch from the expected pattern. It is cleared, when 16 consecutive patterns match the expected pattern.
20 [0] OVER_RANGE RW1C 0x0 If set, indicates over range. Note that over range is independent of the data path, it indicates an over range over a data transfer period. Software must first clear this bit before initiating a transfer and monitor afterwards.
21 0x0102 0x0408 REG_CHAN_RAW_DATA ADC Raw Data Reading
22 [31:0] ADC_READ_DATA[31:0] RO 0x0000 Raw data read from the ADC.
23 0x0104 0x0410 REG_CHAN_CNTRL_1 ADC Interface Control & Status
24 [31:16] DCFILT_OFFSET[15:0] RW 0x0000 DC removal (if equipped) offset. This is a 2's complement number added to the incoming data to remove a known DC offset. NOT-APPLICABLE if DCFILTER_DISABLE is set (0x1).
25 [15:0] DCFILT_COEFF[15:0] RW 0x0000 DC removal filter (if equipped) coefficient. The format is 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). NOT-APPLICABLE if DCFILTER_DISABLE is set (0x1).
26 0x0105 0x0414 REG_CHAN_CNTRL_2 ADC Interface Control & Status
27 [31:16] IQCOR_COEFF_1[15:0] RW 0x0000 IQ correction (if equipped) coefficient. If scale & offset is implemented, this is the scale value and the format is 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). If matrix multiplication is used, this is the channel I coefficient and the format is 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). If SCALECORRECTION_ONLY is set, this implements the scale value correction for the current channel with the format 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). NOT-APPLICABLE if IQCORRECTION_DISABLE is set (0x1).
28 [15:0] IQCOR_COEFF_2[15:0] RW 0x0000 IQ correction (if equipped) coefficient. If scale & offset is implemented, this is the offset value and the format is 2's complement. If matrix multiplication is used, this is the channel Q coefficient and the format is 1.1.14 (sign, integer and fractional bits). NOT-APPLICABLE if IQCORRECTION_DISABLE is set (0x1).
29 0x0106 0x0418 REG_CHAN_CNTRL_3 ADC Interface Control & Status
30 [19:16] ADC_PN_SEL[3:0] RW 0x0 Selects the PN monitor sequence type (available only if ADC supports it). - 0x0: pn9a (device specific, modified pn9) - 0x1: pn23a (device specific, modified pn23) - 0x4: pn7 (standard O.150) - 0x5: pn15 (standard O.150) - 0x6: pn23 (standard O.150) - 0x7: pn31 (standard O.150) - 0x9: pnX (device specific, e.g. ad9361) - 0x0A: Nibble ramp (Device specific e.g. adrv9001) - 0x0B: 16 bit ramp (Device specific e.g. adrv9001)
31 [3:0] ADC_DATA_SEL[3:0] RW 0x0 Selects the data source to DMA. 0x0: input data (ADC) 0x1: loopback data (DAC)
32 0x0108 0x0420 REG_CHAN_USR_CNTRL_1 ADC Interface Control & Status
33 [25] USR_DATATYPE_BE RO 0x0 The user data type format- if set, indicates big endian (default is little endian). NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
34 [24] USR_DATATYPE_SIGNED RO 0x0 The user data type format- if set, indicates signed (2's complement) data (default is unsigned). NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
35 [23:16] USR_DATATYPE_SHIFT[7:0] RO 0x00 The user data type format- the amount of right shift for actual samples within the total number of bits. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
36 [15:8] USR_DATATYPE_TOTAL_BITS[7:0] RO 0x00 The user data type format- number of total bits used for a sample. The total number of bits must be an integer multiple of 8 (byte aligned). NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
37 [7:0] USR_DATATYPE_BITS[7:0] RO 0x00 The user data type format- number of bits in a sample. This indicates the actual sample data bits. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
38 0x0109 0x0424 REG_CHAN_USR_CNTRL_2 ADC Interface Control & Status
39 [31:16] USR_DECIMATION_M[15:0] RW 0x0000 This holds the user decimation M value of the channel that is currently being selected on the multiplexer above. The total decimation factor is of the form M/N. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
40 [15:0] USR_DECIMATION_N[15:0] RW 0x0000 This holds the user decimation N value of the channel that is currently being selected on the multiplexer above. The total decimation factor is of the form M/N. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
41 0x0110 0x0440 REG_* Channel 1, similar to register 0x100 to 0x10f.
42 0x0120 0x0480 REG_* Channel 2, similar to register 0x100 to 0x10f.
43 0x01F0 0x07c0 REG_* Channel 15, similar to register 0x100 to 0x10f.
44 Tue Mar 14 10:17:59 2023

View File

@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
Address ,,,,,,
DWORD ,BYTE ,Bits ,Name ,Type ,Default ,Description
0x0010 ,0x0040 ,,REG_RSTN ,,,ADC Interface Control & Status
,,[2] ,CE_N ,RW ,0x0 ,"Clock enable, default is enabled(0x0). An inverse version of the signal is exported out of the module to control clock enables "
,,[1] ,MMCM_RSTN ,RW ,0x0 ,"MMCM reset only (required for DRP access). Reset, default is IN-RESET (0x0), software must write 0x1 to bring up the core. "
,,[0] ,RSTN ,RW ,0x0 ,"Reset, default is IN-RESET (0x0), software must write 0x1 to bring up the core. "
0x0011 ,0x0044 ,,REG_CNTRL ,,,ADC Interface Control & Status
,,[16] ,SDR_DDR_N ,RW ,0x0 ,"Interface type (1 represents SDR, 0 represents DDR) "
,,[15] ,SYMB_OP ,RW ,0x0 ,Select symbol data format mode (0x1)
,,[14] ,SYMB_8_16B ,RW ,0x0 ,"Select number of bits for symbol format mode (1 represents 8b, 0 represents 16b) "
,,[12:8] ,NUM_LANES[4:0] ,RW ,0x0 ,"Number of active lanes (1 : CSSI 1-lane, LSSI 1-lane, 2 : LSSI 2-lane, 4 : CSSI 4-lane). For AD7768, AD7768-4 and AD777x number of active lanes : 1/2/4/8 where supported. "
,,[3] ,SYNC ,RW ,0x0 ,Initialize synchronization between multiple ADCs
,,[2] ,R1_MODE ,RW ,0x0 ,Select number of RF channels 1 (0x1) or 2 (0x0).
,,[1] ,DDR_EDGESEL ,RW ,0x0 ,Select rising edge (0x0) or falling edge (0x1) for the first part of a sample (if applicable) followed by the successive edges for the remaining parts. This only controls how the sample is delineated from the incoming data post DDR registers.
,,[0] ,PIN_MODE ,RW ,0x0 ,"Select interface pin mode to be clock multiplexed (0x1) or pin multiplexed (0x0). In clock multiplexed mode, samples are received on alternative clock edges. In pin multiplexed mode, samples are interleaved or grouped on the pins at the same clock edge. "
0x0012 ,0x0048 ,,REG_CNTRL_2 ,,,ADC Interface Control & Status
,,[1] ,EXT_SYNC_ARM ,RW ,0x0 ,"Setting this bit will arm the trigger mechanism sensitive to an external sync signal. Once the external sync signal goes high it synchronizes channels within a ADC, and across multiple instances. This bit has an effect only the EXT_SYNC synthesis parameter is set. This bit self clears. "
,,[2] ,EXT_SYNC_DISARM ,RW ,0x0 ,Setting this bit will disarm the trigger mechanism sensitive to an external sync signal. This bit has an effect only the EXT_SYNC synthesis parameter is set. This bit self clears.
,,[8] ,MANUAL_SYNC_REQUEST ,RW ,0x0 ,Setting this bit will issue an external sync event if it is hooked up inside the fabric. This bit has an effect only the EXT_SYNC synthesis parameter is set. This bit self clears.
0x0013 ,0x004c ,,REG_CNTRL_3 ,,,ADC Interface Control & Status
,,[8] ,CRC_EN ,RW ,0x0 ,Setting this bit will enable the CRC generation.
,,[7:0] ,CUSTOM_CONTROL ,RW ,0x00 ,"Select output format decode mode.(for ADAQ8092: bit 0 - enables digital output randomizer decode , bit 1 - enables alternate bit polarity decode). "
0x0015 ,0x0054 ,,REG_CLK_FREQ ,,,ADC Interface Control & Status
,,[31:0] ,CLK_FREQ[31:0] ,RO ,0x0000 ,Interface clock frequency. This is relative to the processor clock and in many cases is 100MHz. The number is represented as unsigned 16.16 format. Assuming a 100MHz processor clock the minimum is 1.523kHz and maximum is 6.554THz. The actual interface clock is CLK_FREQ * CLK_RATIO (see below). Note that the actual sampling clock may not be the same as the interface clock- software must consider device specific implementation parameters to calculate the final sampling clock.
0x0016 ,0x0058 ,,REG_CLK_RATIO ,,,ADC Interface Control & Status
,,[31:0] ,CLK_RATIO[31:0] ,RO ,0x0000 ,Interface clock ratio - as a factor actual received clock. This is implementation specific and depends on any serial to parallel conversion and interface type (ddr/sdr/qdr).
0x0017 ,0x005c ,,REG_STATUS ,,,ADC Interface Control & Status
,,[4] ,ADC_CTRL_STATUS ,RO ,0x0 ,"If set, indicates that the device's register data is available on the data bus. "
,,[3] ,PN_ERR ,RO ,0x0 ,"If set, indicates pn error in one or more channels. "
,,[2] ,PN_OOS ,RO ,0x0 ,"If set, indicates pn oos in one or more channels. "
,,[1] ,OVER_RANGE ,RO ,0x0 ,"If set, indicates over range in one or more channels. "
,,[0] ,STATUS ,RO ,0x0 ,"Interface status, if set indicates no errors. If not set, there are errors, software may try resetting the cores. "
0x0018 ,0x0060 ,,REG_DELAY_CNTRL ,,,ADC Interface Control & Status(Deprecated from version 9)
,,[17] ,DELAY_SEL ,RW ,0x0 ,"Delay select, a 0x0 to 0x1 transition in this register initiates a delay access controlled by the registers below. "
,,[16] ,DELAY_RWN ,RW ,0x0 ,"Delay read (0x1) or write (0x0), the delay is accessed directly (no increment or decrement) with an address corresponding to each pin, and data corresponding to the total delay. "
,,[15:8] ,DELAY_ADDRESS[7:0] ,RW ,0x00 ,"Delay address, the range depends on the interface pins, data pins are usually at the lower range. "
,,[4:0] ,DELAY_WDATA[4:0] ,RW ,0x0 ,"Delay write data, a value of 1 corresponds to (1/200)ns for most devices. "
0x0019 ,0x0064 ,,REG_DELAY_STATUS ,,,ADC Interface Control & Status(Deprecated from version 9)
,,[9] ,DELAY_LOCKED ,RO ,0x0 ,"Indicates delay locked (0x1) state. If this bit is read 0x0, delay control has failed to calibrate the elements. "
,,[8] ,DELAY_STATUS ,RO ,0x0 ,"If set, indicates busy status (access pending). The read data may not be valid if this bit is set. "
,,[4:0] ,DELAY_RDATA[4:0] ,RO ,0x0 ,"Delay read data, current delay value in the elements "
0x001A ,0x0068 ,,REG_SYNC_STATUS ,,,ADC Synchronization Status register
,,[0] ,ADC_SYNC ,RO ,0x0 ,ADC synchronization status. Will be set to 1 after the synchronization has been completed or while waiting for the synchronization signal in JESD204 systems.
0x001C ,0x0070 ,,REG_DRP_CNTRL ,,,ADC Interface Control & Status
,,[28] ,DRP_RWN ,RW ,0x0 ,DRP read (0x1) or write (0x0) select (does not include GTX lanes). NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1).
,,[27:16] ,DRP_ADDRESS[11:0] ,RW ,0x00 ,"DRP address, designs that contain more than one DRP accessible primitives have selects based on the most significant bits (does not include GTX lanes). NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1). "
,,[15:0] ,RESERVED[15:0] ,RO ,0x0000 ,Reserved for backward compatibility.
0x001D ,0x0074 ,,REG_DRP_STATUS ,,,ADC Interface Control & Status
,,[17] ,DRP_LOCKED ,RO ,0x0 ,If set indicates that the DRP has been locked.
,,[16] ,DRP_STATUS ,RO ,0x0 ,If set indicates busy (access pending). The read data may not be valid if this bit is set (does not include GTX lanes). NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1).
,,[15:0] ,RESERVED[15:0] ,RO ,0x00 ,Reserved for backward compatibility.
0x001E ,0x0078 ,,REG_DRP_WDATA ,,,ADC DRP Write Data
,,[15:0] ,DRP_WDATA[15:0] ,RW ,0x00 ,DRP write data (does not include GTX lanes). NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1).
0x001F ,0x007c ,,REG_DRP_RDATA ,,,ADC DRP Read Data
,,[15:0] ,DRP_RDATA[15:0] ,RO ,0x00 ,DRP read data (does not include GTX lanes).
0x0020 ,0x0080 ,,REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR ,,,ADC Write Configuration Data
,,[31:0] ,ADC_CONFIG_WR[31:0] ,RW ,0x0000 ,Custom Write to the available registers.
0x0021 ,0x0084 ,,REG_ADC_CONFIG_RD ,,,ADC Read Configuration Data
,,[31:0] ,ADC_CONFIG_RD[31:0] ,RO ,0x0000 ,Custom read of the available registers.
0x0022 ,0x0088 ,,REG_UI_STATUS ,,,User Interface Status
,,[2] ,UI_OVF ,RW1C ,0x0 ,"User Interface overflow. If set, indicates an overflow occurred during data transfer at the user interface (FIFO interface). Software must write a 0x1 to clear this register bit. "
,,[1] ,UI_UNF ,RW1C ,0x0 ,"User Interface underflow. If set, indicates an underflow occurred during data transfer at the user interface (FIFO interface). Software must write a 0x1 to clear this register bit. "
,,[0] ,UI_RESERVED ,RW1C ,0x0 ,Reserved for backward compatibility.
0x0023 ,0x008c ,,REG_ADC_CONFIG_CTRL ,,,ADC RD/WR configuration
,,[31:0] ,ADC_CONFIG_CTRL[31:0] ,RW ,0x0000 ,"Control RD/WR requests to the device's register map: bit 1 - RD ('b1) , WR ('b0), bit 0 - enable WR/RD operation. "
0x0028 ,0x00a0 ,,REG_USR_CNTRL_1 ,,,ADC Interface Control & Status
,,[7:0] ,USR_CHANMAX[7:0] ,RW ,0x00 ,This indicates the maximum number of inputs for the channel data multiplexers. User may add different processing modules post data capture as another input to this common multiplexer. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
0x0029 ,0x00a4 ,,REG_ADC_START_CODE ,,,ADC Synchronization start word
,,[31:0] ,ADC_START_CODE[31:0] ,RW ,0x00000000 ,This sets the startcode that is used by the ADCs for synchronization NOT-APPLICABLE if START_CODE_DISABLE is set (0x1).
0x002E ,0x00b8 ,,REG_ADC_GPIO_IN ,,,ADC GPIO inputs
,,[31:0] ,ADC_GPIO_IN[31:0] ,RO ,0x00000000 ,This reads auxiliary GPI pins of the ADC core
0x002F ,0x00bc ,,REG_ADC_GPIO_OUT ,,,ADC GPIO outputs
,,[31:0] ,ADC_GPIO_OUT[31:0] ,RW ,0x00000000 ,This controls auxiliary GPO pins of the ADC core NOT-APPLICABLE if GPIO_DISABLE is set (0x1).
0x0030 ,0x00c0 ,,REG_PPS_COUNTER ,,,PPS Counter register
,,[31:0] ,PPS_COUNTER[31:0] ,RO ,0x00000000 ,Counts the core clock cycles (can be a device clock or interface clock) between two 1PPS pulse.
0x0031 ,0x00c4 ,,REG_PPS_STATUS ,,,PPS Status register
,,[0] ,PPS_STATUS ,RO ,0x0 ,If this bit is asserted there is no incomming 1PPS signal. Maybe the source is out of sync or it's not active.
,,,,,,Tue Mar 14 10:17:59 2023
1 Address
2 DWORD BYTE Bits Name Type Default Description
3 0x0010 0x0040 REG_RSTN ADC Interface Control & Status
4 [2] CE_N RW 0x0 Clock enable, default is enabled(0x0). An inverse version of the signal is exported out of the module to control clock enables
5 [1] MMCM_RSTN RW 0x0 MMCM reset only (required for DRP access). Reset, default is IN-RESET (0x0), software must write 0x1 to bring up the core.
6 [0] RSTN RW 0x0 Reset, default is IN-RESET (0x0), software must write 0x1 to bring up the core.
7 0x0011 0x0044 REG_CNTRL ADC Interface Control & Status
8 [16] SDR_DDR_N RW 0x0 Interface type (1 represents SDR, 0 represents DDR)
9 [15] SYMB_OP RW 0x0 Select symbol data format mode (0x1)
10 [14] SYMB_8_16B RW 0x0 Select number of bits for symbol format mode (1 represents 8b, 0 represents 16b)
11 [12:8] NUM_LANES[4:0] RW 0x0 Number of active lanes (1 : CSSI 1-lane, LSSI 1-lane, 2 : LSSI 2-lane, 4 : CSSI 4-lane). For AD7768, AD7768-4 and AD777x number of active lanes : 1/2/4/8 where supported.
12 [3] SYNC RW 0x0 Initialize synchronization between multiple ADCs
13 [2] R1_MODE RW 0x0 Select number of RF channels 1 (0x1) or 2 (0x0).
14 [1] DDR_EDGESEL RW 0x0 Select rising edge (0x0) or falling edge (0x1) for the first part of a sample (if applicable) followed by the successive edges for the remaining parts. This only controls how the sample is delineated from the incoming data post DDR registers.
15 [0] PIN_MODE RW 0x0 Select interface pin mode to be clock multiplexed (0x1) or pin multiplexed (0x0). In clock multiplexed mode, samples are received on alternative clock edges. In pin multiplexed mode, samples are interleaved or grouped on the pins at the same clock edge.
16 0x0012 0x0048 REG_CNTRL_2 ADC Interface Control & Status
17 [1] EXT_SYNC_ARM RW 0x0 Setting this bit will arm the trigger mechanism sensitive to an external sync signal. Once the external sync signal goes high it synchronizes channels within a ADC, and across multiple instances. This bit has an effect only the EXT_SYNC synthesis parameter is set. This bit self clears.
18 [2] EXT_SYNC_DISARM RW 0x0 Setting this bit will disarm the trigger mechanism sensitive to an external sync signal. This bit has an effect only the EXT_SYNC synthesis parameter is set. This bit self clears.
19 [8] MANUAL_SYNC_REQUEST RW 0x0 Setting this bit will issue an external sync event if it is hooked up inside the fabric. This bit has an effect only the EXT_SYNC synthesis parameter is set. This bit self clears.
20 0x0013 0x004c REG_CNTRL_3 ADC Interface Control & Status
21 [8] CRC_EN RW 0x0 Setting this bit will enable the CRC generation.
22 [7:0] CUSTOM_CONTROL RW 0x00 Select output format decode mode.(for ADAQ8092: bit 0 - enables digital output randomizer decode , bit 1 - enables alternate bit polarity decode).
23 0x0015 0x0054 REG_CLK_FREQ ADC Interface Control & Status
24 [31:0] CLK_FREQ[31:0] RO 0x0000 Interface clock frequency. This is relative to the processor clock and in many cases is 100MHz. The number is represented as unsigned 16.16 format. Assuming a 100MHz processor clock the minimum is 1.523kHz and maximum is 6.554THz. The actual interface clock is CLK_FREQ * CLK_RATIO (see below). Note that the actual sampling clock may not be the same as the interface clock- software must consider device specific implementation parameters to calculate the final sampling clock.
25 0x0016 0x0058 REG_CLK_RATIO ADC Interface Control & Status
26 [31:0] CLK_RATIO[31:0] RO 0x0000 Interface clock ratio - as a factor actual received clock. This is implementation specific and depends on any serial to parallel conversion and interface type (ddr/sdr/qdr).
27 0x0017 0x005c REG_STATUS ADC Interface Control & Status
28 [4] ADC_CTRL_STATUS RO 0x0 If set, indicates that the device'​s register data is available on the data bus.
29 [3] PN_ERR RO 0x0 If set, indicates pn error in one or more channels.
30 [2] PN_OOS RO 0x0 If set, indicates pn oos in one or more channels.
31 [1] OVER_RANGE RO 0x0 If set, indicates over range in one or more channels.
32 [0] STATUS RO 0x0 Interface status, if set indicates no errors. If not set, there are errors, software may try resetting the cores.
33 0x0018 0x0060 REG_DELAY_CNTRL ADC Interface Control & Status(Deprecated from version 9)
34 [17] DELAY_SEL RW 0x0 Delay select, a 0x0 to 0x1 transition in this register initiates a delay access controlled by the registers below.
35 [16] DELAY_RWN RW 0x0 Delay read (0x1) or write (0x0), the delay is accessed directly (no increment or decrement) with an address corresponding to each pin, and data corresponding to the total delay.
36 [15:8] DELAY_ADDRESS[7:0] RW 0x00 Delay address, the range depends on the interface pins, data pins are usually at the lower range.
37 [4:0] DELAY_WDATA[4:0] RW 0x0 Delay write data, a value of 1 corresponds to (1/200)ns for most devices.
38 0x0019 0x0064 REG_DELAY_STATUS ADC Interface Control & Status(Deprecated from version 9)
39 [9] DELAY_LOCKED RO 0x0 Indicates delay locked (0x1) state. If this bit is read 0x0, delay control has failed to calibrate the elements.
40 [8] DELAY_STATUS RO 0x0 If set, indicates busy status (access pending). The read data may not be valid if this bit is set.
41 [4:0] DELAY_RDATA[4:0] RO 0x0 Delay read data, current delay value in the elements
42 0x001A 0x0068 REG_SYNC_STATUS ADC Synchronization Status register
43 [0] ADC_SYNC RO 0x0 ADC synchronization status. Will be set to 1 after the synchronization has been completed or while waiting for the synchronization signal in JESD204 systems.
44 0x001C 0x0070 REG_DRP_CNTRL ADC Interface Control & Status
45 [28] DRP_RWN RW 0x0 DRP read (0x1) or write (0x0) select (does not include GTX lanes). NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1).
46 [27:16] DRP_ADDRESS[11:0] RW 0x00 DRP address, designs that contain more than one DRP accessible primitives have selects based on the most significant bits (does not include GTX lanes). NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1).
47 [15:0] RESERVED[15:0] RO 0x0000 Reserved for backward compatibility.
48 0x001D 0x0074 REG_DRP_STATUS ADC Interface Control & Status
49 [17] DRP_LOCKED RO 0x0 If set indicates that the DRP has been locked.
50 [16] DRP_STATUS RO 0x0 If set indicates busy (access pending). The read data may not be valid if this bit is set (does not include GTX lanes). NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1).
51 [15:0] RESERVED[15:0] RO 0x00 Reserved for backward compatibility.
52 0x001E 0x0078 REG_DRP_WDATA ADC DRP Write Data
53 [15:0] DRP_WDATA[15:0] RW 0x00 DRP write data (does not include GTX lanes). NOT-APPLICABLE if DRP_DISABLE is set (0x1).
54 0x001F 0x007c REG_DRP_RDATA ADC DRP Read Data
55 [15:0] DRP_RDATA[15:0] RO 0x00 DRP read data (does not include GTX lanes).
56 0x0020 0x0080 REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR ADC Write Configuration ​Data
57 [31:0] ADC_CONFIG_WR[31:0] RW 0x0000 Custom ​Write to the available registers.
58 0x0021 0x0084 REG_ADC_CONFIG_RD ADC Read Configuration ​Data
59 [31:0] ADC_CONFIG_RD[31:0] RO 0x0000 Custom read of the available registers.
60 0x0022 0x0088 REG_UI_STATUS User Interface Status
61 [2] UI_OVF RW1C 0x0 User Interface overflow. If set, indicates an overflow occurred during data transfer at the user interface (FIFO interface). Software must write a 0x1 to clear this register bit.
62 [1] UI_UNF RW1C 0x0 User Interface underflow. If set, indicates an underflow occurred during data transfer at the user interface (FIFO interface). Software must write a 0x1 to clear this register bit.
63 [0] UI_RESERVED RW1C 0x0 Reserved for backward compatibility.
64 0x0023 0x008c REG_ADC_CONFIG_CTRL ADC RD/WR configuration
65 [31:0] ADC_CONFIG_CTRL[31:​0] RW 0x0000 Control RD/WR requests to the device'​s register map: bit 1 - RD ('b1) , WR ('b0), bit 0 - enable WR/RD operation.
66 0x0028 0x00a0 REG_USR_CNTRL_1 ADC Interface Control & Status
67 [7:0] USR_CHANMAX[7:0] RW 0x00 This indicates the maximum number of inputs for the channel data multiplexers. User may add different processing modules post data capture as another input to this common multiplexer. NOT-APPLICABLE if USERPORTS_DISABLE is set (0x1).
68 0x0029 0x00a4 REG_ADC_START_CODE ADC Synchronization start word
69 [31:0] ADC_START_CODE[31:0] RW 0x00000000 This sets the startcode that is used by the ADCs for synchronization NOT-APPLICABLE if START_CODE_DISABLE is set (0x1).
70 0x002E 0x00b8 REG_ADC_GPIO_IN ADC GPIO inputs
71 [31:0] ADC_GPIO_IN[31:0] RO 0x00000000 This reads auxiliary GPI pins of the ADC core
72 0x002F 0x00bc REG_ADC_GPIO_OUT ADC GPIO outputs
73 [31:0] ADC_GPIO_OUT[31:0] RW 0x00000000 This controls auxiliary GPO pins of the ADC core NOT-APPLICABLE if GPIO_DISABLE is set (0x1).
74 0x0030 0x00c0 REG_PPS_COUNTER PPS Counter register
75 [31:0] PPS_COUNTER[31:0] RO 0x00000000 Counts the core clock cycles (can be a device clock or interface clock) between two 1PPS pulse.
76 0x0031 0x00c4 REG_PPS_STATUS PPS Status register
77 [0] PPS_STATUS RO 0x0 If this bit is asserted there is no incomming 1PPS signal. Maybe the source is out of sync or it's not active.
78 Tue Mar 14 10:17:59 2023

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
Address ,,,,,,
DWORD ,BYTE ,Bits ,Name ,Type ,Default ,Description
0x0000 ,0x0000 ,,REG_VERSION ,,,Version and Scratch Registers
,,[31:0] ,VERSION[31:0] ,RO ,0x00000000 ,Version number. Unique to all cores.
0x0001 ,0x0004 ,,REG_ID ,,,Version and Scratch Registers
,,[31:0] ,ID[31:0] ,RO ,0x00000000 ,Instance identifier number.
0x0002 ,0x0008 ,,REG_SCRATCH ,,,Version and Scratch Registers
,,[31:0] ,SCRATCH[31:0] ,RW ,0x00000000 ,Scratch register.
0x0003 ,0x000c ,,REG_CONFIG ,,,Version and Scratch Registers
,,[0] ,IQCORRECTION_DISABLE ,RO ,0x0 ,"If set, indicates that the IQ Correction module was not implemented. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance) "
,,[1] ,DCFILTER_DISABLE ,RO ,0x0 ,"If set, indicates that the DC Filter module was not implemented. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance) "
,,[2] ,DATAFORMAT_DISABLE ,RO ,0x0 ,"If set, indicates that the Data Format module was not implemented. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance) "
,,[3] ,USERPORTS_DISABLE ,RO ,0x0 ,"If set, indicates that the logic related to the User Data Format (e.g. decimation) was not implemented. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance) "
,,[4] ,MODE_1R1T ,RO ,0x0 ,"If set, indicates that the core was implemented in 1 channel mode. (e.g. refer to AD9361 data sheet) "
,,[5] ,DELAY_CONTROL_DISABLE ,RO ,0x0 ,"If set, indicates that the delay control is disabled for this IP. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance) "
,,[6] ,DDS_DISABLE ,RO ,0x0 ,"If set, indicates that the DDS is disabled for this IP. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance) "
,,[7] ,CMOS_OR_LVDS_N ,RO ,0x0 ,CMOS or LVDS mode is used for the interface. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)
,,[8] ,PPS_RECEIVER_ENABLE ,RO ,0x0 ,"If set, indicates the PPS receiver is enabled. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance) "
,,[9] ,SCALECORRECTION_ONLY ,RO ,0x0 ,"If set, indicates that the IQ Correction module implements only scale correction. IQ correction must be enabled. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance) "
,,[12] ,EXT_SYNC ,RO ,0x0 ,If set the transport layer cores (ADC/DAC) have implemented the support for external synchronization signal.
,,[13] ,RD_RAW_DATA ,RO ,0x0 ,"If set, the ADC has the capability to read raw data in register REG_CHAN_RAW_DATA from adc_channel. "
0x0004 ,0x0010 ,,REG_PPS_IRQ_MASK ,,,PPS Interrupt mask
,,[0] ,PPS_IRQ_MASK ,RW ,0x1 ,Mask bit for the 1PPS receiver interrupt
0x0007 ,0x001c ,,REG_FPGA_INFO ,,,FPGA device information Intel encoded values Xilinx encoded values
,,[31:24] ,FPGA_TECHNOLOGY ,RO ,0x0 ,Encoded value describing the technology/generation of the FPGA device (arria 10/7series)
,,[23:16] ,FPGA_FAMILY ,RO ,0x0 ,"Encoded value describing the family variant of the FPGA device(e.g., SX, GX, GT or zynq, kintex, virtex) "
,,[15:8] ,SPEED_GRADE ,RO ,0x0 ,Encoded value describing the FPGA's speed-grade
,,[7:0] ,DEV_PACKAGE ,RO ,0x0 ,Encoded value describing the device package. The package might affect high-speed interfaces
,,,,,,Tue Mar 14 10:17:59 2023
1 Address
2 DWORD BYTE Bits Name Type Default Description
3 0x0000 0x0000 REG_VERSION Version and Scratch Registers
4 [31:0] VERSION[31:0] RO 0x00000000 Version number. Unique to all cores.
5 0x0001 0x0004 REG_ID Version and Scratch Registers
6 [31:0] ID[31:0] RO 0x00000000 Instance identifier number.
7 0x0002 0x0008 REG_SCRATCH Version and Scratch Registers
8 [31:0] SCRATCH[31:0] RW 0x00000000 Scratch register.
9 0x0003 0x000c REG_CONFIG Version and Scratch Registers
10 [0] IQCORRECTION_DISABLE RO 0x0 If set, indicates that the IQ Correction module was not implemented. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)
11 [1] DCFILTER_DISABLE RO 0x0 If set, indicates that the DC Filter module was not implemented. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)
12 [2] DATAFORMAT_DISABLE RO 0x0 If set, indicates that the Data Format module was not implemented. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)
13 [3] USERPORTS_DISABLE RO 0x0 If set, indicates that the logic related to the User Data Format (e.g. decimation) was not implemented. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)
14 [4] MODE_1R1T RO 0x0 If set, indicates that the core was implemented in 1 channel mode. (e.g. refer to AD9361 data sheet)
15 [5] DELAY_CONTROL_DISABLE RO 0x0 If set, indicates that the delay control is disabled for this IP. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)
16 [6] DDS_DISABLE RO 0x0 If set, indicates that the DDS is disabled for this IP. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)
17 [7] CMOS_OR_LVDS_N RO 0x0 CMOS or LVDS mode is used for the interface. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)
18 [8] PPS_RECEIVER_ENABLE RO 0x0 If set, indicates the PPS receiver is enabled. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)
19 [9] SCALECORRECTION_ONLY RO 0x0 If set, indicates that the IQ Correction module implements only scale correction. IQ correction must be enabled. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance)
20 [12] EXT_SYNC RO 0x0 If set the transport layer cores (ADC/DAC) have implemented the support for external synchronization signal.
21 [13] RD_RAW_DATA RO 0x0 If set, the ADC has the capability to read raw data in register REG_CHAN_RAW_DATA from adc_channel.
22 0x0004 0x0010 REG_PPS_IRQ_MASK PPS Interrupt mask
23 [0] PPS_IRQ_MASK RW 0x1 Mask bit for the 1PPS receiver interrupt
24 0x0007 0x001c REG_FPGA_INFO FPGA device information Intel encoded values Xilinx encoded values
25 [31:24] FPGA_TECHNOLOGY RO 0x0 Encoded value describing the technology/generation of the FPGA device (arria 10/7series)
26 [23:16] FPGA_FAMILY RO 0x0 Encoded value describing the family variant of the FPGA device(e.g., SX, GX, GT or zynq, kintex, virtex)
27 [15:8] SPEED_GRADE RO 0x0 Encoded value describing the FPGA's speed-grade
28 [7:0] DEV_PACKAGE RO 0x0 Encoded value describing the device package. The package might affect high-speed interfaces
29 Tue Mar 14 10:17:59 2023

View File

@ -77,33 +77,8 @@ Signal and Interface Pins
Register Map
.. csv-table::
:file: regmap.csv
:class: regmap
:header-rows: 2
.. list-table::
:widths: 10 20 70
:header-rows: 1
* - Access Type
- Name
- Description
* - RO
- Read-only
- Reads will return the current register value. Writes have no effect.
* - RW
- Read-write
- Reads will return the current register value. Writes will change the
current register value.
* - WO
- Write-only
- Writes will change the current register value. Reads have no effect.
* - RW1C
- Write-1-to-clear
- Reads will return the current register value. Writing the register will
clear those bits of the register which were set to 1 in the value written.
Bits are set by hardware.
.. hdl-regmap::
:name: axi_spi_engine
Theory of Operation

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
Address ,,,,,,
DWORD ,BYTE ,Bits ,Name ,Type ,Default ,Description
0x00 ,0x0000 ,,VERSION ,,,Version of the peripheral. Follows semantic versioning. Current version 1.00.71.
,,[31:16] ,VERSION_MAJOR ,RO ,0x01 ,
,,[15:8] ,VERSION_MINOR ,RO ,0x00 ,
,,[7:0] ,VERSION_PATCH ,RO ,0x71 ,
0x01 ,0x0004 ,,PERIPHERAL_ID ,,,
,,[31:0] ,PERIPHERAL_ID ,RO ,ID ,"Value of the ID configuration parameter. In case of multiple instances, each instance will have a unique ID. "
0x02 ,0x0008 ,,SCRATCH ,,,
,,[31:0] ,SCRATCH ,RW ,0x00000000 ,Scratch register useful for debug.
0x03 ,0x000c ,,DATA_WIDTH ,,,
,,[31:0] ,DATA_WIDTH ,RO ,0x00000008 ,Data width of the SDI/SDO parallel interface. It is equal with the maximum supported transfer length in bits.
0x10 ,0x0040 ,,ENABLE ,,,
,,[31:0] ,ENABLE ,RW ,0x00000001 ,"Enable register. If the enable bit is set to 1 the internal state of the peripheral is reset. For proper operation, the bit needs to be set to 0. "
0x20 ,0x0080 ,,IRQ_MASK ,,,
,,[0] ,CMD_ALMOST_EMPTY ,RW ,0x00 ,If set to 0 the CMD_ALMOST_EMPTY interrupt is masked.
,,[1] ,SDO_ALMOST_EMPTY ,RW ,0x00 ,If set to 0 the SDO_ALMOST_EMPTY interrupt is masked.
,,[2] ,SDI_ALMOST_FULL ,RW ,0x00 ,If set to 0 the SDI_ALMOST_FULL interrupt is masked.
,,[3] ,SYNC_EVENT ,RW ,0x00 ,If set to 0 the SYNC_EVENT interrupt is masked.
0x21 ,0x0084 ,,IRQ_PENDING ,,,
,,[31:0] ,IRQ_PENDING ,RW1C ,0x00000000 ,Pending IRQs with mask.
0x22 ,0x0088 ,,IRQ_SOURCE ,,,
,,[31:0] ,IRQ_SOURCE ,RO ,0x00000000 ,Pending IRQs without mask.
0x30 ,0x00c0 ,,SYNC_ID ,,,
,,[31:0] ,SYNC_ID ,RO ,0x00000000 ,Last synchronization event ID received from the SPI engine control interface.
0x34 ,0x00d0 ,,CMD_FIFO_ROOM ,,,
,,[31:0] ,CMD_FIFO_ROOM ,RO ,0x???????? ,Number of free entries in the command FIFO. The reset value of the CMD_FIFO_ROOM register depends on the setting of the CMD_FIFO_ADDRESS_WIDTH parameter.
0x35 ,0x00d4 ,,SDO_FIFO_ROOM ,,,
,,[31:0] ,SDO_FIFO_ROOM ,RO ,0x???????? ,Number of free entries in the serial-data-out FIFO. The reset value of the SDO_FIFO_ROOM register depends on the setting of the SDO_FIFO_ADDRESS_WIDTH parameter.
0x36 ,0x00d8 ,,SDI_FIFO_LEVEL ,,,
,,[31:0] ,SDI_FIFO_LEVEL ,RO ,0x00000000 ,Number of valid entries in the serial-data-in FIFO.
0x38 ,0x00e0 ,,CMD_FIFO ,,,
,,[31:0] ,CMD_FIFO ,WO ,0x????????? ,Command FIFO register. Writing to this register inserts an entry into the command FIFO. Writing to this register when the command FIFO is full has no effect and the written entry is discarded. Reading from this register always returns 0x00000000.
0x39 ,0x00e4 ,,SDO_FIFO ,,,
,,[31:0] ,SDO_FIFO ,WO ,0x????????? ,SDO FIFO register. Writing to this register inserts an entry into the SDO FIFO. Writing to this register when the SDO FIFO is full has no effect and the written entry is discarded. Reading from this register always returns 0x00000000.
0x3a ,0x00e8 ,,SDI_FIFO ,,,
,,[31:0] ,SDI_FIFO ,RO ,0x????????? ,SDI FIFO register. Reading from this register removes the first entry from the SDI FIFO. Reading this register when the SDI FIFO is empty will return undefined data. Writing to it has no effect.
0x3c ,0x00f0 ,,SDI_FIFO_PEEK ,,,
,,[31:0] ,SDI_FIFO_PEEK ,RO ,0x????????? ,"SDI FIFO peek register. Reading from this register returns the first entry from the SDI FIFO, but without removing it from the FIFO. Reading this register when the SDI FIFO is empty will return undefined data. Writing to it has no effect. "
0x40 ,0x0100 ,,OFFLOAD0_EN ,,,
,,[31:0] ,OFFLOAD0_EN ,RW ,0x00000000 ,Set this bit to enable the offload module.
0x41 ,0x0104 ,,OFFLOAD0_STATUS ,,,
,,[31:0] ,OFFLOAD0_STATUS ,RO ,0x00000000 ,Offload status register.
0x42 ,0x0108 ,,OFFLOAD0_MEM_RESET ,,,
,,[31:0] ,OFFLOAD0_MEM_RESET ,WO ,0x00000000 ,Reset the memory of the offload module.
0x44 ,0x0110 ,,OFFLOAD0_CDM_FIFO ,,,
,,[31:0] ,OFFLOAD0_CDM_FIFO ,WO ,0x???????? ,Offload command FIFO register. Writing to this register inserts an entry into the command FIFO of the offload module. Writing to this register when the command FIFO is full has no effect and the written entry is discarded. Reading from this register always returns 0x00000000.
0x45 ,0x0114 ,,OFFLOAD0_SDO_FIFO ,,,
,,[31:0] ,OFFLOAD0_SDO_FIFO ,WO ,0x???????? ,Offload SDO FIFO register. Writing to this register inserts an entry into the offload SDO FIFO. Writing to this register when the SDO FIFO is full has no effect and the written entry is discarded. Reading from this register always returns 0x00000000.
,,,,,,Wed Oct 12 14:15:25 2022
1 Address
2 DWORD BYTE Bits Name Type Default Description
3 0x00 0x0000 VERSION Version of the peripheral. Follows semantic versioning. Current version 1.00.71.
4 [31:16] VERSION_MAJOR RO 0x01
5 [15:8] VERSION_MINOR RO 0x00
6 [7:0] VERSION_PATCH RO 0x71
7 0x01 0x0004 PERIPHERAL_ID
8 [31:0] PERIPHERAL_ID RO ID Value of the ID configuration parameter. In case of multiple instances, each instance will have a unique ID.
9 0x02 0x0008 SCRATCH
10 [31:0] SCRATCH RW 0x00000000 Scratch register useful for debug.
11 0x03 0x000c DATA_WIDTH
12 [31:0] DATA_WIDTH RO 0x00000008 Data width of the SDI/SDO parallel interface. It is equal with the maximum supported transfer length in bits.
13 0x10 0x0040 ENABLE
14 [31:0] ENABLE RW 0x00000001 Enable register. If the enable bit is set to 1 the internal state of the peripheral is reset. For proper operation, the bit needs to be set to 0.
15 0x20 0x0080 IRQ_MASK
16 [0] CMD_ALMOST_EMPTY RW 0x00 If set to 0 the CMD_ALMOST_EMPTY interrupt is masked.
17 [1] SDO_ALMOST_EMPTY RW 0x00 If set to 0 the SDO_ALMOST_EMPTY interrupt is masked.
18 [2] SDI_ALMOST_FULL RW 0x00 If set to 0 the SDI_ALMOST_FULL interrupt is masked.
19 [3] SYNC_EVENT RW 0x00 If set to 0 the SYNC_EVENT interrupt is masked.
20 0x21 0x0084 IRQ_PENDING
21 [31:0] IRQ_PENDING RW1C 0x00000000 Pending IRQs with mask.
22 0x22 0x0088 IRQ_SOURCE
23 [31:0] IRQ_SOURCE RO 0x00000000 Pending IRQs without mask.
24 0x30 0x00c0 SYNC_ID
25 [31:0] SYNC_ID RO 0x00000000 Last synchronization event ID received from the SPI engine control interface.
26 0x34 0x00d0 CMD_FIFO_ROOM
27 [31:0] CMD_FIFO_ROOM RO 0x???????? Number of free entries in the command FIFO. The reset value of the CMD_FIFO_ROOM register depends on the setting of the CMD_FIFO_ADDRESS_WIDTH parameter.
28 0x35 0x00d4 SDO_FIFO_ROOM
29 [31:0] SDO_FIFO_ROOM RO 0x???????? Number of free entries in the serial-data-out FIFO. The reset value of the SDO_FIFO_ROOM register depends on the setting of the SDO_FIFO_ADDRESS_WIDTH parameter.
30 0x36 0x00d8 SDI_FIFO_LEVEL
31 [31:0] SDI_FIFO_LEVEL RO 0x00000000 Number of valid entries in the serial-data-in FIFO.
32 0x38 0x00e0 CMD_FIFO
33 [31:0] CMD_FIFO WO 0x????????? Command FIFO register. Writing to this register inserts an entry into the command FIFO. Writing to this register when the command FIFO is full has no effect and the written entry is discarded. Reading from this register always returns 0x00000000.
34 0x39 0x00e4 SDO_FIFO
35 [31:0] SDO_FIFO WO 0x????????? SDO FIFO register. Writing to this register inserts an entry into the SDO FIFO. Writing to this register when the SDO FIFO is full has no effect and the written entry is discarded. Reading from this register always returns 0x00000000.
36 0x3a 0x00e8 SDI_FIFO
37 [31:0] SDI_FIFO RO 0x????????? SDI FIFO register. Reading from this register removes the first entry from the SDI FIFO. Reading this register when the SDI FIFO is empty will return undefined data. Writing to it has no effect.
38 0x3c 0x00f0 SDI_FIFO_PEEK
39 [31:0] SDI_FIFO_PEEK RO 0x????????? SDI FIFO peek register. Reading from this register returns the first entry from the SDI FIFO, but without removing it from the FIFO. Reading this register when the SDI FIFO is empty will return undefined data. Writing to it has no effect.
40 0x40 0x0100 OFFLOAD0_EN
41 [31:0] OFFLOAD0_EN RW 0x00000000 Set this bit to enable the offload module.
42 0x41 0x0104 OFFLOAD0_STATUS
43 [31:0] OFFLOAD0_STATUS RO 0x00000000 Offload status register.
44 0x42 0x0108 OFFLOAD0_MEM_RESET
45 [31:0] OFFLOAD0_MEM_RESET WO 0x00000000 Reset the memory of the offload module.
46 0x44 0x0110 OFFLOAD0_CDM_FIFO
47 [31:0] OFFLOAD0_CDM_FIFO WO 0x???????? Offload command FIFO register. Writing to this register inserts an entry into the command FIFO of the offload module. Writing to this register when the command FIFO is full has no effect and the written entry is discarded. Reading from this register always returns 0x00000000.
48 0x45 0x0114 OFFLOAD0_SDO_FIFO
49 [31:0] OFFLOAD0_SDO_FIFO WO 0x???????? Offload SDO FIFO register. Writing to this register inserts an entry into the offload SDO FIFO. Writing to this register when the SDO FIFO is full has no effect and the written entry is discarded. Reading from this register always returns 0x00000000.
50 Wed Oct 12 14:15:25 2022

View File

@ -34,22 +34,8 @@ Configuration Parameters
Signal and Interface Pins
.. list-table::
:widths: 10 25 65
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Type
- Description
* - ``clk``
- Clock
- All other signals are synchronous to this clock.
* - ``resetn``
- Synchronous active-low reset
- Resets the internal state machine of the core.
* - ``ctrl``
- :ref:`template_framework interface` master
- {brief description}.
.. hdl-interfaces::
:path: library/spi_engine/spi_engine_interconnect
Theory of Operation

View File

@ -47,41 +47,8 @@ Configuration Parameters
.. list-table:: Clock and reset
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Type
- Description
* - ``clk``
- input
- All signals are synchronous to this clock.
* - ``resetn``
- input
- Synchronous active low resey.
.. list-table:: DMA_TX interface
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Type
- Description
* - ``dac_enable_*``
- output
- If set, the channel is enabled (one for each channel).
* - ``dac_valid``
- output
- Indicates valid data request for all channels
.. list-table:: AXI_S_MM interface
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Type
- Description
* - ``s_axi_*``
- Standard AXI Slave Memory Map interface .
.. hdl-interfaces::
:path: library/axi_ad9783
Detailed Architecture
@ -110,20 +77,17 @@ basic monitoring and control of the ADC's channel.
Register Map
.. csv-table:: Base (common to all cores)
:file: ../common/regmap_base.csv
:class: regmap
:header-rows: 2
.. hdl-regmap::
:name: COMMON
.. csv-table:: ADC Common (axi_ad*)
:file: ../common/regmap_adc_common.csv
:class: regmap
:header-rows: 2
.. hdl-regmap::
.. csv-table:: ADC Channel (axi_ad*)
:file: ../common/regmap_adc_channel.csv
:class: regmap
:header-rows: 2
.. hdl-regmap::
Design Guidelines

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
.. _template_project:
Project template

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
Clock Monitor (axi_clock_monitor)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
Base (common to all cores)
@ -167,8 +168,9 @@ ENDFIELD
FPGA device information [[ |Intel encoded values]]
[[ |Xilinx encoded values]]
FPGA device information
:git-hdl:`master:library/scripts/adi_intel_device_info_enc.tcl` (Intel encoded values)
:git-hdl:`master:library/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl` (Xilinx encoded values)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
PWM Generator (axi_pwm_gen)

View File

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