axi_dmac: Reduce AXI address width

The AXI DMAC peripheral only uses 11-bit of the register map interface
address. Reducing the signal width to this value allows the scripts to
correctly infer the size of the register map.

Signed-off-by: Lars-Peter Clausen <>
Lars-Peter Clausen 2017-03-24 18:23:03 +01:00
parent 9550c7f352
commit d64bd4cec1
1 changed files with 42 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ module axi_dmac (
input s_axi_aresetn,
input s_axi_awvalid,
input [31:0] s_axi_awaddr,
input [10:0] s_axi_awaddr,
output s_axi_awready,
input [2:0] s_axi_awprot,
input s_axi_wvalid,
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ module axi_dmac (
output [ 1:0] s_axi_bresp,
input s_axi_bready,
input s_axi_arvalid,
input [31:0] s_axi_araddr,
input [10:0] s_axi_araddr,
output s_axi_arready,
input [2:0] s_axi_arprot,
output s_axi_rvalid,
@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ reg up_rack = 1'b0;
wire up_wreq;
wire up_rreq;
wire [31:0] up_wdata;
wire [11:0] up_waddr;
wire [11:0] up_raddr;
wire [ 8:0] up_waddr;
wire [ 8:0] up_raddr;
// Scratch register
reg [31:0] up_scratch = 'h00;
@ -312,7 +312,8 @@ assign m_src_axi_wstrb = 'd0;
assign m_src_axi_wlast = 'd0;
up_axi #(
) i_up_axi (
@ -346,7 +347,7 @@ up_axi #(
// IRQ handling
assign up_irq_pending = ~up_irq_mask & up_irq_source;
assign up_irq_trigger = {up_eot, up_sot};
assign up_irq_source_clear = (up_wreq == 1'b1 && up_waddr == 12'h021) ? up_wdata[1:0] : 0;
assign up_irq_source_clear = (up_wreq == 1'b1 && up_waddr == 9'h021) ? up_wdata[1:0] : 0;
always @(posedge s_axi_aclk)
@ -385,7 +386,7 @@ begin
end else begin
up_wack <= up_wreq;
if (up_enable == 1'b1) begin
if (up_wreq && up_waddr == 12'h102) begin
if (up_wreq && up_waddr == 9'h102) begin
up_dma_req_valid <= up_dma_req_valid | up_wdata[0];
end else if (up_sot) begin
up_dma_req_valid <= 1'b0;
@ -396,19 +397,19 @@ begin
if (up_wreq) begin
case (up_waddr)
12'h002: up_scratch <= up_wdata;
12'h020: up_irq_mask <= up_wdata;
12'h100: {up_pause, up_enable} <= up_wdata[1:0];
12'h103: begin
9'h002: up_scratch <= up_wdata;
9'h020: up_irq_mask <= up_wdata;
9'h100: {up_pause, up_enable} <= up_wdata[1:0];
9'h103: begin
if (CYCLIC) up_dma_cyclic <= up_wdata[0];
up_axis_xlast <= up_wdata[1];
12'h104: up_dma_dest_address <= up_wdata[DMA_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:BYTES_PER_BEAT_WIDTH_DEST];
12'h105: up_dma_src_address <= up_wdata[DMA_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:BYTES_PER_BEAT_WIDTH_SRC];
12'h106: up_dma_x_length <= up_wdata[DMA_LENGTH_WIDTH-1:0];
12'h107: up_dma_y_length <= up_wdata[DMA_LENGTH_WIDTH-1:0];
12'h108: up_dma_dest_stride <= up_wdata[DMA_LENGTH_WIDTH-1:0];
12'h109: up_dma_src_stride <= up_wdata[DMA_LENGTH_WIDTH-1:0];
9'h104: up_dma_dest_address <= up_wdata[DMA_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:BYTES_PER_BEAT_WIDTH_DEST];
9'h105: up_dma_src_address <= up_wdata[DMA_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:BYTES_PER_BEAT_WIDTH_SRC];
9'h106: up_dma_x_length <= up_wdata[DMA_LENGTH_WIDTH-1:0];
9'h107: up_dma_y_length <= up_wdata[DMA_LENGTH_WIDTH-1:0];
9'h108: up_dma_dest_stride <= up_wdata[DMA_LENGTH_WIDTH-1:0];
9'h109: up_dma_src_stride <= up_wdata[DMA_LENGTH_WIDTH-1:0];
@ -428,30 +429,30 @@ begin
end else begin
up_rack <= up_rreq;
case (up_raddr)
12'h000: up_rdata <= PCORE_VERSION;
12'h001: up_rdata <= ID;
12'h002: up_rdata <= up_scratch;
12'h003: up_rdata <= 32'h444d4143; // "DMAC"
12'h020: up_rdata <= up_irq_mask;
12'h021: up_rdata <= up_irq_pending;
12'h022: up_rdata <= up_irq_source;
12'h100: up_rdata <= {up_pause, up_enable};
12'h101: up_rdata <= up_transfer_id;
12'h102: up_rdata <= up_dma_req_valid;
12'h103: up_rdata <= {30'h00, up_axis_xlast, up_dma_cyclic}; // Flags
12'h104: up_rdata <= HAS_DEST_ADDR ? {up_dma_dest_address,{BYTES_PER_BEAT_WIDTH_DEST{1'b0}}} : 'h00;
12'h105: up_rdata <= HAS_SRC_ADDR ? {up_dma_src_address,{BYTES_PER_BEAT_WIDTH_SRC{1'b0}}} : 'h00;
12'h106: up_rdata <= up_dma_x_length;
12'h107: up_rdata <= DMA_2D_TRANSFER ? up_dma_y_length : 'h00;
12'h108: up_rdata <= DMA_2D_TRANSFER ? up_dma_dest_stride : 'h00;
12'h109: up_rdata <= DMA_2D_TRANSFER ? up_dma_src_stride : 'h00;
12'h10a: up_rdata <= up_transfer_done_bitmap;
12'h10b: up_rdata <= up_transfer_id_eot;
12'h10c: up_rdata <= 'h00; // Status
12'h10d: up_rdata <= DISABLE_DEBUG_REGISTERS ? 32'h00 : m_dest_axi_awaddr; //HAS_DEST_ADDR ? 'h00 : 'h00; // Current dest address
12'h10e: up_rdata <= DISABLE_DEBUG_REGISTERS ? 32'h00 : m_src_axi_araddr; //HAS_SRC_ADDR ? 'h00 : 'h00; // Current src address
12'h10f: up_rdata <= DISABLE_DEBUG_REGISTERS ? 32'h00 : dbg_ids;
12'h110: up_rdata <= DISABLE_DEBUG_REGISTERS ? 32'h00 : dbg_status;
9'h000: up_rdata <= PCORE_VERSION;
9'h001: up_rdata <= ID;
9'h002: up_rdata <= up_scratch;
9'h003: up_rdata <= 32'h444d4143; // "DMAC"
9'h020: up_rdata <= up_irq_mask;
9'h021: up_rdata <= up_irq_pending;
9'h022: up_rdata <= up_irq_source;
9'h100: up_rdata <= {up_pause, up_enable};
9'h101: up_rdata <= up_transfer_id;
9'h102: up_rdata <= up_dma_req_valid;
9'h103: up_rdata <= {30'h00, up_axis_xlast, up_dma_cyclic}; // Flags
9'h104: up_rdata <= HAS_DEST_ADDR ? {up_dma_dest_address,{BYTES_PER_BEAT_WIDTH_DEST{1'b0}}} : 'h00;
9'h105: up_rdata <= HAS_SRC_ADDR ? {up_dma_src_address,{BYTES_PER_BEAT_WIDTH_SRC{1'b0}}} : 'h00;
9'h106: up_rdata <= up_dma_x_length;
9'h107: up_rdata <= DMA_2D_TRANSFER ? up_dma_y_length : 'h00;
9'h108: up_rdata <= DMA_2D_TRANSFER ? up_dma_dest_stride : 'h00;
9'h109: up_rdata <= DMA_2D_TRANSFER ? up_dma_src_stride : 'h00;
9'h10a: up_rdata <= up_transfer_done_bitmap;
9'h10b: up_rdata <= up_transfer_id_eot;
9'h10c: up_rdata <= 'h00; // Status
9'h10d: up_rdata <= DISABLE_DEBUG_REGISTERS ? 32'h00 : m_dest_axi_awaddr; //HAS_DEST_ADDR ? 'h00 : 'h00; // Current dest address
9'h10e: up_rdata <= DISABLE_DEBUG_REGISTERS ? 32'h00 : m_src_axi_araddr; //HAS_SRC_ADDR ? 'h00 : 'h00; // Current src address
9'h10f: up_rdata <= DISABLE_DEBUG_REGISTERS ? 32'h00 : dbg_ids;
9'h110: up_rdata <= DISABLE_DEBUG_REGISTERS ? 32'h00 : dbg_status;
default: up_rdata <= 'h00;