library/scripts: Add auto dev spec parameters

When calling adi_auto_fpga_spec_params in the x_ip.tcl, parameters like
will be automatically detected and constrained to predefined pairs of values
from adi_xilinx_device_info_env.tcl

The parameters specified in the blobk diagram of the IP(bd.tcl), will be
automatically assign when the IP is added to a block design.

The "adi_auto_assign_device_spec $cellpath" is called in the init
hook (bd.tcl).

Info parameters are set in the VALIDATION_CALLBACK according to
AndreiGrozav 2019-01-11 10:32:55 +02:00 committed by AndreiGrozav
parent 8340d4c89d
commit dffbbfd7d1
5 changed files with 612 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
## ***************************************************************************
## ***************************************************************************
## Copyright 2014 - 2018 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
## In this HDL repository, there are many different and unique modules, consisting
## of various HDL (Verilog or VHDL) components. The individual modules are
## developed independently, and may be accompanied by separate and unique license
## terms.
## The user should read each of these license terms, and understand the
## freedoms and responsibilities that he or she has by using this source/core.
## This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
## WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
## Redistribution and use of source or resulting binaries, with or without modification
## of this file, are permitted under one of the following two license terms:
## 1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
## Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory
## of this repository (LICENSE_GPL2), and also online at:
## <>
## OR
## 2. An ADI specific BSD license, which can be found in the top level directory
## of this repository (LICENSE_ADIBSD), and also on-line at:
## This will allow to generate bit files and not release the source code,
## as long as it attaches to an ADI device.
## ***************************************************************************
## ***************************************************************************
# adi_intel_device_info_enc.tcl
# The main rule when adding a new parameter is to have the same names for the parameter
# and it's list (valid range type or supported entity and its encoded value type)
variable auto_set_param_list
variable fpga_technology_list
variable fpga_technology
variable fpga_family_list
variable fpga_family
variable speed_grade_list
variable speed_grade
variable dev_package_list
variable dev_package
variable xcvr_type_list
variable xcvr_type
variable fpga_voltage_list
variable fpga_voltage
# Parameter list for automatic assignament(generation)
set auto_gen_param_list { \
set auto_set_param_list { \
# List for automatically assigned parameter values and encoded values
# The list name must be the parameter name (lowercase), appending "_list" to it
set fpga_technology_list { \
{ Unknown 100 } \
{ "Cyclone V" 101 } \
{ "Cyclone 10" 102 } \
{ "Arria 10" 103 } \
{ "Stratix 10" 104 }}
set fpga_family_list { \
{ Unknown 0 } \
{ SX 1 } \
{ GX 2 } \
{ GT 3 } \
{ GZ 4 }}
#technology 5 generation
# family Arria SX
set speed_grade_list { \
{ Unknown 0 } \
{ 1 1 } \
{ 2 2 } \
{ 3 3 } \
{ 4 4 } \
{ 5 5 } \
{ 6 6 } \
{ 7 7 } \
{ 8 8 }}
set dev_package_list { \
{ Unknown 0 } \
{ FBGA 1 } \
{ UBGA 16 } \
{ MBGA 17 }}
# FBGA - Fine Pitch Ball Grid Array
# FBGA - Fine Pitch Ball Grid Array
# transceiver speedgrade
set xcvr_type_list { 0 9 }
set fpga_voltage_list { 0 5000 } ;# min 0mV max 5V
proc get_part_param {} {
global fpga_technology
global fpga_family
global speed_grade
global dev_package
global xcvr_type
global fpga_voltage
set device [get_parameter_value DEVICE]
# user and system values (sys_val)
if {[catch {set fpga_technology [quartus::device::get_part_info -family $device]} fid]} {
set fpga_technology "Unknown"
if {[catch {set fpga_family [quartus::device::get_part_info -family_variant $device]} fid]} {
set fpga_family "Unknown"
if {[catch {set speed_grade [quartus::device::get_part_info -speed_grade $device]} fid]} {
set speed_grade "Unknown"
if {[catch {set dev_package [quartus::device::get_part_info -package $device]} fid]} {
set dev_package "Unknown"
if {[catch {set xcvr_type [quartus::device::get_part_info -hssi_speed_grade $device]} fid]} {
set xcvr_type "Unknown"
if {[catch {set fpga_voltage [quartus::device::get_part_info -default_voltage $device]} fid]} {
set fpga_voltage "0"
# user and system values (sys_val)
regsub {V} $fpga_voltage "" fpga_voltage
set fpga_voltage [expr int([expr $fpga_voltage * 1000])] ;# // V to mV conversion(integer val)
## ***************************************************************************
## ***************************************************************************

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
## ###############################################################################################
## ###############################################################################################
source $ad_hdl_dir/library/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl
## check tool version
if {![info exists REQUIRED_VIVADO_VERSION]} {
@ -42,10 +45,13 @@ proc adi_ip_bd {ip_name ip_bd_files} {
if {$proj_filegroup == {}} {
set proj_filegroup [ipx::add_file_group -type xilinx_blockdiagram "" [ipx::current_core]]
set f [ipx::add_file $ip_bd_files $proj_filegroup]
set_property -dict [list \
type tclSource \
] $f
foreach file $ip_bd_files {
set f [ipx::add_file $file $proj_filegroup]
set_property -dict [list \
type tclSource \
] $f
proc adi_ip_infer_streaming_interfaces {ip_name} {
@ -304,6 +310,58 @@ proc adi_ip_properties {ip_name} {
proc adi_add_auto_fpga_spec_params {} {
global auto_set_param_list
set cc [ipx::current_core]
foreach i $auto_set_param_list {
if { [ipx::get_user_parameters $i -of_objects $cc -quiet] ne ""} {
adi_add_device_spec_param $i
proc adi_add_device_spec_param {ip_param} {
set cc [ipx::current_core]
set list_pointer [string tolower $ip_param]
set list_pointer [append list_pointer "_list"]
global $list_pointer
# set j 1D list from the original list
foreach i [subst $$list_pointer] {lappend j [lindex $i 0] [lindex $i 1]}
# set ranges or validation pairs (show x in GUI assign the corresponding y to HDL)
if { [llength [subst $$list_pointer]] == 2 && [llength $j] == 4} {
set_property -dict [list \
"value_validation_type" "range" \
"value_validation_range_minimum" [lindex [subst $$list_pointer] 0] \
"value_validation_range_maximum" [lindex [subst $$list_pointer] 1] ] \
[ipx::get_user_parameters $ip_param -of_objects $cc]
} else {
set_property -dict [list \
"value_validation_type" "pairs" \
"value_validation_pairs" $j ] \
[ipx::get_user_parameters $ip_param -of_objects $cc]
# FPGA info grup
set info_group_name "FPGA info"
set info_group [ipgui::get_groupspec -name $info_group_name -component $cc -quiet]
if { [string trim $info_group] eq "" } {
set page0 [ipgui::get_pagespec -name "Page 0" -component $cc]
set info_group [ipgui::add_group -name $info_group_name -component $cc \
-parent $page0 -display_name $info_group_name]
set p [ipgui::get_guiparamspec -name $ip_param -component $cc]
set_property -dict [list "widget" "comboBox" ] $p
ipgui::move_param -component $cc -order 0 $p -parent $info_group
## ###############################################################################################
## ###############################################################################################
## interface related stuff

View File

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ proc ad_ip_create {pname pdisplay_name {pelabfunction ""} {pcomposefunction ""}}
set_module_property DESCRIPTION $pdisplay_name
set_module_property VERSION 1.0
set_module_property GROUP "Analog Devices"
if {$pelabfunction ne ""} {
set_module_property ELABORATION_CALLBACK $pelabfunction
@ -135,9 +135,186 @@ proc ad_ip_parameter {pname ptype pdefault {phdl true} {properties {}}} {
proc adi_add_auto_fpga_spec_params {} {
global ad_hdl_dir
source $ad_hdl_dir/library/scripts/adi_intel_device_info_enc.tcl
ad_ip_parameter DEVICE STRING "" false {
foreach p $auto_gen_param_list {
adi_add_device_spec_param $p
proc adi_add_device_spec_param {param} {
global auto_gen_param_list
global auto_set_param_list
global fpga_technology_list
global fpga_family_list
global speed_grade_list
global dev_package_list
global xcvr_type_list
global fpga_voltage_list
set group "FPGA info"
set list_pointer [string tolower $param]
set list_pointer [append list_pointer "_list"]
set enc_list [subst $$list_pointer]
set ranges ""
add_parameter $param INTEGER
set_parameter_property $param DISPLAY_NAME $param
set_parameter_property $param GROUP $group
set_parameter_property $param UNITS None
set_parameter_property $param HDL_PARAMETER true
set_parameter_property $param VISIBLE true
set_parameter_property $param DERIVED true
add_parameter ${param}_MANUAL INTEGER
set_parameter_property ${param}_MANUAL DISPLAY_NAME $param
set_parameter_property ${param}_MANUAL GROUP $group
set_parameter_property ${param}_MANUAL UNITS None
set_parameter_property ${param}_MANUAL HDL_PARAMETER false
set_parameter_property ${param}_MANUAL VISIBLE false
set_parameter_property ${param}_MANUAL DEFAULT_VALUE [lindex $enc_list 0 1]
foreach i $enc_list {
set value [lindex $i 0]
set encode [lindex $i 1]
append ranges "\"$encode\:$value\" "
set_parameter_property $param ALLOWED_RANGES $ranges
set_parameter_property ${param}_MANUAL ALLOWED_RANGES $ranges
proc adi_add_indep_spec_params_overwrite {param} {
add_parameter ${param}_USER_OVERWRITE BOOLEAN 0
set_parameter_property ${param}_USER_OVERWRITE DISPLAY_NAME "Manually overwrite $param parameter"
set_parameter_property ${param}_USER_OVERWRITE HDL_PARAMETER false
set_parameter_property ${param}_USER_OVERWRITE GROUP {FPGA info}
proc info_param_validate {} {
global ad_hdl_dir
global fpga_technology
global fpga_family
global speed_grade
global dev_package
global xcvr_type
global fpga_voltage
source $ad_hdl_dir/library/scripts/adi_intel_device_info_enc.tcl
set device [get_parameter_value DEVICE]
set auto_populate true ;# for future code dev
set all_ip_param_list [get_parameters]
set validate_list ""
set independent_overwrite_list ""
foreach param $all_ip_param_list {
foreach elem [concat $auto_gen_param_list $auto_set_param_list] {
if { "$elem" == "$param" } {
append validate_list "$param "
if { [regexp ${elem}_USER_OVERWRITE $param] } {
append independent_overwrite_list "$elem "
set indep_overwrite [expr {[llength $independent_overwrite_list] != 0} ? 1 : 0]
if { $auto_populate == true } {
get_part_param ;# in adi_intel_device_info_enc.tcl
# point parameters and assign
foreach param $validate_list {
set ls_param [string tolower $param]
set list_pointer $ls_param
append list_pointer "_list"
set pointer_to_sys_val [subst $$ls_param] ;# e.g., $fpga_technology
set enc_list_pointer [subst $$list_pointer] ;# e.g., $fpga_technology_list
# get_part_info returns '{'#value'}'
regsub -all "{" $pointer_to_sys_val "" pointer_to_sys_val
regsub -all "}" $pointer_to_sys_val "" pointer_to_sys_val
# the list defines a range or pairs of values
set get_list_correspondence 1
if { [llength $enc_list_pointer] != 0 } {
if { [llength $enc_list_pointer] == 2 } {
if { [llength [lindex $enc_list_pointer 0]] == 1 } {
set get_list_correspondence 0
} else {
send_message ERROR "No list $list_pointer defined in adi_intel_device_info_enc.tcl for parameter $param"
# auto assign parameter value
if { $get_list_correspondence } {
set matched ""
foreach i $enc_list_pointer {
if { [regexp ^[lindex $i 0] $pointer_to_sys_val] } {
set matched [lindex $i 1]
if { $matched == "" } {
send_message ERROR "Unknown or undefined(adi_intel_device_info_enc.tcl) $param \"$pointer_to_sys_val\" form \"$device\" device"
} else {
set_parameter_value $param $matched
} else {
set_parameter_value $param $pointer_to_sys_val
} else {
foreach p $validate_list {
set_parameter_value $p [get_parameter_value ${p}_MANUAL]
# display manual(writable) or auto(non-writable) parametes
foreach p $validate_list {
set_parameter_property ${p}_MANUAL VISIBLE [expr $auto_populate ? false : true]
set_parameter_property $p VISIBLE $auto_populate
if { $indep_overwrite == 1 } {
foreach p_overwrite $independent_overwrite_list {
if { $p == $p_overwrite } {
set p_over_val [get_parameter_value ${p}_USER_OVERWRITE]
# set the hdl parameter with the independent manual overwritten value
if { $p_over_val } {
set_parameter_value $p [get_parameter_value ${p}_MANUAL]
set_parameter_property ${p}_MANUAL VISIBLE $p_over_val
set_parameter_property $p VISIBLE [expr $p_over_val ? false : true]
proc ad_ip_addfile {pname pfile} {
set pmodule [file tail $pfile]
set pmodule [file tail $pfile]
regsub {\..$} $pmodule {} mname
if {$pname eq $mname} {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
## ***************************************************************************
## ***************************************************************************
## Copyright 2014 - 2018 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
## In this HDL repository, there are many different and unique modules, consisting
## of various HDL (Verilog or VHDL) components. The individual modules are
## developed independently, and may be accompanied by separate and unique license
## terms.
## The user should read each of these license terms, and understand the
## freedoms and responsibilities that he or she has by using this source/core.
## This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
## WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
## Redistribution and use of source or resulting binaries, with or without modification
## of this file, are permitted under one of the following two license terms:
## 1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
## Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory
## of this repository (LICENSE_GPL2), and also online at:
## <>
## OR
## 2. An ADI specific BSD license, which can be found in the top level directory
## of this repository (LICENSE_ADIBSD), and also on-line at:
## This will allow to generate bit files and not release the source code,
## as long as it attaches to an ADI device.
## ***************************************************************************
## ***************************************************************************
# adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl
variable auto_set_param_list
variable fpga_series_list
variable fpga_family_list
variable speed_grade_list
variable dev_package_list
variable xcvr_type_list
variable fpga_voltage_list
# Parameter list for automatic assignament
set auto_set_param_list {
# List for automatically assigned parameter values and encoded values
# The list name must be the parameter name (lowercase), appending "_list" to it
set fpga_technology_list { \
{ Unknown 0 } \
{ 7series 1 } \
{ ultrascale 2 } \
{ ultrascale+ 3 }}
set fpga_family_list { \
{ Unknown 0 } \
{ artix 1 } \
{ kintex 2 } \
{ virtex 3 } \
{ zynq 4 }}
set speed_grade_list { \
{ Unknown 0 } \
{ -1 10 } \
{ -1L 11 } \
{ -1H 12 } \
{ -1HV 13 } \
{ -1LV 14 } \
{ -2 20 } \
{ -2L 21 } \
{ -2LV 22 } \
{ -3 30 }}
set dev_package_list { \
{ Unknown 0 } \
{ rf 1 } \
{ fl 2 } \
{ ff 3 } \
{ fb 4 } \
{ hc 5 } \
{ fh 6 } \
{ cs 7 } \
{ cp 8 } \
{ ft 9 } \
{ fg 10 } \
{ sb 11 } \
{ rb 12 } \
{ rs 13 } \
{ cl 14 } \
{ sf 15 } \
{ ba 16 } \
{ fa 17 }}
set xcvr_type_list { \
{ Unknown 0 } \
{ GTXE2 2 } \
{ GTHE3 5 } \
{ GTHE4 8 } \
set fpga_voltage_list {0 5000} ;# 0 to 5000mV
## ***************************************************************************
proc adi_device_spec {cellpath param} {
set list_pointer [string tolower $param]
set list_pointer [append list_pointer "_list"]
upvar 1 $list_pointer $list_pointer
set ip [get_bd_cells $cellpath]
set part [get_property PART [current_project]]
switch -regexp -- $param {
switch -regexp -- $part {
^xc7 {set series_name 7series}
^xczu {set series_name ultrascale+}
^xc.u.p {set series_name ultrascale+}
^xc.u {set series_name ultrascale }
default {
puts "Undefined fpga technology for \"$part\"!"
exit -1
return "$series_name"
set fpga_family [get_property FAMILY $part]
foreach i $fpga_family_list {
regexp ^[lindex $i 0] $fpga_family matched
return "$matched"
set speed_grade [get_property SPEED $part]
return "$speed_grade"
set dev_package [get_property PACKAGE $part]
foreach i $dev_package_list {
regexp ^[lindex $i 0] $dev_package matched
return "$matched"
set matched ""
set dev_transcivers "none"
foreach x [list_property $part] {
regexp ^GT..._TRANSCEIVERS $x dev_transcivers
foreach i $xcvr_type_list {
regexp ^[lindex $i 0] $dev_transcivers matched
if { $matched eq "" } {
return "$matched"
set fpga_voltage [get_property REF_OPERATING_VOLTAGE $part]
set fpga_voltage [expr int([expr $fpga_voltage * 1000])] ;# // V to mV conversion(integer val)
return "$fpga_voltage"
default {
puts "WARNING: UNDEFINED PARAMETER \"$param\" (adi_device_spec)!"
## ***************************************************************************
## ***************************************************************************

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# auto set parameters defined in auto_set_param_list (adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl)
proc adi_auto_assign_device_spec {cellpath} {
set ip [get_bd_cells $cellpath]
set ip_param_list [list_property $ip]
set ip_path [bd::get_vlnv_dir [get_property VLNV $ip]]
set parent_dir "../"
for {set x 1} {$x<=4} {incr x} {
set linkname ${ip_path}${parent_dir}scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl
if { [file exists $linkname] } {
source ${ip_path}${parent_dir}/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl
append parent_dir "../"
# Find predefindes auto assignable parameters
foreach i $auto_set_param_list {
if { [lsearch $ip_param_list "CONFIG.$i"] > 0 } {
set val [adi_device_spec $cellpath $i]
set_property CONFIG.$i $val $ip