scripts: add mb cpu side

Rejeesh Kutty 2014-10-23 16:28:32 -04:00
parent 4f15f5c34c
commit fc4e002150
1 changed files with 22 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -166,7 +166,6 @@ proc ad_cpu_interconnect {p_address p_name} {
if {($sys_cpu_interconnect_index == 0) && ($sys_zynq == 0)} {
connect_bd_net -net sys_cpu_clk \
[get_bd_pins sys_ps7/M_AXI_GP0_ACLK] \
[get_bd_pins axi_cpu_interconnect/ACLK] \
[get_bd_pins axi_cpu_interconnect/S00_ACLK] \
@ -176,25 +175,22 @@ proc ad_cpu_interconnect {p_address p_name} {
[get_bd_pins axi_cpu_interconnect/S00_ARESETN] \
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net sys_ps7_axi \
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net sys_mb_axi \
[get_bd_intf_pins axi_cpu_interconnect/S00_AXI] \
[get_bd_intf_pins sys_ps7/M_AXI_GP0]
[get_bd_intf_pins sys_mb/M_AXI_DP]
set sys_cpu_interconnect_index [expr $sys_cpu_interconnect_index + 1]
set p_seg [get_bd_addr_segs -of_objects [get_bd_cells $p_name]]
set p_seg_range [get_property range $p_seg]
set p_seg_fields [split $p_seg "/"]
lassign $p_seg_fields no_use p_seg_name p_seg_intf p_seg_base
set p_intf [filter [get_bd_intf_pins -of_objects [get_bd_cells $p_name]] \
-regexp "MODE == Slave && VLNV =="]
set p_intf_name [lrange [split $p_intf "/"] end end]
set p_clock [filter [get_bd_pins -quiet -of_objects [get_bd_cells $p_name]] \
-regexp "CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_BUSIF == ${p_intf_name}"]
set p_reset [get_property CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_RESET [get_bd_pins ${p_clock}]]
set_property CONFIG.NUM_MI $sys_cpu_interconnect_index [get_bd_cells axi_cpu_interconnect]
set p_clock [filter [get_bd_pins -quiet -of_objects [get_bd_cells $p_name]] \
-regexp "CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_BUSIF == ${p_seg_intf}"]
set p_reset [get_property CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_RESET [get_bd_pins ${p_clock}]]
connect_bd_net -net sys_cpu_clk \
[get_bd_pins "axi_cpu_interconnect/${i_str}_ACLK"] \
[get_bd_pins ${p_clock}] \
@ -207,11 +203,21 @@ proc ad_cpu_interconnect {p_address p_name} {
connect_bd_intf_net -intf_net "${p_name}_axi_lite" \
[get_bd_intf_pins "axi_cpu_interconnect/${i_str}_AXI"] \
[get_bd_intf_pins ${p_seg_name}/${p_seg_intf}]
[get_bd_intf_pins ${p_intf}]
set p_seg [get_bd_addr_segs -of_objects [get_bd_cells $p_name]]
set p_index 0
foreach p_seg_name $p_seg {
if {$p_index == 0} {
set p_seg_range [get_property range $p_seg_name]
create_bd_addr_seg -range $p_seg_range \
-offset $p_address $sys_addr_cntrl_space \
$p_seg "SEG_data_${p_name}"
$p_seg_name "SEG_data_${p_name}"
} else {
assign_bd_address $p_seg_name
incr p_index