Due to nets being optimized at IP-level during the no-OOC synthesis flow,
constraints related to req_clk (request clock) were not being applied,
causing the design to not meet timing.
The fix considers the synchronous modes, appending the possible resulting
req_clk's names after the synthesis flow.
Due to grounded signals in the DMA_TYPE_SRC != DMA_TYPE_STREAM_AXI config.,
sync_rewind is removed during synthesis, even so, constraints were
trying to be applied to those nets.
To resolve this, sync_rewind block was moved to inside the generate.
Vivado seems to properly suppress "Empty list" warnings when the circuit does not exist because of a generate rule.
Signed-off-by: Jorge Marques <jorge.marques@analog.com>
Signed-off-by: Ionut Podgoreanu <ionut.podgoreanu@analog.com>
- add softspan to regmap
- update copyright year header
- add softspan to regmap
- update minor version
Signed-off-by: John Erasmus Mari Geronimo <Johnerasmusmari.Geronimo@analog.com>
* ad_data_in: Add new logic and explanations
* Added parameters IDELAY_TYPE, DELAY_FORMAT, US_DELAY_TYPE to be used
with the IDELAY instances
* Added explanations
* Added option to bypass IDELAY if it's not instantiated, regardless of
the FPGA_TECHNOLOGY parameter
* Determined a part of the logic for EN_VTC (by the UG) but not for all
modes since we don't have use cases for them
* Changed logic when adding ODELAY: now you must set IODELAY_ENABLE = 1
and FPGA_TECHNOLOGY != NONE if you want it
* ad_data_out:
* Updated ODDR parameter
* Fixed issue with ODDR inputs D1, D2: D1 must be with _p and D2 with _n,
according to the Xilinx template
* Removed _ES1 from IODELAY_SIM_DEVICE
* Added ODELAY for UltraScale
* Before, there was no support for UltraScale/+, and the output data
was completely disconnected from the ODDR
* The support for this was requested in this issue, although as of now we don't
have a design that uses it: https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/hdl/issues/917
* Added parameters ODELAY_TYPE, DELAY_FORMAT, US_DELAY_TYPE to be used
with the ODELAY instances
* Added explanations
* Added option to bypass ODELAY if it's not instantiated, regardless of
the FPGA_TECHNOLOGY parameter
* Determined a part of the logic for the EN_VTC (by the UG) but not for
all modes since we don't have use cases for them
* Changed logic when adding ODELAY: now you must set IODELAY_ENABLE = 1
and FPGA_TECHNOLOGY != NONE if you want it
Signed-off-by: Iulia Moldovan <Iulia.Moldovan@analog.com>
The SPI Engine cores were named directly inside the script and this
would mean that for multiple SPI Engine instances IPs with the same
name would appear. These updates will introduce the hierarchy name
into the name given to the cores and will therefore allow for
multiple instances of SPI Engine to be added to the same Xilinx
Projects which use spi_engine.tcl will be updated to account for
these changes.
If the sampling clock is lower than dclk*number_of_active_lines*32 the interface should wait for the next adc_ready signal to reset the counter.
The adc_valid_p signal should be set high just for a clock period after the sample was captured.
- Issue introduced by commit 173f4a83d4
- When IODELAY_ENABLE was inserted in axi_adrv9001_if for adrv9001_rx (Xilinx instance),
for Intel instance (intel/adrv9001_rx.v) was omitted and caused a build error for
Signed-off-by: Iulia Moldovan <Iulia.Moldovan@analog.com>
Replaced the existing axi_tdd with the new version
* Added DEFAULT_POLARITY synth parameter and RO register
* Added TDD_STATUS register
* Added TDD_SYNC_RST feature
* Used the asy_ prefix for signals which are not synced
* Added logic to force the state from ARMED to RUNNING when startup_delay=0
* Added feature to finish the burst when the module is disabled before its completion
Signed-off-by: Ionut Podgoreanu <ionut.podgoreanu@analog.com>
New improvements for the ADI DMAC IP:
1)The capability to manually overwrite the DMA_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH(from GUI or from tcl)
2)DMA_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH attribute is now visible in the Vivado GUI:
-"Auto mode": Automatically calculated by the core tcl files based on the existing attached address segments.
-"Manual mode": Specify the desired dma_width between 32-64 bits.
3)Added two new debug registers that return higher part of the current source/destination address.
Signed-off-by: Filip Gherman <Filip.Gherman@analog.com>
If 'xvlog' or 'xelab' xilinx commands are failing, exit from
run_tb.sh script without trying to run simulation.
Signed-off-by: stefan.raus <stefan.raus@analog.com>
Update clean command to delete also files generated by simulation,
from 'tb' folders, covering cases for Xsim and ModelSim simulators.
Signed-off-by: stefan.raus <stefan.raus@analog.com>
* Before, adc_valid was for the previous sample. This said that
at the second rising edge of clk_gate - the first sample is valid,
which is not true
* Alongside with the software issue that will be solved, these fixes
will make the first 2 samples to be with valid data, otherwise the
user has to always keep in mind that the first 2 ones are invalid
Signed-off-by: Iulia Moldovan <iulia.moldovan@analog.com>