The bypass logic is located between the AXI read controller and the
DAC CDC fifo. When the bypass is enabled the DMAC destination interface
must be clocked with the PL_DDR controller's ui_clk. This way it can easily
switch between the AXI read's stream and DMAC's stream interface.
Increase the asymetric memory depth on the DAC side. Increase the
data width of the grey coder and decoder.
The controller fills up the CDC memory with three AXI burst, to prevent
underflow on the wrap arounds.
Update the readback logic of the FIFO. The controller uses a
relative address counter, which counts the DMA beats. The readback
logic uses the last value of that counter to define the wrapping
address. The aditional data from the last AXI burst, if there is any,
will be dropped.