In the latest system_top file we are not bringing out all the interrupt
signals from the block design. Delete all interrupt ports from the
system_wrapper instance.
Following projects were changed:
- AD5766_SDZ
- AD7134_FMC
- AD7616_SDZ
- AD77681EVB
- AD7768EVB
- ADAQ7980
This patch will fix the following warning:
[Synth 8-689] width (16) of port connection 'up_axi_awaddr'
does not match port width (12) of module 'up_axi'
Vivado propagates and auto derives the clocks, however if multiple
instances of this components are used the names of the propagated clock
change while the constraint file has fixed name which will match only
the clocks from the first instance letting the second instance of the
clock div without exception.
Use missing MIMO_ENABLE parameter, which will insert
and additional de-skew logic to prevent timing issues coming from
the clock skew differences of two or multiple AD9361.
Observation and RX should never run at the same time.
Given that there is no FIFO on the RX and OBS paths, they will use the higheste performance HP ports, which are HP1 and HP2
For all the Xilinx base design, define three global clock nets, which
are saved in the following three global variable: $sys_cpu_clk, $sys_dma_clk
and $sys_iodelay_clk.
These clock nets are connected to different clock sources depending of
the FPGA architecture used on the carrier. In general the following
frequencies are used:
- sys_cpu_clk - 100MHz
- sys_dma_clk - 200MHz or 250Mhz
- sys_iodelay_clk - 200MHz or 500Mhz
Define a MIMO_ENABLE parameter for the core, which will insert
and additional de-skew logic to prevent timing issues coming from
the clock skew differences of two or multiple AD9361.
Add support for the Arria 10 SoC development kit to the dac_fmc_ebz
This allows to use the following FMC boards on the Arria 10 SoC development
Kit carrier:
* AD9135-FMC-EBZ
* AD9136-FMC-EBZ
* AD9144-FMC-EBZ
* AD9152-FMC-EBZ
* AD9154-FMC-EBZ
* AD9171-FMC-EBZ
* AD9172-FMC-EBZ
* AD9173-FMC-EBZ
Note that the board in its default configuration is not fully compatible with the
mentioned FMC boards and some slight re-work moving some 0 Ohm resistors is
required. The rework concerns the LA01 and LA05 pins, which by default are
not connected to the FPGA. The changes required are:
R612: R0 -> DNI
R610: DNI -> R0
R613: R0 -> DNI
R611: DNI -> R0
R621: R0 -> DNI
R620: DNI -> R0
R633: R0 -> DNI
R632: DNI -> R0
The main differences between AD9144-FMC-EBZ and AD9172-FMC-EBZ are:
* The DAC txen signals are connected to different pins
* The polarity of the spi_en signal is active low instead of active high
* The maximum lane rate is up to 15.4 Gpbs
To accommodate this all 4 possible txen signals as well as the spi_en
signal are connected to GPIOs. Software can decide how to use them
depending on which FMC board is connected.
Note that each carrier has a maximum supported lane rate. Modes of the
AD9172 (and similar) that exceed the carrier specific limit can not be used
on that carrier. The limits are as following:
* A10SoC: 14.2 Gbps