Add statistics for :
- number of link enable events
- number of interrupt events (regardless of mask)
0x0B0 0x2C0 Stats Control Register
[0] - Write 1 to clear stat registers
0x0B1 0x2C4 Link Enable Stat Register
[15:0] Number of times the link was enabled from power-on or from last
stat clear
0x0B4 0x2D0 IRQ Stat Register 0
[31:16] IRQ 1 counter
[15:0] IRQ 0 counter
0x0B5 0x2D4 IRQ Stat Register 1
[31:16] IRQ 3 counter
[15:0] IRQ 2 counter
0x0B6 0x2D8 IRQ Stat Register 2
[31:16] IRQ 5 counter
[15:0] IRQ 4 counter
0x0B7 0x2DC IRQ Stat Register 3
[31:16] IRQ 7 counter
[15:0] IRQ 6 counter
Ignore the following critical warning on DMAC instance:
Critical Warning (15003): "mixed_port_feed_through_mode" parameter of RAM atom
system_bd:i_system_bd|axi_dmac:axi_dmac_0|axi_dmac_transfer:i_transfer| \
dmac_request_arb:i_request_arb|dmac_dest_mm_axi:i_dest_dma_mm| \
cannot have value "old" when different read and write clocks are used.
Quartus Standard 19.1 throw a critical warning for registers that have
different reset and initial power-up level.
Do not initialize those registers so we can get rid of the warning.
Define both AXI4 Memory Mapped and microprocessor interface for the
reigster map, then activate/deactive one of it in fucntion of the memory
interface type parameter.
Define the missing status_sync interface, which should be connected to
the offload.
Context switching with a parameter is not a good idea. The simulator
may evaluate both branch of the IF statement, even though the inactive
branch may not be valid.
Use if..generate to make the code more robust for both synthesizers and
Converting from RGB to YCbCr takes one less stage than converting
from YCbCr to RGB color space.
Moving extra delay stage(5), of the sync signals to a particular
YCbCr to RGB color space conversion case.
Due to the interface differences between HPS's AXI4 and DMA's AXI4, the
tool will try to automaticaly add some bridges between the two
interface. Unfortunatly it does generate timing issues at the f2sdram0
interface of the HPS instance. By explicitly instantiating an AXI
bridge, these timing issues disappears.