############################################################################### ## Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. ### SPDX short identifier: ADIBSD ############################################################################### proc init {cellpath otherInfo} { set ip [get_bd_cells $cellpath] bd::mark_propagate_override $ip \ "CLKIN_PERIOD \ CLKIN2_PERIOD \ FPGA_VOLTAGE" bd::mark_propagate_only $ip \ "FPGA_TECHNOLOGY \ FPGA_FAMILY \ SPEED_GRADE \ DEV_PACKAGE \ FPGA_VOLTAGE" adi_auto_assign_device_spec $cellpath } proc axi_clkgen_get_infer_period {ip param clk_name} { set param_src [get_property "CONFIG.$param.VALUE_SRC" $ip] if {[string equal $param_src "USER"]} { return; } set clk [get_bd_pins "$ip/$clk_name"] set clk_freq [get_property CONFIG.FREQ_HZ $clk] if {$clk_freq != {}} { set clk_period [expr 1000000000.0 / $clk_freq] set_property "CONFIG.$param" [format "%.6f" $clk_period] $ip } } proc adi_auto_assign_device_spec {cellpath} { set ip [get_bd_cells $cellpath] set ip_param_list [list_property $ip] set ip_path [bd::get_vlnv_dir [get_property VLNV $ip]] set parent_dir "../" for {set x 1} {$x<=4} {incr x} { set linkname ${ip_path}${parent_dir}scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl if { [file exists $linkname] } { source ${ip_path}${parent_dir}/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl break } append parent_dir "../" } # Find predefindes auto assignable parameters foreach i $auto_set_param_list { if { [lsearch $ip_param_list "CONFIG.$i"] > 0 } { set val [adi_device_spec $cellpath $i] set_property CONFIG.$i $val $ip } } # Find predefindes auto assignable/overwritable parameters foreach i $auto_set_param_list_overwritable { if { [lsearch $ip_param_list "CONFIG.$i"] > 0 } { set val [adi_device_spec $cellpath $i] set_property CONFIG.$i $val $ip } } } proc propagate {cellpath otherinfo} { set ip [get_bd_cells $cellpath] set vco_mul [get_property CONFIG.VCO_MUL $ip] set vco_div [get_property CONFIG.VCO_DIV $ip] set clk0_div [get_property CONFIG.CLK0_DIV $ip] set clk1_div [get_property CONFIG.CLK1_DIV $ip] if {$vco_mul == {} || $vco_mul < 1} { set vco_mul 1 } if {$vco_div == {} || $vco_div < 1} { set vco_div 1 } if {$clk0_div == {} || $clk0_div < 1} { set clk0_div 1 } if {$clk1_div == {} || $clk0_div < 1} { set clk1_div 1 } set clk [get_bd_pins "$ip/clk"] set clk_freq [get_property CONFIG.FREQ_HZ $clk] if {[get_property "CONFIG.ENABLE_CLKIN2" $ip] == "true"} { set clk2 [get_bd_pins "$ip/clk"] set clk2_freq [get_property CONFIG.FREQ_HZ $clk2] # Use the larger of the two if {$clk_freq == {} || $clk2_freq > $clk_freq} { set clk_freq $clk2_freq } } if {$clk_freq != {}} { set clk0_out [get_bd_pins "$ip/clk_0"] set clk0_out_freq [expr ($clk_freq + 0.0) * $vco_mul / ($vco_div * $clk0_div)] set_property CONFIG.FREQ_HZ $clk0_out_freq $clk0_out if {[get_property "CONFIG.ENABLE_CLKOUT1" $ip] == "true"} { set clk1_out [get_bd_pins "$ip/clk_1"] set clk1_out_freq [expr ($clk_freq + 0.0) * $vco_mul / ($vco_div * $clk1_div)] set_property CONFIG.FREQ_HZ $clk1_out_freq $clk1_out } } } proc post_propagate {cellpath otherinfo} { set ip [get_bd_cells $cellpath] axi_clkgen_get_infer_period $ip CLKIN_PERIOD clk if {[get_property "CONFIG.ENABLE_CLKIN2" $ip] == "true"} { axi_clkgen_get_infer_period $ip CLKIN2_PERIOD clk2 } }