TITLE Base (common to all cores) COMMON ENDTITLE ############################################################################################ ############################################################################################ REG 0x0000 VERSION Version and Scratch Registers ENDREG FIELD [31:0] 0x00000000 VERSION RO Version number. Unique to all cores. ENDFIELD ############################################################################################ ############################################################################################ REG 0x0001 ID Version and Scratch Registers ENDREG FIELD [31:0] 0x00000000 ID RO Instance identifier number. ENDFIELD ############################################################################################ ############################################################################################ REG 0x0002 SCRATCH Version and Scratch Registers ENDREG FIELD [31:0] 0x00000000 SCRATCH RW Scratch register. ENDFIELD ############################################################################################ ############################################################################################ REG 0x0003 CONFIG Version and Scratch Registers ENDREG FIELD [0] 0x00000000 IQCORRECTION_DISABLE RO If set, indicates that the IQ Correction module was not implemented. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance) ENDFIELD FIELD [1] 0x00000000 DCFILTER_DISABLE RO If set, indicates that the DC Filter module was not implemented. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance) ENDFIELD FIELD [2] 0x00000000 DATAFORMAT_DISABLE RO If set, indicates that the Data Format module was not implemented. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance) ENDFIELD FIELD [3] 0x00000000 USERPORTS_DISABLE RO If set, indicates that the logic related to the User Data Format (e.g. decimation) was not implemented. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance) ENDFIELD FIELD [4] 0x00000000 MODE_1R1T RO If set, indicates that the core was implemented in 1 channel mode. (e.g. refer to AD9361 data sheet) ENDFIELD FIELD [5] 0x00000000 DELAY_CONTROL_DISABLE RO If set, indicates that the delay control is disabled for this IP. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance) ENDFIELD FIELD [6] 0x00000000 DDS_DISABLE RO If set, indicates that the DDS is disabled for this IP. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance) ENDFIELD FIELD [7] 0x00000000 CMOS_OR_LVDS_N RO CMOS or LVDS mode is used for the interface. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance) ENDFIELD FIELD [8] 0x00000000 PPS_RECEIVER_ENABLE RO If set, indicates the PPS receiver is enabled. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance) ENDFIELD FIELD [9] 0x00000000 SCALECORRECTION_ONLY RO If set, indicates that the IQ Correction module implements only scale correction. IQ correction must be enabled. (as a result of a configuration of the IP instance) ENDFIELD FIELD [12] 0x00000000 EXT_SYNC RO If set the transport layer cores (ADC/DAC) have implemented the support for external synchronization signal. ENDFIELD FIELD [13] 0x00000000 RD_RAW_DATA RO If set, the ADC has the capability to read raw data in register CHAN_RAW_DATA from adc_channel. ENDFIELD ############################################################################################ ############################################################################################ REG 0x0004 PPS_IRQ_MASK PPS Interrupt mask ENDREG FIELD [0] 0x00000001 PPS_IRQ_MASK RW Mask bit for the 1PPS receiver interrupt ENDFIELD ############################################################################################ ############################################################################################ REG 0x0007 FPGA_INFO FPGA device information :git-hdl:`library/scripts/adi_intel_device_info_enc.tcl` (Intel encoded values) :git-hdl:`library/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl` (Xilinx encoded values) ENDREG FIELD [31:24] 0x00000000 FPGA_TECHNOLOGY RO Encoded value describing the technology/generation of the FPGA device (arria 10/7series) ENDFIELD FIELD [23:16] 0x00000000 FPGA_FAMILY RO Encoded value describing the family variant of the FPGA device(e.g., SX, GX, GT or zynq, kintex, virtex) ENDFIELD FIELD [15:8] 0x00000000 SPEED_GRADE RO Encoded value describing the FPGA's speed-grade ENDFIELD FIELD [7:0] 0x00000000 DEV_PACKAGE RO Encoded value describing the device package. The package might affect high-speed interfaces ENDFIELD ############################################################################################ ############################################################################################