// *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // Copyright 2018 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. // // In this HDL repository, there are many different and unique modules, consisting // of various HDL (Verilog or VHDL) components. The individual modules are // developed independently, and may be accompanied by separate and unique license // terms. // // The user should read each of these license terms, and understand the // freedoms and responsibilities that he or she has by using this source/core. // // This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // Redistribution and use of source or resulting binaries, with or without modification // of this file, are permitted under one of the following two license terms: // // 1. 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An ADI specific BSD license, which can be found in the top level directory // of this repository (LICENSE_ADIBSD), and also on-line at: // https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/hdl/blob/master/LICENSE_ADIBSD // This will allow to generate bit files and not release the source code, // as long as it attaches to an ADI device. // // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** `timescale 1ns/100ps module data_offload_regmap #( parameter ID = 0, parameter [ 0:0] MEM_TYPE = 1'b0, parameter [33:0] MEM_SIZE = 1024, parameter TX_OR_RXN_PATH = 0, parameter AUTO_BRINGUP = 0) ( // microprocessor interface input up_clk, input up_rstn, input up_rreq, output reg up_rack, input [13:0] up_raddr, output reg [31:0] up_rdata, input up_wreq, output reg up_wack, input [13:0] up_waddr, input [31:0] up_wdata, // source clock domain input src_clk, // destination clock domain input dst_clk, // resets for all clock domains output reg src_sw_resetn, output reg dst_sw_resetn, // status bit from the memory controller input ddr_calib_done, // bypass control output src_bypass, output dst_bypass, output oneshot, // synchronization output sync, output [ 1:0] sync_config, output reg [33:0] src_transfer_length, // FSM control and status input [ 1:0] src_fsm_status, input [ 1:0] dst_fsm_status, input [31:0] sample_count_msb, input [31:0] sample_count_lsb ); // local parameters localparam [31:0] CORE_VERSION = 32'h00010061; // 1.00.a localparam [31:0] CORE_MAGIC = 32'h44414F46; // DAOF // internal registers reg [31:0] up_scratch = 'd0; reg up_sw_resetn = 'd0; reg up_bypass = 'd0; reg up_sync = 'd0; reg [ 1:0] up_sync_config = 'd0; reg up_oneshot = 1'b0; reg [33:0] up_transfer_length = 'd0; //internal signals wire up_ddr_calib_done_s; wire [ 1:0] up_wr_fsm_status_s; wire [ 1:0] up_rd_fsm_status_s; wire [31:0] up_sample_count_msb_s; wire [31:0] up_sample_count_lsb_s; wire src_sw_resetn_s; wire dst_sw_resetn_s; wire [33:0] src_transfer_length_s; // write interface always @(posedge up_clk) begin if (up_rstn == 1'b0) begin up_wack <= up_wreq; up_scratch <= 'd0; up_sw_resetn <= AUTO_BRINGUP; up_oneshot <= ~TX_OR_RXN_PATH; up_bypass <= 'd0; up_sync <= 'd0; up_sync_config <= 'd0; up_transfer_length <= 34'h0; end else begin up_wack <= up_wreq; /* Scratch Register */ if ((up_wreq == 1'b1) && (up_waddr[11:0] == 14'h02)) begin up_scratch <= up_wdata; end /* Transfer Length Register */ if ((up_wreq == 1'b1) && (up_waddr[11:0] == 14'h07)) begin up_transfer_length <= {up_wdata[27:0], 6'b0}; end /* Reset Offload Register */ if ((up_wreq == 1'b1) && (up_waddr[11:0] == 14'h21)) begin up_sw_resetn <= up_wdata[0]; end /* Control Register */ if ((up_wreq == 1'b1) && (up_waddr[11:0] == 14'h22)) begin up_oneshot <= up_wdata[1]; up_bypass <= up_wdata[0]; end /* SYNC Offload Register - self cleared, one pulse signal */ if ((up_wreq == 1'b1) && (up_waddr[11:0] == 14'h40)) begin up_sync <= up_wdata[0]; end else begin up_sync <= 1'b0; end /* SYNC RX Configuration Register */ if ((up_wreq == 1'b1) && (up_waddr[11:0] == 14'h41)) begin up_sync_config <= up_wdata[1:0]; end end end //read interface for common registers always @(posedge up_clk) begin if (up_rstn == 1'b0) begin up_rack <= 1'b0; up_rdata <= 14'b0; end else begin up_rack <= up_rreq; case(up_raddr) /* Version Register */ 14'h000: up_rdata <= { CORE_VERSION[31:16], /* MAJOR */ CORE_VERSION[15: 8], /* MINOR */ CORE_VERSION[ 7: 0] /* PATCH */ }; /* Peripheral ID Register */ 14'h001: up_rdata <= ID; /* Peripheral ID Register */ 14'h002: up_rdata <= up_scratch; /* Identification Register */ 14'h003: up_rdata <= CORE_MAGIC; /* Configuration Register */ 14'h004: up_rdata <= { 30'b0, /* 1 */ TX_OR_RXN_PATH[0], /* 0 */ MEM_TYPE[0] }; /* Configuration Storage Unit Size LSB Register */ 14'h005: up_rdata <= MEM_SIZE[31:0]; /* Configuration Storage Unit Size MSB Register */ 14'h006: up_rdata <= { 30'b0, /* 00-01 */ MEM_SIZE[33:32] }; /* Configuration data transfer length */ 14'h007: up_rdata <= {4'b0, up_transfer_length[33:6]}; /* 0x08-0x1f reserved for future use */ /* Memory Physical Interface Status */ 14'h020: up_rdata <= { 31'b0, /* 0 */ up_ddr_calib_done_s }; /* Reset Offload Register */ 14'h021: up_rdata <= { 31'b0, /* 0 */ up_sw_resetn }; /* Control Register */ 14'h022: up_rdata <= { 30'b0, /* 1 */ up_oneshot, /* 0 */ up_bypass }; /* 0x24-0x3f reserved for future use */ /* SYNC Offload Register */ 14'h040: up_rdata <= { 31'b0, /* 0 */ up_sync }; /* SYNC RX Configuration Register */ 14'h041: up_rdata <= { 30'b0, /* 00-01 */ up_sync_config }; /* 0x42-0x7f reserved for future use */ /* FMS Debug Register */ 14'h080: up_rdata <= { 24'b0, /* 07-06 */ 2'b0, /* 05-04 */ up_rd_fsm_status_s, /* 03-02 */ 2'b0, /* 01-00 */ up_wr_fsm_status_s }; /* Sample Count LSB Register */ 14'h081: up_rdata <= up_sample_count_lsb_s; /* Sample Count MSB Register */ 14'h082: up_rdata <= up_sample_count_msb_s; default: up_rdata <= 32'h00000000; endcase end end /* read interface */ // Clock Domain Crossing Logic for reset, control and status signals sync_data #( .NUM_OF_BITS (2), .ASYNC_CLK (1)) i_dst_fsm_status ( .in_clk (dst_clk), .in_data (dst_fsm_status), .out_clk (up_clk), .out_data (up_rd_fsm_status_s) ); sync_data #( .NUM_OF_BITS (2), .ASYNC_CLK (1)) i_src_fsm_status ( .in_clk (src_clk), .in_data (src_fsm_status), .out_clk (up_clk), .out_data (up_wr_fsm_status_s) ); sync_data #( .NUM_OF_BITS (64), .ASYNC_CLK (1)) i_xfer_status ( .in_clk (src_clk), .in_data ({sample_count_msb, sample_count_lsb}), .out_clk (up_clk), .out_data ({up_sample_count_msb_s, up_sample_count_lsb_s}) ); generate if (TX_OR_RXN_PATH) begin : sync_tx_path sync_data #( .NUM_OF_BITS (3), .ASYNC_CLK (1)) i_sync_xfer_control ( .in_clk (up_clk), .in_data ({up_sync_config, up_sync}), .out_clk (dst_clk), .out_data ({sync_config, sync}) ); end else begin : sync_rx_path sync_data #( .NUM_OF_BITS (3), .ASYNC_CLK (1)) i_sync_xfer_control ( .in_clk (up_clk), .in_data ({up_sync_config, up_sync}), .out_clk (src_clk), .out_data ({sync_config, sync}) ); end endgenerate sync_bits #( .NUM_OF_BITS (2), .ASYNC_CLK (1)) i_src_xfer_control ( .in_bits ({ up_sw_resetn, up_bypass }), .out_clk (src_clk), .out_resetn (1'b1), .out_bits ({ src_sw_resetn_s, src_bypass }) ); sync_bits #( .NUM_OF_BITS (2), .ASYNC_CLK (1)) i_dst_xfer_control ( .in_bits ({ up_sw_resetn, up_bypass }), .out_clk (dst_clk), .out_resetn (1'b1), .out_bits ({ dst_sw_resetn_s, dst_bypass }) ); sync_bits #( .NUM_OF_BITS (1), .ASYNC_CLK (1)) i_ddr_calib_done_sync ( .in_bits (ddr_calib_done), .out_clk (up_clk), .out_resetn (1'b1), .out_bits (up_ddr_calib_done_s) ); sync_bits #( .NUM_OF_BITS (1), .ASYNC_CLK (1)) i_dst_oneshot_sync ( .in_bits (up_oneshot), .out_clk (dst_clk), .out_resetn (1'b1), .out_bits (oneshot) ); sync_data #( .NUM_OF_BITS (34), .ASYNC_CLK (1)) i_sync_src_transfer_length ( .in_clk (up_clk), .in_data (up_transfer_length), .out_clk (src_clk), .out_data (src_transfer_length_s) ); always @(posedge src_clk) begin src_sw_resetn <= src_sw_resetn_s; src_transfer_length <= src_transfer_length_s; end always @(posedge dst_clk) begin dst_sw_resetn <= dst_sw_resetn_s; end endmodule