// *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // Copyright 2014 - 2017 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. // // This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // Redistribution and use of source or resulting binaries, with or without modification // of this file, are permitted under one of the following two license terms: // // 1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the // Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory of // the repository (LICENSE_GPL2), and at: // // OR // // 2. An ADI specific BSD license as noted in the top level directory, or on-line at: // https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/hdl/blob/master/LICENSE_ADIBSD // This will allow to generate bit files and not release the source code, // as long as it attaches to an ADI device. // // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** `timescale 1ns/100ps module system_top ( inout [14:0] ddr_addr, inout [ 2:0] ddr_ba, inout ddr_cas_n, inout ddr_ck_n, inout ddr_ck_p, inout ddr_cke, inout ddr_cs_n, inout [ 3:0] ddr_dm, inout [31:0] ddr_dq, inout [ 3:0] ddr_dqs_n, inout [ 3:0] ddr_dqs_p, inout ddr_odt, inout ddr_ras_n, inout ddr_reset_n, inout ddr_we_n, inout fixed_io_ddr_vrn, inout fixed_io_ddr_vrp, inout [53:0] fixed_io_mio, inout fixed_io_ps_clk, inout fixed_io_ps_porb, inout fixed_io_ps_srstb, input rx_clk_in, input rx_frame_in, input [11:0] rx_data_in, output tx_clk_out, output tx_frame_out, output [11:0] tx_data_out, output enable, output txnrx, input out_clk, output gpio_resetb, output gpio_sync, output gpio_en_agc, output [ 3:0] gpio_ctl, input [ 7:0] gpio_status, inout [ 8:0] gpio_rf, output gpio_tcxo_clk, output gpio_out_clk, output spi_csn, output spi_clk, output spi_mosi, input spi_miso, output [ 2:0] tx_bandsel, output [ 2:0] rx_bandsel_1, output [ 1:0] rx_bandsel_1b, output [ 1:0] rx_bandsel_1c, output [ 2:0] rx_bandsel_2, output [ 1:0] rx_bandsel_2b, output [ 1:0] rx_bandsel_2c, output tx_enable_1a, output tx_enable_2a, output tx_enable_1b, output tx_enable_2b, output txrx1_antsel_v1, output txrx1_antsel_v2, output txrx2_antsel_v1, output txrx2_antsel_v2, output rx1_antsel_v1, output rx1_antsel_v2, output rx2_antsel_v1, output rx2_antsel_v2, output txrx1_tx_led, output txrx1_rx_led, output txrx2_tx_led, output txrx2_rx_led, output rx1_rx_led, output rx2_rx_led, output tcxo_dac_csn, output tcxo_dac_clk, output tcxo_dac_mosi, input tcxo_clk, input avr_csn, input avr_clk, input avr_mosi, output avr_miso, output avr_irq, input pwr_switch, input pps_gps, input pps_ext, inout [ 5:0] gpio_bd); // internal signals wire pps_s; wire [31:0] pl_gpio_i; wire [31:0] pl_gpio_o; wire [31:0] pl_gpio_t; wire [63:0] ps_gpio_i; wire [63:0] ps_gpio_o; wire [63:0] ps_gpio_t; // assignments assign pps_s = pps_gps | pps_ext; assign tcxo_dac_clk = spi_clk; assign tcxo_dac_mosi = spi_mosi; // gpio-rf (pl) assign gpio_tcxo_clk = tcxo_clk; assign gpio_out_clk = out_clk; assign pl_gpio_i[31:9] = pl_gpio_o[31:9]; ad_iobuf #(.DATA_WIDTH(9)) i_iobuf_rf ( .dio_t (pl_gpio_t[8:0]), .dio_i (pl_gpio_o[8:0]), .dio_o (pl_gpio_i[8:0]), .dio_p (gpio_rf)); // gpio[63:56] - antennae selects assign ps_gpio_i[63:56] = ps_gpio_o[63:56]; assign txrx1_antsel_v1 = ps_gpio_o[63]; assign txrx1_antsel_v2 = ps_gpio_o[62]; assign txrx2_antsel_v1 = ps_gpio_o[61]; assign txrx2_antsel_v2 = ps_gpio_o[60]; assign rx1_antsel_v1 = ps_gpio_o[59]; assign rx1_antsel_v2 = ps_gpio_o[58]; assign rx2_antsel_v1 = ps_gpio_o[57]; assign rx2_antsel_v2 = ps_gpio_o[56]; // gpio[55:48] - antennae leds assign ps_gpio_i[55:49] = ps_gpio_o[55:49]; assign txrx1_tx_led = ps_gpio_o[55]; assign txrx1_rx_led = ps_gpio_o[54]; assign txrx2_tx_led = ps_gpio_o[53]; assign txrx2_rx_led = ps_gpio_o[52]; assign rx1_rx_led = ps_gpio_o[51]; assign rx2_rx_led = ps_gpio_o[50]; // gpio[48:32] - ad9361 assign ps_gpio_i[48:44] = ps_gpio_o[48:44]; assign gpio_resetb = ps_gpio_o[46]; assign gpio_sync = ps_gpio_o[45]; assign gpio_en_agc = ps_gpio_o[44]; assign ps_gpio_i[43:40] = ps_gpio_o[43:40]; assign gpio_ctl = ps_gpio_o[43:40]; assign ps_gpio_i[39:32] = gpio_status; // gpio[31:28] - tx_enable assign ps_gpio_i[31:28] = ps_gpio_o[31:28]; assign tx_enable_1a = ps_gpio_o[31]; assign tx_enable_2a = ps_gpio_o[30]; assign tx_enable_1b = ps_gpio_o[29]; assign tx_enable_2b = ps_gpio_o[28]; // gpio[27:24] - tx_bandsel assign ps_gpio_i[27:24] = ps_gpio_o[27:24]; assign tx_bandsel = ps_gpio_o[26:24]; // gpio[23:16] - rx_bandsel(1) assign ps_gpio_i[23:16] = ps_gpio_o[23:16]; assign rx_bandsel_1 = ps_gpio_o[22:20]; assign rx_bandsel_1b = ps_gpio_o[19:18]; assign rx_bandsel_1c = ps_gpio_o[17:16]; // gpio[15:8] - rx_bandsel(2) assign ps_gpio_i[15:8] = ps_gpio_o[15:8]; assign rx_bandsel_2 = ps_gpio_o[14:12]; assign rx_bandsel_2b = ps_gpio_o[11:10]; assign rx_bandsel_2c = ps_gpio_o[9:8]; // gpio[7:0] - board stuff (+ pwr_switch, avr_irq) assign ps_gpio_i[7] = ps_gpio_o[7]; assign avr_irq = ps_gpio_o[7]; assign ps_gpio_i[6] = pwr_switch; ad_iobuf #(.DATA_WIDTH(6)) i_iobuf_bd ( .dio_t (ps_gpio_t[5:0]), .dio_i (ps_gpio_o[5:0]), .dio_o (ps_gpio_i[5:0]), .dio_p (gpio_bd)); // instantiations system_wrapper i_system_wrapper ( .ddr_addr (ddr_addr), .ddr_ba (ddr_ba), .ddr_cas_n (ddr_cas_n), .ddr_ck_n (ddr_ck_n), .ddr_ck_p (ddr_ck_p), .ddr_cke (ddr_cke), .ddr_cs_n (ddr_cs_n), .ddr_dm (ddr_dm), .ddr_dq (ddr_dq), .ddr_dqs_n (ddr_dqs_n), .ddr_dqs_p (ddr_dqs_p), .ddr_odt (ddr_odt), .ddr_ras_n (ddr_ras_n), .ddr_reset_n (ddr_reset_n), .ddr_we_n (ddr_we_n), .enable (enable), .fixed_io_ddr_vrn (fixed_io_ddr_vrn), .fixed_io_ddr_vrp (fixed_io_ddr_vrp), .fixed_io_mio (fixed_io_mio), .fixed_io_ps_clk (fixed_io_ps_clk), .fixed_io_ps_porb (fixed_io_ps_porb), .fixed_io_ps_srstb (fixed_io_ps_srstb), .pl_gpio_i (pl_gpio_i), .pl_gpio_o (pl_gpio_o), .pl_gpio_t (pl_gpio_t), .ps_gpio_i (ps_gpio_i), .ps_gpio_o (ps_gpio_o), .ps_gpio_t (ps_gpio_t), .ps_intr_00 (1'b0), .ps_intr_01 (1'b0), .ps_intr_02 (1'b0), .ps_intr_03 (1'b0), .ps_intr_04 (1'b0), .ps_intr_05 (1'b0), .ps_intr_06 (1'b0), .ps_intr_07 (1'b0), .ps_intr_08 (1'b0), .ps_intr_09 (1'b0), .ps_intr_10 (1'b0), .ps_intr_11 (1'b0), .ps_intr_14 (1'b0), .rx_clk_in (rx_clk_in), .rx_data_in (rx_data_in), .rx_frame_in (rx_frame_in), .spi0_clk (spi_clk), .spi0_csn_0 (spi_csn), .spi0_csn_1 (tcxo_dac_csn), .spi0_csn_2 (), .spi0_miso (spi_miso), .spi0_mosi (spi_mosi), .spi1_clk (avr_clk), .spi1_csn (avr_csn), .spi1_miso (avr_miso), .spi1_mosi (avr_mosi), .tdd_sync (pps_s), .tx_clk_out (tx_clk_out), .tx_data_out (tx_data_out), .tx_frame_out (tx_frame_out), .txnrx (txnrx), .up_enable (ps_gpio_o[47]), .up_txnrx (ps_gpio_o[48])); endmodule // *************************************************************************** // ***************************************************************************