#HDL Reference Designs Analog Devices HDL libraries and projects ##NOTE >Beware! This branch is just a realease candidate. Final release expected at end of June. ###Tools version: - **Xilinx** : [Vivado 2014.4.1] - **Altera** : [Quartus 14.1] ###Documentation and support For first time users, it is **highly recommended** to go through our [HDL user guide]. For support please visit our [FPGA Reference Designs Support Community] on EngineerZone. [Vivado 2014.4.1]:http://www.xilinx.com/content/xilinx/en/downloadNav/vivado-design-tools/2014-4.html [Quartus 14.1]:http://dl.altera.com/14.1/?edition=subscription [HDL user guide]:http://wiki.analog.com/resources/fpga/docs/hdl [FPGA Reference Designs Support Community]:http://ez.analog.com/community/fpga