variable p_board variable p_device variable sys_zynq if {![info exists REQUIRED_VIVADO_VERSION]} { set REQUIRED_VIVADO_VERSION "2014.4.1" } if {[info exists ::env(ADI_IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK)]} { set IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK 1 } elseif {![info exists IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK]} { set IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK 0 } proc adi_project_create {project_name} { global ad_hdl_dir global ad_phdl_dir global p_board global p_device global sys_zynq global REQUIRED_VIVADO_VERSION global IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK set p_device "none" set p_board "none" set sys_zynq 0 if [regexp "_ml605$" $project_name] { set p_device "xc6vlx240tff1156-1" set p_board "ml605" set sys_zynq 0 } if [regexp "_ac701$" $project_name] { set p_device "xc7a200tfbg676-2" set p_board "" set sys_zynq 0 } if [regexp "_kc705$" $project_name] { set p_device "xc7k325tffg900-2" set p_board "" set sys_zynq 0 } if [regexp "_vc707$" $project_name] { set p_device "xc7vx485tffg1761-2" set p_board "" set sys_zynq 0 } if [regexp "_kcu105$" $project_name] { set p_device "xcku040-ffva1156-2-e" set p_board "not-applicable" set sys_zynq 0 } if [regexp "_zed$" $project_name] { set p_device "xc7z020clg484-1" set p_board "" set sys_zynq 1 } if [regexp "_zc702$" $project_name] { set p_device "xc7z020clg484-1" set p_board "" set sys_zynq 1 } if [regexp "_zc706$" $project_name] { set p_device "xc7z045ffg900-2" set p_board "" set sys_zynq 1 } if [regexp "_mitx045$" $project_name] { set p_device "xc7z045ffg900-2" set p_board "" set sys_zynq 1 } if [regexp "_rfsom$" $project_name] { set p_device "xc7z035ifbg676-2L" set p_board "not-applicable" set sys_zynq 1 } # planahead - 6 and down if {$p_board eq "ml605"} { set project_system_dir "./$project_name.srcs/sources_1/edk/$p_board" create_project $project_name . -part $p_device -force set_property board $p_board [current_project] import_files -norecurse $ad_hdl_dir/projects/common/ml605/system.xmp generate_target {synthesis implementation} [get_files $project_system_dir/system.xmp] make_wrapper -files [get_files $project_system_dir/system.xmp] -top import_files -force -norecurse -fileset sources_1 $project_system_dir/system_stub.v return } # vivado - 7 and up if {!$IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK && [string compare [version -short] $REQUIRED_VIVADO_VERSION] != 0} { return -code error [format "ERROR: This project requires Vivado %s." $REQUIRED_VIVADO_VERSION] } set project_system_dir "./$project_name.srcs/sources_1/bd/system" create_project $project_name . -part $p_device -force if {$p_board ne "not-applicable"} { set_property board $p_board [current_project] } set lib_dirs $ad_hdl_dir/library if {$ad_hdl_dir ne $ad_phdl_dir} { lappend lib_dirs $ad_phdl_dir/library } set_property ip_repo_paths $lib_dirs [current_fileset] update_ip_catalog set_msg_config -id {BD 41-1348} -new_severity info set_msg_config -id {BD 41-1343} -new_severity info set_msg_config -id {BD 41-1306} -new_severity info set_msg_config -id {IP_Flow 19-1687} -new_severity info set_msg_config -id {filemgmt 20-1763} -new_severity info set_msg_config -severity {CRITICAL WARNING} -quiet -id {BD 41-1276} -new_severity error create_bd_design "system" source system_bd.tcl save_bd_design validate_bd_design generate_target {synthesis implementation} [get_files $project_system_dir/] make_wrapper -files [get_files $project_system_dir/] -top import_files -force -norecurse -fileset sources_1 $project_system_dir/hdl/system_wrapper.v } proc adi_project_files {project_name project_files} { global ad_hdl_dir global ad_phdl_dir add_files -norecurse -fileset sources_1 $project_files set_property top system_top [current_fileset] } proc adi_project_run {project_name} { global ad_hdl_dir global ad_phdl_dir global p_board # planahead - 6 and down if {$p_board eq "ml605"} { set project_system_dir "./$project_name.srcs/sources_1/edk/$p_board" set_property strategy MapTiming [get_runs impl_1] set_property strategy TimingWithIOBPacking [get_runs synth_1] launch_runs synth_1 wait_on_run synth_1 open_run synth_1 report_timing -file timing_synth.log launch_runs impl_1 -to_step bitgen wait_on_run impl_1 open_run impl_1 report_timing -file timing_impl.log # -- Unable to find an equivalent #if [expr [get_property SLACK [get_timing_paths]] < 0] { # puts "ERROR: Timing Constraints NOT met." # use_this_invalid_command_to_crash #} export_hardware [get_files $project_system_dir/system.xmp] [get_runs impl_1] -bitstream return } # vivado - 7 and up set project_system_dir "./$project_name.srcs/sources_1/bd/system" set_property constrs_type XDC [current_fileset -constrset] launch_runs synth_1 wait_on_run synth_1 open_run synth_1 report_timing_summary -file timing_synth.log set_property STEPS.PHYS_OPT_DESIGN.IS_ENABLED true [get_runs impl_1] set_property STEPS.PHYS_OPT_DESIGN.ARGS.DIRECTIVE Explore [get_runs impl_1] set_property STRATEGY "Performance_Explore" [get_runs impl_1] launch_runs impl_1 -to_step write_bitstream wait_on_run impl_1 open_run impl_1 report_timing_summary -file timing_impl.log #get_property STATS.THS [get_runs impl_1] #get_property STATS.TNS [get_runs impl_1] #get_property STATS.TPWS [get_runs impl_1] #export_hardware [get_files $project_system_dir/] [get_runs impl_1] -bitstream file mkdir $project_name.sdk file copy -force $project_name.runs/impl_1/system_top.sysdef $project_name.sdk/system_top.hdf if [expr [get_property SLACK [get_timing_paths]] < 0] { puts "ERROR: Timing Constraints NOT met." use_this_invalid_command_to_crash } }