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.. _util_mii_to_rmii:
Util MII to RMII
.. hdl-component-diagram::
The :git-hdl:`Util MII to RMII <library/util_mii_to_rmii>` core
is designed to interface the Zynq-7000/Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC - PS
Gigabit Ethernet MAC and Reduced Media Independent Interface (RMII)
:adi:`ADIN1300` PHY from the :adi:`CN0506` Dual PHY Ethernet evaluation board.
* Configurable interface for the MAC block (Media Independent Interface - MII
or Gigabit Media Independent Interface - GMII).
* Configurable data rate for the MAC block and PHY chip.
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Description
* - :git-hdl:`library/util_mii_to_rmii/util_mii_to_rmii.v`
- Verilog source for the main module made of the MII and RMII interfaces.
* - :git-hdl:`library/util_mii_to_rmii/mac_phy_link.v`
- Verilog source for the conversion between RMII PHY chip interface and
MII MAC block interface.
* - :git-hdl:`library/util_mii_to_rmii/phy_mac_link.v`
- Verilog source for the conversion between MII MAC block interface and
RMII PHY chip interface.
Block Diagram
.. image:: block_diagram.svg
:alt: Util MII to RMII block diagram
Configuration Parameters
.. hdl-parameters::
- MAC Block Interface Selection
* - RATE_10_100
- Data Rate Selection
.. hdl-interfaces::
* - MII
- MAC-PHY Link (MII MAC Block to RMII PHY)
* - GMII
* - RMII
- PHY-MAC Link (RMII PHY to MII MAC Block)
* - ref_clk
- Reference Clock for MII to RMII IP core
* - reset_n
- Active-Low reset for MII to RMII IP core
Theory of Operation
The following timing diagrams illustrate different signal protocols for MII and
RMII interfaces at data rates of 100 and 10 Mbps.
Receive Transactions
- RMII (PHY) receive transaction at 100 Mbps with no errors and phy_crs_dv
asserted until the final packet dibit. According to the RMII Specification
Rev. 1.2, after the assertion of phy_crs_dv, several 00's dibits can precede
the preamble 01's dibits. The preamble is composed of 28 "01" dibits and the
start of frame delimiter of 3 "01" dibits and one "11" dibit followed by the
frame containing 64-1522 bytes:
.. image:: phy_rec_simple.svg
:alt: PHY Receive Simple
- RMII (PHY) receive transaction at 100 Mbps with no errors and phy_crs_dv
toggling at 25 MHz starting on a nibble boundary and indicates the PHY has
lost the carrier but has accumulated nibbles to transfer:
.. image:: d2_phy_rec_tog.svg
:alt: PHY Receive Toggle
- At a data rate of 10 Mbps (ref_clk frequency divided by 10), mii_rxd will be
sampled every :math:`10^{th}` cycle.
- MII receive transaction converted from RMII (PHY) receive transaction at 100
Mbps. In the MII mode mii_rx_dv and mii_rxd will be sampled on the falling
edge of the 25 MHz mii_rx_clk and when mii_rx_dv is de-asserted, mii_rxd will
present 0b0000 to the Ethernet MAC:
.. image:: mii_recv.svg
:alt: ETH MAC Receive
Transmit Transactions
- MII transmit transaction at 100 Mbps. In the MII mode mii_tx_en and mii_txd
will be sampled on the rising edge of the 25 MHz mii_tx_clk:
.. image:: mii_transm.svg
:alt: ETH MAC Transmit
- In case of errors detection, mii_tx_er will be asserted and mii_txd dibits
will be "01" for the rest of transmission to RMII interface.
- At a data rate of 10 Mbps (ref_clk frequency divided by 10), mii_txd will be
sampled every :math:`10^{th}` cycle.
- RMII transmit transaction converted from MII transmit transaction at 100
Mbps. In the RMII mode rmii_tx_en and rmii_txd will be sampled on the rising
edge of the 50 MHz ref_clk:
.. image:: rmii_transm.svg
:alt: PHY Transmit
Software Support
Analog Devices recommends to use the provided software drivers.
- :dokuwiki:`Analog Devices ADIN1300/ADIN1200 PHY Linux Driver <resources/tools-software/linux-drivers/net-phy/adin>`
- :git-hdl:`library/util_mii_to_rmii`
- :adi:`ADIN1300 PHY Information <adin1300>`
- :adi:`ADIN1300 PHY Documentation <media/en/technical-documentation/data-sheets/ADIN1300.pdf>`
- :dokuwiki:`ADIN1300 PHY Linux Driver <resources/tools-software/linux-drivers/net-phy/adin>`
- :adi:`CN0506 Information <en/design-center/reference-designs/circuits-from-the-lab/cn0506.html>`
- :adi:`CN0506 Reference Note <media/en/reference-design-documentation/reference-designs/cn0506.pdf>`
- :dokuwiki:`CN0506 HDL Reference Design <resources/eval/user-guides/circuits-from-the-lab/cn0506/hdl>`
- :dokuwiki:`CN0506 User Guide <resources/eval/user-guides/circuits-from-the-lab/cn0506>`