
147 lines
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## Instantiate Xilinx Virtual Cable debug bridge
# This procedure will instantiate the two debug bridges that make
# up the XVC logic, and hook them up to the main CPU interconnect
# \param[clk] - Clock input
proc ad_ila_setup_xvc {cpu_addr} {
ad_ip_instance debug_bridge debug_bridge_0 [list \
C_XVC_HW_ID {0x0002} \
# DBSCAN to Debug Hub
ad_ip_instance debug_bridge debug_bridge_1 [list \
ad_connect sys_cpu_clk debug_bridge_0/s_axi_aclk
ad_connect sys_cpu_clk debug_bridge_1/clk
ad_connect sys_cpu_resetn debug_bridge_0/s_axi_aresetn
ad_connect debug_bridge_0/m0_bscan debug_bridge_1/S_BSCAN
ad_cpu_interconnect $cpu_addr debug_bridge_0
global _ad_ila_cnt
## Instantiate an ILA core that can be used to monitor interfaces
# \param[clk] - The clock domain to which the interfaces are aligned
# \param[resetn] - The clock domains inverted reset signal
# \param[depth] - The ILA depth in samples, must be in 2**k, for k in [10, 17]
# \param[input_pipe_stages] - Input pipeline stages of the ILA core
# \param[advanced_trigger] - Enable advanced trigger options in the ILA
# \param[capture_control] - Enable capture control logic in the ILA
# \param[comparator_count] - Comparator count
proc ad_ila_setup_intf {clk \
resetn \
{depth 1024} \
{input_pipe_stages 1} \
{advanced_trigger {TRUE}} \
{capture_control {TRUE}} \
{comparator_count {0}} \
} {
set name "ila_intf_$clk"
_ad_ila_setup $name $clk INTERFACE $depth $input_pipe_stages $advanced_trigger $capture_control $comparator_count
ad_connect $resetn $name/resetn
## Instantiate an ILA core that can be used to monitor non-interface signals
# \param[clk] - The clock domain to which the interfaces are aligned
# \param[depth] - The ILA depth in samples, must be in 2**k, for k in [10, 17]
# \param[input_pipe_stages] - Input pipeline stages of the ILA core
# \param[advanced_trigger] - Enable advanced trigger options in the ILA
# \param[capture_control] - Enable capture control logic in the ILA
# \param[comparator_count] - Comparator count
proc ad_ila_setup {clk \
{depth 1024} \
{input_pipe_stages 1} \
{advanced_trigger {TRUE}} \
{capture_control {TRUE}} \
{comparator_count {0}} \
} {
_ad_ila_setup "ila_$clk" $clk NATIVE $depth $input_pipe_stages $advanced_trigger $capture_control $comparator_count
## Internal use only, backend for ad_ila_setup{,_intf}
proc _ad_ila_setup {name \
clk \
ila_type \
{depth 1024} \
{input_pipe_stages 1} \
{advanced_trigger {TRUE}} \
{capture_control {TRUE}} \
{comparator_count {0}} \
} {
global _ad_ila_cnt
if {$comparator_count == 0} {
set comparator_count [expr {1 + !!$capture_control}]
ad_ip_instance system_ila $name [ list \
ALL_PROBE_SAME_MU_CNT $comparator_count \
C_MON_TYPE $ila_type \
C_ADV_TRIGGER $advanced_trigger \
C_EN_STRG_QUAL $capture_control \
C_INPUT_PIPE_STAGES $input_pipe_stages \
C_DATA_DEPTH $depth ]
ad_connect $clk $name/clk
set _ad_ila_cnt($name) 0
## Connect signal to signal ILA core
# \param[clk] - The clock domain to which the interfaces are aligned
# \param[target] - The target pin/port
proc ad_ila_connect {clk target} {
global _ad_ila_cnt
set name "ila_$clk"
set id $_ad_ila_cnt($name)
set new_id [expr {$id + 1}]
set _ad_ila_cnt($name) $new_id
puts "Connecting ila probe ${id}, new_id: ${new_id}"
ad_ip_parameter $name CONFIG.C_NUM_OF_PROBES $new_id
ad_connect $target [get_bd_pins "$name/probe${id}"]
## Connect *any* interface to previously instantiated intf ILA core
# \param[clk] - The clock domain to which the interfaces are aligned
# \param[target] - The target interface pin/port
proc ad_ila_connect_intf {clk target} {
global _ad_ila_cnt
set name "ila_intf_$clk"
set id $_ad_ila_cnt($name)
set new_id [expr {$id + 1}]
set _ad_ila_cnt($name) $new_id
puts "Connecting ila slot ${id}, new_id: ${new_id}"
ad_ip_parameter $name CONFIG.C_NUM_MONITOR_SLOTS $new_id
set intf_vlnv [get_property VLNV [get_bd_intf_pins $target]]
ad_ip_parameter $name CONFIG.C_SLOT_${id}_INTF_TYPE $intf_vlnv
ad_connect $target [get_bd_intf_pins $name/SLOT_${id}_*]