
190 lines
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// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Copyright 2014 - 2017 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Each core or library found in this collection may have its own licensing terms.
// The user should keep this in in mind while exploring these cores.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
// with or without modification of this file, are permitted under the terms of either
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// 1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory, or at:
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// 2. An ADI specific BSD license as noted in the top level directory, or on-line at:
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
module axi_hdmi_rx #(
parameter ID = 0,
parameter IO_INTERFACE = 1) (
// hdmi interface
input hdmi_rx_clk,
input [15:0] hdmi_rx_data,
// dma interface
output hdmi_clk,
output hdmi_dma_sof,
output hdmi_dma_de,
output [63:0] hdmi_dma_data,
input hdmi_dma_ovf,
input hdmi_dma_unf,
// processor interface
input s_axi_aclk,
input s_axi_aresetn,
input s_axi_awvalid,
input [31:0] s_axi_awaddr,
output s_axi_awready,
input s_axi_wvalid,
input [31:0] s_axi_wdata,
input [ 3:0] s_axi_wstrb,
output s_axi_wready,
output s_axi_bvalid,
output [ 1:0] s_axi_bresp,
input s_axi_bready,
input s_axi_arvalid,
input [31:0] s_axi_araddr,
output s_axi_arready,
output s_axi_rvalid,
output [ 1:0] s_axi_rresp,
output [31:0] s_axi_rdata,
input s_axi_rready,
input [ 2:0] s_axi_awprot,
input [ 2:0] s_axi_arprot);
// internal signals
wire up_wreq_s;
wire [13:0] up_waddr_s;
wire [31:0] up_wdata_s;
wire up_wack_s;
wire up_rreq_s;
wire [13:0] up_raddr_s;
wire [31:0] up_rdata_s;
wire up_rack_s;
wire hdmi_edge_sel_s;
wire hdmi_bgr_s;
wire hdmi_packed_s;
wire hdmi_csc_bypass_s;
wire [15:0] hdmi_vs_count_s;
wire [15:0] hdmi_hs_count_s;
wire hdmi_tpm_oos_s;
wire hdmi_vs_oos_s;
wire hdmi_hs_oos_s;
wire hdmi_vs_mismatch_s;
wire hdmi_hs_mismatch_s;
wire [15:0] hdmi_vs_s;
wire [15:0] hdmi_hs_s;
wire hdmi_rst;
wire [15:0] hdmi_data;
// signal name changes
assign hdmi_clk = hdmi_rx_clk;
assign hdmi_data = hdmi_rx_data;
assign up_rstn = s_axi_aresetn;
assign up_clk = s_axi_aclk;
// axi interface
up_axi i_up_axi (
.up_rstn (up_rstn),
.up_clk (up_clk),
.up_axi_awvalid (s_axi_awvalid),
.up_axi_awaddr (s_axi_awaddr),
.up_axi_awready (s_axi_awready),
.up_axi_wvalid (s_axi_wvalid),
.up_axi_wdata (s_axi_wdata),
.up_axi_wstrb (s_axi_wstrb),
.up_axi_wready (s_axi_wready),
.up_axi_bvalid (s_axi_bvalid),
.up_axi_bresp (s_axi_bresp),
.up_axi_bready (s_axi_bready),
.up_axi_arvalid (s_axi_arvalid),
.up_axi_araddr (s_axi_araddr),
.up_axi_arready (s_axi_arready),
.up_axi_rvalid (s_axi_rvalid),
.up_axi_rresp (s_axi_rresp),
.up_axi_rdata (s_axi_rdata),
.up_axi_rready (s_axi_rready),
.up_wreq (up_wreq_s),
.up_waddr (up_waddr_s),
.up_wdata (up_wdata_s),
.up_wack (up_wack_s),
.up_rreq (up_rreq_s),
.up_raddr (up_raddr_s),
.up_rdata (up_rdata_s),
.up_rack (up_rack_s));
// processor interface
up_hdmi_rx i_up (
.hdmi_clk (hdmi_clk),
.hdmi_rst (hdmi_rst),
.hdmi_edge_sel (hdmi_edge_sel_s),
.hdmi_bgr (hdmi_bgr_s),
.hdmi_packed (hdmi_packed_s),
.hdmi_csc_bypass (hdmi_csc_bypass_s),
.hdmi_vs_count (hdmi_vs_count_s),
.hdmi_hs_count (hdmi_hs_count_s),
.hdmi_dma_ovf (hdmi_dma_ovf),
.hdmi_dma_unf (hdmi_dma_unf),
.hdmi_tpm_oos (hdmi_tpm_oos_s),
.hdmi_vs_oos (hdmi_vs_oos_s),
.hdmi_hs_oos (hdmi_hs_oos_s),
.hdmi_vs_mismatch (hdmi_vs_mismatch_s),
.hdmi_hs_mismatch (hdmi_hs_mismatch_s),
.hdmi_vs (hdmi_vs_s),
.hdmi_hs (hdmi_hs_s),
.hdmi_clk_ratio (32'd1),
.up_rstn (up_rstn),
.up_clk (up_clk),
.up_wreq (up_wreq_s),
.up_waddr (up_waddr_s),
.up_wdata (up_wdata_s),
.up_wack (up_wack_s),
.up_rreq (up_rreq_s),
.up_raddr (up_raddr_s),
.up_rdata (up_rdata_s),
.up_rack (up_rack_s));
// hdmi interface
axi_hdmi_rx_core i_rx_core (
.hdmi_clk (hdmi_clk),
.hdmi_rst (hdmi_rst),
.hdmi_data (hdmi_data),
.hdmi_edge_sel (hdmi_edge_sel_s),
.hdmi_bgr (hdmi_bgr_s),
.hdmi_packed (hdmi_packed_s),
.hdmi_csc_bypass (hdmi_csc_bypass_s),
.hdmi_vs_count (hdmi_vs_count_s),
.hdmi_hs_count (hdmi_hs_count_s),
.hdmi_tpm_oos (hdmi_tpm_oos_s),
.hdmi_vs_oos (hdmi_vs_oos_s),
.hdmi_hs_oos (hdmi_hs_oos_s),
.hdmi_vs_mismatch (hdmi_vs_mismatch_s),
.hdmi_hs_mismatch (hdmi_hs_mismatch_s),
.hdmi_vs (hdmi_vs_s),
.hdmi_hs (hdmi_hs_s),
.hdmi_dma_sof (hdmi_dma_sof),
.hdmi_dma_de (hdmi_dma_de),
.hdmi_dma_data (hdmi_dma_data));
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