
371 lines
11 KiB

// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
// In this HDL repository, there are many different and unique modules, consisting
// of various HDL (Verilog or VHDL) components. The individual modules are
// developed independently, and may be accompanied by separate and unique license
// terms.
// The user should read each of these license terms, and understand the
// freedoms and responsibilities that he or she has by using this source/core.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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// Redistribution and use of source or resulting binaries, with or without modification
// of this file, are permitted under one of the following two license terms:
// 1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
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// This will allow to generate bit files and not release the source code,
// as long as it attaches to an ADI device.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module system_top (
input [12:0] gpio_bd_i,
output [ 7:0] gpio_bd_o,
inout iic_scl,
inout iic_sda,
input ref_clk_c_p,
input ref_clk_c_n,
input core_clk_c_p,
input core_clk_c_n,
input [ 3:0] rx_data_c_p,
input [ 3:0] rx_data_c_n,
output [ 3:0] tx_data_c_p,
output [ 3:0] tx_data_c_n,
output rx_sync_c_p,
output rx_sync_c_n,
output rx_os_sync_c_p,
output rx_os_sync_c_n,
input tx_sync_c_p,
input tx_sync_c_n,
input tx_sync_c_1_p,
input tx_sync_c_1_n,
input sysref_c_p,
input sysref_c_n,
inout adrv9009_tx1_enable_c,
inout adrv9009_tx2_enable_c,
inout adrv9009_rx1_enable_c,
inout adrv9009_rx2_enable_c,
inout adrv9009_reset_b_c,
inout adrv9009_gpint_c,
inout adrv9009_gpio_00_c,
inout adrv9009_gpio_01_c,
inout adrv9009_gpio_02_c,
inout adrv9009_gpio_03_c,
inout adrv9009_gpio_04_c,
inout adrv9009_gpio_05_c,
inout adrv9009_gpio_06_c,
inout adrv9009_gpio_07_c,
inout adrv9009_gpio_08_c,
input ref_clk_d_p,
input ref_clk_d_n,
input core_clk_d_p,
input core_clk_d_n,
input [ 3:0] rx_data_d_p,
input [ 3:0] rx_data_d_n,
output [ 3:0] tx_data_d_p,
output [ 3:0] tx_data_d_n,
output rx_sync_d_p,
output rx_sync_d_n,
output rx_os_sync_d_p,
output rx_os_sync_d_n,
input tx_sync_d_p,
input tx_sync_d_n,
input tx_sync_d_1_p,
input tx_sync_d_1_n,
input sysref_d_p,
input sysref_d_n,
inout adrv9009_tx1_enable_d,
inout adrv9009_tx2_enable_d,
inout adrv9009_rx1_enable_d,
inout adrv9009_rx2_enable_d,
inout adrv9009_reset_b_d,
inout adrv9009_gpint_d,
inout adrv9009_gpio_00_d,
inout adrv9009_gpio_01_d,
inout adrv9009_gpio_02_d,
inout adrv9009_gpio_03_d,
inout adrv9009_gpio_04_d,
inout adrv9009_gpio_05_d,
inout adrv9009_gpio_06_d,
inout adrv9009_gpio_07_d,
inout adrv9009_gpio_08_d,
input fan_tach,
input fan_pwm,
output hmc7044_reset,
inout hmc7044_sync,
inout hmc7044_gpio_1,
inout hmc7044_gpio_2,
inout hmc7044_gpio_3,
inout hmc7044_gpio_4,
output spi_csn_hmc7044,
output spi_csn_adrv9009_c,
output spi_csn_adrv9009_d,
output spi_clk,
inout spi_sdio,
input spi_miso
// internal signals
wire [94:0] gpio_i;
wire [94:0] gpio_o;
wire [94:0] gpio_t;
wire [20:0] gpio_bd;
wire [2:0] spi_csn;
wire ref_clk_c;
wire core_clk_c;
wire core_clk_c_ds;
wire rx_sync_rx;
wire tx_sync_c;
wire sysref_c;
wire ref_clk_d;
wire core_clk_d;
wire core_clk_d_ds;
wire rx_sync_obs;
wire rx_os_sync_d;
wire tx_sync_d;
wire sysref_d;
wire tx_sync;
wire spi_mosi;
wire spi0_miso;
// The csn bus from the SPI controller needs to be decoded as
// is-decoded-cs = <1> is set in the device tree.
reg [7:0] spi_3_to_8_csn;
always @(*) begin
case (spi_csn)
3'h0: spi_3_to_8_csn = 8'b11111110;
3'h1: spi_3_to_8_csn = 8'b11111101;
3'h2: spi_3_to_8_csn = 8'b11111011;
default: spi_3_to_8_csn = 8'b11111111;
assign spi_csn_adrv9009_c = spi_3_to_8_csn[0];
assign spi_csn_adrv9009_d = spi_3_to_8_csn[1];
assign spi_csn_hmc7044 = spi_3_to_8_csn[2];
fmcomms8_spi i_spi (
assign tx_sync = tx_sync_c & tx_sync_d;
assign gpio_i[94:68] = gpio_o[94:68];
assign gpio_i[31:21] = gpio_o[31:21];
assign gpio_i[ 7: 0] = gpio_o[ 7: 0];
assign gpio_i[20: 8] = gpio_bd_i;
assign gpio_bd_o = gpio_o[ 7: 0];
// instantiations
ad_iobuf #(
) i_iobuf (
.dio_t ({gpio_t[67:32]}),
.dio_i ({gpio_o[67:32]}),
.dio_o ({gpio_i[67:32]}),
.dio_p ({
hmc7044_gpio_4, // 67
hmc7044_gpio_3, // 66
hmc7044_gpio_2, // 65
hmc7044_gpio_1, // 64
hmc7044_sync, // 63
hmc7044_reset, // 62
adrv9009_tx2_enable_d, // 61
adrv9009_tx1_enable_d, // 60
adrv9009_rx2_enable_d, // 59
adrv9009_rx1_enable_d, // 58
adrv9009_reset_b_d, // 57
adrv9009_gpint_d, // 56
adrv9009_gpio_08_d, // 55
adrv9009_gpio_07_d, // 54
adrv9009_gpio_06_d, // 53
adrv9009_gpio_05_d, // 52
adrv9009_gpio_04_d, // 51
adrv9009_gpio_03_d, // 50
adrv9009_gpio_02_d, // 49
adrv9009_gpio_01_d, // 48
adrv9009_gpio_00_d, // 47
adrv9009_tx2_enable_c, // 46
adrv9009_tx1_enable_c, // 45
adrv9009_rx2_enable_c, // 44
adrv9009_rx1_enable_c, // 43
adrv9009_reset_b_c, // 42
adrv9009_gpint_c, // 41
adrv9009_gpio_08_c, // 40
adrv9009_gpio_07_c, // 39
adrv9009_gpio_06_c, // 38
adrv9009_gpio_05_c, // 37
adrv9009_gpio_04_c, // 36
adrv9009_gpio_03_c, // 35
adrv9009_gpio_02_c, // 34
adrv9009_gpio_01_c, // 33
adrv9009_gpio_00_c})); // 32
IBUFDS_GTE4 i_ibufds_ref_clk_1 (
.CEB (1'd0),
.I (ref_clk_c_p),
.IB (ref_clk_c_n),
.O (ref_clk_c),
.ODIV2 ());
IBUFDS_GTE4 i_ibufds_ref_clk_2 (
.CEB (1'd0),
.I (ref_clk_d_p),
.IB (ref_clk_d_n),
.O (ref_clk_d),
.ODIV2 ());
IBUFDS i_ibufds_sysref_1 (
.I (sysref_c_p),
.IB (sysref_c_n),
.O (sysref_c));
IBUFDS i_ibufds_sysref_2 (
.I (sysref_d_p),
.IB (sysref_d_n),
.O (sysref_d));
IBUFDS i_rx_clk_ibuf_1 (
.I (core_clk_c_p),
.IB (core_clk_c_n),
.O (core_clk_c_ds));
BUFG i_rx_clk_ibufg_1 (
.I (core_clk_c_ds),
.O (core_clk_c));
IBUFDS i_rx_clk_ibuf_2 (
.I (core_clk_d_p),
.IB (core_clk_d_n),
.O (core_clk_d_ds));
BUFG i_rx_clk_ibufg_2(
.I (core_clk_d_ds),
.O (core_clk_d));
IBUFDS i_ibufds_tx_sync_1 (
.I (tx_sync_c_p),
.IB (tx_sync_c_n),
.O (tx_sync_c));
IBUFDS i_ibufds_tx_sync_2 (
.I (tx_sync_d_p),
.IB (tx_sync_d_n),
.O (tx_sync_d));
OBUFDS i_obufds_rx_sync_1 (
.I (rx_sync_rx),
.O (rx_sync_c_p),
.OB (rx_sync_c_n));
OBUFDS i_obufds_rx_os_sync_1 (
.I (rx_sync_obs),
.O (rx_os_sync_c_p),
.OB (rx_os_sync_c_n));
OBUFDS i_obufds_rx_sync_2 (
.I (rx_sync_rx),
.O (rx_sync_d_p),
.OB (rx_sync_d_n));
OBUFDS i_obufds_rx_os_sync_2 (
.I (rx_sync_obs),
.O (rx_os_sync_d_p),
.OB (rx_os_sync_d_n));
system_wrapper i_system_wrapper (
.gpio_i (gpio_i),
.gpio_o (gpio_o),
.gpio_t (gpio_t),
.rx_data_0_n (rx_data_c_n[0]),
.rx_data_0_p (rx_data_c_p[0]),
.rx_data_1_n (rx_data_c_n[1]),
.rx_data_1_p (rx_data_c_p[1]),
.rx_data_2_n (rx_data_c_n[2]),
.rx_data_2_p (rx_data_c_p[2]),
.rx_data_3_n (rx_data_c_n[3]),
.rx_data_3_p (rx_data_c_p[3]),
.rx_data_4_n (rx_data_d_n[0]),
.rx_data_4_p (rx_data_d_p[0]),
.rx_data_5_n (rx_data_d_n[1]),
.rx_data_5_p (rx_data_d_p[1]),
.rx_data_6_n (rx_data_d_n[2]),
.rx_data_6_p (rx_data_d_p[2]),
.rx_data_7_n (rx_data_d_n[3]),
.rx_data_7_p (rx_data_d_p[3]),
.rx_sync_0 (rx_sync_rx),
.rx_sync_4 (rx_sync_obs),
.rx_sysref_0 (sysref_d),
.rx_sysref_4 (sysref_c),
.tx_data_0_n (tx_data_c_n[0]),
.tx_data_0_p (tx_data_c_p[0]),
.tx_data_1_n (tx_data_c_n[1]),
.tx_data_1_p (tx_data_c_p[1]),
.tx_data_2_n (tx_data_c_n[2]),
.tx_data_2_p (tx_data_c_p[2]),
.tx_data_3_n (tx_data_c_n[3]),
.tx_data_3_p (tx_data_c_p[3]),
.tx_data_4_n (tx_data_d_n[0]),
.tx_data_4_p (tx_data_d_p[0]),
.tx_data_5_n (tx_data_d_n[1]),
.tx_data_5_p (tx_data_d_p[1]),
.tx_data_6_n (tx_data_d_n[2]),
.tx_data_6_p (tx_data_d_p[2]),
.tx_data_7_n (tx_data_d_n[3]),
.tx_data_7_p (tx_data_d_p[3]),
.tx_sync_0 (tx_sync),
.tx_sysref_0 (sysref_c),
.spi0_sclk (spi_clk),
.spi0_csn (spi_csn),
.spi0_miso (spi0_miso),
.spi0_mosi (spi_mosi),
.spi1_sclk (),
.spi1_csn (),
.spi1_miso (1'b0),
.spi1_mosi ());