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851 B
CN0506 HDL Project
Here are some pointers to help you:
- Board Product Page
- Parts : Robust, Industrial, Low Latency and Low Power 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, and 1 Gbps Ethernet PHY
- Project Doc: https://wiki.analog.com/resources/eval/user-guides/circuits-from-the-lab/cn0506
- HDL Doc: https://wiki.analog.com/resources/eval/user-guides/circuits-from-the-lab/cn0506/hdl
- Linux Drivers: https://wiki.analog.com/resources/tools-software/linux-drivers/net-phy/adin
Building, Generating Bit Files
IMPORTANT: Set CN0506 MAC to PHY interface
How to use over-writable parameters from the environment:
hdl/projects/cn05060/zed> make INTF_CFG=MII
`` - Defines the MAC to PHY interface: MII, RGMII or RMII.
INTF_CFG - Defines the MAC to PHY interface: MII, RGMII or RMII.