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// ***************************************************************************
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// Copyright 2014 - 2017 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
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// This is the LVDS/DDR interface
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module axi_ad9467_if #(
parameter DEVICE_TYPE = 0,
parameter IO_DELAY_GROUP = "dev_if_delay_group") (
// adc interface (clk, data, over-range)
input adc_clk_in_p,
input adc_clk_in_n,
input [ 7:0] adc_data_in_p,
input [ 7:0] adc_data_in_n,
input adc_or_in_p,
input adc_or_in_n,
// interface outputs
output adc_clk,
output reg [15:0] adc_data,
output reg adc_or,
// processor interface
input adc_ddr_edgesel,
// delay control signals
input up_clk,
input [ 8:0] up_dld,
input [44:0] up_dwdata,
output [44:0] up_drdata,
input delay_clk,
input delay_rst,
output delay_locked);
// internal registers
reg [ 7:0] adc_data_p = 'd0;
reg [ 7:0] adc_data_n = 'd0;
reg [ 7:0] adc_data_p_d = 'd0;
reg [ 7:0] adc_dmux_a = 'd0;
reg [ 7:0] adc_dmux_b = 'd0;
reg adc_or_p = 'd0;
reg adc_or_n = 'd0;
// internal signals
wire [ 7:0] adc_data_p_s;
wire [ 7:0] adc_data_n_s;
wire adc_or_p_s;
wire adc_or_n_s;
genvar l_inst;
// sample select (p/n) swap
always @(posedge adc_clk) begin
adc_data_p <= adc_data_p_s;
adc_data_n <= adc_data_n_s;
adc_data_p_d <= adc_data_p;
adc_dmux_a <= (adc_ddr_edgesel == 1'b1) ? adc_data_n : adc_data_p;
adc_dmux_b <= (adc_ddr_edgesel == 1'b1) ? adc_data_p_d : adc_data_n;
adc_data[15] <= adc_dmux_b[7];
adc_data[14] <= adc_dmux_a[7];
adc_data[13] <= adc_dmux_b[6];
adc_data[12] <= adc_dmux_a[6];
adc_data[11] <= adc_dmux_b[5];
adc_data[10] <= adc_dmux_a[5];
adc_data[ 9] <= adc_dmux_b[4];
adc_data[ 8] <= adc_dmux_a[4];
adc_data[ 7] <= adc_dmux_b[3];
adc_data[ 6] <= adc_dmux_a[3];
adc_data[ 5] <= adc_dmux_b[2];
adc_data[ 4] <= adc_dmux_a[2];
adc_data[ 3] <= adc_dmux_b[1];
adc_data[ 2] <= adc_dmux_a[1];
adc_data[ 1] <= adc_dmux_b[0];
adc_data[ 0] <= adc_dmux_a[0];
adc_or_p <= adc_or_p_s;
adc_or_n <= adc_or_n_s;
if ((adc_or_p == 1'b1) || (adc_or_n == 1'b1)) begin
adc_or <= 1'b1;
end else begin
adc_or <= 1'b0;
// data interface
for (l_inst = 0; l_inst <= 7; l_inst = l_inst + 1) begin : g_adc_if
ad_lvds_in #(
i_adc_data (
.rx_clk (adc_clk),
.rx_data_in_p (adc_data_in_p[l_inst]),
.rx_data_in_n (adc_data_in_n[l_inst]),
.rx_data_p (adc_data_p_s[l_inst]),
.rx_data_n (adc_data_n_s[l_inst]),
.up_clk (up_clk),
.up_dld (up_dld[l_inst]),
.up_dwdata (up_dwdata[((l_inst*5)+4):(l_inst*5)]),
.up_drdata (up_drdata[((l_inst*5)+4):(l_inst*5)]),
.delay_clk (delay_clk),
.delay_rst (delay_rst),
.delay_locked ());
// over-range interface
ad_lvds_in #(
i_adc_or (
.rx_clk (adc_clk),
.rx_data_in_p (adc_or_in_p),
.rx_data_in_n (adc_or_in_n),
.rx_data_p (adc_or_p_s),
.rx_data_n (adc_or_n_s),
.up_clk (up_clk),
.up_dld (up_dld[8]),
.up_dwdata (up_dwdata[44:40]),
.up_drdata (up_drdata[44:40]),
.delay_clk (delay_clk),
.delay_rst (delay_rst),
.delay_locked (delay_locked));
// clock
ad_lvds_clk #(
i_adc_clk (
.rst (1'b0),
.locked (),
.clk_in_p (adc_clk_in_p),
.clk_in_n (adc_clk_in_n),
.clk (adc_clk));
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