
639 lines
22 KiB

## Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
### SPDX short identifier: ADIBSD
source $ad_hdl_dir/library/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl
if {[info exists ::env(ADI_VIVADO_IP_LIBRARY)]} {
} else {
## Add a ttcl file to the project. XDC does not support if statements
# in constraint definitions, this file can be used to add parameter dependent
# constraints to the IP.
# \param[ip_name] - IP name
# \param[ip_constr_files] - .ttcl file name (full path)
proc adi_ip_ttcl {ip_name ip_constr_files} {
set proj_filegroup [ipx::get_file_groups -of_objects [ipx::current_core] -filter {NAME =~ *synthesis*}]
set f [ipx::add_file $ip_constr_files $proj_filegroup]
set_property -dict [list \
type ttcl \
] $f
ipx::reorder_files -front $ip_constr_files $proj_filegroup
## Add ttcl file to generate simulation files for System Verilog environments.
# \param[ip_name] - IP name
# \param[ip_constr_files] - .ttcl file name (full path)
proc adi_ip_sim_ttcl {ip_name ip_files} {
set proj_filegroup [ipx::get_file_groups -of_objects [ipx::current_core] -filter {NAME =~ *simulation*}]
set f [ipx::add_file $ip_files $proj_filegroup]
set_property -dict [list \
type ttcl \
] $f
ipx::reorder_files -front $ip_files $proj_filegroup
## Add a block design, defined by a tcl source, to the IP.
# \param[ip_name] - IP name
# \param[ip_bd_files] - Tcl source file
proc adi_ip_bd {ip_name ip_bd_files} {
set proj_filegroup [ipx::get_file_groups xilinx_blockdiagram -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
if {$proj_filegroup == {}} {
set proj_filegroup [ipx::add_file_group -type xilinx_blockdiagram "" [ipx::current_core]]
foreach file $ip_bd_files {
set f [ipx::add_file $file $proj_filegroup]
set_property -dict [list \
type tclSource \
] $f
## Infers an AXI Streaming interface. Note that the interface has to exist.
# \param[ip_name] - IP name
proc adi_ip_infer_streaming_interfaces {ip_name} {
ipx::infer_bus_interfaces [ipx::current_core]
## Infers an AXI Memory Mapped interface. Note that the interface has to exist.
# \param[ip_name] - IP name
proc adi_ip_infer_mm_interfaces {ip_name} {
ipx::infer_bus_interfaces [ipx::current_core]
## Defines a dependency for a port.
# \param[port_prefix] - Port prefix, which defines an interface. All ports of an
# interface must have the same prefix. If it's a single port, the whole name
# shall be defined.
# \param[dependency] - Dependency (e.g "PARAMETER_NAME == 1") ??? {spirit:decode(id('MODELPARAM_VALUE.PARAM_NAME')) == CONST}
# \param[driver_value] - Driver value is optional. It defines the default driver
# value of the port.
proc adi_set_ports_dependency {port_prefix dependency {driver_value {}}} {
foreach port [ipx::get_ports [format "%s%s" $port_prefix "*"]] {
set_property ENABLEMENT_DEPENDENCY $dependency $port
if {$driver_value != {}} {
set_property DRIVER_VALUE $driver_value $port
## Defines a dependency for a bus.
# \param[bus] - Name of the bus
# \param[prefix] - Port prefix, in general same as the name of the bus
# \param[dependency] - Dependency (e.g "PARAMETER_NAME == 1") ??? {spirit:decode(id('MODELPARAM_VALUE.PARAM_NAME')) == CONST}
proc adi_set_bus_dependency {bus prefix dependency} {
set_property ENABLEMENT_DEPENDENCY $dependency [ipx::get_bus_interfaces $bus -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
adi_set_ports_dependency $prefix $dependency 0
## Add a new port map definition to a bus interface.
# \param[bus] - Name of the bus interface
# \param[phys] - Physical name of the port
# \param[logic] - Logic name of the port (defined by the interface)
proc adi_add_port_map {bus phys logic} {
set map [ipx::add_port_map $phys $bus]
set_property "PHYSICAL_NAME" $phys $map
set_property "LOGICAL_NAME" $logic $map
## Infers a new bus interface to an IP.
# \param[bus_name] - Bus name
# \param[mode] - Interface mode (master/slave)
# \param[abs_type] - Abstraction type, example: ""
# \param[bus_type] - Bus type, example: ""
# \param[port_maps] - Port map
# <b>Port map example:\n
# [list \n
# {"m_axis_ready" "TREADY"}\n
# {"m_axis_valid" "TVALID"}\n
# {"m_axis_data" "TDATA"} ]\n
proc adi_add_bus {bus_name mode abs_type bus_type port_maps} {
set bus [ipx::add_bus_interface $bus_name [ipx::current_core]]
set_property "ABSTRACTION_TYPE_VLNV" $abs_type $bus
set_property "BUS_TYPE_VLNV" $bus_type $bus
set_property "INTERFACE_MODE" $mode $bus
foreach port_map $port_maps {
adi_add_port_map $bus {*}$port_map
## Add multiple bus interfaces of the same type to an IP.
# \param[num] - Number of interfaces
# \param[bus_name_prefix] - Prefix of the name of the interface
# \param[mode] - Interface mode (master/slave)
# \param[abs_type] - Abstraction type, example: ""
# \param[bus_type] - Bus type, example: ""
# \param[port_maps] - Port map, example: [list \n
# {"m_axis_ready" "TREADY"}\n
# {"m_axis_valid" "TVALID"}\n:
# {"m_axis_data" "TDATA"} ]\n
# \param[dependency] - Dependency (e.g "PARAMETER_NAME == 1") ??? {spirit:decode(id('MODELPARAM_VALUE.PARAM_NAME')) == CONST}
proc adi_add_multi_bus {num bus_name_prefix mode abs_type bus_type port_maps dependency} {
for {set i 0} {$i < $num} {incr i} {
set bus_name [format "%s%d" $bus_name_prefix $i]
set bus [ipx::add_bus_interface $bus_name [ipx::current_core]]
set_property "ABSTRACTION_TYPE_VLNV" $abs_type $bus
set_property "BUS_TYPE_VLNV" $bus_type $bus
set_property "INTERFACE_MODE" $mode $bus
if {$dependency ne ""} {
set bus_dependency [string map [list "{i}" $i] $dependency]
set_property ENABLEMENT_DEPENDENCY $bus_dependency $bus
foreach port_map $port_maps {
lassign $port_map phys logic width width_dep
set map [ipx::add_port_map $phys $bus]
set_property "PHYSICAL_NAME" $phys $map
set_property "LOGICAL_NAME" $logic $map
set_property "PHYSICAL_RIGHT" [expr $i*$width] $map
set_property "PHYSICAL_LEFT" [expr ($i+1)*$width-1] $map
if {$width_dep ne ""} {
set_property "PHYSICAL_RIGHT_RESOLVE_TYPE" "dependent" $map
set_property "PHYSICAL_LEFT_RESOLVE_TYPE" "dependent" $map
set width_dep_r "(($width_dep) * $i)"
set width_dep_l "(($width_dep) * ($i + 1)-1)"
set_property "PHYSICAL_RIGHT_DEPENDENCY" $width_dep_r $map
set_property "PHYSICAL_LEFT_DEPENDENCY" $width_dep_l $map
## Assign clock and reset to an interface bus.
# \param[clock_signal_name] - Clock name
# \param[bus_inf_name] - Interface bus name. Note: If multiple interfaces uses
# the same clock, all shall be defined here. (e.g. "s_axis:m_axis")
# \param[reset_signal_name] - Reset signal name
# \param[reset_signal_mode] - Reset mode (master/slave)
proc adi_add_bus_clock {clock_signal_name bus_inf_name {reset_signal_name ""} {reset_signal_mode "slave"}} {
set bus_inf_name_clean [string map {":" "_"} $bus_inf_name]
set clock_inf_name [format "%s%s" $bus_inf_name_clean "_signal_clock"]
set clock_inf [ipx::add_bus_interface $clock_inf_name [ipx::current_core]]
set_property abstraction_type_vlnv "" $clock_inf
set_property bus_type_vlnv "" $clock_inf
set_property display_name $clock_inf_name $clock_inf
set clock_map [ipx::add_port_map "CLK" $clock_inf]
set_property physical_name $clock_signal_name $clock_map
set assoc_busif [ipx::add_bus_parameter "ASSOCIATED_BUSIF" $clock_inf]
set_property value $bus_inf_name $assoc_busif
if { $reset_signal_name != "" } {
set assoc_reset [ipx::add_bus_parameter "ASSOCIATED_RESET" $clock_inf]
set_property value $reset_signal_name $assoc_reset
set reset_inf_name [format "%s%s" $bus_inf_name_clean "_signal_reset"]
set reset_inf [ipx::add_bus_interface $reset_inf_name [ipx::current_core]]
set_property abstraction_type_vlnv "" $reset_inf
set_property bus_type_vlnv "" $reset_inf
set_property display_name $reset_inf_name $reset_inf
set_property interface_mode $reset_signal_mode $reset_inf
set reset_map [ipx::add_port_map "RST" $reset_inf]
set_property physical_name $reset_signal_name $reset_map
set reset_polarity [ipx::add_bus_parameter "POLARITY" $reset_inf]
if {[string match {*[Nn]} $reset_signal_name] == 1} {
set_property value "ACTIVE_LOW" $reset_polarity
} else {
set_property value "ACTIVE_HIGH" $reset_polarity
## Defines an IP as the current IP's dependency.
# \param[vlnvs] - VLNVs of the instantiated IPs (e.g. "")
proc adi_ip_add_core_dependencies {vlnvs} {
foreach file_group [ipx::get_file_groups * -of_objects [ipx::current_core]] {
foreach vlnv $vlnvs {
ipx::add_subcore $vlnv $file_group
## Create a project which will be packed as an IP.
# \param[ip_name] - IP name
proc adi_ip_create {ip_name} {
global ad_hdl_dir
global ad_ghdl_dir
global required_vivado_version
set VIVADO_VERSION [version -short]
if {[string compare $VIVADO_VERSION $required_vivado_version] != 0} {
puts -nonewline "CRITICAL WARNING: vivado version mismatch; "
puts -nonewline "expected $required_vivado_version, "
puts -nonewline "got $VIVADO_VERSION.\n"
} else {
if {[string compare $VIVADO_VERSION $required_vivado_version] != 0} {
puts -nonewline "ERROR: vivado version mismatch; "
puts -nonewline "expected $required_vivado_version, "
puts -nonewline "got $VIVADO_VERSION.\n"
puts -nonewline "This ERROR message can be down-graded to CRITICAL WARNING by setting ADI_IGNORE_VERSION_CHECK environment variable to 1. Be aware that ADI will not support you, if you are using a different tool version.\n"
exit 2
create_project $ip_name . -force
## Load custom message severity definitions
if {![info exists ::env(ADI_DISABLE_MESSAGE_SUPPRESION)]} {
source $ad_hdl_dir/projects/scripts/adi_xilinx_msg.tcl
set lib_dirs $ad_hdl_dir/library
if {[info exists ::env(ADI_GHDL_DIR)]} {
if {$ad_hdl_dir ne $ad_ghdl_dir} {
lappend lib_dirs $ad_ghdl_dir/library
} else {
# puts -nonew-line "INFO: ADI_GHDL_DIR not defined.\n"
set_property ip_repo_paths $lib_dirs [current_fileset]
## Add all source files to the IP's project.
# \param[ip_name] - The ip name
# \param[ip_files] - IP files (*.v *.vhd *.xdc)
proc adi_ip_files {ip_name ip_files} {
set proj_fileset [get_filesets sources_1]
foreach m_file $ip_files {
if {[file extension $m_file] eq ".xdc"} {
add_files -norecurse -fileset constrs_1 $m_file
} else {
add_files -norecurse -scan_for_includes -fileset $proj_fileset $m_file
set_property "top" "$ip_name" $proj_fileset
## Pack the IP and set its proprieties.
# \param[ip_name] - The ip name
proc adi_ip_properties_lite {ip_name} {
global ad_hdl_dir
ipx::package_project -root_dir . -vendor -library $VIVADO_IP_LIBRARY -taxonomy /Analog_Devices
set_property name $ip_name [ipx::current_core]
set_property vendor_display_name {Analog Devices} [ipx::current_core]
set_property company_url {} [ipx::current_core]
set_property AUTO_FAMILY_SUPPORT_LEVEL level_2 [ipx::current_core]
ipx::save_core [ipx::current_core]
ipx::remove_all_bus_interface [ipx::current_core]
set memory_maps [ipx::get_memory_maps * -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
foreach map $memory_maps {
ipx::remove_memory_map [lindex $map 2] [ipx::current_core]
ipx::update_checksums [ipx::current_core]
ipx::save_core [ipx::current_core]
## Set AXI interface IP proprieties.
# \param[ip_name] - The ip name
proc adi_ip_properties {ip_name} {
adi_ip_properties_lite $ip_name
ipx::infer_bus_interface {\
s_axi_awvalid \
s_axi_awaddr \
s_axi_awprot \
s_axi_awready \
s_axi_wvalid \
s_axi_wdata \
s_axi_wstrb \
s_axi_wready \
s_axi_bvalid \
s_axi_bresp \
s_axi_bready \
s_axi_arvalid \
s_axi_araddr \
s_axi_arprot \
s_axi_arready \
s_axi_rvalid \
s_axi_rdata \
s_axi_rresp \
s_axi_rready} \ [ipx::current_core]
ipx::infer_bus_interface s_axi_aclk [ipx::current_core]
ipx::infer_bus_interface s_axi_aresetn [ipx::current_core]
set raddr_width [expr [get_property SIZE_LEFT [ipx::get_ports -nocase true s_axi_araddr -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]] + 1]
set waddr_width [expr [get_property SIZE_LEFT [ipx::get_ports -nocase true s_axi_awaddr -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]] + 1]
if {$raddr_width != $waddr_width} {
puts [format "WARNING: AXI address width mismatch for %s (r=%d, w=%d)" $ip_name $raddr_width, $waddr_width]
set range 65536
} else {
if {$raddr_width >= 16} {
set range 65536
} else {
set range [expr 1 << $raddr_width]
ipx::add_memory_map {s_axi} [ipx::current_core]
set_property slave_memory_map_ref {s_axi} [ipx::get_bus_interfaces s_axi -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
ipx::add_address_block {axi_lite} [ipx::get_memory_maps s_axi -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
set_property range $range [ipx::get_address_blocks axi_lite \
-of_objects [ipx::get_memory_maps s_axi -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]]
ipx::associate_bus_interfaces -clock s_axi_aclk -reset s_axi_aresetn [ipx::current_core]
## Create/overwrite temporary files containing particular build case dependencies.
# DO NOT USE FOR: axi_dmac/jesd204/axi_clkgen
proc adi_init_bd_tcl {} {
global auto_set_param_list
global auto_set_param_list_overwritable
set cc [ipx::current_core]
if { [file exists bd] } {
file delete -force bd
file mkdir bd
set bd_tcl [open "bd/bd.tcl" w]
puts $bd_tcl "proc init {cellpath otherInfo} {"
puts $bd_tcl " set ip \[get_bd_cells \$cellpath\]"
puts $bd_tcl ""
set auto_set_param ""
foreach i $auto_set_param_list {
if { [ipx::get_user_parameters $i -of_objects $cc -quiet] ne "" } {
append auto_set_param " $i \\\n"
if { $auto_set_param ne "" } {
puts $bd_tcl " bd::mark_propagate_only \$ip \" \\"
regsub "${i} \\\\" $auto_set_param "$i\"" auto_set_param
puts $bd_tcl $auto_set_param
set auto_set_overwritable_param ""
foreach i $auto_set_param_list_overwritable {
if { [ipx::get_user_parameters $i -of_objects $cc -quiet] ne "" } {
append auto_set_overwritable_param " $i \\\n"
if { $auto_set_overwritable_param ne "" } {
puts $bd_tcl " bd::mark_propagate_override \$ip \" \\"
regsub "${i} \\\\" $auto_set_overwritable_param "$i\"" auto_set_overwritable_param
puts $bd_tcl $auto_set_overwritable_param
puts $bd_tcl " adi_auto_assign_device_spec \$cellpath"
puts $bd_tcl "}"
puts $bd_tcl ""
puts $bd_tcl "# auto set parameters defined in auto_set_param_list (adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl)"
puts $bd_tcl "proc adi_auto_assign_device_spec {cellpath} {"
puts $bd_tcl ""
puts $bd_tcl " set ip \[get_bd_cells \$cellpath\]"
puts $bd_tcl " set ip_param_list \[list_property \$ip\]"
puts $bd_tcl " set ip_path \[bd::get_vlnv_dir \[get_property VLNV \$ip\]\]"
puts $bd_tcl ""
puts $bd_tcl " set parent_dir \"../\""
puts $bd_tcl " for {set x 1} {\$x<=4} {incr x} {"
puts $bd_tcl " set linkname \${ip_path}\${parent_dir}scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl"
puts $bd_tcl " if { \[file exists \$linkname\] } {"
puts $bd_tcl " source \${ip_path}\${parent_dir}/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl"
puts $bd_tcl " break"
puts $bd_tcl " }"
puts $bd_tcl " append parent_dir \"../\""
puts $bd_tcl " }"
puts $bd_tcl ""
puts $bd_tcl " # Find predefindes auto assignable parameters"
puts $bd_tcl " foreach i \$auto_set_param_list {"
puts $bd_tcl " if { \[lsearch \$ip_param_list \"CONFIG.\$i\"\] > 0 } {"
puts $bd_tcl " set val \[adi_device_spec \$cellpath \$i\]"
puts $bd_tcl " set_property CONFIG.\$i \$val \$ip"
puts $bd_tcl " }"
puts $bd_tcl " }"
puts $bd_tcl ""
puts $bd_tcl " # Find predefindes auto assignable/overwritable parameters"
puts $bd_tcl " foreach i \$auto_set_param_list_overwritable {"
puts $bd_tcl " if { \[lsearch \$ip_param_list \"CONFIG.\$i\"\] > 0 } {"
puts $bd_tcl " set val \[adi_device_spec \$cellpath \$i\]"
puts $bd_tcl " set_property CONFIG.\$i \$val \$ip"
puts $bd_tcl " }"
puts $bd_tcl " }"
puts $bd_tcl "}"
puts $bd_tcl ""
close $bd_tcl
set proj_fileset [get_filesets sources_1]
add_files -norecurse -scan_for_includes -fileset $proj_fileset "bd/bd.tcl"
set local_mk [open "" w]
seek $local_mk 0 start
puts $local_mk "CLEAN_TARGET += bd"
puts $local_mk "CLEAN_TARGET +="
close $local_mk
## Search after device specific parameters and call the adi_add_device_spec_param
# process with the result. The list of these parameters are defined in
# library/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl
proc adi_add_auto_fpga_spec_params {} {
global auto_set_param_list
global auto_set_param_list_overwritable
set cc [ipx::current_core]
foreach i $auto_set_param_list {
if { [ipx::get_user_parameters $i -of_objects $cc -quiet] ne ""} {
adi_add_device_spec_param $i
foreach i $auto_set_param_list_overwritable {
if { [ipx::get_user_parameters $i -of_objects $cc -quiet] ne ""} {
adi_add_device_spec_param $i
## Generate validation properties for a parameter, using predefined ranges or
# set of values (the definition of the ranges can be found in
# library/scripts/adi_xilinx_device_info_enc.tcl).
# \param[ip_parameter] - name of the HDL parameter
proc adi_add_device_spec_param {ip_param} {
set cc [ipx::current_core]
set list_pointer [string tolower $ip_param]
set list_pointer [append list_pointer "_list"]
global $list_pointer
# set j 1D list from the original list
foreach i [subst $$list_pointer] {lappend j [lindex $i 0] [lindex $i 1]}
# set ranges or validation pairs (show x in GUI assign the corresponding y to HDL)
if { [llength [subst $$list_pointer]] == 2 && [llength $j] == 4} {
set_property -dict [list \
"value_validation_type" "range_long" \
"value_validation_range_minimum" [lindex [subst $$list_pointer] 0] \
"value_validation_range_maximum" [lindex [subst $$list_pointer] 1] ] \
[ipx::get_user_parameters $ip_param -of_objects $cc]
} else {
set_property -dict [list \
"value_validation_type" "pairs" \
"value_validation_pairs" $j ] \
[ipx::get_user_parameters $ip_param -of_objects $cc]
# FPGA info grup
set info_group_name "FPGA info"
set info_group [ipgui::get_groupspec -name $info_group_name -component $cc -quiet]
if { [string trim $info_group] eq "" } {
set page0 [ipgui::get_pagespec -name "Page 0" -component $cc]
set info_group [ipgui::add_group -name $info_group_name -component $cc \
-parent $page0 -display_name $info_group_name]
set p [ipgui::get_guiparamspec -name $ip_param -component $cc]
set_property -dict [list "widget" "comboBox" ] $p
ipgui::move_param -component $cc -order 0 $p -parent $info_group
## Define a custom interface bus.
# \param[name] - Interface name
proc adi_if_define {name} {
ipx::create_abstraction_definition interface ${name}_rtl 1.0
ipx::create_bus_definition interface $name 1.0
set_property xml_file_name ${name}_rtl.xml [ipx::current_busabs]
set_property xml_file_name ${name}.xml [ipx::current_busdef]
set_property bus_type_vlnv${name}:1.0 [ipx::current_busabs]
ipx::save_abstraction_definition [ipx::current_busabs]
ipx::save_bus_definition [ipx::current_busdef]
## Add ports to a custom interface bus.
# \param[dir] - Port direction
# \param[width] - Port width
# \param[name] - Port logical name
# \param[type] - Type of the port (default "none")
proc adi_if_ports {dir width name {type none}} {
ipx::add_bus_abstraction_port $name [ipx::current_busabs]
set m_intf [ipx::get_bus_abstraction_ports $name -of_objects [ipx::current_busabs]]
set_property master_presence required $m_intf
set_property slave_presence required $m_intf
set_property master_width $width $m_intf
set_property slave_width $width $m_intf
set m_dir "in"
set s_dir "out"
if {$dir eq "output"} {
set m_dir "out"
set s_dir "in"
set_property master_direction $m_dir $m_intf
set_property slave_direction $s_dir $m_intf
if {$type ne "none"} {
set_property is_${type} true $m_intf
ipx::save_bus_definition [ipx::current_busdef]
ipx::save_abstraction_definition [ipx::current_busabs]
## Infers a new bus interface to an IP.
# \param[if_name] - Interface bus name
# \param[mode] - Type of the interface bus (master/slave)
# \param[name] - Interface bus instance name
# \param[maps] - Mapping of the physical ports
proc adi_if_infer_bus {if_name mode name maps} {
ipx::add_bus_interface $name [ipx::current_core]
set m_bus_if [ipx::get_bus_interfaces $name -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
set_property abstraction_type_vlnv ${if_name}_rtl:1.0 $m_bus_if
set_property bus_type_vlnv ${if_name}:1.0 $m_bus_if
set_property interface_mode $mode $m_bus_if
foreach map $maps {
set m_maps [regexp -all -inline {\S+} $map]
lassign $m_maps p_name p_map
ipx::add_port_map $p_name $m_bus_if
set_property physical_name $p_map [ipx::get_port_maps $p_name -of_objects $m_bus_if]