
248 lines
9.4 KiB

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`timescale 1ns/100ps
Interface to FMC connector overview
system_top FMC_EBZ FMC FPGA
tx_ref_clk_n BR40_N D05 FMC_HPC0_GBTCLK0_M2C_C_N G7 MGTREFCLK0N_229_G7
tx_ref_clk_p BR40_P D04 FMC_HPC0_GBTCLK0_M2C_C_P G8 MGTREFCLK0P_229_G8
spi_csn_dac FMC_CS1 H11 FMC_HPC0_LA04_N AA1 IO_L21N_T3L_N5_AD8N_66_AA1
spi_csn_clk FMC_CS2 D11 FMC_HPC0_LA05_P AB3 IO_L20P_T3L_N2_AD1P_66_AB3
spi_miso FMC_MISO H10 FMC_HPC0_LA04_P AA2 IO_L21P_T3L_N4_AD8P_66_AA2
spi_mosi FMC_MOSI G10 FMC_HPC0_LA03_N Y1 IO_L22N_T3U_N7_DBC_AD0N_66_Y1
spi_clk FMC_SCK G09 FMC_HPC0_LA03_P Y2 IO_L22P_T3U_N6_DBC_AD0P_66_Y2
spi_en FMC_SPI_EN D12 FMC_HPC0_LA05_N AC3 IO_L20N_T3L_N3_AD1N_66_AC3
pe_ctrl FMC_PE_CTRL H13 FMC_HPC0_LA07_P U5 IO_L18P_T2U_N10_AD2P_66_U5
txen[0] FMC_TXEN_0 C10 FMC_HPC0_LA06_P AC2 IO_L19P_T3L_N0_DBC_AD9P_66_AC2
txen[1] FMC_TXEN_1 C11 FMC_HPC0_LA06_N AC1 IO_L19N_T3L_N1_DBC_AD9N_66_AC1
tx_data_p[0] SERDIN0_N A38 FMC_HPC0_DP5_C2M_P P6 MGTHTXP1_228_P6
tx_data_n[0] SERDIN0_P A39 FMC_HPC0_DP5_C2M_N P5 MGTHTXN1_228_P5
tx_data_p[1] SERDIN1_N B36 FMC_HPC0_DP6_C2M_P R4 MGTHTXP0_228_R4
tx_data_n[1] SERDIN1_P B37 FMC_HPC0_DP6_C2M_N R3 MGTHTXN0_228_R3
tx_data_p[2] SERDIN2_N A34 FMC_HPC0_DP4_C2M_P M6 MGTHTXP3_228_M6
tx_data_n[2] SERDIN2_P A35 FMC_HPC0_DP4_C2M_N M5 MGTHTXN3_228_M5
tx_data_p[3] SERDIN3_N B32 FMC_HPC0_DP7_C2M_P N4 MGTHTXP2_228_N4
tx_data_n[3] SERDIN3_P B33 FMC_HPC0_DP7_C2M_N N3 MGTHTXN2_228_N3
tx_data_p[4] SERDIN4_P A30 FMC_HPC0_DP3_C2M_P K6 MGTHTXP0_229_K6
tx_data_n[4] SERDIN4_N A31 FMC_HPC0_DP3_C2M_N K5 MGTHTXN0_229_K5
tx_data_p[5] SERDIN5_P A26 FMC_HPC0_DP2_C2M_P F6 MGTHTXP3_229_F6
tx_data_n[5] SERDIN5_N A27 FMC_HPC0_DP2_C2M_N F5 MGTHTXN3_229_F5
tx_data_p[6] SERDIN6_P A22 FMC_HPC0_DP1_C2M_P H6 MGTHTXP1_229_H6
tx_data_n[6] SERDIN6_N A23 FMC_HPC0_DP1_C2M_N H5 MGTHTXN1_229_H5
tx_data_p[7] SERDIN7_P C02 FMC_HPC0_DP0_C2M_P G4 MGTHTXP2_229_G4
tx_data_n[7] SERDIN7_N C03 FMC_HPC0_DP0_C2M_N G3 MGTHTXN2_229_G3
tx_sync_p[0] SYNC0_P D08 FMC_HPC0_LA01_CC_P AB4 IO_L16P_T2U_N6_QBC_AD3P_66_AB4
tx_sync_n[0] SYNC0_N D09 FMC_HPC0_LA01_CC_N AC4 IO_L16N_T2U_N7_QBC_AD3N_66_AC4
NC SYNC1_N H08 FMC_HPC0_LA02_N V1 IO_L23N_T3U_N9_66_V1
NC SYNC1_P H07 FMC_HPC0_LA02_P V2 IO_L23P_T3U_N8_66_V2
tx_sysref_n SYSREF2_N G07 FMC_HPC0_LA00_CC_N Y3 IO_L13N_T2L_N1_GC_QBC_66_Y3
tx_sysref_p SYSREF2_P G06 FMC_HPC0_LA00_CC_P Y4 IO_L13P_T2L_N0_GC_QBC_66_Y4
module system_top #(
parameter NUM_LINKS = 2,
parameter DEVICE_CODE = 0
) (
input [12:0] gpio_bd_i,
output [ 7:0] gpio_bd_o,
input tx_ref_clk_p,
input tx_ref_clk_n,
input tx_sysref_p,
input tx_sysref_n,
input [ 1:0] tx_sync_p,
input [ 1:0] tx_sync_n,
output [ 7:0] tx_data_p,
output [ 7:0] tx_data_n,
output spi_csn_dac,
output spi_csn_clk,
output spi_csn_clk2,
input spi_miso,
output spi_mosi,
output spi_clk,
output spi_en,
inout [ 4:0] dac_ctrl,
output pmod_spi_clk,
output pmod_spi_csn,
output pmod_spi_mosi,
input pmod_spi_miso,
inout [ 3:0] pmod_gpio
// internal signals
wire [94:0] gpio_i;
wire [94:0] gpio_o;
wire [94:0] gpio_t;
wire [ 2:0] spi0_csn;
wire [ 2:0] spi1_csn;
wire tx_ref_clk;
wire tx_sysref;
wire [ 1:0] tx_sync;
wire tx_sysref_loc;
// spi
// spi_en is active ...
// ... high for AD9135-FMC-EBZ, AD9136-FMC-EBZ, AD9144-FMC-EBZ,
// ... low for AD9171-FMC-EBZ, AD9172-FMC-EBZ, AD9173-FMC-EBZ
// If you are planning to build a bitstream for just one of those boards you
// can hardwire the logic level here.
assign spi_en = (DEVICE_CODE <= 2);
// 9135/9144/9172 916(1,2,3,4)
assign spi_csn_dac = spi0_csn[1];
assign spi_csn_clk = spi0_csn[0]; // HMC7044 AD9508
assign spi_csn_clk2 = spi0_csn[2]; // NC ADF4355
/* JESD204 clocks and control signals */
IBUFDS_GTE4 i_ibufds_tx_ref_clk (
.CEB (1'd0),
.I (tx_ref_clk_p),
.IB (tx_ref_clk_n),
.O (tx_ref_clk),
.ODIV2 ());
IBUFDS i_ibufds_tx_sysref (
.I (tx_sysref_p),
.IB (tx_sysref_n),
.O (tx_sysref));
IBUFDS i_ibufds_tx_sync_0 (
.I (tx_sync_p[0]),
.IB (tx_sync_n[0]),
.O (tx_sync[0]));
IBUFDS i_ibufds_tx_sync_1 (
.I (tx_sync_p[1]),
.IB (tx_sync_n[1]),
.O (tx_sync[1]));
/* FMC GPIOs */
ad_iobuf #(
) i_iobuf (
.dio_t (gpio_t[21+:5]),
.dio_i (gpio_o[21+:5]),
.dio_o (gpio_i[21+:5]),
.dio_p ({
dac_ctrl /* 25 - 21 */
* Control signals for different FMC boards:
* dac_ctrl FMC 9144 like 9162 like 9172 like
* 1 C10 NC NC FMC_TXEN_0
* 2 C11 NC NC FMC_TXEN_1
* 3 H14 FMC_TXEN_1 NC NC
assign dac_fifo_bypass = gpio_o[40];
/* PMOD GPIOs 48-51 */
ad_iobuf #(
) i_iobuf_pmod (
.dio_t (gpio_t[48+:4]),
.dio_i (gpio_o[48+:4]),
.dio_o (gpio_i[48+:4]),
.dio_p (pmod_gpio));
/* PMOD SPI */
assign pmod_spi_csn = spi1_csn[0];
/* Board GPIOS. Buttons, LEDs, etc... */
assign gpio_i[20: 8] = gpio_bd_i;
assign gpio_bd_o = gpio_o[7:0];
assign gpio_i[94:52] = gpio_o[94:52];
assign gpio_i[47:32] = gpio_o[47:32];
assign gpio_i[31:26] = gpio_o[31:26];
assign gpio_i[ 7: 0] = gpio_o[7:0];
system_wrapper i_system_wrapper (
.gpio_i (gpio_i),
.gpio_o (gpio_o),
.spi0_csn (spi0_csn),
.spi0_miso (spi_miso),
.spi0_mosi (spi_mosi),
.spi0_sclk (spi_clk),
.spi1_csn (spi1_csn),
.spi1_miso (pmod_spi_miso),
.spi1_mosi (pmod_spi_mosi),
.spi1_sclk (pmod_spi_clk),
.tx_data_0_n (tx_data_n[0]),
.tx_data_0_p (tx_data_p[0]),
.tx_data_1_n (tx_data_n[1]),
.tx_data_1_p (tx_data_p[1]),
.tx_data_2_n (tx_data_n[2]),
.tx_data_2_p (tx_data_p[2]),
.tx_data_3_n (tx_data_n[3]),
.tx_data_3_p (tx_data_p[3]),
.tx_data_4_n (tx_data_n[4]),
.tx_data_4_p (tx_data_p[4]),
.tx_data_5_n (tx_data_n[5]),
.tx_data_5_p (tx_data_p[5]),
.tx_data_6_n (tx_data_n[6]),
.tx_data_6_p (tx_data_p[6]),
.tx_data_7_n (tx_data_n[7]),
.tx_data_7_p (tx_data_p[7]),
.tx_ref_clk_0 (tx_ref_clk),
.tx_ref_clk_4 (tx_ref_clk),
.tx_sync_0 (tx_sync[NUM_LINKS-1:0]),
.tx_sysref_0 (tx_sysref));
// AD9161/2/4-FMC-EBZ works only in single link,
// The FMC connector instead of SYNC1 has SYSREF connected to it
assign tx_sysref_loc = (DEVICE_CODE == 3) ? tx_sync[1] : tx_sysref;