
1191 lines
40 KiB

package require math
## Global variables for interconnect interface indexing
set sys_cpu_interconnect_index 0
set sys_hpc0_interconnect_index -1
set sys_hpc1_interconnect_index -1
set sys_hp0_interconnect_index -1
set sys_hp1_interconnect_index -1
set sys_hp2_interconnect_index -1
set sys_hp3_interconnect_index -1
set sys_mem_interconnect_index -1
set sys_mem_clk_index 0
set xcvr_index -1
set xcvr_tx_index 0
set xcvr_rx_index 0
set xcvr_instance NONE
## Add an instance of an IP to the block design.
# \param[i_ip] - name of the IP
# \param[i_name] - name of the instance
# \param[i_params] - a list of the parameters, the list must contain {name, value}
# pairs
proc ad_ip_instance {i_ip i_name {i_params {}}} {
set cell [create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv [get_ipdefs -all -filter "VLNV =~ *:${i_ip}:* && \
design_tool_contexts =~ *IPI* && UPGRADE_VERSIONS == \"\""] ${i_name}]
if {$i_params != {}} {
set config {}
# Add CONFIG. prefix to all config options
foreach {k v} $i_params {
lappend config "CONFIG.$k" $v
set_property -dict $config $cell
## Define a parameter value of an IP instance.
# \param[i_name] - name of the instance
# \param[i_param] - name of the parameter
# \param[i_value] - value of the parameter
proc ad_ip_parameter {i_name i_param i_value} {
set_property ${i_param} ${i_value} [get_bd_cells ${i_name}]
## Define the type of an IPI interface object, in general these objects an be:
# interface pins, ports or nets; or cells pins, ports or nets.
# \param[p_name] - name of the object
# \return - the type of the object
proc ad_connect_type {p_name} {
set m_name ""
if {$m_name eq ""} {set m_name [get_bd_intf_pins -quiet $p_name]}
if {$m_name eq ""} {set m_name [get_bd_pins -quiet $p_name]}
if {$m_name eq ""} {set m_name [get_bd_intf_ports -quiet $p_name]}
if {$m_name eq ""} {set m_name [get_bd_ports -quiet $p_name]}
if {$m_name eq ""} {set m_name [get_bd_intf_nets -quiet $p_name]}
if {$m_name eq ""} {set m_name [get_bd_nets -quiet $p_name]}
return $m_name
## Get type of object, for internal use only!
proc ad_connect_int_class {p_name} {
set m_name ""
if {$m_name eq ""} {set m_name [get_bd_intf_pins -quiet $p_name]}
if {$m_name eq ""} {set m_name [get_bd_pins -quiet $p_name]}
# All ports can be handled as pins
# if {$m_name eq ""} {set m_name [get_bd_intf_ports -quiet $p_name]}
# if {$m_name eq ""} {set m_name [get_bd_ports -quiet $p_name]}
if {$m_name eq ""} {set m_name [get_bd_intf_nets -quiet $p_name]}
if {$m_name eq ""} {set m_name [get_bd_nets -quiet $p_name]}
if {!($m_name eq "")} {
return [get_property CLASS $m_name]
if {$p_name eq "GND" || $p_name eq "VCC"} {
return "const"
return "newnet"
## Get constant source, for internal use only!
proc ad_connect_int_get_const {name width} {
switch $name {
set value 0
set value [expr (1 << $width) - 1]
default {
error "ERROR: ad_connect_int_get_const: Unhandled constant name $name"
set cell_name "$name\_$width"
set cell [get_bd_cells -quiet $cell_name]
if {$cell eq ""} {
# Create new constant source
ad_ip_instance xlconstant $cell_name
set cell [get_bd_cells -quiet $cell_name]
set_property CONFIG.CONST_WIDTH $width $cell
set_property CONFIG.CONST_VAL $value $cell
return $cell
## Determine pin/port/net width, for internal use only!
proc ad_connect_int_width {obj} {
if {$obj eq ""} {
error "ERROR: ad_connect_int_width: No object provided."
set classname [get_property -quiet CLASS $obj]
if {$classname eq ""} {
error "ERROR: ad_connect_int_width: Cannot determine width of class-less object: $obj"
if {[string first intf $classname] != -1} {
error "ERROR: ad_connect_int_width: Cannot determine width of interface object: $obj ($classname)"
if {([get_property -quiet LEFT $obj] eq "") || ([get_property -quiet RIGHT $obj] eq "")} {
return 1
set left [get_property LEFT $obj]
set right [get_property RIGHT $obj]
set high [::math::max $left $right]
set low [::math::min $left $right]
return [expr {1 + $high - $low}]
## Connect two IPI interface object together.
# \param[p_name_1] - first object name
# \param[p_name_2] - second object name
# Valid object types are: GND/VCC, net/port/pin names or interface names
# \return - N/A
proc ad_connect {name_a name_b} {
set type_a [ad_connect_int_class $name_a]
set type_b [ad_connect_int_class $name_b]
set obj_a [ad_connect_type $name_a]
set obj_b [ad_connect_type $name_b]
if {!([string first intf $type_a]+1) != !([string first intf $type_b]+1)} {
error "ERROR: ad_connect: Cannot connect non-interface to interface: $name_a ($type_a) <-/-> $name_b ($type_b)"
switch $type_a,$type_b {
newnet,newnet {
error "ERROR: ad_connect: Cannot create connection between two new nets: $name_a <-/-> $name_b"
const,const {
error "ERROR: ad_connect: Cannot connect constant to constant: $name_a <-/-> $name_b"
bd_net,bd_net -
bd_intf_net,bd_intf_net {
error "ERROR: ad_connect: Cannot connect (intf) net to (intf) net: $name_a ($type_a) <-/-> $name_b ($type_b)"
bd_net,newnet -
newnet,bd_net {
error "ERROR: ad_connect: Cannot connect existing net to new net: $name_a ($type_a) <-/-> $name_b ($type_b)"
const,newnet -
newnet,const {
error "ERROR: ad_connect: Cannot connect new network to constant, instead you should connect to the constant directly: $name_a ($type_a) <-/-> $name_b ($type_b)"
bd_pin,bd_pin {
connect_bd_net $obj_a $obj_b
puts "connect_bd_net $obj_a $obj_b"
bd_net,bd_pin {
connect_bd_net -net $obj_a $obj_b
puts "connect_bd_net -net $obj_a $obj_b"
bd_pin,bd_net {
connect_bd_net -net $obj_b $obj_a
puts "connect_bd_net -net $obj_b $obj_a"
bd_pin,newnet {
connect_bd_net -net $name_b $obj_a
puts "connect_bd_net -net $name_b $obj_a"
newnet,bd_pin {
connect_bd_net -net $name_a $obj_b
puts "connect_bd_net -net $name_a $obj_b"
bd_intf_pin,bd_intf_pin {
connect_bd_intf_net $obj_a $obj_b
puts "connect_bd_intf_net $obj_a $obj_b"
const,bd_pin -
const,bd_net {
# Handled after the switch statement
bd_net,const -
bd_pin,const {
# Swap vars
set tmp $obj_a
set obj_a $obj_b
set obj_b $tmp
set tmp $name_a
set name_a $name_b
set name_b $tmp
# Handled after the switch statement
default {
error "ERROR: ad_connect: Cannot connect, case unhandled: $name_a ($type_a) <-/-> $name_b ($type_b)"
# Continue working on nets that connect to constant. obj_b is the net/pin
set width [ad_connect_int_width $obj_b]
set cell [ad_connect_int_get_const $name_a $width]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pin $cell/dout] $obj_b
puts "connect_bd_net [get_bd_pin $cell/dout] $obj_b"
## Disconnect two IPI interface object together.
# \param[p_name_1] - first object name
# \param[p_name_2] - second object name
# Valid object types are: GND/VCC, net/port/pin names or interface names
# \return - N/A
proc ad_disconnect {p_name_1 p_name_2} {
set m_name_1 [ad_connect_type $p_name_1]
set m_name_2 [ad_connect_type $p_name_2]
if {[get_property CLASS $m_name_1] eq "bd_net"} {
disconnect_bd_net $m_name_1 $m_name_2
if {[get_property CLASS $m_name_1] eq "bd_port"} {
delete_bd_objs -quiet [get_bd_nets -quiet -of_objects \
[find_bd_objs -relation connected_to $m_name_1]]
delete_bd_objs -quiet $m_name_1
if {[get_property CLASS $m_name_1] eq "bd_pin"} {
delete_bd_objs -quiet [get_bd_nets -quiet -of_objects \
[find_bd_objs -relation connected_to $m_name_1]]
delete_bd_objs -quiet $m_name_1
## Define all the connections between the transceiver IP, the transceiver
# configuration IP and the JESD204 Link IP.
# \param[u_xcvr] - name of the transceiver IP (util_adxcvr)
# \param[a_xcvr] - name of the transceiver configuration IP (axi_adxcvr)
# \param[a_jesd] - name of the JESD204 link IP
# \param[lane_map] - lane_map maps the logical lane $n onto the physical lane
# $lane_map[$n], otherwise logical lane $n is mapped onto physical lane $n.
# \param[link_clk] - define a custom link clock, should be a net name
# connected to the clock source. If not used, the rx|tx_clk_out_0 is used as
# link clock. This should be lane rate / (encoder_ratio*datapath width in bits)
# where encoder_ratio is 10/8 for 8b10b encoding or 66/64 for 64b66b link layer.
# \param[device_clk] - define a custom device clock, should be a net name
# connected to the clock source. If not used, the link_clk is used as
# device clock
# \param[num_of_max_lanes] - maximum number of used lanes at physical layer per link,
# this parameter is used only when the project is parameterized in order to connect the unused lanes
# to the util_adxcvr block. If not used, the number of connected lanes will be defined
# by the axi_adxcvr.
proc ad_xcvrcon {u_xcvr a_xcvr a_jesd {lane_map {}} {link_clk {}} {device_clk {}} {num_of_max_lanes -1} {partial_lane_map {}} {connect_empty_lanes 1}} {
global xcvr_index
global xcvr_tx_index
global xcvr_rx_index
global xcvr_instance
set qpll_enable [get_property CONFIG.QPLL_ENABLE [get_bd_cells $a_xcvr]]
set tx_or_rx_n [get_property CONFIG.TX_OR_RX_N [get_bd_cells $a_xcvr]]
set xcvr_type [get_property CONFIG.XCVR_TYPE [get_bd_cells $u_xcvr]]
set link_mode_u [get_property CONFIG.LINK_MODE [get_bd_cells $u_xcvr]]
set link_mode_a [get_property CONFIG.LINK_MODE [get_bd_cells $a_xcvr]]
if {$link_mode_u != $link_mode_a} {
puts "CRITICAL WARNING: LINK_MODE parameter mismatch between $u_xcvr ($link_mode_u) and $a_xcvr ($link_mode_a)"
set link_mode $link_mode_u
set jesd204_bd_type [get_property TYPE [get_bd_cells $a_jesd]]
if {$jesd204_bd_type == "hier"} {
set jesd204_type 0
} else {
set jesd204_type 1
if {$xcvr_instance ne $u_xcvr} {
set xcvr_index [expr ($xcvr_index + 1)]
set xcvr_tx_index 0
set xcvr_rx_index 0
set xcvr_instance $u_xcvr
set txrx "rx"
set data_dir "I"
set ctrl_dir "O"
set index $xcvr_rx_index
if {$tx_or_rx_n == 1} {
set txrx "tx"
set data_dir "O"
set ctrl_dir "I"
set index $xcvr_tx_index
set m_sysref ${txrx}_sysref_${index}
set m_sync ${txrx}_sync_${index}
set m_data ${txrx}_data
if {$xcvr_index >= 1} {
set m_sysref ${txrx}_sysref_${xcvr_index}_${index}
set m_sync ${txrx}_sync_${xcvr_index}_${index}
set m_data ${txrx}_data_${xcvr_index}
if {$jesd204_type == 0} {
set num_of_links [get_property CONFIG.NUM_LINKS [get_bd_cells $a_jesd/$txrx]]
} else {
set num_of_links 1
set no_of_lanes [get_property CONFIG.NUM_LANES [get_bd_cells $a_jesd/$txrx]]
set max_no_of_lanes $no_of_lanes
if {$num_of_max_lanes != -1} {
set max_no_of_lanes $num_of_max_lanes
create_bd_port -dir I $m_sysref
create_bd_port -from [expr $num_of_links - 1] -to 0 -dir ${ctrl_dir} $m_sync
set use_2x_clk 0
if {$link_clk == {}} {
# For 204C modes on GTH a 2x clock is required to drive the PCS
# In such case set the xcvr out clock to be the double of the lane rate/66(40)
# and use the secondary div2 clock output for the link clock
if {$link_mode == 2 && ($xcvr_type == 5 || $xcvr_type == 8)} {
set link_clk ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_out_clk_div2_${index}
set link_clk_2x ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_out_clk_${index}
set use_2x_clk 1
} else {
if {$partial_lane_map != {}} {
set cur_index [lindex $partial_lane_map $index]
set link_clk ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_out_clk_${cur_index}
} else {
set link_clk ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_out_clk_${index}
set rst_gen [regsub -all "/" ${a_jesd}_rstgen "_"]
set create_rst_gen 1
} else {
set rst_gen ${link_clk}_rstgen
# Only create one reset gen per clock
set create_rst_gen [expr {[get_bd_cells -quiet ${rst_gen}] == {}}]
if {$device_clk == {}} {
set device_clk $link_clk
} else {
set rst_gen ${device_clk}_rstgen
# Only create one reset gen per clock
set create_rst_gen [expr {[get_bd_cells -quiet ${rst_gen}] == {}}]
if {${create_rst_gen}} {
ad_ip_instance proc_sys_reset ${rst_gen}
ad_connect ${device_clk} ${rst_gen}/slowest_sync_clk
ad_connect sys_cpu_resetn ${rst_gen}/ext_reset_in
if {$partial_lane_map != {}} {
for {set n 0} {$n < $no_of_lanes} {incr n} {
set phys_lane [lindex $partial_lane_map $n]
if {$phys_lane != {}} {
if {$jesd204_type == 0} {
ad_connect ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_${phys_lane} ${a_jesd}/${txrx}_phy${n}
} else {
ad_connect ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_${phys_lane} ${a_jesd}/gt${n}_${txrx}
if {$tx_or_rx_n == 0} {
if {$jesd204_type == 0} {
if {$link_mode == 1} {
ad_connect ${a_jesd}/phy_en_char_align ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_calign_${phys_lane}
} else {
ad_connect ${a_jesd}/rxencommaalign_out ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_calign_${phys_lane}
if {$connect_empty_lanes == 1} {
for {set n 0} {$n < $max_no_of_lanes} {incr n} {
set m [expr ($n + $index)]
if {$lane_map != {}} {
set phys_lane [lindex $lane_map $n]
} else {
set phys_lane $m
if {$tx_or_rx_n == 0} {
ad_connect ${a_xcvr}/up_es_${n} ${u_xcvr}/up_es_${phys_lane}
if {(($n%4) == 0) && ($qpll_enable == 1)} {
ad_connect ${a_xcvr}/up_cm_${n} ${u_xcvr}/up_cm_${m}
ad_connect ${a_xcvr}/up_ch_${n} ${u_xcvr}/up_${txrx}_${phys_lane}
ad_connect ${link_clk} ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_clk_${phys_lane}
if {$use_2x_clk == 1} {
ad_connect ${link_clk_2x} ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_clk_2x_${phys_lane}
create_bd_port -dir ${data_dir} ${m_data}_${m}_p
create_bd_port -dir ${data_dir} ${m_data}_${m}_n
ad_connect ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_${m}_p ${m_data}_${m}_p
ad_connect ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_${m}_n ${m_data}_${m}_n
} else {
## Do nothing, the connections will be done manually
} else {
for {set n 0} {$n < $no_of_lanes} {incr n} {
set m [expr ($n + $index)]
if {$lane_map != {}} {
set phys_lane [lindex $lane_map $n]
} else {
set phys_lane $m
if {$tx_or_rx_n == 0} {
ad_connect ${a_xcvr}/up_es_${n} ${u_xcvr}/up_es_${phys_lane}
if {$jesd204_type == 0} {
if {$link_mode == 1} {
ad_connect ${a_jesd}/phy_en_char_align ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_calign_${phys_lane}
} else {
ad_connect ${a_jesd}/rxencommaalign_out ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_calign_${phys_lane}
if {(($n%4) == 0) && ($qpll_enable == 1)} {
ad_connect ${a_xcvr}/up_cm_${n} ${u_xcvr}/up_cm_${m}
ad_connect ${a_xcvr}/up_ch_${n} ${u_xcvr}/up_${txrx}_${phys_lane}
ad_connect ${link_clk} ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_clk_${phys_lane}
if {$use_2x_clk == 1} {
ad_connect ${link_clk_2x} ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_clk_2x_${phys_lane}
if {$phys_lane != {}} {
if {$jesd204_type == 0} {
ad_connect ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_${phys_lane} ${a_jesd}/${txrx}_phy${n}
} else {
ad_connect ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_${phys_lane} ${a_jesd}/gt${n}_${txrx}
create_bd_port -dir ${data_dir} ${m_data}_${m}_p
create_bd_port -dir ${data_dir} ${m_data}_${m}_n
ad_connect ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_${m}_p ${m_data}_${m}_p
ad_connect ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_${m}_n ${m_data}_${m}_n
for {set n $no_of_lanes} {$n < $max_no_of_lanes} {incr n} {
set m [expr ($n + $index)]
if {$lane_map != {}} {
set phys_lane [lindex $lane_map $n]
} else {
set phys_lane $m
create_bd_port -dir ${data_dir} ${m_data}_${m}_p
create_bd_port -dir ${data_dir} ${m_data}_${m}_n
ad_connect ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_${m}_p ${m_data}_${m}_p
ad_connect ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_${m}_n ${m_data}_${m}_n
ad_connect ${link_clk} ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_clk_${phys_lane}
if {$tx_or_rx_n == 0} {
if {$jesd204_type == 0} {
if {$link_mode == 1} {
ad_connect ${a_jesd}/phy_en_char_align ${u_xcvr}/${txrx}_calign_${phys_lane}
if {$jesd204_type == 0} {
ad_connect ${a_jesd}/sysref $m_sysref
if {$link_mode == 1} {
ad_connect ${a_jesd}/sync $m_sync
ad_connect ${device_clk} ${a_jesd}/device_clk
ad_connect ${link_clk} ${a_jesd}/link_clk
} else {
ad_connect ${a_jesd}/${txrx}_sysref $m_sysref
ad_connect ${a_jesd}/${txrx}_sync $m_sync
ad_connect ${device_clk} ${a_jesd}/${txrx}_core_clk
ad_connect ${a_xcvr}/up_status ${a_jesd}/${txrx}_reset_done
ad_connect ${rst_gen}/peripheral_reset ${a_jesd}/${txrx}_reset
if {$tx_or_rx_n == 0} {
set xcvr_rx_index [expr ($xcvr_rx_index + $max_no_of_lanes)]
if {$tx_or_rx_n == 1} {
set xcvr_tx_index [expr ($xcvr_tx_index + $max_no_of_lanes)]
## Connect all the PLL clock and reset ports of the transceiver IP to a clock
# or reset source.
# \param[m_src] - name of the clock or reset source
# \param[m_dst] - name or list of names of the clock or reset sink
proc ad_xcvrpll {m_src m_dst} {
foreach p_dst [get_bd_pins -quiet $m_dst] {
connect_bd_net [ad_connect_type $m_src] $p_dst
## Create an memory mapped interface connection to PS8 IP, using a
# HPC0 high speed interface.
# \param[p_clk] - name of the clock or reset source
# \param[p_name] - name or list of names of the clock or reset sink
proc ad_mem_hpc0_interconnect {p_clk p_name} {
global sys_zynq
if {$sys_zynq == 2} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "HPC0" $p_clk $p_name}
## Create an memory mapped interface connection to PS8 IP, using a
# HPC1 high speed interface.
# \param[p_clk] - name of the clock or reset source
# \param[p_name] - name or list of names of the clock or reset sink
proc ad_mem_hpc1_interconnect {p_clk p_name} {
global sys_zynq
if {$sys_zynq == 2} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "HPC1" $p_clk $p_name}
## Create an memory mapped interface connection to a MIG or PS7/8 IP, using a
# HP0 high speed interface in case of PSx.
# \param[p_clk] - name of the clock or reset source
# \param[p_name] - name or list of names of the clock or reset sink
proc ad_mem_hp0_interconnect {p_clk p_name} {
global sys_zynq
if {($sys_zynq != 1 && $sys_zynq != 2) && ($p_name eq "sys_ps7/S_AXI_HP0")} {return}
if {$sys_zynq == -1} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "SIM" $p_clk $p_name}
if {$sys_zynq == 0} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "MEM" $p_clk $p_name}
if {$sys_zynq == 1} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "HP0" $p_clk $p_name}
if {$sys_zynq == 2} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "HP0" $p_clk $p_name}
if {$sys_zynq == 3} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "NOC" $p_clk $p_name}
## Create an memory mapped interface connection to a MIG or PS7/8 IP, using a
# HP1 high speed interface in case of PSx.
# \param[p_clk] - name of the clock or reset source
# \param[p_name] - name or list of names of the clock or reset sink
proc ad_mem_hp1_interconnect {p_clk p_name} {
global sys_zynq
if {($sys_zynq != 1 && $sys_zynq != 2) && ($p_name eq "sys_ps7/S_AXI_HP1")} {return}
if {$sys_zynq == -1} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "SIM" $p_clk $p_name}
if {$sys_zynq == 0} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "MEM" $p_clk $p_name}
if {$sys_zynq == 1} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "HP1" $p_clk $p_name}
if {$sys_zynq == 2} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "HP1" $p_clk $p_name}
if {$sys_zynq == 3} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "NOC" $p_clk $p_name}
## Create an memory mapped interface connection to a MIG or PS7/8 IP, using a
# HP2 high speed interface in case of PSx.
# \param[p_clk] - name of the clock or reset source
# \param[p_name] - name or list of names of the clock or reset sink
proc ad_mem_hp2_interconnect {p_clk p_name} {
global sys_zynq
if {($sys_zynq != 1 && $sys_zynq != 2) && ($p_name eq "sys_ps7/S_AXI_HP2")} {return}
if {$sys_zynq == -1} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "SIM" $p_clk $p_name}
if {$sys_zynq == 0} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "MEM" $p_clk $p_name}
if {$sys_zynq == 1} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "HP2" $p_clk $p_name}
if {$sys_zynq == 2} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "HP2" $p_clk $p_name}
if {$sys_zynq == 3} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "NOC" $p_clk $p_name}
## Create an memory mapped interface connection to a MIG or PS7/8 IP, using a
# HP3 high speed interface in case of PSx.
# \param[p_clk] - name of the clock or reset source
# \param[p_name] - name or list of names of the clock or reset sink
proc ad_mem_hp3_interconnect {p_clk p_name} {
global sys_zynq
if {($sys_zynq != 1 && $sys_zynq != 2) && ($p_name eq "sys_ps7/S_AXI_HP3")} {return}
if {$sys_zynq == -1} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "SIM" $p_clk $p_name}
if {$sys_zynq == 0} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "MEM" $p_clk $p_name}
if {$sys_zynq == 1} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "HP3" $p_clk $p_name}
if {$sys_zynq == 2} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "HP3" $p_clk $p_name}
if {$sys_zynq == 3} {ad_mem_hpx_interconnect "NOC" $p_clk $p_name}
## Create an memory mapped interface connection to a MIG or PS7/8 IP, proc is
# called in the ad_mem_hp[0|1|2|3]_interconnect processes, should never be
# directly called in block designs.
# \param[p_sel] - name of the high speed interface, valid values are HP0, HP1
# HP2, HP3, MEM in case of Microblaze, or SIM in case of simulation
# \param[p_clk] - name of the clock or reset source
# \param[p_name] - name or list of names of the clock or reset sink
proc ad_mem_hpx_interconnect {p_sel p_clk p_name} {
global sys_zynq
global sys_ddr_addr_seg
global sys_hpc0_interconnect_index
global sys_hpc1_interconnect_index
global sys_hp0_interconnect_index
global sys_hp1_interconnect_index
global sys_hp2_interconnect_index
global sys_hp3_interconnect_index
global sys_mem_interconnect_index
global sys_mem_clk_index
set p_name_int $p_name
set p_clk_source [get_bd_pins -filter {DIR == O} -of_objects [get_bd_nets $p_clk]]
if {$p_sel eq "SIM"} {
if {$sys_mem_interconnect_index < 0} {
ad_ip_instance smartconnect axi_mem_interconnect
set m_interconnect_index $sys_mem_interconnect_index
set m_interconnect_cell [get_bd_cells axi_mem_interconnect]
set m_addr_seg [get_bd_addr_segs -of_objects [get_bd_cells ddr_axi_vip]]
if {$p_sel eq "MEM"} {
if {$sys_mem_interconnect_index < 0} {
ad_ip_instance smartconnect axi_mem_interconnect
set m_interconnect_index $sys_mem_interconnect_index
set m_interconnect_cell [get_bd_cells axi_mem_interconnect]
set m_addr_seg [get_bd_addr_segs -of_objects [get_bd_cells axi_ddr_cntrl] -filter "USAGE == memory"]
if {($p_sel eq "HP0") && ($sys_zynq == 1)} {
if {$sys_hp0_interconnect_index < 0} {
set p_name_int sys_ps7/S_AXI_HP0
set_property CONFIG.PCW_USE_S_AXI_HP0 {1} [get_bd_cells sys_ps7]
ad_ip_instance smartconnect axi_hp0_interconnect
set m_interconnect_index $sys_hp0_interconnect_index
set m_interconnect_cell [get_bd_cells axi_hp0_interconnect]
set m_addr_seg [get_bd_addr_segs sys_ps7/S_AXI_HP0/HP0_DDR_LOWOCM]
if {($p_sel eq "HP1") && ($sys_zynq == 1)} {
if {$sys_hp1_interconnect_index < 0} {
set p_name_int sys_ps7/S_AXI_HP1
set_property CONFIG.PCW_USE_S_AXI_HP1 {1} [get_bd_cells sys_ps7]
ad_ip_instance smartconnect axi_hp1_interconnect
set m_interconnect_index $sys_hp1_interconnect_index
set m_interconnect_cell [get_bd_cells axi_hp1_interconnect]
set m_addr_seg [get_bd_addr_segs sys_ps7/S_AXI_HP1/HP1_DDR_LOWOCM]
if {($p_sel eq "HP2") && ($sys_zynq == 1)} {
if {$sys_hp2_interconnect_index < 0} {
set p_name_int sys_ps7/S_AXI_HP2
set_property CONFIG.PCW_USE_S_AXI_HP2 {1} [get_bd_cells sys_ps7]
ad_ip_instance smartconnect axi_hp2_interconnect
set m_interconnect_index $sys_hp2_interconnect_index
set m_interconnect_cell [get_bd_cells axi_hp2_interconnect]
set m_addr_seg [get_bd_addr_segs sys_ps7/S_AXI_HP2/HP2_DDR_LOWOCM]
if {($p_sel eq "HP3") && ($sys_zynq == 1)} {
if {$sys_hp3_interconnect_index < 0} {
set p_name_int sys_ps7/S_AXI_HP3
set_property CONFIG.PCW_USE_S_AXI_HP3 {1} [get_bd_cells sys_ps7]
ad_ip_instance smartconnect axi_hp3_interconnect
set m_interconnect_index $sys_hp3_interconnect_index
set m_interconnect_cell [get_bd_cells axi_hp3_interconnect]
set m_addr_seg [get_bd_addr_segs sys_ps7/S_AXI_HP3/HP3_DDR_LOWOCM]
if {($p_sel eq "HPC0") && ($sys_zynq == 2)} {
if {$sys_hpc0_interconnect_index < 0} {
set p_name_int sys_ps8/S_AXI_HPC0_FPD
set_property CONFIG.PSU__USE__S_AXI_GP0 {1} [get_bd_cells sys_ps8]
set_property CONFIG.PSU__AFI0_COHERENCY {1} [get_bd_cells sys_ps8]
ad_ip_instance smartconnect axi_hpc0_interconnect
set m_interconnect_index $sys_hpc0_interconnect_index
set m_interconnect_cell [get_bd_cells axi_hpc0_interconnect]
set m_addr_seg [get_bd_addr_segs sys_ps8/SAXIGP0/HPC0_DDR_*]
if {($p_sel eq "HPC1") && ($sys_zynq == 2)} {
if {$sys_hpc1_interconnect_index < 0} {
set p_name_int sys_ps8/S_AXI_HPC1_FPD
set_property CONFIG.PSU__USE__S_AXI_GP1 {1} [get_bd_cells sys_ps8]
set_property CONFIG.PSU__AFI1_COHERENCY {1} [get_bd_cells sys_ps8]
ad_ip_instance smartconnect axi_hpc1_interconnect
set m_interconnect_index $sys_hpc1_interconnect_index
set m_interconnect_cell [get_bd_cells axi_hpc1_interconnect]
set m_addr_seg [get_bd_addr_segs sys_ps8/SAXIGP1/HPC1_DDR_*]
if {($p_sel eq "HP0") && ($sys_zynq == 2)} {
if {$sys_hp0_interconnect_index < 0} {
set p_name_int sys_ps8/S_AXI_HP0_FPD
set_property CONFIG.PSU__USE__S_AXI_GP2 {1} [get_bd_cells sys_ps8]
ad_ip_instance smartconnect axi_hp0_interconnect
set m_interconnect_index $sys_hp0_interconnect_index
set m_interconnect_cell [get_bd_cells axi_hp0_interconnect]
set m_addr_seg [get_bd_addr_segs sys_ps8/SAXIGP2/HP0_DDR_*]
if {($p_sel eq "HP1") && ($sys_zynq == 2)} {
if {$sys_hp1_interconnect_index < 0} {
set p_name_int sys_ps8/S_AXI_HP1_FPD
set_property CONFIG.PSU__USE__S_AXI_GP3 {1} [get_bd_cells sys_ps8]
ad_ip_instance smartconnect axi_hp1_interconnect
set m_interconnect_index $sys_hp1_interconnect_index
set m_interconnect_cell [get_bd_cells axi_hp1_interconnect]
set m_addr_seg [get_bd_addr_segs sys_ps8/SAXIGP3/HP1_DDR_*]
if {($p_sel eq "HP2") && ($sys_zynq == 2)} {
if {$sys_hp2_interconnect_index < 0} {
set p_name_int sys_ps8/S_AXI_HP2_FPD
set_property CONFIG.PSU__USE__S_AXI_GP4 {1} [get_bd_cells sys_ps8]
ad_ip_instance smartconnect axi_hp2_interconnect
set m_interconnect_index $sys_hp2_interconnect_index
set m_interconnect_cell [get_bd_cells axi_hp2_interconnect]
set m_addr_seg [get_bd_addr_segs sys_ps8/SAXIGP4/HP2_DDR_*]
if {($p_sel eq "HP3") && ($sys_zynq == 2)} {
if {$sys_hp3_interconnect_index < 0} {
set p_name_int sys_ps8/S_AXI_HP3_FPD
set_property CONFIG.PSU__USE__S_AXI_GP5 {1} [get_bd_cells sys_ps8]
ad_ip_instance smartconnect axi_hp3_interconnect
set m_interconnect_index $sys_hp3_interconnect_index
set m_interconnect_cell [get_bd_cells axi_hp3_interconnect]
set m_addr_seg [get_bd_addr_segs sys_ps8/SAXIGP5/HP3_DDR_*]
if {$p_sel eq "NOC"} {
set m_interconnect_index [get_property CONFIG.NUM_SI [get_bd_cells axi_noc_0]]
set m_interconnect_cell [get_bd_cells axi_noc_0]
set m_addr_seg [get_bd_addr_segs axi_noc_0/S[format "%02s" [expr $m_interconnect_index +1]]_AXI/C0_DDR_LOW0]
set sys_mem_clk_index [expr [get_property CONFIG.NUM_CLKS [get_bd_cells axi_noc_0]]-1]
set i_str "S$m_interconnect_index"
if {$m_interconnect_index < 10} {
set i_str "S0$m_interconnect_index"
set m_interconnect_index [expr $m_interconnect_index + 1]
set p_intf_name [lrange [split $p_name_int "/"] end end]
set p_cell_name [lrange [split $p_name_int "/"] 0 0]
set p_intf_clock [get_bd_pins -filter "TYPE == clk && (CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_BUSIF == ${p_intf_name} || \
CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_BUSIF =~ ${p_intf_name}:* || CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_BUSIF =~ *:${p_intf_name} || \
CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_BUSIF =~ *:${p_intf_name}:*)" -quiet -of_objects [get_bd_cells $p_cell_name]]
if {[find_bd_objs -quiet -relation connected_to $p_intf_clock] ne "" ||
$p_intf_clock eq $p_clk_source} {
set p_intf_clock ""
regsub clk $p_clk resetn p_rst
if {[get_bd_nets -quiet $p_rst] eq ""} {
set p_rst sys_cpu_resetn
if {$m_interconnect_index == 0} {
set_property CONFIG.NUM_MI 1 $m_interconnect_cell
set_property CONFIG.NUM_SI 1 $m_interconnect_cell
ad_connect $p_rst $m_interconnect_cell/ARESETN
ad_connect $p_clk $m_interconnect_cell/ACLK
ad_connect $m_interconnect_cell/M00_AXI $p_name_int
if {$p_intf_clock ne ""} {
ad_connect $p_clk $p_intf_clock
} else {
set_property CONFIG.NUM_SI $m_interconnect_index $m_interconnect_cell
set clk_index [lsearch [get_bd_nets -of_object [get_bd_pins $m_interconnect_cell/ACLK*]] [get_bd_nets $p_clk]]
if { $clk_index == -1 } {
incr sys_mem_clk_index
set_property CONFIG.NUM_CLKS [expr $sys_mem_clk_index +1] $m_interconnect_cell
ad_connect $p_clk $m_interconnect_cell/ACLK$sys_mem_clk_index
set asocc_clk_pin $m_interconnect_cell/ACLK$sys_mem_clk_index
} else {
set asocc_clk_pin [lindex [get_bd_pins $m_interconnect_cell/ACLK*] $clk_index]
ad_connect $m_interconnect_cell/${i_str}_AXI $p_name_int
if {$p_intf_clock ne ""} {
ad_connect $p_clk $p_intf_clock
if {$p_sel eq "NOC"} {
set_property -dict [list CONFIG.CONNECTIONS {MC_0 { read_bw {1720} write_bw {1720} read_avg_burst {4} write_avg_burst {4}} }] [get_bd_intf_pins /axi_noc_0/${i_str}_AXI]
# Add the new bus as associated to the clock pin, append new if other exists
set clk_asoc_port [get_property CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_BUSIF [get_bd_pins $asocc_clk_pin]]
if {$clk_asoc_port != {}} {
set clk_asoc_port ${clk_asoc_port}:
set_property -dict [list CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_BUSIF ${clk_asoc_port}${i_str}_AXI] [get_bd_pins $asocc_clk_pin]
set mem_mapped ""
if {$p_sel eq "MEM"} {
# Search a DDR segment that is at least 16MB
set mem_mapped [get_bd_addr_segs -of [get_bd_addr_spaces -of [get_bd_intf_pins -filter {NAME=~ *DLMB*} -of [get_bd_cells /sys_mb]]] -regexp -filter {NAME=~ ".*ddr.*" && RANGE=~".*0{6}$"}]
if {$p_sel eq "SIM"} {
set mem_mapped [get_bd_addr_segs -of [get_bd_addr_spaces -of [get_bd_intf_pins -filter {NAME=~ *M_AXI*} -of [get_bd_cells /mng_axi_vip]]] -filter {NAME=~ *DDR* || NAME=~ *ddr*}]
if {$mem_mapped eq ""} {
assign_bd_address $m_addr_seg
} else {
assign_bd_address -offset [get_property OFFSET $mem_mapped] \
-range [get_property RANGE $mem_mapped] $m_addr_seg
if {$p_sel eq "SIM"} {set sys_mem_interconnect_index $m_interconnect_index}
if {$p_sel eq "MEM"} {set sys_mem_interconnect_index $m_interconnect_index}
if {$p_sel eq "HPC0"} {set sys_hpc0_interconnect_index $m_interconnect_index}
if {$p_sel eq "HPC1"} {set sys_hpc1_interconnect_index $m_interconnect_index}
if {$p_sel eq "HP0"} {set sys_hp0_interconnect_index $m_interconnect_index}
if {$p_sel eq "HP1"} {set sys_hp1_interconnect_index $m_interconnect_index}
if {$p_sel eq "HP2"} {set sys_hp2_interconnect_index $m_interconnect_index}
if {$p_sel eq "HP3"} {set sys_hp3_interconnect_index $m_interconnect_index}
## Create an AXI4 Lite memory mapped interface connection for register maps,
# instantiates an interconnect and reconfigure it at every process call.
# \param[p_address] - address offset of the IP register map
# \param[p_name] - name of the IP
# \param[p_intf_name] - name of the AXI MM Slave interface (optional)
proc ad_cpu_interconnect {p_address p_name {p_intf_name {}}} {
global sys_zynq
global sys_cpu_interconnect_index
set i_str "M$sys_cpu_interconnect_index"
if {$sys_cpu_interconnect_index < 10} {
set i_str "M0$sys_cpu_interconnect_index"
set use_smart_connect 1
# SmartConnect has higher resource utilization and worse timing closure on older families
if {$sys_zynq == 1} {
set use_smart_connect 0
if {$sys_cpu_interconnect_index == 0} {
if {$use_smart_connect == 1} {
ad_ip_instance smartconnect axi_cpu_interconnect [ list \
NUM_MI 1 \
NUM_SI 1 \
ad_connect sys_cpu_clk axi_cpu_interconnect/aclk
ad_connect sys_cpu_resetn axi_cpu_interconnect/aresetn
} else {
ad_ip_instance axi_interconnect axi_cpu_interconnect
ad_connect sys_cpu_clk axi_cpu_interconnect/ACLK
ad_connect sys_cpu_clk axi_cpu_interconnect/S00_ACLK
ad_connect sys_cpu_resetn axi_cpu_interconnect/ARESETN
ad_connect sys_cpu_resetn axi_cpu_interconnect/S00_ARESETN
if {$sys_zynq == 3} {
ad_connect sys_cpu_clk sys_cips/m_axi_fpd_aclk
ad_connect axi_cpu_interconnect/S00_AXI sys_cips/M_AXI_FPD
if {$sys_zynq == 2} {
ad_connect sys_cpu_clk sys_ps8/maxihpm0_lpd_aclk
ad_connect axi_cpu_interconnect/S00_AXI sys_ps8/M_AXI_HPM0_LPD
if {$sys_zynq == 1} {
ad_connect sys_cpu_clk sys_ps7/M_AXI_GP0_ACLK
ad_connect axi_cpu_interconnect/S00_AXI sys_ps7/M_AXI_GP0
if {$sys_zynq == 0} {
ad_connect axi_cpu_interconnect/S00_AXI sys_mb/M_AXI_DP
if {$sys_zynq == -1} {
ad_connect axi_cpu_interconnect/S00_AXI mng_axi_vip/M_AXI
if {$sys_zynq == 3} {
set sys_addr_cntrl_space [get_bd_addr_spaces /sys_cips/M_AXI_FPD]
if {$sys_zynq == 2} {
set sys_addr_cntrl_space [get_bd_addr_spaces sys_ps8/Data]
if {$sys_zynq == 1} {
set sys_addr_cntrl_space [get_bd_addr_spaces sys_ps7/Data]
if {$sys_zynq == 0} {
set sys_addr_cntrl_space [get_bd_addr_spaces sys_mb/Data]
if {$sys_zynq == -1} {
set sys_addr_cntrl_space [get_bd_addr_spaces mng_axi_vip/Master_AXI]
set sys_cpu_interconnect_index [expr $sys_cpu_interconnect_index + 1]
set p_cell [get_bd_cells $p_name]
set p_intf [get_bd_intf_pins -filter \
"MODE == Slave && VLNV == && NAME =~ *$p_intf_name*"\
-of_objects $p_cell]
set p_hier_cell $p_cell
set p_hier_intf $p_intf
while {$p_hier_intf != "" && [get_property TYPE $p_hier_cell] == "hier"} {
set p_hier_intf [find_bd_objs -boundary_type lower \
-relation connected_to $p_hier_intf]
if {$p_hier_intf != {}} {
set p_hier_cell [get_bd_cells -of_objects $p_hier_intf]
} else {
set p_hier_cell {}
set p_intf_clock ""
set p_intf_reset ""
if {$p_hier_cell != {}} {
set p_intf_name [lrange [split $p_hier_intf "/"] end end]
set p_intf_clock [get_bd_pins -filter "TYPE == clk && \
(CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_BUSIF == ${p_intf_name} || \
CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_BUSIF =~ ${p_intf_name}:* || \
CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_BUSIF =~ *:${p_intf_name} || \
CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_BUSIF =~ *:${p_intf_name}:*)" \
-quiet -of_objects $p_hier_cell]
set p_intf_reset [get_bd_pins -filter "TYPE == rst && \
(CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_BUSIF == ${p_intf_name} || \
CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_BUSIF =~ ${p_intf_name}:* ||
CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_BUSIF =~ *:${p_intf_name} || \
CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_BUSIF =~ *:${p_intf_name}:*)" \
-quiet -of_objects $p_hier_cell]
if {($p_intf_clock ne "") && ($p_intf_reset eq "")} {
set p_intf_reset [get_property CONFIG.ASSOCIATED_RESET [get_bd_pins ${p_intf_clock}]]
if {$p_intf_reset ne ""} {
set p_intf_reset [get_bd_pins -filter "NAME == $p_intf_reset" -of_objects $p_hier_cell]
# Trace back up
set p_hier_cell2 $p_hier_cell
while {$p_intf_clock != {} && $p_hier_cell2 != $p_cell && $p_hier_cell2 != {}} {
puts $p_intf_clock
puts $p_hier_cell2
set p_intf_clock [find_bd_objs -boundary_type upper \
-relation connected_to $p_intf_clock]
if {$p_intf_clock != {}} {
set p_intf_clock [get_bd_pins [get_property PATH $p_intf_clock]]
set p_hier_cell2 [get_bd_cells -of_objects $p_intf_clock]
set p_hier_cell2 $p_hier_cell
while {$p_intf_reset != {} && $p_hier_cell2 != $p_cell && $p_hier_cell2 != {}} {
set p_intf_reset [find_bd_objs -boundary_type upper \
-relation connected_to $p_intf_reset]
if {$p_intf_reset != {}} {
set p_intf_reset [get_bd_pins [get_property PATH $p_intf_reset]]
set p_hier_cell2 [get_bd_cells -of_objects $p_intf_reset]
if {[find_bd_objs -quiet -relation connected_to $p_intf_clock] ne ""} {
set p_intf_clock ""
if {$p_intf_reset ne ""} {
if {[find_bd_objs -quiet -relation connected_to $p_intf_reset] ne ""} {
set p_intf_reset ""
set_property CONFIG.NUM_MI $sys_cpu_interconnect_index [get_bd_cells axi_cpu_interconnect]
if {$use_smart_connect == 0} {
ad_connect sys_cpu_clk axi_cpu_interconnect/${i_str}_ACLK
ad_connect sys_cpu_resetn axi_cpu_interconnect/${i_str}_ARESETN
if {$p_intf_clock ne ""} {
ad_connect sys_cpu_clk ${p_intf_clock}
if {$p_intf_reset ne ""} {
ad_connect sys_cpu_resetn ${p_intf_reset}
ad_connect axi_cpu_interconnect/${i_str}_AXI ${p_intf}
set p_seg [get_bd_addr_segs -of [get_bd_addr_spaces -of [get_bd_intf_pins -filter "NAME=~ *${p_intf_name}*" -of $p_hier_cell]]]
set p_index 0
foreach p_seg_name $p_seg {
if {$p_index == 0} {
set p_seg_range [get_property range $p_seg_name]
if {$p_seg_range < 0x1000} {
set p_seg_range 0x1000
if {$sys_zynq == 3} {
if {($p_address >= 0x44000000) && ($p_address <= 0x4fffffff)} {
# place axi peripherics in A400_0000-AFFF_FFFF range
set p_address [expr ($p_address + 0x60000000)]
} elseif {($p_address >= 0x70000000) && ($p_address <= 0x7fffffff)} {
# place axi peripherics in B000_0000-BFFF_FFFF range
set p_address [expr ($p_address + 0x40000000)]
} else {
error "ERROR: ad_cpu_interconnect : Cannot map ($p_address) to aperture, \
Addess out of range 0x4400_0000 - 0X4FFF_FFFF; 0x7000_0000 - 0X7FFF_FFFF !"
if {$sys_zynq == 2} {
if {($p_address >= 0x40000000) && ($p_address <= 0x4fffffff)} {
set p_address [expr ($p_address + 0x40000000)]
if {($p_address >= 0x70000000) && ($p_address <= 0x7fffffff)} {
set p_address [expr ($p_address + 0x20000000)]
create_bd_addr_seg -range $p_seg_range \
-offset $p_address $sys_addr_cntrl_space \
$p_seg_name "SEG_data_${p_name}"
} else {
assign_bd_address $p_seg_name
incr p_index
## Connects an IP interrupt port to the system's interrupt controller interface.
# \param[p_ps_index] - interrupt index used in PSx based architecture
# \param[p_mb_index] - interrupt index used in Microblaze based architecture
# \param[p_name] - name of the interrupt port
proc ad_cpu_interrupt {p_ps_index p_mb_index p_name} {
global sys_zynq
if {$sys_zynq <= 0} {set p_index_int $p_mb_index}
if {$sys_zynq >= 1} {set p_index_int $p_ps_index}
set p_index [regsub -all {[^0-9]} $p_index_int ""]
set m_index [expr ($p_index - 8)]
if {$sys_zynq == 3} {
if {$p_index < 0 || $p_index > 15} {
error "ERROR: ad_cpu_interrupt : Interrupt index ($p_index) out of range 0-15 "
ad_connect $p_name sys_cips/pl_ps_irq$p_index
if {($sys_zynq == 2) && ($p_index <= 7)} {
set p_net [get_bd_nets -of_objects [get_bd_pins sys_concat_intc_0/In$p_index]]
set p_pin [get_bd_pins sys_concat_intc_0/In$p_index]
puts "disconnect_bd_net $p_net $p_pin"
disconnect_bd_net $p_net $p_pin
ad_connect sys_concat_intc_0/In$p_index $p_name
if {($sys_zynq == 2) && ($p_index >= 8)} {
set p_net [get_bd_nets -of_objects [get_bd_pins sys_concat_intc_1/In$m_index]]
set p_pin [get_bd_pins sys_concat_intc_1/In$m_index]
puts "disconnect_bd_net $p_net $p_pin"
disconnect_bd_net $p_net $p_pin
ad_connect sys_concat_intc_1/In$m_index $p_name
if {$sys_zynq <= 1} {
set p_net [get_bd_nets -of_objects [get_bd_pins sys_concat_intc/In$p_index]]
set p_pin [get_bd_pins sys_concat_intc/In$p_index]
puts "disconnect_bd_net $p_net $p_pin"
disconnect_bd_net $p_net $p_pin
ad_connect sys_concat_intc/In$p_index $p_name