
238 lines
6.9 KiB

// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Copyright 2014 - 2017 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Each core or library found in this collection may have its own licensing terms.
// The user should keep this in in mind while exploring these cores.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
// with or without modification of this file, are permitted under the terms of either
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// 1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory, or at:
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// 2. An ADI specific BSD license as noted in the top level directory, or on-line at:
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module system_top (
input sys_rst,
input sys_clk_p,
input sys_clk_n,
input uart_sin,
output uart_sout,
output ddr3_reset_n,
output [13:0] ddr3_addr,
output [ 2:0] ddr3_ba,
output ddr3_cas_n,
output ddr3_ras_n,
output ddr3_we_n,
output [ 0:0] ddr3_ck_n,
output [ 0:0] ddr3_ck_p,
output [ 0:0] ddr3_cke,
output [ 0:0] ddr3_cs_n,
output [ 7:0] ddr3_dm,
inout [63:0] ddr3_dq,
inout [ 7:0] ddr3_dqs_n,
inout [ 7:0] ddr3_dqs_p,
output [ 0:0] ddr3_odt,
input sgmii_rxp,
input sgmii_rxn,
output sgmii_txp,
output sgmii_txn,
output phy_rstn,
input mgt_clk_p,
input mgt_clk_n,
output mdio_mdc,
inout mdio_mdio,
output [26:1] linear_flash_addr,
output linear_flash_adv_ldn,
output linear_flash_ce_n,
inout [15:0] linear_flash_dq_io,
output linear_flash_oen,
output linear_flash_wen,
output fan_pwm,
inout [ 6:0] gpio_lcd,
inout [20:0] gpio_bd,
output iic_rstn,
inout iic_scl,
inout iic_sda,
input rx_ref_clk_p,
input rx_ref_clk_n,
output rx_sysref_p,
output rx_sysref_n,
output rx_sync_p,
output rx_sync_n,
input [ 1:0] rx_data_p,
input [ 1:0] rx_data_n,
inout adc_oen,
inout adc_sela,
inout adc_selb,
inout adc_s0,
inout adc_s1,
inout adc_resetb,
inout adc_agc1,
inout adc_agc2,
inout adc_agc3,
inout adc_agc4,
output spi_csn,
output spi_clk,
output spi_mosi,
input spi_miso);
// internal signals
wire [63:0] gpio_i;
wire [63:0] gpio_o;
wire [63:0] gpio_t;
wire [ 6:0] spi_csn_open;
wire spi_mosi;
wire spi_miso;
wire rx_ref_clk;
wire rx_sysref;
wire rx_sync;
wire rx_clk;
// default logic
assign fan_pwm = 1'b1;
assign iic_rstn = 1'b1;
// instantiations
IBUFDS_GTE2 i_ibufds_rx_ref_clk (
.CEB (1'd0),
.I (rx_ref_clk_p),
.IB (rx_ref_clk_n),
.O (rx_ref_clk),
.ODIV2 ());
OBUFDS i_obufds_rx_sysref (
.I (rx_sysref),
.O (rx_sysref_p),
.OB (rx_sysref_n));
OBUFDS i_obufds_rx_sync (
.I (rx_sync),
.O (rx_sync_p),
.OB (rx_sync_n));
ad_iobuf #(.DATA_WIDTH(10)) i_iobuf (
.dio_t (gpio_t[41:32]),
.dio_i (gpio_o[41:32]),
.dio_o (gpio_i[41:32]),
.dio_p ({ adc_oen,
ad_iobuf #(.DATA_WIDTH(21)) i_iobuf_bd (
.dio_t (gpio_t[20:0]),
.dio_i (gpio_o[20:0]),
.dio_o (gpio_i[20:0]),
.dio_p (gpio_bd));
ad_sysref_gen i_sysref (
.core_clk (rx_clk),
.sysref_en (gpio_o[48]),
.sysref_out (rx_sysref));
system_wrapper i_system_wrapper (
.ddr3_addr (ddr3_addr),
.ddr3_ba (ddr3_ba),
.ddr3_cas_n (ddr3_cas_n),
.ddr3_ck_n (ddr3_ck_n),
.ddr3_ck_p (ddr3_ck_p),
.ddr3_cke (ddr3_cke),
.ddr3_cs_n (ddr3_cs_n),
.ddr3_dm (ddr3_dm),
.ddr3_dq (ddr3_dq),
.ddr3_dqs_n (ddr3_dqs_n),
.ddr3_dqs_p (ddr3_dqs_p),
.ddr3_odt (ddr3_odt),
.ddr3_ras_n (ddr3_ras_n),
.ddr3_reset_n (ddr3_reset_n),
.ddr3_we_n (ddr3_we_n),
.gpio0_i (gpio_i[31:0]),
.gpio0_o (gpio_o[31:0]),
.gpio0_t (gpio_t[31:0]),
.gpio1_i (gpio_i[63:32]),
.gpio1_o (gpio_o[63:32]),
.gpio1_t (gpio_t[63:32]),
.gpio_lcd_tri_io (gpio_lcd),
.iic_main_scl_io (iic_scl),
.iic_main_sda_io (iic_sda),
.linear_flash_addr (linear_flash_addr),
.linear_flash_adv_ldn (linear_flash_adv_ldn),
.linear_flash_ce_n (linear_flash_ce_n),
.linear_flash_dq_io (linear_flash_dq_io),
.linear_flash_oen (linear_flash_oen),
.linear_flash_wen (linear_flash_wen),
.mb_intr_06 (1'b0),
.mb_intr_07 (1'b0),
.mb_intr_08 (1'b0),
.mb_intr_12 (1'b0),
.mb_intr_14 (1'b0),
.mb_intr_15 (1'b0),
.mdio_mdc (mdio_mdc),
.mdio_mdio_io (mdio_mdio),
.mgt_clk_clk_n (mgt_clk_n),
.mgt_clk_clk_p (mgt_clk_p),
.phy_rstn (phy_rstn),
.phy_sd (1'b1),
.rx_data_0_n (rx_data_n[0]),
.rx_data_0_p (rx_data_p[0]),
.rx_data_1_n (rx_data_n[1]),
.rx_data_1_p (rx_data_p[1]),
.rx_ref_clk_0 (rx_ref_clk),
.rx_sync_0 (rx_sync),
.rx_sysref_0 (rx_sysref),
.rx_core_clk (rx_clk),
.sgmii_rxn (sgmii_rxn),
.sgmii_rxp (sgmii_rxp),
.sgmii_txn (sgmii_txn),
.sgmii_txp (sgmii_txp),
.spi_clk_i (spi_clk),
.spi_clk_o (spi_clk),
.spi_csn_i ({spi_csn_open, spi_csn}),
.spi_csn_o ({spi_csn_open, spi_csn}),
.spi_sdi_i (spi_miso),
.spi_sdo_i (spi_mosi),
.spi_sdo_o (spi_mosi),
.sys_clk_n (sys_clk_n),
.sys_clk_p (sys_clk_p),
.sys_rst (sys_rst),
.uart_sin (uart_sin),
.uart_sout (uart_sout));
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