
270 lines
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Executable File

.. _ad4134_fmc:
AD4134-FMC HDL project
The :adi:`AD4134` is a quad channel, low noise, simultaneous sampling,
precision analog-to-digital converter (ADC), based on the continuous time
sigma-delta (CTSD) modulation scheme. This architecture inherently rejects
signals around the ADC aliasing frequency band, giving the device its inherent
antialiasing capability, and removesthe need for a complex external
antialiasing filter.
This device has four independent converter channels in parallel, each with a
CTSD modulator and a digital decimation and filtering path. It enables
simultaneous sampling of four signal sources, with a maximum input bandwidth
of 391.5 kHz. It supports a wide range of ODR frequencies, from 0.01 kSPS to
1496 kSPS wih less than 0.01 SPS adjustment resolution, allowing the user to
granularly vary sampling speed to achieve coherent sampling.
The :adi:`AD4134` supports two device configuration schemes: serial peripheral
interface (SPI) and hardware pin configuration (pin control mode). The SPI
control mode offers access to all the features and configuration options
available on the chip.Pin control mode offers the benefit of simplifying the
device configuration, enabling the device to operate autonomously after
power-up operating in a standalone mode.
The HDL reference design for the EVAL-AD4134 provides all the interfaces that
are necessary to interact with the device using a Xilinx FPGA development
board; to acquire continuous data from the 24-bit 4-channel precision alias
free ADC device.
Supported boards
- :adi:`EVAL-AD4134 <EVAL-AD4134>`
Supported devices
- :adi:`AD4134`
Supported carriers
- :xilinx:`ZedBoard <products/boards-and-kits/1-8dyf-11.html>` on FMC slot
Block design
The reference design uses the SPI Engine Framework to interface with the AD4134
ADC and only supports the slave mode with both DCLK and ODR generated by the
FPGA. The device sends data on the 4 DIN bits.
Block diagram
The data path and clock domains are depicted in the below diagrams:
.. image:: ad4134_hdl.svg
:width: 800
:align: center
:alt: AD4134-FMC/ZED block diagram
Jumper setup
================== ========= ===============================
Jumper/Solder link Position Description
================== ========= ===============================
JP16 Mounted MODE (Slave) and DCLKIO (Input)
================== ========= ===============================
CPU/Memory interconnects addresses
The addresses are dependent on the architecture of the FPGA, having an offset
added to the base address from HDL(see more at :ref:`architecture`).
======================== ===========
Instance Address
======================== ===========
spi_ad4134_axi_regmap 0x44A0_0000
axi_ad4134_dma 0x44A3_0000
odr_generator 0x44B0_0000
axi_ad4134_clkgen 0x44B1_0000
======================== ===========
SPI connections
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 25 25 25
:header-rows: 1
* - SPI type
- SPI manager instance
- SPI subordinate
- CS
* - PS
- SPI 0
- AD4134
- 0
The Software GPIO number is calculated as follows:
- Zynq-7000: if PS7 is used, then offset is 54
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 25 25 25
:header-rows: 2
* - GPIO signal
- Direction
- Software GPIO
* -
- (from FPGA view)
- Zynq-7000
* - ad4134_dclkio
- 45
- 99
* - ad4134_dclk_mode
- 44
- 98
* - ad4134_gpio[7:0]
- 43:36
- 97:90
* - ad4134_pinbspi
- 35
- 89
* - ad4134_mode
- 34
- 88
* - ad4134_pdn
- 33
- 87
* - ad4134_resetn
- 32
- 86
Below are the Programmable Logic interrupts used in this project.
=============== === ========== ===========
Instance name HDL Linux Zynq Actual Zynq
=============== === ========== ===========
axi_ad4134_dma 13 57 89
spi_ad4134 12 56 88
=============== === ========== ===========
Building the HDL project
The design is built upon ADI's generic HDL reference design framework.
ADI does not distribute the bit/elf files of these projects so they
must be built from the sources available :git-hdl:`here </>`. To get
the source you must
`clone <>`__
the HDL repository, and then build the project as follows:.
.. code-block::
user@analog:~$ cd hdl/projects/ad4134_fmc/zed
user@analog:~/hdl/projects/ad4134_fmc/zed$ make
A more comprehensive build guide can be found in the :ref:`build_hdl`
user guide.
Hardware related
- Product datasheet: :adi:`AD4134`
- `UG-2016, EVAL-AD4134FMCZ Board User Guide <>`__
HDL related
- :git-hdl:`AD4134-FMC HDL project source code <projects/ad4134_fmc>`
.. list-table::
:widths: 30 35 35
:header-rows: 1
* - IP name
- Source code link
- Documentation link
- :git-hdl:`library/axi_clkgen`
- :dokuwiki:`[Wiki] <resources/fpga/docs/axi_clkgen>`
- :git-hdl:`library/axi_dmac`
- :ref:`here <axi_dmac>`
- :git-hdl:`library/axi_hdmi_tx`
- :dokuwiki:`[Wiki] <resources/fpga/docs/axi_hdmi_tx>`
- :git-hdl:`library/axi_i2s_adi`
- ---
- :git-hdl:`library/axi_pwm_gen`
- :dokuwiki:`[Wiki] <resources/fpga/docs/axi_pwm_gen>`
- :git-hdl:`library/axi_spdif_tx`
- ---
- :git-hdl:`library/axi_sysid`
- :dokuwiki:`[Wiki] <resources/fpga/docs/axi_sysid>`
- :git-hdl:`library/spi_engine/axi_spi_engine`
- :ref:`here <spi_engine axi>`
- :git-hdl:`library/spi_engine/spi_engine_execution`
- :ref:`here <spi_engine execution>`
- :git-hdl:`library/spi_engine/spi_engine_interconnect`
- :ref:`here <spi_engine interconnect>`
- :git-hdl:`library/spi_engine/spi_engine_offload`
- :ref:`here <spi_engine offload>`
- :git-hdl:`library/sysid_rom`
- :dokuwiki:`[Wiki] <resources/fpga/docs/axi_sysid>`
- :git-hdl:`library/util_i2c_mixer`
- ---
- :ref:`SPI Engine Framework documentation <spi_engine>`
Software related
Linux support:
- :git-linux:`Linux device tree zynq-zed-adv7511-ad4134.dts <arch/arm/boot/dts/zynq-zed-adv7511-ad4134.dts>`
- :git-linux:`Linux driver ad4134.c <drivers/iio/adc/ad4134.c>`
No-OS support:
- :git-no-os:`AD4134_FMC No-OS project source code <projects/ad413x>`
- :git-no-os:`AD4134/AD7134 No-OS Driver source code <drivers/adc/ad713x>`
- :dokuwiki:`AD4134/AD7134 No-OS Software documentation[Wiki] <resources/tools-software/uc-drivers/ad713x>`
- :dokuwiki:`How to build No-OS <resources/no-os/build>`
.. include:: ../common/more_information.rst
.. include:: ../common/support.rst