
23 lines
876 B

## Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
### SPDX short identifier: ADIBSD
## FIFO depth is 18Mb - 1M samples
set dac_fifo_address_width 17
## NOTE: With this configuration the #36Kb BRAM utilization is at ~57%
source $ad_hdl_dir/projects/common/zcu102/zcu102_system_bd.tcl
source $ad_hdl_dir/projects/common/xilinx/dacfifo_bd.tcl
source $ad_hdl_dir/projects/scripts/adi_pd.tcl
#system ID
ad_ip_parameter axi_sysid_0 CONFIG.ROM_ADDR_BITS 9
ad_ip_parameter rom_sys_0 CONFIG.PATH_TO_FILE "[pwd]/mem_init_sys.txt"
ad_ip_parameter rom_sys_0 CONFIG.ROM_ADDR_BITS 9
set sys_cstring "sys rom custom string placeholder"
sysid_gen_sys_init_file $sys_cstring;
source ../common/adrv9026_bd.tcl