python-schdoc/tests/altium_crap/Scripts/VB Scripts/SineWave.vbs

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' Summary Generate and plot a sine wave on a form
' Copyright (c) 2003 by Altium Limited
Sub bDrawClick(Sender)
Dim i
Dim x1
Dim y,y1,y3,y5
Dim Step
Dim NumberOfCycles
Dim CycleLength
Dim Shape
Dim StartX
Dim FinalX
Dim pi
pi = 3.1415926
StartX = 10
' width of dialog
FinalX = Width - 50
NumberOfCycles = 1
' length of one wave cycle
CycleLength = Round((FinalX-StartX) / NumberOfCycles)
' distance between data points is fixed at 5
Step = 5
x1 = StartX
i = 1
While x1 <= FinalX
y1 = 50 *(sin(NumberofCycles * (2 * pi * (x1 / CycleLength))) + 1)
y3 = (50 / 3) *(sin(NumberofCycles * (2 * pi * (3 * x1 / CycleLength))) + 1)
y5 = (50 / 5) *(sin(NumberofCycles * (2 * pi * (5 * x1 / CycleLength))) + 1)
y = y1 + y3 + y5
Shape = CreateShape(0)
Shape.Left = x1
Shape.Top = y
x1 = x1 + Step
i = i + 1
End Sub
Function CreateShape(Dummy)
Dim Result
Result = TShape.Create(SineWaveForm)
Result.Brush.Color = 0 = bsSolid
Result.Pen.Color = 65000
Result.pen.Mode = pmCopy
Result.pen.Style = psSolid
Result.Pen.Width = 2
Result.Shape = stCircle
Result.Visible = true
Result.Width = 10
Result.Height = 10
Result.Parent = SineWaveForm
CreateShape = Result
End Function
Sub bCloseClick(Sender)
End Sub
Sub DrawSine
End Sub