python-schdoc/altium_crap/Tutorials/NB3000 Discovery Series/Discovery Session 12/Embedded/main.c

68 lines
2.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <stdio.h>
#include <graphics.h>
#include <touchscreen.h>
#include <pointer.h>
#include "generic_devices.h"
#include "devices.h"
#define WIDTH 320
#define HEIGHT 240
// Function prototypes
static void draw_mark(int x, int y, int width, int height, void *vp);
char *cal1 = "Touch screen at marker";
char *cal2 = "Calibration done";
// Pointers for LCD, Touch panel, and graphics drivers
graphics_t * display;
canvas_t * canvas;
touchscreen_t * tft_touch;
touchscreen_data_t * position;
touchscreen_callback_t callback;
pointer_t * ptr;
pointer_state_t * pointer_state;
int dx, dy;
void main (void)
// Open instances of drivers for LCD, Touch and Graphics
tft_touch = touchscreen_open(TOUCHSCREEN_1);
ptr = pointer_open(POINTER_1);
display = graphics_open(GRAPHICS_1);
canvas = graphics_get_visible_canvas(display);
dx = dy = 0;
// Tell Touch driver which function to call for display during calibration
touchscreen_set_callback(tft_touch, draw_mark, canvas);
while(!touchscreen_calibrate(tft_touch, WIDTH, HEIGHT));
graphics_fill_canvas(canvas, 0x080008);
if (pointer_update(ptr, pointer_state))
// Send point to Terminal in Devices View.
printf( "Touched screen at point (%d,%d)\n",
pointer_state->y );
graphics_draw_line(canvas, dx, dy, pointer_state->x,
pointer_state->y, 0xFF0000);
dx = pointer_state->x;
dy = pointer_state->y;
graphics_set_visible_canvas(display, canvas);
// Calibration call-back function - used to display a cross-hair at
// Calibration points on TFT panel.
static void draw_mark(int x, int y, int width, int height, void *vp)
graphics_draw_circle(canvas, x, y, 10, 0xff00ff);
graphics_draw_line(canvas, x - 15, y, x + 15, y, 0x00ffff);
graphics_draw_line(canvas, x, y - 15, x, y + 15, 0x00ffff);
graphics_draw_string(canvas, 50, 50, cal1, NULL, 0xffffff, 0);
graphics_set_visible_canvas(display, canvas);