
250 lines
9.8 KiB
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2020-03-07 08:01:22 +00:00
import argparse, textwrap
import olefile
import re
import json
import copy
import math
2020-05-22 05:30:41 +00:00
import logging as lg
2020-03-07 08:01:22 +00:00
def parse(input, format, **kwargs):
fullPath = input
blah = olefile.OleFileIO(fullPath)
stream = blah.openstream('FileHeader')
# split binary stream into lines using a repeated 5 byte signature
pattern = re.compile(b'.{3}\x00\x00\|')
lines = pattern.split([5:-1]) # lopping off first 4 bytes, and last byte, since they don't seem to matter?
schematic = {}
datums = []
# loop through every "line" and parse each into a dictionary
for line in lines:
datum = {}
pairs = line.split(b"|")
for pair in pairs:
data = pair.split(b"=")
datum[data[0].decode()] = data[1].decode()
# separate out the header dictionary from the "records" dictionaries
schematic["header"] = [x for x in datums if 'HEADER' in x.keys()]
schematic["records"] = [x for x in datums if 'RECORD' in x.keys()]
hierarchy_schematic = determine_hierarchy(schematic)
if format == 'all-hierarchy':
schematic = hierarchy_schematic
elif format == 'parts-list':
schematic = determine_parts_list(hierarchy_schematic)
elif format == 'net-list':
schematic = determine_net_list(hierarchy_schematic)
return schematic
def determine_hierarchy(schematic):
"""Convert a dict containing a flat list of records
into a dict of records in a hierarchy
:param schematic: dict with 'header' and 'records' populated
:return: the input dict with 'records' assembled into parent/child hierarchy
# prep a scratchpad copy of records to build hierarchy from
records_copy = copy.deepcopy(schematic["records"])
schematic["hierarchy"] = []
# loop through all "records" and organize them into owner/children
for i, current in enumerate(records_copy):
current['index'] = i
s = current.get("OWNERINDEX")
if (s is None):
ownerIndex = int(s)
owner = records_copy[ownerIndex]
if (owner.get("children") == None):
owner["children"] = []
schematic["records"] = schematic["hierarchy"]
schematic.pop("hierarchy", None)
2020-03-04 08:34:33 +00:00
return schematic
2020-03-07 08:25:38 +00:00
def determine_parts_list(schematic):
parts_list = {
"records": [ record for record in schematic["records"] if record["RECORD"] is "1" ]
return parts_list
def determine_net_list(schematic):
_, wires = find_record(schematic, key="RECORD", value="27")
_, pins = find_record(schematic, key="RECORD", value="2")
_, labels = find_record(schematic, key="RECORD", value="25")
_, power_ports = find_record(schematic, key="RECORD", value="17")
devices = wires + pins + labels + power_ports
p = re.compile('^(?P<prefix>X)(?P<index>\d+)$')
for device in devices:
# if a Pin, do some fancy geometry math
if device["RECORD"] == "2":
rotation = (int(device["PINCONGLOMERATE"]) & 0x03) * 90
device['coords'] = [[
int(int(device['LOCATION.X']) + math.cos(rotation / 180 * math.pi) * int(device['PINLENGTH'])),
int(int(device['LOCATION.Y']) + math.sin(rotation / 180 * math.pi) * int(device['PINLENGTH']))
# if a Wire, follow inconsistent location key names (X1 vs LOCATION.X, etc..)
elif device["RECORD"] == "27":
coord_name_matches = [x for x in [p.match(key) for key in device.keys()] if x]
device['coords'] = [ ( int(device['X' +'index')]) , int(device['Y' +'index')]) )
for match in coord_name_matches ]
# everything else, just convert the location values to ints
device['coords'] = [(int(device['LOCATION.X']), int(device['LOCATION.Y']))]
nets = []
for device in devices:
if device["index"] not in [d['index'] for net in nets for d in net['devices']]:
net = {'name': None,
'devices': find_connected_wires(device, devices, [], schematic)}
for net in nets:
net['devices'].sort(key=lambda k: k['index'])
if not net['name']:
net['name'] = next(iter(d['TEXT'] for d in net['devices'] if ((d['RECORD'] == '17') or (d['RECORD'] == '25'))), None)
if not net['name']:
naming_pin = next(iter(d for d in net['devices'] if d['RECORD'] == '2'), None)
parent = next(iter(find_record(schematic, key="index", value=int(naming_pin['OWNERINDEX']))[1]), None) if naming_pin else None
net['name'] = next(iter('Net' + r['TEXT'] for r in parent['children'] if (r['RECORD'] == '34')), None) if parent else None
schematic["nets"] = nets
return schematic
def find_record(schematic, key, value, record=None, visited=None, found=None):
2020-05-22 05:30:41 +00:00
lg.debug("finding records where: {0} = {1}".format(key, value))
if visited == None:
visited = []
if found == None:
found = []
if record == None:
for record in schematic['records']:
visited, found = find_record(schematic, key, value, record=record, visited=visited, found=found)
if record['index'] not in [r['index'] for r in visited]:
if key in record.keys():
if record[key] == value:
if "children" in record.keys():
for child_record in record["children"]:
visited, found = find_record(schematic, key, value, record=child_record, visited=visited, found=found)
return visited, found
def find_connected_wires(wire, devices, visited, schematic):
neighbors = find_neighbors(wire, devices, schematic)
2020-05-22 05:30:41 +00:00
lg.debug('entering: {0}'.format(wire['index']))
if wire['index'] not in [w['index'] for w in visited]:
2020-05-22 05:30:41 +00:00
lg.debug('adding: {0} to {1}'.format(wire['index'], [w['index'] for w in visited]))
for neighbor in neighbors:
2020-05-22 05:30:41 +00:00
lg.debug('trying: {0} of {1}'.format(neighbor['index'], [x['index'] for x in neighbors]))
visited = find_connected_wires(neighbor, devices, visited, schematic)
2020-05-22 05:30:41 +00:00
lg.debug('visited = {0}'.format([w['index'] for w in visited]))
2020-05-22 05:30:41 +00:00
lg.debug('skipping: {0} already in list {1}'.format(wire['index'], [w['index'] for w in visited]))
2020-05-22 05:30:41 +00:00
lg.debug('returning: {0}'.format(wire['index']))
return visited
def find_neighbors(wire, devices, schematic):
all_wires = devices
other_wires = [record for record in all_wires if record != wire]
neighbors = []
for other_wire in other_wires:
if is_connected(wire, other_wire):
return neighbors
def is_connected(wire_a, wire_b):
if wire_a["RECORD"] == "27":
a_line_segments = [(wire_a['coords'][i], wire_a['coords'][i + 1]) for i in
range(len(wire_a['coords']) - 1)]
a_line_segments = [(wire_a['coords'][0], wire_a['coords'][0])]
if wire_b["RECORD"] == "27":
b_line_segments = [(wire_b['coords'][i], wire_b['coords'][i + 1]) for i in
range(len(wire_b['coords']) - 1)]
b_line_segments = [(wire_b['coords'][0], wire_b['coords'][0])]
# check if any vertices in wire_a lie on wire_b
for vertex in [vx for line in a_line_segments for vx in line]:
for b_line in b_line_segments:
b_xs = sorted(list(zip(*b_line))[0])
b_ys = sorted(list(zip(*b_line))[1])
if ((min(b_xs) <= vertex[0] <= max(b_xs))
and (min(b_ys) <= vertex[1] <= max(b_ys))):
return True
# check if any vertices in wire_b lie on wire_a
for vertex in [vx for line in b_line_segments for vx in line]:
for a_line in a_line_segments:
a_xs = sorted(list(zip(*a_line))[0])
a_ys = sorted(list(zip(*a_line))[1])
if ((min(a_xs) <= vertex[0] <= max(a_xs))
and (min(a_ys) <= vertex[1] <= max(a_ys))):
return True
# check if both items are Power Ports with the same TEXT value
if ( wire_a["RECORD"] == "17" ) and ( wire_b["RECORD"] == "17" ) and ( wire_a["TEXT"] == wire_b["TEXT"] ):
return True
return False
2020-03-07 08:25:38 +00:00
2020-03-07 08:12:06 +00:00
def main(args):
schematic = parse(**vars(args))
if args.output:
json_file = open(args.output, 'w')
json.dump(schematic, json_file, indent=4)
2020-03-07 08:12:06 +00:00
if __name__ == "__main__":
2020-03-07 08:01:22 +00:00
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Converts Altium .SchDoc files into json.', formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
help='path/to/altiumschematic.schdoc file to parse')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output',
help='path/to/jsonfile.json file to output json to, otherwise prints to terminal')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--format', dest='format', default='all-hierarchy',
choices=['all-list', 'all-hierarchy', 'parts-list', 'net-list'],
2020-03-07 08:01:22 +00:00
all-list: All records in a flattened list
all-hierarchy: All records in an owner/child "hierarchy"
2020-03-07 08:01:22 +00:00
parts-list: A listing of parts and their designators
net-list: A listing of nets between parts pins, referred to by their designators'''))
args = parser.parse_args()
2020-03-07 08:12:06 +00:00