{..............................................................................} { Summary Placing a new port object. } { Copyright (c) 2004 by Altium Limited } {..............................................................................} {..............................................................................} Procedure PlaceAPort; Var SchPort : ISch_Port; FSchDoc : ISch_Document; CurView : IServerDocumentView; Begin // Check if Schematic server exists or not. If SchServer = Nil Then Exit; // Obtain the Schematid sheet interfac.e FSchDoc := SchServer.GetCurrentSchDocument; If FSchDoc = Nil Then Exit; // Create a new port object SchPort := SchServer.SchObjectFactory(ePort,eCreate_GlobalCopy); If SchPort = Nil Then Exit; // Set up parameters for the port object. // the port is placed at 500,500 mils respectively. SchPort.Location := Point(MilsToCoord(500),MilsToCoord(500)); SchPort.Style := ePortRight; SchPort.IOType := ePortBidirectional; SchPort.Alignment := eHorizontalCentreAlign; SchPort.Width := MilsToCoord(1000); SchPort.AreaColor := 0; SchPort.TextColor := $FFFFFF; SchPort.Name := 'A new port with no net.'; // Add a port object onto the existing schematic document FSchDoc.RegisterSchObjectInContainer(SchPort); // Refresh the schematic sheet. FSchDoc.GraphicallyInvalidate; End; {..............................................................................} {..............................................................................}