import argparse import olefile import os import re # class ParametricFile: # records = [] # #public String signature # # def getJSON(self): # return JSONObject(records.get(0)); # # def load(self, inputStream): # records = [] # while (inputStream.available() >= 4): # record = self.readRecord(inputStream) # if (record != b''): # records.append(record) # # signature = records.pop(0)["HEADER"] # self.buildObjectHierarchy() # return len(records) > 0 # # def buildObjectHierarchy(self): # for i, current in enumerate(self.records): # s = current["OWNERINDEX"] # if (s == None | | len(s) == 0): # s = "0" # ownerIndex = int(s) # # self.records.remove(i) # # Map < String, Object > owner = records.get(ownerIndex); # List < Object > children = (List < Object >) # owner.get("children"); # if (children == null): # children = new # ArrayList < Object > (); # owner.put("children", children); # # children.add(current); # # def readRecord(inputStream): # line = readLine(inputStream) # # if (line == null): return null # # result = [] # # pairs = line.split("|") # for (String pair: pairs) { # if (pair.trim().isEmpty()) # continue; # # data = pair.split("=") # if (data.length == 2) { # result.put(data[0], data[1]) # # # # return result # # # def readLine(inputStream): # length = inputStream.readInt() # if (length == -1): # return None # # buffer = new # byte[length] #, 0, length) # if (buffer[0] == 0): # return None # # return new # String(buffer).split("\u0000")[0] # # BLOCKSIZE = 4096 # result = [] # current = '' # for block in iter(lambda:, ''): # current += block # while 1: # markerpos = current.find(marker) # if markerpos == -1: # break # result.append(current[:markerpos]) # current = current[markerpos + len(marker):] # result.append(current) # return result def parse(input, output, **kwargs): fullPath = input print(fullPath) blah = olefile.OleFileIO(fullPath) stream = blah.openstream('FileHeader') pattern = re.compile(b'.{3}\x00\x00\|') lines = pattern.split([5:-1]) records = [] for line in lines: record = {} pairs = line.split(b"|") for pair in pairs: data = pair.split(b"=") if len(data) == 2: record[data[0].decode()] = data[1].decode() records.append(record) print(records) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Converts Altium .SchDoc files into json.') parser.add_argument('--input', '-i', dest='input', help='schdoc file to parse') parser.add_argument('--output', '-o', dest='output', help='file to output json to, otherwise prints to terminal') args = parser.parse_args() parse(**vars(args))