python-schdoc/tests/altium_crap/Soft Designs/Timing/ICS307 Clock Generator/Software/main.c

89 lines
2.5 KiB

* This example program runs at 20MHz (CLK_REF) and programs the ICS307 produce
* a CLK_BRD frequency form 6MHz to 200MHz. It uses the drivers best match routine
* to obtain the programming values for the ICS307. It will determine the time it
* takes for each best match calculation. And prints the statistics and programming
* values to the terminal instrument.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <drv_ics307.h>
#include <timing.h>
char *errors[1024];
int num_errors;
int main(void)
ics307_t *drv;
unsigned int val = -1;
unsigned int i, od = -1, vdw = -1, rdw = -1;
uint64_t start, total, sum = 0;
uint32_t usec, minimum = UINT32_MAX, maximum=0;
int number_of_samples = 0;
char buf[100];
int write_cnt = 0;
int err;
total = clock_us();
drv = drv_ics307_open(0);
if (drv != NULL)
/* read the current configuration */
if (drv_ics307_read_word(drv, &val) != 0)
errors[num_errors++] = "error drv_ics307_read_word()";
/* write a predetermined value */
drv_ics307_program_word(drv, 0x220204); // 10 Mhz from 20 Mhz
for (i = 6; i <= 200; i++)
start = clock_us();
err = drv_ics307_best_match(i * 1 * 1000 * 1000, &od, &vdw, &rdw);
usec = (uint32_t)elapsed_time_us(start);
sum += usec;
if (usec < minimum)
minimum = usec;
if (usec > maximum)
maximum = usec;
if (err != 1)
errors[num_errors++] = "incorrect match";
* write values to the uart8
sprintf(buf, "clk %d, od %d, vwd %d rdw %d (%d usec)\n\r", i, od, vdw, rdw, (int)usec);
printf("%s", buf);
drv_ics307_program(drv, 0x20 | od, vdw, rdw);
sprintf(buf, "total %d usec\n\r", (int)elapsed_time_us(total));
err = 0;
printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, "average %d usec\n\r", (int)(sum/number_of_samples));
printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, "minimum %d usec\n\r", (int)minimum);
printf("%s", buf);
sprintf(buf, "maximum %d usec\n\r", (int)maximum);
printf("%s", buf);
return -1;