python-schdoc/altium_crap/Scripts/Delphiscript Scripts/DXP/IntLibSearchDemo.pas

62 lines
2.6 KiB

{ Summary Demo the use of several search methods in Integrated Library Manager }
{ }
{ Copyright (c) 2005 by Altium Limited }
Procedure Search;
IntMan : IIntegratedLibraryManager;
LibPath : String;
InstLibCount : Integer;
I : Integer;
InstLibs : String;
FoundLocation : String;
AFootprintName : String;
InIntLib : Boolean;
InstPath : WideString;
ModelType : String;
S : WideString;
IntMan := IntegratedLibraryManager;
If IntMan = Nil Then Exit;
//Integrated Library Manager is dependent on the library files installed in the Available Libraries dialog.
// Install a standard PCBLIB file
IntMan.InstallLibrary('C:\Program Files\Altium Designer 6\Examples\Reference Designs\4 Port Serial Interface\Libraries\4 Port Serial Interface.PcbLib');
// Install a standard INTLIB file
IntMan.InstallLibrary('C:\Program Files\Altium Designer 6\Library\Xilinx\Xilinx Spartan-3E.IntLib');
// Look for a footprint in 4 Port Serial Interface.PCBLIB
ModelType := 'PCBLIB';
InIntLib := False;
AFootprintName := 'DIP14';
IntMan.FindDatafileInStandardLibs (AFootprintName, 'PCBLIB', '', InIntLib, FoundLocation);
//Look for a footprint in a Xilinx Spartan-3E.IntLib
ModelType := 'PCBLIB';
AFootprintName := 'TQ144';
InIntLib := True;
IntMan.FindDatafileInStandardLibs (AFootprintName, 'PCBLIB', '', InIntLib, FoundLocation);
//Look for a 3d model in Xilinx Spartan-3E.IntLib
ModelType := 'PCB3DLIB';
AFootprintName := 'XC3S100E-TQ144';
InIntLib := True;
IntMan.FindDatafileInStandardLibs (AFootprintName, 'PCB3DLIB', '', InIntLib, FoundLocation);
// Un-install files
IntMan.UnInstallLibrary('C:\Program Files\Altium Designer 6\Examples\Reference Designs\4 Port Serial Interface\Libraries\4 Port Serial Interface.PcbLib');
IntMan.UnInstallLibrary('C:\Program Files\Altium Designer 6\Library\Xilinx\Xilinx Spartan-3E.IntLib');