
182 lines
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// BitmapEx.h: interface for the CBitmapEx class.
#if !defined(AFX_BITMAPEX_H__80F20A52_B43F_42C5_B182_AC8D27BF5C0E__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_BITMAPEX_H__80F20A52_B43F_42C5_B182_AC8D27BF5C0E__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#define _PI 3.1415926f // Value of PI
#define _BITS_PER_PIXEL_32 32 // 32-bit color depth
#define _BITS_PER_PIXEL_24 24 // 24-bit color depth
#define _PIXEL DWORD // Pixel
#define _RGB(r,g,b) (((r) << 16) | ((g) << 8) | (b)) // Convert to RGB
#define _GetRValue(c) ((BYTE)(((c) & 0x00FF0000) >> 16)) // Red color component
#define _GetGValue(c) ((BYTE)(((c) & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)) // Green color component
#define _GetBValue(c) ((BYTE)((c) & 0x000000FF)) // Blue color component
typedef long fixed; // Our new fixed point type
#define itofx(x) ((x) << 8) // Integer to fixed point
#define ftofx(x) (long)((x) * 256) // Float to fixed point
#define dtofx(x) (long)((x) * 256) // Double to fixed point
#define fxtoi(x) ((x) >> 8) // Fixed point to integer
#define fxtof(x) ((float) (x) / 256) // Fixed point to float
#define fxtod(x) ((double)(x) / 256) // Fixed point to double
#define Mulfx(x,y) (((x) * (y)) >> 8) // Multiply a fixed by a fixed
#define Divfx(x,y) (((x) << 8) / (y)) // Divide a fixed by a fixed
typedef struct __POINT
long x;
long y;
typedef struct __QUAD
_POINT p1;
_POINT p2;
_POINT p3;
_POINT p4;
typedef enum __RESAMPLE_MODE
typedef enum __GRADIENT_MODE
GM_NONE = 0x00,
GM_RADIAL = 0x04
class CBitmapEx
// Public methods
virtual ~CBitmapEx();
void Create(long width, long height);
void Create(CBitmapEx& bitmapEx);
void Load(LPTSTR lpszBitmapFile);
void Load(LPBYTE lpBitmapData);
void Save(LPTSTR lpszBitmapFile);
void Save(LPBYTE lpBitmapData);
void Scale(long horizontalPercent=100, long verticalPercent=100);
void Rotate(long degrees=0, _PIXEL bgColor=_RGB(0,0,0));
void FlipHorizontal();
void FlipVertical();
void MirrorLeft();
void MirrorRight();
void MirrorTop();
void MirrorBottom();
void Clear(_PIXEL clearColor=_RGB(0,0,0));
void Negative();
void Grayscale();
void Sepia(long depth=34);
void Emboss();
void Engrave();
void Pixelize(long size=4);
void Draw(HDC hDC);
void Draw(HDC hDC, long dstX, long dstY);
void Draw(long dstX, long dstY, long width, long height, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY);
void Draw(long dstX, long dstY, long width, long height, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long alpha);
void Draw(_QUAD dstQuad, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx);
void Draw(_QUAD dstQuad, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long alpha);
void Draw(_QUAD dstQuad, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight);
void Draw(_QUAD dstQuad, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight, long alpha);
void Draw(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight);
void Draw(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight, long alpha);
void DrawTransparent(long dstX, long dstY, long width, long height, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, _PIXEL transparentColor=_RGB(0,0,0));
void DrawTransparent(long dstX, long dstY, long width, long height, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long alpha, _PIXEL transparentColor=_RGB(0,0,0));
void DrawTransparent(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight, _PIXEL transparentColor=_RGB(0,0,0));
void DrawTransparent(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight, long alpha, _PIXEL transparentColor=_RGB(0,0,0));
void DrawTransparent(_QUAD dstQuad, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, _PIXEL transparentColor=_RGB(0,0,0));
void DrawTransparent(_QUAD dstQuad, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long alpha, _PIXEL transparentColor=_RGB(0,0,0));
void DrawTransparent(_QUAD dstQuad, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight, _PIXEL transparentColor=_RGB(0,0,0));
void DrawTransparent(_QUAD dstQuad, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight, long alpha, _PIXEL transparentColor=_RGB(0,0,0));
void DrawBlended(long dstX, long dstY, long width, long height, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long startAlpha, long endAlpha, DWORD mode=GM_NONE);
void DrawBlended(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight, long startAlpha, long endAlpha, DWORD mode=GM_NONE);
LPBITMAPFILEHEADER GetFileInfo() {return &m_bfh;}
LPBITMAPINFOHEADER GetInfo() {return &m_bih;}
long GetWidth() {return m_bih.biWidth;}
long GetHeight() {return m_bih.biHeight;}
long GetPitch() {return m_iPitch;}
long GetBpp() {return m_iBpp;}
long GetPaletteEntries() {return m_iPaletteEntries;}
LPRGBQUAD GetPalette() {return m_lpPalette;}
DWORD GetSize() {return m_dwSize;}
LPBYTE GetData() {return m_lpData;}
void SetResampleMode(_RESAMPLE_MODE mode=RM_NEARESTNEIGHBOUR) {m_ResampleMode = mode;}
_RESAMPLE_MODE GetResampleMode() {return m_ResampleMode;}
BOOL IsValid() {return (m_dwSize > 0);}
_PIXEL GetPixel(long x, long y);
void SetPixel(long x, long y, _PIXEL pixel);
void LoadImageFile(LPTSTR lpszImageFile);
void SaveJPGFile(LPTSTR lpszImageFile);
// Private methods
void _ConvertTo32Bpp();
void _ConvertTo24Bpp();
void _ScaleNearestNeighbour(long horizontalPercent, long verticalPercent);
void _ScaleBilinear(long horizontalPercent, long verticalPercent);
void _ScaleBicubic(long horizontalPercent, long verticalPercent);
void _RotateNearestNeighbour(long degrees, _PIXEL bgColor);
void _RotateBilinear(long degrees, _PIXEL bgColor);
void _RotateBicubic(long degrees, _PIXEL bgColor);
void _DrawNearestNeighbour(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight);
void _DrawBilinear(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight);
void _DrawBicubic(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight);
void _DrawNearestNeighbour(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight, long alpha);
void _DrawBilinear(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight, long alpha);
void _DrawBicubic(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight, long alpha);
void _DrawTransparentNearestNeighbour(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight, _PIXEL transparentColor=_RGB(0,0,0));
void _DrawTransparentBilinear(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight, _PIXEL transparentColor=_RGB(0,0,0));
void _DrawTransparentBicubic(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight, _PIXEL transparentColor=_RGB(0,0,0));
void _DrawTransparentNearestNeighbour(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight, long alpha, _PIXEL transparentColor=_RGB(0,0,0));
void _DrawTransparentBilinear(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight, long alpha, _PIXEL transparentColor=_RGB(0,0,0));
void _DrawTransparentBicubic(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight, long alpha, _PIXEL transparentColor=_RGB(0,0,0));
void _DrawBlendedNearestNeighbour(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight, long startAlpha, long endAlpha, DWORD mode=GM_NONE);
void _DrawBlendedBilinear(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight, long startAlpha, long endAlpha, DWORD mode=GM_NONE);
void _DrawBlendedBicubic(long dstX, long dstY, long dstWidth, long dstHeight, CBitmapEx& bitmapEx, long srcX, long srcY, long srcWidth, long srcHeight, long startAlpha, long endAlpha, DWORD mode=GM_NONE);
// wanhjun
HANDLE _dibFromBitmap(HBITMAP hBitmap); //DDB->DIB
HBITMAP _extractBitmap(IPicture* pPicture);
int _GetCodecClsid(const WCHAR* format, CLSID* pClsid);
// Private members
long m_iPaletteEntries;
RGBQUAD m_lpPalette[256];
long m_iPitch;
long m_iBpp;
DWORD m_dwSize;
LPBYTE m_lpData;
_RESAMPLE_MODE m_ResampleMode;
#endif // !defined(AFX_BITMAPEX_H__80F20A52_B43F_42C5_B182_AC8D27BF5C0E__INCLUDED_)