#0.4.0 * Moved class and element related code into separate plugins * Added `Element.align()` and `Element.getAlign()` methods * Added animation support for `viewBox` * Added support for `` * Added method `Paper.toDataURL()` * Added method `Snap.closest()` * Added methods to work with degrees instead of radians: `Snap.sin()`, `Snap.cos()`, `Snap.tan()`, `Snap.asin()`, `Snap.acos()`, `Snap.atan()` and `Snap.atan2()` * Added methods `Snap.len()`, `Snap.len2()` and `Snap.closestPoint()` * Added methods `Element.children()` and `Element.toJSON()` * Various bug fixes #0.3.0 * Added `.addClass()`, `.removeClass()`, `.toggleClass()` and `.hasClass()` APIs * Added `Paper.mask()`, `Paper.ptrn()`, `Paper.use()`, `Paper.svg()` * Mask & pattern elements are sharing paper methods (just like group) * Added `Set.bind()` method * Added syncronisation for `Set.animate()` * Added opacity to the shadow filter * Added ability to specify attributes as `"+=10"` or `"-=1em"` or `"*=2"` * Fix negative scale * Fix for `path2curve` * Fixed shared `` issue * Various bug fixes #0.2.0 * Added support for text path * Added `getBBox` method to the paper object * Added `Element.appendTo()` and `Element.prependTo()` * Added `getElementByPoint()` * Added `Set.remove()` method * Get rid of internal SVG parser in favor of the browser * Fix for `xlink:href` setting for images * Fix `Element.animate()` * Fix for animate and stroke-dashoffset * Absolute transforms fix * Fix for animation of SVG transformations, matrices and polygon points * Various bug fixes #0.1.0 * Initial release