#include "solvespace.h" const hConstraint Constraint::NO_CONSTRAINT = { 0 }; char *Constraint::DescriptionString(void) { static char ret[1024]; char *s; switch(type) { case POINTS_COINCIDENT: s = "pts-coincident"; break; case PT_PT_DISTANCE: s = "pt-pt-distance"; break; case PT_LINE_DISTANCE: s = "pt-line-distance"; break; case PT_PLANE_DISTANCE: s = "pt-plane-distance"; break; case PT_IN_PLANE: s = "pt-in-plane"; break; case PT_ON_LINE: s = "pt-on-line"; break; case PT_ON_FACE: s = "pt-on-face"; break; case EQUAL_LENGTH_LINES:s = "eq-length"; break; case LENGTH_RATIO: s = "length-ratio"; break; case SYMMETRIC: s = "symmetric"; break; case SYMMETRIC_HORIZ: s = "symmetric-h"; break; case SYMMETRIC_VERT: s = "symmetric-v"; break; case AT_MIDPOINT: s = "at-midpoint"; break; case HORIZONTAL: s = "horizontal"; break; case VERTICAL: s = "vertical"; break; case DIAMETER: s = "diameter"; break; case PT_ON_CIRCLE: s = "pt-on-circle"; break; case SAME_ORIENTATION: s = "same-orientation"; break; case ANGLE: s = "angle"; break; case PARALLEL: s = "parallel"; break; case EQUAL_RADIUS: s = "eq-radius"; break; default: s = "???"; break; } sprintf(ret, "c%03x-%s", h.v, s); return ret; } void Constraint::AddConstraint(Constraint *c) { SS.constraint.AddAndAssignId(c); SS.GW.GeneratePerSolving(); } void Constraint::Constrain(int type, hEntity ptA, hEntity ptB, hEntity entityA) { Constraint c; memset(&c, 0, sizeof(c)); c.group = SS.GW.activeGroup; c.workplane = SS.GW.ActiveWorkplane(); c.type = type; c.ptA = ptA; c.ptB = ptB; c.entityA = entityA; AddConstraint(&c); } void Constraint::ConstrainCoincident(hEntity ptA, hEntity ptB) { Constrain(POINTS_COINCIDENT, ptA, ptB, Entity::NO_ENTITY); } void Constraint::MenuConstrain(int id) { Constraint c; memset(&c, 0, sizeof(c)); c.group = SS.GW.activeGroup; c.workplane = SS.GW.ActiveWorkplane(); SS.GW.GroupSelection(); #define gs (SS.GW.gs) switch(id) { case GraphicsWindow::MNU_DISTANCE_DIA: { if(gs.points == 2 && gs.n == 2) { c.type = PT_PT_DISTANCE; c.ptA = gs.point[0]; c.ptB = gs.point[1]; } else if(gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.n == 1) { c.type = PT_PT_DISTANCE; Entity *e = SS.GetEntity(gs.entity[0]); c.ptA = e->point[0]; c.ptB = e->point[1]; } else if(gs.workplanes == 1 && gs.points == 1 && gs.n == 2) { c.type = PT_PLANE_DISTANCE; c.ptA = gs.point[0]; c.entityA = gs.entity[0]; } else if(gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.points == 1 && gs.n == 2) { c.type = PT_LINE_DISTANCE; c.ptA = gs.point[0]; c.entityA = gs.entity[0]; } else if(gs.circlesOrArcs == 1 && gs.n == 1) { c.type = DIAMETER; c.entityA = gs.entity[0]; } else { Error("Bad selection for distance / diameter constraint."); return; } if(c.type == PT_PT_DISTANCE) { Vector n = SS.GW.projRight.Cross(SS.GW.projUp); Vector a = SS.GetEntity(c.ptA)->PointGetNum(); Vector b = SS.GetEntity(c.ptB)->PointGetNum(); c.disp.offset = n.Cross(a.Minus(b)); c.disp.offset = (c.disp.offset).WithMagnitude(50/SS.GW.scale); } else { c.disp.offset = Vector::From(0, 0, 0); } c.exprA = Expr::From("0")->DeepCopyKeep(); c.ModifyToSatisfy(); AddConstraint(&c); break; } case GraphicsWindow::MNU_ON_ENTITY: if(gs.points == 2 && gs.n == 2) { c.type = POINTS_COINCIDENT; c.ptA = gs.point[0]; c.ptB = gs.point[1]; } else if(gs.points == 1 && gs.workplanes == 1 && gs.n == 2) { c.type = PT_IN_PLANE; c.ptA = gs.point[0]; c.entityA = gs.entity[0]; } else if(gs.points == 1 && gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.n == 2) { c.type = PT_ON_LINE; c.ptA = gs.point[0]; c.entityA = gs.entity[0]; } else if(gs.points == 1 && gs.circlesOrArcs == 1 && gs.n == 2) { c.type = PT_ON_CIRCLE; c.ptA = gs.point[0]; c.entityA = gs.entity[0]; } else { Error("Bad selection for on point / curve / plane constraint."); return; } AddConstraint(&c); break; case GraphicsWindow::MNU_EQUAL: if(gs.lineSegments == 2 && gs.n == 2) { c.type = EQUAL_LENGTH_LINES; c.entityA = gs.entity[0]; c.entityB = gs.entity[1]; } else if(gs.circlesOrArcs == 2 && gs.n == 2) { c.type = EQUAL_RADIUS; c.entityA = gs.entity[0]; c.entityB = gs.entity[1]; } else { Error("Bad selection for equal length / radius constraint."); return; } AddConstraint(&c); break; case GraphicsWindow::MNU_RATIO: if(gs.lineSegments == 2 && gs.n == 2) { c.type = LENGTH_RATIO; c.entityA = gs.entity[0]; c.entityB = gs.entity[1]; } else { Error("Bad selection for length ratio constraint."); return; } c.exprA = Expr::From("0")->DeepCopyKeep(); c.ModifyToSatisfy(); AddConstraint(&c); break; case GraphicsWindow::MNU_AT_MIDPOINT: if(gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.points == 1 && gs.n == 2) { c.type = AT_MIDPOINT; c.entityA = gs.entity[0]; c.ptA = gs.point[0]; } else if(gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.workplanes == 1 && gs.n == 2) { c.type = AT_MIDPOINT; int i = SS.GetEntity(gs.entity[0])->IsWorkplane() ? 1 : 0; c.entityA = gs.entity[i]; c.entityB = gs.entity[1-i]; } else { Error("Bad selection for at midpoint constraint."); return; } AddConstraint(&c); break; case GraphicsWindow::MNU_SYMMETRIC: if(gs.points == 2 && ((gs.workplanes == 1 && gs.n == 3) || (gs.n == 2))) { c.entityA = gs.entity[0]; c.ptA = gs.point[0]; c.ptB = gs.point[1]; } else if(gs.lineSegments == 1 && ((gs.workplanes == 1 && gs.n == 2) || (gs.n == 1))) { int i = SS.GetEntity(gs.entity[0])->IsWorkplane() ? 1 : 0; Entity *line = SS.GetEntity(gs.entity[i]); c.entityA = gs.entity[1-i]; c.ptA = line->point[0]; c.ptB = line->point[1]; } else { Error("Bad selection for symmetric constraint."); return; } if(c.entityA.v == Entity::NO_ENTITY.v) { if(c.workplane.v == Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v) { Error("Must be locked in to workplane when constraining " "symmetric without an explicit symmetry plane."); return; } Vector pa = SS.GetEntity(c.ptA)->PointGetNum(); Vector pb = SS.GetEntity(c.ptB)->PointGetNum(); Vector dp = pa.Minus(pb); Entity *norm = SS.GetEntity(c.workplane)->Normal();; Vector u = norm->NormalU(), v = norm->NormalV(); if(fabs(dp.Dot(u)) > fabs(dp.Dot(v))) { c.type = SYMMETRIC_HORIZ; } else { c.type = SYMMETRIC_VERT; } } else { // Symmetry with a symmetry plane specified explicitly. c.type = SYMMETRIC; } AddConstraint(&c); break; case GraphicsWindow::MNU_VERTICAL: case GraphicsWindow::MNU_HORIZONTAL: { hEntity ha, hb; if(c.workplane.v == Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v) { Error("Select workplane before constraining horiz/vert."); return; } if(gs.lineSegments == 1 && gs.n == 1) { c.entityA = gs.entity[0]; Entity *e = SS.GetEntity(c.entityA); ha = e->point[0]; hb = e->point[1]; } else if(gs.points == 2 && gs.n == 2) { ha = c.ptA = gs.point[0]; hb = c.ptB = gs.point[1]; } else { Error("Bad selection for horizontal / vertical constraint."); return; } if(id == GraphicsWindow::MNU_HORIZONTAL) { c.type = HORIZONTAL; } else { c.type = VERTICAL; } AddConstraint(&c); break; } case GraphicsWindow::MNU_ORIENTED_SAME: if(gs.anyNormals == 2 && gs.n == 2) { c.type = SAME_ORIENTATION; c.entityA = gs.anyNormal[0]; c.entityB = gs.anyNormal[1]; } else { Error("Bad selection for same orientation constraint."); return; } AddConstraint(&c); break; case GraphicsWindow::MNU_OTHER_ANGLE: if(gs.constraints == 1 && gs.n == 0) { Constraint *c = SS.GetConstraint(gs.constraint[0]); if(c->type == ANGLE) { c->otherAngle = !(c->otherAngle); c->ModifyToSatisfy(); break; } } Error("Must select an angle constraint."); break; case GraphicsWindow::MNU_ANGLE: if(gs.vectors == 2 && gs.n == 2) { c.type = ANGLE; c.entityA = gs.vector[0]; c.entityB = gs.vector[1]; c.exprA = Expr::From(0.0)->DeepCopyKeep(); c.otherAngle = true; } else { Error("Bad selection for angle constraint."); return; } c.ModifyToSatisfy(); AddConstraint(&c); break; case GraphicsWindow::MNU_PARALLEL: if(gs.vectors == 2 && gs.n == 2) { c.type = PARALLEL; c.entityA = gs.vector[0]; c.entityB = gs.vector[1]; } else { Error("Bad selection for parallel constraint."); return; } AddConstraint(&c); break; case GraphicsWindow::MNU_SOLVE_NOW: SS.GenerateAll(true, 0, 10000); return; case GraphicsWindow::MNU_SOLVE_AUTO: if(SS.GW.solving == GraphicsWindow::SOLVE_ALWAYS) { SS.GW.solving = GraphicsWindow::DONT_SOLVE; } else { SS.GW.solving = GraphicsWindow::SOLVE_ALWAYS; } SS.GW.EnsureValidActives(); break; default: oops(); } SS.GW.ClearSelection(); InvalidateGraphics(); } Expr *Constraint::VectorsParallel(int eq, ExprVector a, ExprVector b) { ExprVector r = a.Cross(b); // Hairy ball theorem screws me here. There's no clean solution that I // know, so let's pivot on the initial numerical guess. double mx = fabs((a.x)->Eval()) + fabs((b.x)->Eval()); double my = fabs((a.y)->Eval()) + fabs((b.y)->Eval()); double mz = fabs((a.z)->Eval()) + fabs((b.z)->Eval()); // The basis vector in which the vectors have the LEAST energy is the // one that we should look at most (e.g. if both vectors lie in the xy // plane, then the z component of the cross product is most important). // So find the strongest component of a and b, and that's the component // of the cross product to ignore. double m = max(mx, max(my, mz)); Expr *e0, *e1; if(m == mx) { e0 = r.y; e1 = r.z; } else if(m == my) { e0 = r.z; e1 = r.x; } else if(m == mz) { e0 = r.x; e1 = r.y; } else oops(); if(eq == 0) return e0; if(eq == 1) return e1; oops(); } Expr *Constraint::PointLineDistance(hEntity wrkpl, hEntity hpt, hEntity hln) { Entity *ln = SS.GetEntity(hln); Entity *a = SS.GetEntity(ln->point[0]); Entity *b = SS.GetEntity(ln->point[1]); Entity *p = SS.GetEntity(hpt); if(wrkpl.v == Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v) { ExprVector ep = p->PointGetExprs(); ExprVector ea = a->PointGetExprs(); ExprVector eb = b->PointGetExprs(); ExprVector eab = ea.Minus(eb); Expr *m = eab.Magnitude(); return ((eab.Cross(ea.Minus(ep))).Magnitude())->Div(m); } else { Expr *ua, *va, *ub, *vb; a->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(wrkpl, &ua, &va); b->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(wrkpl, &ub, &vb); Expr *du = ua->Minus(ub); Expr *dv = va->Minus(vb); Expr *u, *v; p->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(wrkpl, &u, &v); Expr *m = ((du->Square())->Plus(dv->Square()))->Sqrt(); Expr *proj = (dv->Times(ua->Minus(u)))->Minus( (du->Times(va->Minus(v)))); return proj->Div(m); } } Expr *Constraint::PointPlaneDistance(ExprVector p, hEntity hpl) { ExprVector n; Expr *d; SS.GetEntity(hpl)->WorkplaneGetPlaneExprs(&n, &d); return (p.Dot(n))->Minus(d); } Expr *Constraint::Distance(hEntity wrkpl, hEntity hpa, hEntity hpb) { Entity *pa = SS.GetEntity(hpa); Entity *pb = SS.GetEntity(hpb); if(!(pa->IsPoint() && pb->IsPoint())) oops(); if(wrkpl.v == Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v) { // This is true distance ExprVector ea, eb, eab; ea = pa->PointGetExprs(); eb = pb->PointGetExprs(); eab = ea.Minus(eb); return eab.Magnitude(); } else { // This is projected distance, in the given workplane. Expr *au, *av, *bu, *bv; pa->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(wrkpl, &au, &av); pb->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(wrkpl, &bu, &bv); Expr *du = au->Minus(bu); Expr *dv = av->Minus(bv); return ((du->Square())->Plus(dv->Square()))->Sqrt(); } } ExprVector Constraint::PointInThreeSpace(hEntity workplane, Expr *u, Expr *v) { Entity *w = SS.GetEntity(workplane); ExprVector ub = w->Normal()->NormalExprsU(); ExprVector vb = w->Normal()->NormalExprsV(); ExprVector ob = w->WorkplaneGetOffsetExprs(); return (ub.ScaledBy(u)).Plus(vb.ScaledBy(v)).Plus(ob); } void Constraint::ModifyToSatisfy(void) { if(type == ANGLE) { Vector a = SS.GetEntity(entityA)->VectorGetNum(); Vector b = SS.GetEntity(entityB)->VectorGetNum(); if(otherAngle) a = a.ScaledBy(-1); if(workplane.v != Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v) { a = a.ProjectVectorInto(workplane); b = b.ProjectVectorInto(workplane); } double c = (a.Dot(b))/(a.Magnitude() * b.Magnitude()); double theta = acos(c)*180/PI; Expr::FreeKeep(&exprA); exprA = Expr::From(theta)->DeepCopyKeep(); } else { // We'll fix these ones up by looking at their symbolic equation; // that means no extra work. IdList l; // An uninit IdList could lead us to free some random address, bad. memset(&l, 0, sizeof(l)); Generate(&l); if(l.n != 1) oops(); // These equations are written in the form f(...) - d = 0, where // d is the value of the exprA. double v = (l.elem[0].e)->Eval(); double nd = exprA->Eval() + v; Expr::FreeKeep(&exprA); exprA = Expr::From(nd)->DeepCopyKeep(); l.Clear(); } } void Constraint::AddEq(IdList *l, Expr *expr, int index) { Equation eq; eq.e = expr; eq.h = h.equation(index); l->Add(&eq); } void Constraint::Generate(IdList *l) { Expr *exA = NULL; if(exprA) exA = exprA->DeepCopy(); switch(type) { case PT_PT_DISTANCE: AddEq(l, Distance(workplane, ptA, ptB)->Minus(exA), 0); break; case PT_LINE_DISTANCE: AddEq(l, PointLineDistance(workplane, ptA, entityA)->Minus(exA), 0); break; case PT_PLANE_DISTANCE: { ExprVector pt = SS.GetEntity(ptA)->PointGetExprs(); AddEq(l, (PointPlaneDistance(pt, entityA))->Minus(exA), 0); break; } case EQUAL_LENGTH_LINES: { Entity *a = SS.GetEntity(entityA); Entity *b = SS.GetEntity(entityB); AddEq(l, Distance(workplane, a->point[0], a->point[1])->Minus( Distance(workplane, b->point[0], b->point[1])), 0); break; } case LENGTH_RATIO: { Entity *a = SS.GetEntity(entityA); Entity *b = SS.GetEntity(entityB); Expr *la = Distance(workplane, a->point[0], a->point[1]); Expr *lb = Distance(workplane, b->point[0], b->point[1]); AddEq(l, (la->Div(lb))->Minus(exA), 0); break; } case DIAMETER: { Entity *circle = SS.GetEntity(entityA); Expr *r = circle->CircleGetRadiusExpr(); AddEq(l, (r->Times(Expr::From(2)))->Minus(exA), 0); break; } case EQUAL_RADIUS: { Entity *c1 = SS.GetEntity(entityA); Entity *c2 = SS.GetEntity(entityB); AddEq(l, (c1->CircleGetRadiusExpr())->Minus( c2->CircleGetRadiusExpr()), 0); break; } case POINTS_COINCIDENT: { Entity *a = SS.GetEntity(ptA); Entity *b = SS.GetEntity(ptB); if(workplane.v == Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v) { ExprVector pa = a->PointGetExprs(); ExprVector pb = b->PointGetExprs(); AddEq(l, pa.x->Minus(pb.x), 0); AddEq(l, pa.y->Minus(pb.y), 1); AddEq(l, pa.z->Minus(pb.z), 2); } else { Expr *au, *av; Expr *bu, *bv; a->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &au, &av); b->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &bu, &bv); AddEq(l, au->Minus(bu), 0); AddEq(l, av->Minus(bv), 1); } break; } case PT_IN_PLANE: // This one works the same, whether projected or not. AddEq(l, PointPlaneDistance( SS.GetEntity(ptA)->PointGetExprs(), entityA), 0); break; case PT_ON_LINE: if(workplane.v == Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v) { Entity *ln = SS.GetEntity(entityA); Entity *a = SS.GetEntity(ln->point[0]); Entity *b = SS.GetEntity(ln->point[1]); Entity *p = SS.GetEntity(ptA); ExprVector ep = p->PointGetExprs(); ExprVector ea = a->PointGetExprs(); ExprVector eb = b->PointGetExprs(); ExprVector eab = ea.Minus(eb); ExprVector eap = ea.Minus(ep); AddEq(l, VectorsParallel(0, eab, eap), 0); AddEq(l, VectorsParallel(1, eab, eap), 1); } else { AddEq(l, PointLineDistance(workplane, ptA, entityA), 0); } break; case PT_ON_CIRCLE: { Entity *circle = SS.GetEntity(entityA); hEntity center = circle->point[0]; Expr *radius = circle->CircleGetRadiusExpr(); AddEq(l, Distance(workplane, ptA, center)->Minus(radius), 0); break; } case AT_MIDPOINT: if(workplane.v == Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v) { Entity *ln = SS.GetEntity(entityA); ExprVector a = SS.GetEntity(ln->point[0])->PointGetExprs(); ExprVector b = SS.GetEntity(ln->point[1])->PointGetExprs(); ExprVector m = (a.Plus(b)).ScaledBy(Expr::From(0.5)); if(ptA.v) { ExprVector p = SS.GetEntity(ptA)->PointGetExprs(); AddEq(l, (m.x)->Minus(p.x), 0); AddEq(l, (m.y)->Minus(p.y), 1); AddEq(l, (m.z)->Minus(p.z), 2); } else { AddEq(l, PointPlaneDistance(m, entityB), 0); } } else { Entity *ln = SS.GetEntity(entityA); Entity *a = SS.GetEntity(ln->point[0]); Entity *b = SS.GetEntity(ln->point[1]); Expr *au, *av, *bu, *bv; a->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &au, &av); b->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &bu, &bv); Expr *mu = Expr::From(0.5)->Times(au->Plus(bu)); Expr *mv = Expr::From(0.5)->Times(av->Plus(bv)); if(ptA.v) { Entity *p = SS.GetEntity(ptA); Expr *pu, *pv; p->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &pu, &pv); AddEq(l, pu->Minus(mu), 0); AddEq(l, pv->Minus(mv), 1); } else { ExprVector m = PointInThreeSpace(workplane, mu, mv); AddEq(l, PointPlaneDistance(m, entityB), 0); } } break; case SYMMETRIC: if(workplane.v == Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v) { Entity *plane = SS.GetEntity(entityA); Entity *ea = SS.GetEntity(ptA); Entity *eb = SS.GetEntity(ptB); ExprVector a = ea->PointGetExprs(); ExprVector b = eb->PointGetExprs(); // The midpoint of the line connecting the symmetric points // lies on the plane of the symmetry. ExprVector m = (a.Plus(b)).ScaledBy(Expr::From(0.5)); AddEq(l, PointPlaneDistance(m, plane->h), 0); // And projected into the plane of symmetry, the points are // coincident. Expr *au, *av, *bu, *bv; ea->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(plane->h, &au, &av); eb->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(plane->h, &bu, &bv); AddEq(l, au->Minus(bu), 0); AddEq(l, av->Minus(bv), 1); } else { Entity *plane = SS.GetEntity(entityA); Entity *a = SS.GetEntity(ptA); Entity *b = SS.GetEntity(ptB); Expr *au, *av, *bu, *bv; a->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &au, &av); b->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &bu, &bv); Expr *mu = Expr::From(0.5)->Times(au->Plus(bu)); Expr *mv = Expr::From(0.5)->Times(av->Plus(bv)); ExprVector m = PointInThreeSpace(workplane, mu, mv); AddEq(l, PointPlaneDistance(m, plane->h), 0); // Construct a vector within the workplane that is normal // to the symmetry pane's normal (i.e., that lies in the // plane of symmetry). The line connecting the points is // perpendicular to that constructed vector. Entity *w = SS.GetEntity(workplane); ExprVector u = w->Normal()->NormalExprsU(); ExprVector v = w->Normal()->NormalExprsV(); ExprVector pa = a->PointGetExprs(); ExprVector pb = b->PointGetExprs(); ExprVector n; Expr *d; plane->WorkplaneGetPlaneExprs(&n, &d); AddEq(l, (n.Cross(u.Cross(v))).Dot(pa.Minus(pb)), 1); } break; case SYMMETRIC_HORIZ: case SYMMETRIC_VERT: { Entity *a = SS.GetEntity(ptA); Entity *b = SS.GetEntity(ptB); Expr *au, *av, *bu, *bv; a->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &au, &av); b->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &bu, &bv); if(type == SYMMETRIC_HORIZ) { AddEq(l, av->Minus(bv), 0); AddEq(l, au->Plus(bu), 0); } else { AddEq(l, au->Minus(bu), 0); AddEq(l, av->Plus(bv), 0); } break; } case HORIZONTAL: case VERTICAL: { hEntity ha, hb; if(entityA.v) { Entity *e = SS.GetEntity(entityA); ha = e->point[0]; hb = e->point[1]; } else { ha = ptA; hb = ptB; } Entity *a = SS.GetEntity(ha); Entity *b = SS.GetEntity(hb); Expr *au, *av, *bu, *bv; a->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &au, &av); b->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(workplane, &bu, &bv); AddEq(l, (type == HORIZONTAL) ? av->Minus(bv) : au->Minus(bu), 0); break; } case SAME_ORIENTATION: { Entity *a = SS.GetEntity(entityA); Entity *b = SS.GetEntity(entityB); ExprVector au = a->NormalExprsU(), av = a->NormalExprsV(), an = a->NormalExprsN(); ExprVector bu = b->NormalExprsU(), bv = b->NormalExprsV(), bn = b->NormalExprsN(); AddEq(l, VectorsParallel(0, an, bn), 0); AddEq(l, VectorsParallel(1, an, bn), 1); Expr *d1 = au.Dot(bv); Expr *d2 = au.Dot(bu); // Allow either orientation for the coordinate system, depending // on how it was drawn. if(fabs(d1->Eval()) < fabs(d2->Eval())) { AddEq(l, d1, 2); } else { AddEq(l, d2, 2); } break; } case ANGLE: { Entity *a = SS.GetEntity(entityA); Entity *b = SS.GetEntity(entityB); ExprVector ae = a->VectorGetExprs(); ExprVector be = b->VectorGetExprs(); if(otherAngle) ae = ae.ScaledBy(Expr::From(-1)); Expr *c; if(workplane.v == Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v) { Expr *mags = (ae.Magnitude())->Times(be.Magnitude()); c = (ae.Dot(be))->Div(mags); } else { Entity *w = SS.GetEntity(workplane); ExprVector u = w->Normal()->NormalExprsU(); ExprVector v = w->Normal()->NormalExprsV(); Expr *ua = u.Dot(ae); Expr *va = v.Dot(ae); Expr *ub = u.Dot(be); Expr *vb = v.Dot(be); Expr *maga = (ua->Square()->Plus(va->Square()))->Sqrt(); Expr *magb = (ub->Square()->Plus(vb->Square()))->Sqrt(); Expr *dot = (ua->Times(ub))->Plus(va->Times(vb)); c = dot->Div(maga->Times(magb)); } Expr *rads = exA->Times(Expr::From(PI/180)); AddEq(l, c->Minus(rads->Cos()), 0); break; } case PARALLEL: { ExprVector a = SS.GetEntity(entityA)->VectorGetExprs(); ExprVector b = SS.GetEntity(entityB)->VectorGetExprs(); if(workplane.v == Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v) { AddEq(l, VectorsParallel(0, a, b), 0); AddEq(l, VectorsParallel(1, a, b), 1); } else { Entity *w = SS.GetEntity(workplane); ExprVector wn = w->Normal()->NormalExprsN(); AddEq(l, (a.Cross(b)).Dot(wn), 0); } break; } default: oops(); } }