//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Top-level implementation of the program's main window, in which a graphical // representation of the model is drawn and edited by the user. // // Copyright 2008-2013 Jonathan Westhues. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "solvespace.h" typedef void MenuHandler(Command id); using MenuKind = Platform::MenuItem::Indicator; struct MenuEntry { int level; // 0 == on menu bar, 1 == one level down const char *label; // or NULL for a separator Command cmd; // command ID int accel; // keyboard accelerator MenuKind kind; MenuHandler *fn; }; #define mView (&GraphicsWindow::MenuView) #define mEdit (&GraphicsWindow::MenuEdit) #define mClip (&GraphicsWindow::MenuClipboard) #define mReq (&GraphicsWindow::MenuRequest) #define mCon (&Constraint::MenuConstrain) #define mFile (&SolveSpaceUI::MenuFile) #define mGrp (&Group::MenuGroup) #define mAna (&SolveSpaceUI::MenuAnalyze) #define mHelp (&SolveSpaceUI::MenuHelp) #define SHIFT_MASK 0x100 #define CTRL_MASK 0x200 #define FN_MASK 0x400 #define S SHIFT_MASK #define C CTRL_MASK #define F FN_MASK #define KN MenuKind::NONE #define KC MenuKind::CHECK_MARK #define KR MenuKind::RADIO_MARK const MenuEntry Menu[] = { //lv label cmd accel kind { 0, N_("&File"), Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("&New"), Command::NEW, C|'n', KN, mFile }, { 1, N_("&Open..."), Command::OPEN, C|'o', KN, mFile }, { 1, N_("Open &Recent"), Command::OPEN_RECENT, 0, KN, mFile }, { 1, N_("&Save"), Command::SAVE, C|'s', KN, mFile }, { 1, N_("Save &As..."), Command::SAVE_AS, 0, KN, mFile }, { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("Export &Image..."), Command::EXPORT_IMAGE, 0, KN, mFile }, { 1, N_("Export 2d &View..."), Command::EXPORT_VIEW, 0, KN, mFile }, { 1, N_("Export 2d &Section..."), Command::EXPORT_SECTION, 0, KN, mFile }, { 1, N_("Export 3d &Wireframe..."), Command::EXPORT_WIREFRAME, 0, KN, mFile }, { 1, N_("Export Triangle &Mesh..."), Command::EXPORT_MESH, 0, KN, mFile }, { 1, N_("Export &Surfaces..."), Command::EXPORT_SURFACES, 0, KN, mFile }, { 1, N_("Im&port..."), Command::IMPORT, 0, KN, mFile }, #ifndef __APPLE__ { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("E&xit"), Command::EXIT, C|'q', KN, mFile }, #endif { 0, N_("&Edit"), Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("&Undo"), Command::UNDO, C|'z', KN, mEdit }, { 1, N_("&Redo"), Command::REDO, C|'y', KN, mEdit }, { 1, N_("Re&generate All"), Command::REGEN_ALL, ' ', KN, mEdit }, { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("Snap Selection to &Grid"), Command::SNAP_TO_GRID, '.', KN, mEdit }, { 1, N_("Rotate Imported &90°"), Command::ROTATE_90, '9', KN, mEdit }, { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("Cu&t"), Command::CUT, C|'x', KN, mClip }, { 1, N_("&Copy"), Command::COPY, C|'c', KN, mClip }, { 1, N_("&Paste"), Command::PASTE, C|'v', KN, mClip }, { 1, N_("Paste &Transformed..."), Command::PASTE_TRANSFORM, C|'t', KN, mClip }, { 1, N_("&Delete"), Command::DELETE, '\x7f', KN, mClip }, { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("Select &Edge Chain"), Command::SELECT_CHAIN, C|'e', KN, mEdit }, { 1, N_("Select &All"), Command::SELECT_ALL, C|'a', KN, mEdit }, { 1, N_("&Unselect All"), Command::UNSELECT_ALL, '\x1b', KN, mEdit }, { 0, N_("&View"), Command::NONE, 0, KN, mView }, { 1, N_("Zoom &In"), Command::ZOOM_IN, '+', KN, mView }, { 1, N_("Zoom &Out"), Command::ZOOM_OUT, '-', KN, mView }, { 1, N_("Zoom To &Fit"), Command::ZOOM_TO_FIT, 'f', KN, mView }, { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("Align View to &Workplane"), Command::ONTO_WORKPLANE, 'w', KN, mView }, { 1, N_("Nearest &Ortho View"), Command::NEAREST_ORTHO, F|2, KN, mView }, { 1, N_("Nearest &Isometric View"), Command::NEAREST_ISO, F|3, KN, mView }, { 1, N_("&Center View At Point"), Command::CENTER_VIEW, F|4, KN, mView }, { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("Show Snap &Grid"), Command::SHOW_GRID, '>', KC, mView }, { 1, N_("Use &Perspective Projection"), Command::PERSPECTIVE_PROJ, '`', KC, mView }, { 1, N_("Dimension &Units"), Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 2, N_("Dimensions in &Millimeters"), Command::UNITS_MM, 0, KR, mView }, { 2, N_("Dimensions in M&eters"), Command::UNITS_METERS, 0, KR, mView }, { 2, N_("Dimensions in &Inches"), Command::UNITS_INCHES, 0, KR, mView }, { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("Show &Toolbar"), Command::SHOW_TOOLBAR, 0, KC, mView }, { 1, N_("Show Property Bro&wser"), Command::SHOW_TEXT_WND, '\t', KC, mView }, { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("&Full Screen"), Command::FULL_SCREEN, C|F|11, KC, mView }, { 0, N_("&New Group"), Command::NONE, 0, KN, mGrp }, { 1, N_("Sketch In &3d"), Command::GROUP_3D, S|'3', KN, mGrp }, { 1, N_("Sketch In New &Workplane"), Command::GROUP_WRKPL, S|'w', KN, mGrp }, { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("Step &Translating"), Command::GROUP_TRANS, S|'t', KN, mGrp }, { 1, N_("Step &Rotating"), Command::GROUP_ROT, S|'r', KN, mGrp }, { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("E&xtrude"), Command::GROUP_EXTRUDE, S|'x', KN, mGrp }, { 1, N_("&Lathe"), Command::GROUP_LATHE, S|'l', KN, mGrp }, { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("Link / Assemble..."), Command::GROUP_LINK, S|'i', KN, mGrp }, { 1, N_("Link Recent"), Command::GROUP_RECENT, 0, KN, mGrp }, { 0, N_("&Sketch"), Command::NONE, 0, KN, mReq }, { 1, N_("In &Workplane"), Command::SEL_WORKPLANE, '2', KR, mReq }, { 1, N_("Anywhere In &3d"), Command::FREE_IN_3D, '3', KR, mReq }, { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("Datum &Point"), Command::DATUM_POINT, 'p', KN, mReq }, { 1, N_("&Workplane"), Command::WORKPLANE, 0, KN, mReq }, { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("Line &Segment"), Command::LINE_SEGMENT, 's', KN, mReq }, { 1, N_("C&onstruction Line Segment"), Command::CONSTR_SEGMENT, S|'s', KN, mReq }, { 1, N_("&Rectangle"), Command::RECTANGLE, 'r', KN, mReq }, { 1, N_("&Circle"), Command::CIRCLE, 'c', KN, mReq }, { 1, N_("&Arc of a Circle"), Command::ARC, 'a', KN, mReq }, { 1, N_("&Bezier Cubic Spline"), Command::CUBIC, 'b', KN, mReq }, { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("&Text in TrueType Font"), Command::TTF_TEXT, 't', KN, mReq }, { 1, N_("&Image"), Command::IMAGE, 0, KN, mReq }, { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("To&ggle Construction"), Command::CONSTRUCTION, 'g', KN, mReq }, { 1, N_("Tangent &Arc at Point"), Command::TANGENT_ARC, S|'a', KN, mReq }, { 1, N_("Split Curves at &Intersection"), Command::SPLIT_CURVES, 'i', KN, mReq }, { 0, N_("&Constrain"), Command::NONE, 0, KN, mCon }, { 1, N_("&Distance / Diameter"), Command::DISTANCE_DIA, 'd', KN, mCon }, { 1, N_("Re&ference Dimension"), Command::REF_DISTANCE, S|'d', KN, mCon }, { 1, N_("A&ngle"), Command::ANGLE, 'n', KN, mCon }, { 1, N_("Reference An&gle"), Command::REF_ANGLE, S|'n', KN, mCon }, { 1, N_("Other S&upplementary Angle"), Command::OTHER_ANGLE, 'u', KN, mCon }, { 1, N_("Toggle R&eference Dim"), Command::REFERENCE, 'e', KN, mCon }, { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("&Horizontal"), Command::HORIZONTAL, 'h', KN, mCon }, { 1, N_("&Vertical"), Command::VERTICAL, 'v', KN, mCon }, { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("&On Point / Curve / Plane"), Command::ON_ENTITY, 'o', KN, mCon }, { 1, N_("E&qual Length / Radius / Angle"), Command::EQUAL, 'q', KN, mCon }, { 1, N_("Length Ra&tio"), Command::RATIO, 'z', KN, mCon }, { 1, N_("Length Diff&erence"), Command::DIFFERENCE, 'j', KN, mCon }, { 1, N_("At &Midpoint"), Command::AT_MIDPOINT, 'm', KN, mCon }, { 1, N_("S&ymmetric"), Command::SYMMETRIC, 'y', KN, mCon }, { 1, N_("Para&llel / Tangent"), Command::PARALLEL, 'l', KN, mCon }, { 1, N_("&Perpendicular"), Command::PERPENDICULAR, '[', KN, mCon }, { 1, N_("Same Orient&ation"), Command::ORIENTED_SAME, 'x', KN, mCon }, { 1, N_("Lock Point Where &Dragged"), Command::WHERE_DRAGGED, ']', KN, mCon }, { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("Comment"), Command::COMMENT, ';', KN, mCon }, { 0, N_("&Analyze"), Command::NONE, 0, KN, mAna }, { 1, N_("Measure &Volume"), Command::VOLUME, C|S|'v', KN, mAna }, { 1, N_("Measure A&rea"), Command::AREA, C|S|'a', KN, mAna }, { 1, N_("Measure &Perimeter"), Command::PERIMETER, C|S|'p', KN, mAna }, { 1, N_("Show &Interfering Parts"), Command::INTERFERENCE, C|S|'i', KN, mAna }, { 1, N_("Show &Naked Edges"), Command::NAKED_EDGES, C|S|'n', KN, mAna }, { 1, N_("Show &Center of Mass"), Command::CENTER_OF_MASS, C|S|'c', KN, mAna }, { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("Show Degrees of &Freedom"), Command::SHOW_DOF, C|S|'f', KN, mAna }, { 1, NULL, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL }, { 1, N_("&Trace Point"), Command::TRACE_PT, C|S|'t', KN, mAna }, { 1, N_("&Stop Tracing..."), Command::STOP_TRACING, C|S|'s', KN, mAna }, { 1, N_("Step &Dimension..."), Command::STEP_DIM, C|S|'d', KN, mAna }, { 0, N_("&Help"), Command::NONE, 0, KN, mHelp }, { 1, N_("&Language"), Command::LOCALE, 0, KN, mHelp }, { 1, N_("&Website / Manual"), Command::WEBSITE, 0, KN, mHelp }, #ifndef __APPLE__ { 1, N_("&About"), Command::ABOUT, 0, KN, mHelp }, #endif { -1, 0, Command::NONE, 0, KN, NULL } }; #undef S #undef C #undef F #undef KN #undef KC #undef KR void GraphicsWindow::ActivateCommand(Command cmd) { for(int i = 0; Menu[i].level >= 0; i++) { if(cmd == Menu[i].cmd) { (Menu[i].fn)((Command)Menu[i].cmd); break; } } } Platform::KeyboardEvent GraphicsWindow::AcceleratorForCommand(Command cmd) { int rawAccel = 0; for(int i = 0; Menu[i].level >= 0; i++) { if(cmd == Menu[i].cmd) { rawAccel = Menu[i].accel; break; } } Platform::KeyboardEvent accel = {}; if(rawAccel & SHIFT_MASK) { accel.shiftDown = true; } if(rawAccel & CTRL_MASK) { accel.controlDown = true; } if(rawAccel & FN_MASK) { accel.key = Platform::KeyboardEvent::Key::FUNCTION; accel.num = rawAccel & 0xff; } else { accel.key = Platform::KeyboardEvent::Key::CHARACTER; accel.chr = (char)(rawAccel & 0xff); } return accel; } bool GraphicsWindow::KeyboardEvent(Platform::KeyboardEvent event) { using Platform::KeyboardEvent; if(event.type == KeyboardEvent::Type::RELEASE) return true; if(event.key == KeyboardEvent::Key::CHARACTER) { if(event.chr == '\b') { // Treat backspace identically to escape. MenuEdit(Command::UNSELECT_ALL); return true; } else if(event.chr == '=') { // Treat = as +. This is specific to US (and US-compatible) keyboard layouts, // but makes zooming from keyboard much more usable on these. // Ideally we'd have a platform-independent way of binding to a particular // physical key regardless of shift status... MenuView(Command::ZOOM_IN); return true; } } // On some platforms, the OS does not handle some or all keyboard accelerators, // so handle them here. for(int i = 0; Menu[i].level >= 0; i++) { if(AcceleratorForCommand(Menu[i].cmd).Equals(event)) { ActivateCommand(Menu[i].cmd); return true; } } return false; } void GraphicsWindow::PopulateMainMenu() { bool unique = false; Platform::MenuBarRef mainMenu = Platform::GetOrCreateMainMenu(&unique); if(unique) mainMenu->Clear(); Platform::MenuRef currentSubMenu; std::vector subMenuStack; for(int i = 0; Menu[i].level >= 0; i++) { while(Menu[i].level > 0 && Menu[i].level <= (int)subMenuStack.size()) { currentSubMenu = subMenuStack.back(); subMenuStack.pop_back(); } if(Menu[i].label == NULL) { currentSubMenu->AddSeparator(); continue; } std::string label = Translate(Menu[i].label); if(Menu[i].level == 0) { currentSubMenu = mainMenu->AddSubMenu(label); } else if(Menu[i].cmd == Command::OPEN_RECENT) { openRecentMenu = currentSubMenu->AddSubMenu(label); } else if(Menu[i].cmd == Command::GROUP_RECENT) { linkRecentMenu = currentSubMenu->AddSubMenu(label); } else if(Menu[i].cmd == Command::LOCALE) { Platform::MenuRef localeMenu = currentSubMenu->AddSubMenu(label); for(const Locale &locale : Locales()) { localeMenu->AddItem(locale.displayName, [&]() { SetLocale(locale.Culture()); Platform::GetSettings()->FreezeString("Locale", locale.Culture()); SS.UpdateWindowTitles(); PopulateMainMenu(); EnsureValidActives(); }); } } else if(Menu[i].fn == NULL) { subMenuStack.push_back(currentSubMenu); currentSubMenu = currentSubMenu->AddSubMenu(label); } else { Platform::MenuItemRef menuItem = currentSubMenu->AddItem(label); menuItem->SetIndicator(Menu[i].kind); if(Menu[i].accel != 0) { menuItem->SetAccelerator(AcceleratorForCommand(Menu[i].cmd)); } menuItem->onTrigger = std::bind(Menu[i].fn, Menu[i].cmd); if(Menu[i].cmd == Command::SHOW_GRID) { showGridMenuItem = menuItem; } else if(Menu[i].cmd == Command::PERSPECTIVE_PROJ) { perspectiveProjMenuItem = menuItem; } else if(Menu[i].cmd == Command::SHOW_TOOLBAR) { showToolbarMenuItem = menuItem; } else if(Menu[i].cmd == Command::SHOW_TEXT_WND) { showTextWndMenuItem = menuItem; } else if(Menu[i].cmd == Command::FULL_SCREEN) { fullScreenMenuItem = menuItem; } else if(Menu[i].cmd == Command::UNITS_MM) { unitsMmMenuItem = menuItem; } else if(Menu[i].cmd == Command::UNITS_METERS) { unitsMetersMenuItem = menuItem; } else if(Menu[i].cmd == Command::UNITS_INCHES) { unitsInchesMenuItem = menuItem; } else if(Menu[i].cmd == Command::SEL_WORKPLANE) { inWorkplaneMenuItem = menuItem; } else if(Menu[i].cmd == Command::FREE_IN_3D) { in3dMenuItem = menuItem; } else if(Menu[i].cmd == Command::UNDO) { undoMenuItem = menuItem; } else if(Menu[i].cmd == Command::REDO) { redoMenuItem = menuItem; } } } PopulateRecentFiles(); SS.UndoEnableMenus(); window->SetMenuBar(mainMenu); } static void PopulateMenuWithPathnames(Platform::MenuRef menu, std::vector pathnames, std::function onTrigger) { menu->Clear(); if(pathnames.empty()) { Platform::MenuItemRef menuItem = menu->AddItem(_("(no recent files)")); menuItem->SetEnabled(false); } else { for(Platform::Path pathname : pathnames) { Platform::MenuItemRef menuItem = menu->AddItem(pathname.raw); menuItem->onTrigger = [=]() { onTrigger(pathname); }; } } } void GraphicsWindow::PopulateRecentFiles() { PopulateMenuWithPathnames(openRecentMenu, SS.recentFiles, [](const Platform::Path &path) { if(!SS.OkayToStartNewFile()) return; SS.Load(path); }); PopulateMenuWithPathnames(linkRecentMenu, SS.recentFiles, [](const Platform::Path &path) { Group::MenuGroup(Command::GROUP_LINK, path); }); } void GraphicsWindow::Init() { scale = 5; offset = Vector::From(0, 0, 0); projRight = Vector::From(1, 0, 0); projUp = Vector::From(0, 1, 0); // Make sure those are valid; could get a mouse move without a mouse // down if someone depresses the button, then drags into our window. orig.projRight = projRight; orig.projUp = projUp; // And with the last group active activeGroup = SK.groupOrder.elem[SK.groupOrder.n - 1]; SK.GetGroup(activeGroup)->Activate(); showWorkplanes = false; showNormals = true; showPoints = true; showConstraints = true; showShaded = true; showEdges = true; showMesh = false; showOutlines = false; drawOccludedAs = DrawOccludedAs::INVISIBLE; showTextWindow = true; showSnapGrid = false; context.active = false; if(!window) { window = Platform::CreateWindow(); if(window) { canvas = CreateRenderer(); if(canvas) { persistentCanvas = canvas->CreateBatch(); persistentDirty = true; } using namespace std::placeholders; window->onClose = std::bind(&SolveSpaceUI::MenuFile, Command::EXIT); window->onRender = std::bind(&GraphicsWindow::Paint, this); window->onKeyboardEvent = std::bind(&GraphicsWindow::KeyboardEvent, this, _1); window->onMouseEvent = std::bind(&GraphicsWindow::MouseEvent, this, _1); window->onSixDofEvent = std::bind(&GraphicsWindow::SixDofEvent, this, _1); window->onEditingDone = std::bind(&GraphicsWindow::EditControlDone, this, _1); window->SetMinContentSize(720, 670); PopulateMainMenu(); } } // Do this last, so that all the menus get updated correctly. ClearSuper(); } void GraphicsWindow::AnimateOntoWorkplane() { if(!LockedInWorkplane()) return; Entity *w = SK.GetEntity(ActiveWorkplane()); Quaternion quatf = w->Normal()->NormalGetNum(); Vector offsetf = (SK.GetEntity(w->point[0])->PointGetNum()).ScaledBy(-1); // If the view screen is open, then we need to refresh it. SS.ScheduleShowTW(); AnimateOnto(quatf, offsetf); } void GraphicsWindow::AnimateOnto(Quaternion quatf, Vector offsetf) { // Get our initial orientation and translation. Quaternion quat0 = Quaternion::From(projRight, projUp); Vector offset0 = offset; // Make sure we take the shorter of the two possible paths. double mp = (quatf.Minus(quat0)).Magnitude(); double mm = (quatf.Plus(quat0)).Magnitude(); if(mp > mm) { quatf = quatf.ScaledBy(-1); mp = mm; } double mo = (offset0.Minus(offsetf)).Magnitude()*scale; // Animate transition, unless it's a tiny move. int64_t t0 = GetMilliseconds(); int32_t dt = (mp < 0.01 && mo < 10) ? (-20) : (int32_t)(100 + 1000*mp + 0.4*mo); // Don't ever animate for longer than 2000 ms; we can get absurdly // long translations (as measured in pixels) if the user zooms out, moves, // and then zooms in again. if(dt > 2000) dt = 2000; Quaternion dq = quatf.Times(quat0.Inverse()); if(!animateTimer) { animateTimer = Platform::CreateTimer(); } animateTimer->onTimeout = [=] { int64_t tn = GetMilliseconds(); if((tn - t0) < dt) { animateTimer->RunAfterNextFrame(); double s = (tn - t0)/((double)dt); offset = (offset0.ScaledBy(1 - s)).Plus(offsetf.ScaledBy(s)); Quaternion quat = (dq.ToThe(s)).Times(quat0).WithMagnitude(1); projRight = quat.RotationU(); projUp = quat.RotationV(); } else { projRight = quatf.RotationU(); projUp = quatf.RotationV(); offset = offsetf; } window->Invalidate(); }; animateTimer->RunAfterNextFrame(); } void GraphicsWindow::HandlePointForZoomToFit(Vector p, Point2d *pmax, Point2d *pmin, double *wmin, bool usePerspective, const Camera &camera) { double w; Vector pp = camera.ProjectPoint4(p, &w); // If usePerspective is true, then we calculate a perspective projection of the point. // If not, then we do a parallel projection regardless of the current // scale factor. if(usePerspective) { pp = pp.ScaledBy(1.0/w); } pmax->x = max(pmax->x, pp.x); pmax->y = max(pmax->y, pp.y); pmin->x = min(pmin->x, pp.x); pmin->y = min(pmin->y, pp.y); *wmin = min(*wmin, w); } void GraphicsWindow::LoopOverPoints(const std::vector &entities, const std::vector &constraints, const std::vector &faces, Point2d *pmax, Point2d *pmin, double *wmin, bool usePerspective, bool includeMesh, const Camera &camera) { for(Entity *e : entities) { if(e->IsPoint()) { HandlePointForZoomToFit(e->PointGetNum(), pmax, pmin, wmin, usePerspective, camera); } else if(e->type == Entity::Type::CIRCLE) { // Lots of entities can extend outside the bbox of their points, // but circles are particularly bad. We want to get things halfway // reasonable without the mesh, because a zoom to fit is used to // set the zoom level to set the chord tol. double r = e->CircleGetRadiusNum(); Vector c = SK.GetEntity(e->point[0])->PointGetNum(); Quaternion q = SK.GetEntity(e->normal)->NormalGetNum(); for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { Vector p = (j == 0) ? (c.Plus(q.RotationU().ScaledBy( r))) : (j == 1) ? (c.Plus(q.RotationU().ScaledBy(-r))) : (j == 2) ? (c.Plus(q.RotationV().ScaledBy( r))) : (c.Plus(q.RotationV().ScaledBy(-r))); HandlePointForZoomToFit(p, pmax, pmin, wmin, usePerspective, camera); } } else { // We have to iterate children points, because we can select entities without points for(int i = 0; i < MAX_POINTS_IN_ENTITY; i++) { if(e->point[i].v == 0) break; Vector p = SK.GetEntity(e->point[i])->PointGetNum(); HandlePointForZoomToFit(p, pmax, pmin, wmin, usePerspective, camera); } } } for(Constraint *c : constraints) { std::vector refs; c->GetReferencePoints(camera, &refs); for(Vector p : refs) { HandlePointForZoomToFit(p, pmax, pmin, wmin, usePerspective, camera); } } if(!includeMesh && faces.empty()) return; Group *g = SK.GetGroup(activeGroup); g->GenerateDisplayItems(); for(int i = 0; i < g->displayMesh.l.n; i++) { STriangle *tr = &(g->displayMesh.l.elem[i]); if(!includeMesh) { bool found = false; for(const hEntity &face : faces) { if(face.v != tr->meta.face) continue; found = true; break; } if(!found) continue; } HandlePointForZoomToFit(tr->a, pmax, pmin, wmin, usePerspective, camera); HandlePointForZoomToFit(tr->b, pmax, pmin, wmin, usePerspective, camera); HandlePointForZoomToFit(tr->c, pmax, pmin, wmin, usePerspective, camera); } if(!includeMesh) return; for(int i = 0; i < g->polyLoops.l.n; i++) { SContour *sc = &(g->polyLoops.l.elem[i]); for(int j = 0; j < sc->l.n; j++) { HandlePointForZoomToFit(sc->l.elem[j].p, pmax, pmin, wmin, usePerspective, camera); } } } void GraphicsWindow::ZoomToFit(bool includingInvisibles, bool useSelection) { if(!window) return; scale = ZoomToFit(GetCamera(), includingInvisibles, useSelection); } double GraphicsWindow::ZoomToFit(const Camera &camera, bool includingInvisibles, bool useSelection) { std::vector entities; std::vector constraints; std::vector faces; if(useSelection) { for(int i = 0; i < selection.n; i++) { Selection *s = &selection.elem[i]; if(s->entity.v != 0) { Entity *e = SK.entity.FindById(s->entity); if(e->IsFace()) { faces.push_back(e->h); continue; } entities.push_back(e); } if(s->constraint.v != 0) { Constraint *c = SK.constraint.FindById(s->constraint); constraints.push_back(c); } } } bool selectionUsed = !entities.empty() || !constraints.empty() || !faces.empty(); if(!selectionUsed) { for(Entity &e : SK.entity) { // we don't want to handle separate points, because we will iterate them inside entities. if(e.IsPoint()) continue; if(!includingInvisibles && !e.IsVisible()) continue; entities.push_back(&e); } for(Constraint &c : SK.constraint) { if(!c.IsVisible()) continue; constraints.push_back(&c); } } // On the first run, ignore perspective. Point2d pmax = { -1e12, -1e12 }, pmin = { 1e12, 1e12 }; double wmin = 1; LoopOverPoints(entities, constraints, faces, &pmax, &pmin, &wmin, /*usePerspective=*/false, /*includeMesh=*/!selectionUsed, camera); double xm = (pmax.x + pmin.x)/2, ym = (pmax.y + pmin.y)/2; double dx = pmax.x - pmin.x, dy = pmax.y - pmin.y; offset = offset.Plus(projRight.ScaledBy(-xm)).Plus( projUp. ScaledBy(-ym)); // And based on this, we calculate the scale and offset double scale; if(EXACT(dx == 0 && dy == 0)) { scale = 5; } else { double scalex = 1e12, scaley = 1e12; if(EXACT(dx != 0)) scalex = 0.9*camera.width /dx; if(EXACT(dy != 0)) scaley = 0.9*camera.height/dy; scale = min(scalex, scaley); scale = min(300.0, scale); scale = max(0.003, scale); } // Then do another run, considering the perspective. pmax.x = -1e12; pmax.y = -1e12; pmin.x = 1e12; pmin.y = 1e12; wmin = 1; LoopOverPoints(entities, constraints, faces, &pmax, &pmin, &wmin, /*usePerspective=*/true, /*includeMesh=*/!selectionUsed, camera); // Adjust the scale so that no points are behind the camera if(wmin < 0.1) { double k = camera.tangent; // w = 1+k*scale*z double zmin = (wmin - 1)/(k*scale); // 0.1 = 1 + k*scale*zmin // (0.1 - 1)/(k*zmin) = scale scale = min(scale, (0.1 - 1)/(k*zmin)); } return scale; } void GraphicsWindow::MenuView(Command id) { switch(id) { case Command::ZOOM_IN: SS.GW.scale *= 1.2; SS.ScheduleShowTW(); break; case Command::ZOOM_OUT: SS.GW.scale /= 1.2; SS.ScheduleShowTW(); break; case Command::ZOOM_TO_FIT: SS.GW.ZoomToFit(/*includingInvisibles=*/false, /*useSelection=*/true); SS.ScheduleShowTW(); break; case Command::SHOW_GRID: SS.GW.showSnapGrid = !SS.GW.showSnapGrid; SS.GW.EnsureValidActives(); SS.GW.Invalidate(); if(SS.GW.showSnapGrid && !SS.GW.LockedInWorkplane()) { Message(_("No workplane is active, so the grid will not appear.")); } break; case Command::PERSPECTIVE_PROJ: SS.usePerspectiveProj = !SS.usePerspectiveProj; SS.GW.EnsureValidActives(); SS.GW.Invalidate(); if(SS.cameraTangent < 1e-6) { Error(_("The perspective factor is set to zero, so the view will " "always be a parallel projection.\n\n" "For a perspective projection, modify the perspective " "factor in the configuration screen. A value around 0.3 " "is typical.")); } break; case Command::ONTO_WORKPLANE: if(SS.GW.LockedInWorkplane()) { SS.GW.AnimateOntoWorkplane(); break; } // if not in 2d mode fall through and use ORTHO logic case Command::NEAREST_ORTHO: case Command::NEAREST_ISO: { static const Vector ortho[3] = { Vector::From(1, 0, 0), Vector::From(0, 1, 0), Vector::From(0, 0, 1) }; double sqrt2 = sqrt(2.0), sqrt6 = sqrt(6.0); Quaternion quat0 = Quaternion::From(SS.GW.projRight, SS.GW.projUp); Quaternion quatf = quat0; double dmin = 1e10; // There are 24 possible views; 3*2*2*2 int i, j, negi, negj; for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if(i == j) continue; for(negi = 0; negi < 2; negi++) { for(negj = 0; negj < 2; negj++) { Vector ou = ortho[i], ov = ortho[j]; if(negi) ou = ou.ScaledBy(-1); if(negj) ov = ov.ScaledBy(-1); Vector on = ou.Cross(ov); Vector u, v; if(id == Command::NEAREST_ORTHO || id == Command::ONTO_WORKPLANE) { u = ou; v = ov; } else { u = ou.ScaledBy(1/sqrt2).Plus( on.ScaledBy(-1/sqrt2)); v = ou.ScaledBy(-1/sqrt6).Plus( ov.ScaledBy(2/sqrt6).Plus( on.ScaledBy(-1/sqrt6))); } Quaternion quatt = Quaternion::From(u, v); double d = min( (quatt.Minus(quat0)).Magnitude(), (quatt.Plus(quat0)).Magnitude()); if(d < dmin) { dmin = d; quatf = quatt; } } } } } SS.GW.AnimateOnto(quatf, SS.GW.offset); break; } case Command::CENTER_VIEW: SS.GW.GroupSelection(); if(SS.GW.gs.n == 1 && SS.GW.gs.points == 1) { Quaternion quat0; // Offset is the selected point, quaternion is same as before Vector pt = SK.GetEntity(SS.GW.gs.point[0])->PointGetNum(); quat0 = Quaternion::From(SS.GW.projRight, SS.GW.projUp); SS.GW.ClearSelection(); SS.GW.AnimateOnto(quat0, pt.ScaledBy(-1)); } else { Error(_("Select a point; this point will become the center " "of the view on screen.")); } break; case Command::SHOW_TOOLBAR: SS.showToolbar = !SS.showToolbar; SS.GW.EnsureValidActives(); SS.GW.Invalidate(); break; case Command::SHOW_TEXT_WND: SS.GW.showTextWindow = !SS.GW.showTextWindow; SS.GW.EnsureValidActives(); break; case Command::UNITS_INCHES: SS.viewUnits = Unit::INCHES; SS.ScheduleShowTW(); SS.GW.EnsureValidActives(); break; case Command::UNITS_MM: SS.viewUnits = Unit::MM; SS.ScheduleShowTW(); SS.GW.EnsureValidActives(); break; case Command::UNITS_METERS: SS.viewUnits = Unit::METERS; SS.ScheduleShowTW(); SS.GW.EnsureValidActives(); break; case Command::FULL_SCREEN: SS.GW.window->SetFullScreen(!SS.GW.window->IsFullScreen()); SS.GW.EnsureValidActives(); break; default: ssassert(false, "Unexpected menu ID"); } SS.GW.Invalidate(); } void GraphicsWindow::EnsureValidActives() { bool change = false; // The active group must exist, and not be the references. Group *g = SK.group.FindByIdNoOops(activeGroup); if((!g) || (g->h.v == Group::HGROUP_REFERENCES.v)) { int i; for(i = 0; i < SK.groupOrder.n; i++) { if(SK.groupOrder.elem[i].v != Group::HGROUP_REFERENCES.v) { break; } } if(i >= SK.groupOrder.n) { // This can happen if the user deletes all the groups in the // sketch. It's difficult to prevent that, because the last // group might have been deleted automatically, because it failed // a dependency. There needs to be something, so create a plane // drawing group and activate that. They should never be able // to delete the references, though. activeGroup = SS.CreateDefaultDrawingGroup(); // We've created the default group, but not the workplane entity; // do it now so that drawing mode isn't switched to "Free in 3d". SS.GenerateAll(SolveSpaceUI::Generate::ALL); } else { activeGroup = SK.groupOrder.elem[i]; } SK.GetGroup(activeGroup)->Activate(); change = true; } // The active coordinate system must also exist. if(LockedInWorkplane()) { Entity *e = SK.entity.FindByIdNoOops(ActiveWorkplane()); if(e) { hGroup hgw = e->group; if(hgw.v != activeGroup.v && SS.GroupsInOrder(activeGroup, hgw)) { // The active workplane is in a group that comes after the // active group; so any request or constraint will fail. SetWorkplaneFreeIn3d(); change = true; } } else { SetWorkplaneFreeIn3d(); change = true; } } if(!window) return; // And update the checked state for various menus bool locked = LockedInWorkplane(); in3dMenuItem->SetActive(!locked); inWorkplaneMenuItem->SetActive(locked); SS.UndoEnableMenus(); switch(SS.viewUnits) { case Unit::MM: case Unit::METERS: case Unit::INCHES: break; default: SS.viewUnits = Unit::MM; break; } unitsMmMenuItem->SetActive(SS.viewUnits == Unit::MM); unitsMetersMenuItem->SetActive(SS.viewUnits == Unit::METERS); unitsInchesMenuItem->SetActive(SS.viewUnits == Unit::INCHES); if(SS.TW.window) SS.TW.window->SetVisible(SS.GW.showTextWindow); showTextWndMenuItem->SetActive(SS.GW.showTextWindow); showGridMenuItem->SetActive(SS.GW.showSnapGrid); perspectiveProjMenuItem->SetActive(SS.usePerspectiveProj); showToolbarMenuItem->SetActive(SS.showToolbar); fullScreenMenuItem->SetActive(SS.GW.window->IsFullScreen()); if(change) SS.ScheduleShowTW(); } void GraphicsWindow::SetWorkplaneFreeIn3d() { SK.GetGroup(activeGroup)->activeWorkplane = Entity::FREE_IN_3D; } hEntity GraphicsWindow::ActiveWorkplane() { Group *g = SK.group.FindByIdNoOops(activeGroup); if(g) { return g->activeWorkplane; } else { return Entity::FREE_IN_3D; } } bool GraphicsWindow::LockedInWorkplane() { return (SS.GW.ActiveWorkplane().v != Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v); } void GraphicsWindow::ForceTextWindowShown() { if(!showTextWindow) { showTextWindow = true; showTextWndMenuItem->SetActive(true); SS.TW.window->SetVisible(true); } } void GraphicsWindow::DeleteTaggedRequests() { // Rewrite any point-coincident constraints that were affected by this // deletion. Request *r; for(r = SK.request.First(); r; r = SK.request.NextAfter(r)) { if(!r->tag) continue; FixConstraintsForRequestBeingDeleted(r->h); } // and then delete the tagged requests. SK.request.RemoveTagged(); // An edit might be in progress for the just-deleted item. So // now it's not. window->HideEditor(); SS.TW.HideEditControl(); // And clear out the selection, which could contain that item. ClearSuper(); // And regenerate to get rid of what it generates, plus anything // that references it (since the regen code checks for that). SS.GenerateAll(SolveSpaceUI::Generate::ALL); EnsureValidActives(); SS.ScheduleShowTW(); } Vector GraphicsWindow::SnapToGrid(Vector p) { if(!LockedInWorkplane()) return p; EntityBase *wrkpl = SK.GetEntity(ActiveWorkplane()), *norm = wrkpl->Normal(); Vector wo = SK.GetEntity(wrkpl->point[0])->PointGetNum(), wu = norm->NormalU(), wv = norm->NormalV(), wn = norm->NormalN(); Vector pp = (p.Minus(wo)).DotInToCsys(wu, wv, wn); pp.x = floor((pp.x / SS.gridSpacing) + 0.5)*SS.gridSpacing; pp.y = floor((pp.y / SS.gridSpacing) + 0.5)*SS.gridSpacing; pp.z = 0; return pp.ScaleOutOfCsys(wu, wv, wn).Plus(wo); } void GraphicsWindow::MenuEdit(Command id) { switch(id) { case Command::UNSELECT_ALL: SS.GW.GroupSelection(); // If there's nothing selected to de-select, and no operation // to cancel, then perhaps they want to return to the home // screen in the text window. if(SS.GW.gs.n == 0 && SS.GW.gs.constraints == 0 && SS.GW.pending.operation == Pending::NONE) { if(!(SS.TW.window->IsEditorVisible() || SS.GW.window->IsEditorVisible())) { if(SS.TW.shown.screen == TextWindow::Screen::STYLE_INFO) { SS.TW.GoToScreen(TextWindow::Screen::LIST_OF_STYLES); } else { SS.TW.ClearSuper(); } } } SS.GW.ClearSuper(); SS.TW.HideEditControl(); SS.nakedEdges.Clear(); SS.justExportedInfo.draw = false; SS.centerOfMass.draw = false; // This clears the marks drawn to indicate which points are // still free to drag. Param *p; for(p = SK.param.First(); p; p = SK.param.NextAfter(p)) { p->free = false; } if(SS.exportMode) { SS.exportMode = false; SS.GenerateAll(SolveSpaceUI::Generate::ALL); } SS.GW.persistentDirty = true; break; case Command::SELECT_ALL: { Entity *e; for(e = SK.entity.First(); e; e = SK.entity.NextAfter(e)) { if(e->group.v != SS.GW.activeGroup.v) continue; if(e->IsFace() || e->IsDistance()) continue; if(!e->IsVisible()) continue; SS.GW.MakeSelected(e->h); } SS.GW.Invalidate(); SS.ScheduleShowTW(); break; } case Command::SELECT_CHAIN: { Entity *e; int newlySelected = 0; bool didSomething; do { didSomething = false; for(e = SK.entity.First(); e; e = SK.entity.NextAfter(e)) { if(e->group.v != SS.GW.activeGroup.v) continue; if(!e->HasEndpoints()) continue; if(!e->IsVisible()) continue; Vector st = e->EndpointStart(), fi = e->EndpointFinish(); bool onChain = false, alreadySelected = false; List *ls = &(SS.GW.selection); for(Selection *s = ls->First(); s; s = ls->NextAfter(s)) { if(!s->entity.v) continue; if(s->entity.v == e->h.v) { alreadySelected = true; continue; } Entity *se = SK.GetEntity(s->entity); if(!se->HasEndpoints()) continue; Vector sst = se->EndpointStart(), sfi = se->EndpointFinish(); if(sst.Equals(st) || sst.Equals(fi) || sfi.Equals(st) || sfi.Equals(fi)) { onChain = true; } } if(onChain && !alreadySelected) { SS.GW.MakeSelected(e->h); newlySelected++; didSomething = true; } } } while(didSomething); SS.GW.Invalidate(); SS.ScheduleShowTW(); if(newlySelected == 0) { Error(_("No additional entities share endpoints with the selected entities.")); } break; } case Command::ROTATE_90: { SS.GW.GroupSelection(); Entity *e = NULL; if(SS.GW.gs.n == 1 && SS.GW.gs.points == 1) { e = SK.GetEntity(SS.GW.gs.point[0]); } else if(SS.GW.gs.n == 1 && SS.GW.gs.entities == 1) { e = SK.GetEntity(SS.GW.gs.entity[0]); } SS.GW.ClearSelection(); hGroup hg = e ? e->group : SS.GW.activeGroup; Group *g = SK.GetGroup(hg); if(g->type != Group::Type::LINKED) { Error(_("To use this command, select a point or other " "entity from an linked part, or make a link " "group the active group.")); break; } SS.UndoRemember(); // Rotate by ninety degrees about the coordinate axis closest // to the screen normal. Vector norm = SS.GW.projRight.Cross(SS.GW.projUp); norm = norm.ClosestOrtho(); norm = norm.WithMagnitude(1); Quaternion qaa = Quaternion::From(norm, PI/2); g->TransformImportedBy(Vector::From(0, 0, 0), qaa); // and regenerate as necessary. SS.MarkGroupDirty(hg); break; } case Command::SNAP_TO_GRID: { if(!SS.GW.LockedInWorkplane()) { Error(_("No workplane is active. Activate a workplane " "(with Sketch -> In Workplane) to define the plane " "for the snap grid.")); break; } SS.GW.GroupSelection(); if(SS.GW.gs.points == 0 && SS.GW.gs.constraintLabels == 0) { Error(_("Can't snap these items to grid; select points, " "text comments, or constraints with a label. " "To snap a line, select its endpoints.")); break; } SS.UndoRemember(); List *ls = &(SS.GW.selection); for(Selection *s = ls->First(); s; s = ls->NextAfter(s)) { if(s->entity.v) { hEntity hp = s->entity; Entity *ep = SK.GetEntity(hp); if(!ep->IsPoint()) continue; Vector p = ep->PointGetNum(); ep->PointForceTo(SS.GW.SnapToGrid(p)); SS.GW.pending.points.Add(&hp); SS.MarkGroupDirty(ep->group); } else if(s->constraint.v) { Constraint *c = SK.GetConstraint(s->constraint); std::vector refs; c->GetReferencePoints(SS.GW.GetCamera(), &refs); c->disp.offset = c->disp.offset.Plus(SS.GW.SnapToGrid(refs[0]).Minus(refs[0])); } } // Regenerate, with these points marked as dragged so that they // get placed as close as possible to our snap grid. SS.GW.ClearPending(); SS.GW.ClearSelection(); SS.GW.Invalidate(); break; } case Command::UNDO: SS.UndoUndo(); break; case Command::REDO: SS.UndoRedo(); break; case Command::REGEN_ALL: SS.images.clear(); SS.ReloadAllLinked(SS.saveFile); SS.GenerateAll(SolveSpaceUI::Generate::UNTIL_ACTIVE); SS.ScheduleShowTW(); break; default: ssassert(false, "Unexpected menu ID"); } } void GraphicsWindow::MenuRequest(Command id) { const char *s; switch(id) { case Command::SEL_WORKPLANE: { SS.GW.GroupSelection(); Group *g = SK.GetGroup(SS.GW.activeGroup); if(SS.GW.gs.n == 1 && SS.GW.gs.workplanes == 1) { // A user-selected workplane g->activeWorkplane = SS.GW.gs.entity[0]; } else if(g->type == Group::Type::DRAWING_WORKPLANE) { // The group's default workplane g->activeWorkplane = g->h.entity(0); MessageAndRun([] { // Align the view with the selected workplane SS.GW.ClearSuper(); SS.GW.AnimateOntoWorkplane(); }, _("No workplane selected. Activating default workplane " "for this group.")); } else { Error(_("No workplane is selected, and the active group does " "not have a default workplane. Try selecting a " "workplane, or activating a sketch-in-new-workplane " "group.")); } break; } case Command::FREE_IN_3D: SS.GW.SetWorkplaneFreeIn3d(); SS.GW.EnsureValidActives(); SS.ScheduleShowTW(); SS.GW.Invalidate(); break; case Command::TANGENT_ARC: SS.GW.GroupSelection(); if(SS.GW.gs.n == 1 && SS.GW.gs.points == 1) { SS.GW.MakeTangentArc(); } else if(SS.GW.gs.n != 0) { Error(_("Bad selection for tangent arc at point. Select a " "single point, or select nothing to set up arc " "parameters.")); } else { SS.TW.GoToScreen(TextWindow::Screen::TANGENT_ARC); SS.GW.ForceTextWindowShown(); SS.ScheduleShowTW(); SS.GW.Invalidate(); // repaint toolbar } break; case Command::ARC: s = _("click point on arc (draws anti-clockwise)"); goto c; case Command::DATUM_POINT: s = _("click to place datum point"); goto c; case Command::LINE_SEGMENT: s = _("click first point of line segment"); goto c; case Command::CONSTR_SEGMENT: s = _("click first point of construction line segment"); goto c; case Command::CUBIC: s = _("click first point of cubic segment"); goto c; case Command::CIRCLE: s = _("click center of circle"); goto c; case Command::WORKPLANE: s = _("click origin of workplane"); goto c; case Command::RECTANGLE: s = _("click one corner of rectangle"); goto c; case Command::TTF_TEXT: s = _("click top left of text"); goto c; case Command::IMAGE: if(!SS.ReloadLinkedImage(SS.saveFile, &SS.GW.pending.filename, /*canCancel=*/true)) { return; } s = _("click top left of image"); goto c; c: SS.GW.pending.operation = GraphicsWindow::Pending::COMMAND; SS.GW.pending.command = id; SS.GW.pending.description = s; SS.ScheduleShowTW(); SS.GW.Invalidate(); // repaint toolbar break; case Command::CONSTRUCTION: { SS.GW.GroupSelection(); if(SS.GW.gs.entities == 0) { Error(_("No entities are selected. Select entities before " "trying to toggle their construction state.")); break; } SS.UndoRemember(); int i; for(i = 0; i < SS.GW.gs.entities; i++) { hEntity he = SS.GW.gs.entity[i]; if(!he.isFromRequest()) continue; Request *r = SK.GetRequest(he.request()); r->construction = !(r->construction); SS.MarkGroupDirty(r->group); } SS.GW.ClearSelection(); break; } case Command::SPLIT_CURVES: SS.GW.SplitLinesOrCurves(); break; default: ssassert(false, "Unexpected menu ID"); } } void GraphicsWindow::ClearSuper() { if(window) window->HideEditor(); ClearPending(); ClearSelection(); hover.Clear(); EnsureValidActives(); } void GraphicsWindow::ToggleBool(bool *v) { *v = !*v; // The faces are shown as special stippling on the shaded triangle mesh, // so not meaningful to show them and hide the shaded. if(!showShaded) showFaces = false; // If the mesh or edges were previously hidden, they haven't been generated, // and if we are going to show them, we need to generate them first. Group *g = SK.GetGroup(SS.GW.activeGroup); if(*v && (g->displayOutlines.l.n == 0 && (v == &showEdges || v == &showOutlines))) { SS.GenerateAll(SolveSpaceUI::Generate::UNTIL_ACTIVE); } Invalidate(/*clearPersistent=*/true); SS.ScheduleShowTW(); } bool GraphicsWindow::SuggestLineConstraint(hRequest request, Constraint::Type *type) { if(LockedInWorkplane()) { Entity *ptA = SK.GetEntity(request.entity(1)), *ptB = SK.GetEntity(request.entity(2)); Expr *au, *av, *bu, *bv; ptA->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(ActiveWorkplane(), &au, &av); ptB->PointGetExprsInWorkplane(ActiveWorkplane(), &bu, &bv); double du = au->Minus(bu)->Eval(); double dv = av->Minus(bv)->Eval(); const double TOLERANCE_RATIO = 0.02; if(fabs(dv) > LENGTH_EPS && fabs(du / dv) < TOLERANCE_RATIO) { *type = Constraint::Type::VERTICAL; return true; } else if(fabs(du) > LENGTH_EPS && fabs(dv / du) < TOLERANCE_RATIO) { *type = Constraint::Type::HORIZONTAL; return true; } } return false; }