#include "solvespace.h" #define mView (&GraphicsWindow::MenuView) #define mEdit (&GraphicsWindow::MenuEdit) #define mReq (&GraphicsWindow::MenuRequest) #define mCon (&Constraint::MenuConstrain) #define mFile (&SolveSpace::MenuFile) #define mGrp (&Group::MenuGroup) #define S 0x100 #define C 0x200 const GraphicsWindow::MenuEntry GraphicsWindow::menu[] = { { 0, "&File", 0, NULL }, { 1, "&New\tCtrl+N", MNU_NEW, 'N'|C, mFile }, { 1, "&Open...\tCtrl+O", MNU_OPEN, 'O'|C, mFile }, {10, "&Open Recent", MNU_OPEN_RECENT, 0, mFile }, { 1, "&Save\tCtrl+S", MNU_SAVE, 'S'|C, mFile }, { 1, "Save &As...", MNU_SAVE_AS, 0, mFile }, { 1, NULL, 0, 0, NULL }, { 1, "E&xit", MNU_EXIT, 0, mFile }, { 0, "&Edit", 0, NULL }, { 1, "&Undo\tCtrl+Z", MNU_UNDO, 'Z'|C, mEdit }, { 1, "&Redo\tCtrl+Y", MNU_REDO, 'Y'|C, mEdit }, { 1, NULL, 0, NULL }, { 1, "&Delete\tDel", MNU_DELETE, 127, mEdit }, { 1, NULL, 0, NULL }, { 1, "&Unselect All\tEsc", MNU_UNSELECT_ALL, 27, mEdit }, { 0, "&View", 0, NULL }, { 1, "Zoom &In\t+", MNU_ZOOM_IN, '+', mView }, { 1, "Zoom &Out\t-", MNU_ZOOM_OUT, '-', mView }, { 1, "Zoom To &Fit\tF", MNU_ZOOM_TO_FIT, 'F', mView }, { 1, NULL, 0, NULL }, { 1, "Show Text &Window\tTab", MNU_SHOW_TEXT_WND, '\t', mView }, { 1, NULL, 0, NULL }, { 1, "Dimensions in &Inches", MNU_UNITS_INCHES, 0, mView }, { 1, "Dimensions in &Millimeters", MNU_UNITS_MM, 0, mView }, { 0, "&New Group", 0, 0, NULL }, { 1, "&Drawing in 3d\tShift+Ctrl+D", MNU_GROUP_3D, 'D'|S|C, mGrp }, { 1, "Drawing in Workplane\tShift+Ctrl+W", MNU_GROUP_WRKPL, 'W'|S|C, mGrp }, { 1, NULL, 0, NULL }, { 1, "Step &Translating\tShift+Ctrl+R", MNU_GROUP_TRANS, 'T'|S|C,mGrp }, { 1, "Step &Rotating\tShift+Ctrl+T", MNU_GROUP_ROT, 'R'|S|C,mGrp }, { 1, NULL, 0, 0, NULL }, { 1, "Extrude\tShift+Ctrl+X", MNU_GROUP_EXTRUDE, 'X'|S|C,mGrp }, { 1, "Lathe\tShift+Ctrl+L", MNU_GROUP_LATHE, 'L'|S|C,mGrp }, { 1, NULL, 0, 0, NULL }, { 1, "Import / Assemble...\tShift+Ctrl+I", MNU_GROUP_IMPORT, 'I'|S|C,mGrp }, {11, "Import Recent", MNU_GROUP_RECENT, 0, mGrp }, { 0, "&Request", 0, NULL }, { 1, "Draw in &Workplane\tW", MNU_SEL_WORKPLANE, 'W', mReq }, { 1, "Draw Anywhere in 3d\tQ", MNU_FREE_IN_3D, 'Q', mReq }, { 1, NULL, 0, NULL }, { 1, "Datum &Point\tP", MNU_DATUM_POINT, 'P', mReq }, { 1, "&Workplane (Coordinate S&ystem)\tY", MNU_WORKPLANE, 'Y', mReq }, { 1, NULL, 0, NULL }, { 1, "Line &Segment\tS", MNU_LINE_SEGMENT, 'S', mReq }, { 1, "&Rectangle\tR", MNU_RECTANGLE, 'R', mReq }, { 1, "&Circle\tC", MNU_CIRCLE, 'C', mReq }, { 1, "&Arc of a Circle\tA", MNU_ARC, 'A', mReq }, { 1, "&Cubic Segment\t3", MNU_CUBIC, '3', mReq }, { 1, NULL, 0, NULL }, { 1, "To&ggle Construction\tG", MNU_CONSTRUCTION, 'G', mReq }, { 0, "&Constrain", 0, NULL }, { 1, "&Distance / Diameter\tShift+D", MNU_DISTANCE_DIA, 'D'|S, mCon }, { 1, "A&ngle\tShift+N", MNU_ANGLE, 'N'|S, mCon }, { 1, "Other S&upplementary Angle\tShift+U", MNU_OTHER_ANGLE, 'U'|S, mCon }, { 1, "Toggle &Reference Dim\tShift+R", MNU_REFERENCE, 'R'|S, mCon }, { 1, NULL, 0, NULL }, { 1, "&Horizontal\tShift+H", MNU_HORIZONTAL, 'H'|S, mCon }, { 1, "&Vertical\tShift+V", MNU_VERTICAL, 'V'|S, mCon }, { 1, NULL, 0, NULL }, { 1, "&On Point / Curve / Plane\tShift+O", MNU_ON_ENTITY, 'O'|S, mCon }, { 1, "E&qual Length / Radius\tShift+Q", MNU_EQUAL, 'Q'|S, mCon }, { 1, "Length Ra&tio\tShift+T", MNU_RATIO, 'T'|S, mCon }, { 1, "At &Midpoint\tShift+M", MNU_AT_MIDPOINT, 'M'|S, mCon }, { 1, "S&ymmetric\tShift+Y", MNU_SYMMETRIC, 'Y'|S, mCon }, { 1, "Para&llel\tShift+L", MNU_PARALLEL, 'L'|S, mCon }, { 1, "Same Orient&ation\tShift+A", MNU_ORIENTED_SAME, 'A'|S, mCon }, { 1, NULL, 0, NULL }, { 1, "Comment\tShift+C", MNU_COMMENT, 'C'|S, mCon }, { 1, NULL, 0, NULL }, { 1, "Solve Once Now\tSpace", MNU_SOLVE_NOW, ' ', mCon }, { 0, "&Help", 0, NULL }, { 1, "&About\t", 0, NULL }, { -1 }, }; void GraphicsWindow::Init(void) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); scale = 5; offset = Vector::From(0, 0, 0); projRight = Vector::From(1, 0, 0); projUp = Vector::From(0, 1, 0); // And with the latest visible group active, or failing that the first // group after the references int i; for(i = 0; i < SS.group.n; i++) { Group *g = &(SS.group.elem[i]); if(i == 1 || g->visible) activeGroup = g->h; } SS.GetGroup(activeGroup)->Activate(); showWorkplanes = false; showNormals = true; showPoints = true; showConstraints = true; showHdnLines = false; showShaded = true; showMesh = false; showTextWindow = true; ShowTextWindow(showTextWindow); // Do this last, so that all the menus get updated correctly. EnsureValidActives(); } void GraphicsWindow::NormalizeProjectionVectors(void) { Vector norm = projRight.Cross(projUp); projUp = norm.Cross(projRight); projUp = projUp.ScaledBy(1/projUp.Magnitude()); projRight = projRight.ScaledBy(1/projRight.Magnitude()); } Point2d GraphicsWindow::ProjectPoint(Vector p) { p = p.Plus(offset); Point2d r; r.x = p.Dot(projRight) * scale; r.y = p.Dot(projUp) * scale; return r; } void GraphicsWindow::AnimateOntoWorkplane(void) { if(!LockedInWorkplane()) return; Entity *w = SS.GetEntity(ActiveWorkplane()); Quaternion quatf = w->Normal()->NormalGetNum(); Vector offsetf = (SS.GetEntity(w->point[0])->PointGetNum()).ScaledBy(-1); // Get our initial orientation and translation. Quaternion quat0 = Quaternion::From(projRight, projUp); Vector offset0 = offset; // Make sure we take the shorter of the two possible paths. double mp = (quatf.Minus(quat0)).Magnitude(); double mm = (quatf.Plus(quat0)).Magnitude(); if(mp > mm) { quatf = quatf.ScaledBy(-1); mp = mm; } double mo = (offset0.Minus(offsetf)).Magnitude()*scale; // Animate transition, unless it's a tiny move. SDWORD dt = (mp < 0.01 && mo < 10) ? (-20) : (SDWORD)(100 + 1000*mp + 0.4*mo); SDWORD tn, t0 = GetMilliseconds(); double s = 0; Quaternion dq = quatf.Times(quat0.Inverse()); do { offset = (offset0.ScaledBy(1 - s)).Plus(offsetf.ScaledBy(s)); Quaternion quat = (dq.ToThe(s)).Times(quat0); quat = quat.WithMagnitude(1); projRight = quat.RotationU(); projUp = quat.RotationV(); PaintGraphics(); tn = GetMilliseconds(); s = (tn - t0)/((double)dt); } while((tn - t0) < dt); projRight = quatf.RotationU(); projUp = quatf.RotationV(); offset = offsetf; InvalidateGraphics(); } void GraphicsWindow::HandlePointForZoomToFit(Vector p, Point2d *pmax, Point2d *pmin) { Point2d p2 = ProjectPoint(p); pmax->x = max(pmax->x, p2.x); pmax->y = max(pmax->y, p2.y); pmin->x = min(pmin->x, p2.x); pmin->y = min(pmin->y, p2.y); } void GraphicsWindow::ZoomToFit(void) { int i, j; Point2d pmax = { -1e12, -1e12 }, pmin = { 1e12, 1e12 }; HandlePointForZoomToFit(Vector::From(0, 0, 0), &pmax, &pmin); for(i = 0; i < SS.entity.n; i++) { Entity *e = &(SS.entity.elem[i]); if(!e->IsPoint()) continue; if(!e->IsVisible()) continue; HandlePointForZoomToFit(e->PointGetNum(), &pmax, &pmin); } Group *g = SS.GetGroup(activeGroup); for(i = 0; i < g->mesh.l.n; i++) { STriangle *tr = &(g->mesh.l.elem[i]); HandlePointForZoomToFit(tr->a, &pmax, &pmin); HandlePointForZoomToFit(tr->b, &pmax, &pmin); HandlePointForZoomToFit(tr->c, &pmax, &pmin); } for(i = 0; i < g->poly.l.n; i++) { SContour *sc = &(g->poly.l.elem[i]); for(j = 0; j < sc->l.n; j++) { HandlePointForZoomToFit(sc->l.elem[j].p, &pmax, &pmin); } } pmax = pmax.ScaledBy(1/scale); pmin = pmin.ScaledBy(1/scale); double xm = (pmax.x + pmin.x)/2, ym = (pmax.y + pmin.y)/2; double dx = pmax.x - pmin.x, dy = pmax.y - pmin.y; offset = offset.Plus(projRight.ScaledBy(-xm)).Plus( projUp. ScaledBy(-ym)); if(dx == 0 && dy == 0) { scale = 5; } else { double scalex = 1e12, scaley = 1e12; if(dx != 0) scalex = 0.9*width /dx; if(dy != 0) scaley = 0.9*height/dy; scale = min(100, min(scalex, scaley)); } scale = max(0.001, scale); } void GraphicsWindow::MenuView(int id) { switch(id) { case MNU_ZOOM_IN: SS.GW.scale *= 1.2; break; case MNU_ZOOM_OUT: SS.GW.scale /= 1.2; break; case MNU_ZOOM_TO_FIT: SS.GW.ZoomToFit(); break; case MNU_SHOW_TEXT_WND: SS.GW.showTextWindow = !SS.GW.showTextWindow; SS.GW.EnsureValidActives(); break; case MNU_UNITS_MM: SS.viewUnits = SolveSpace::UNIT_MM; SS.GW.EnsureValidActives(); break; case MNU_UNITS_INCHES: SS.viewUnits = SolveSpace::UNIT_INCHES; SS.GW.EnsureValidActives(); break; default: oops(); } InvalidateGraphics(); } void GraphicsWindow::EnsureValidActives(void) { bool change = false; // The active group must exist, and not be the references. Group *g = SS.group.FindByIdNoOops(activeGroup); if((!g) || (g->h.v == Group::HGROUP_REFERENCES.v)) { int i; for(i = 0; i < SS.group.n; i++) { if(SS.group.elem[i].h.v != Group::HGROUP_REFERENCES.v) { break; } } if(i >= SS.group.n) { // This can happen if the user deletes all the groups in the // sketch. It's difficult to prevent that, because the last // group might have been deleted automatically, because it failed // a dependency. There needs to be something, so create a plane // drawing group and activate that. They should never be able // to delete the references, though. activeGroup = SS.CreateDefaultDrawingGroup(); } else { activeGroup = SS.group.elem[i].h; } SS.GetGroup(activeGroup)->Activate(); change = true; } // The active coordinate system must also exist. if(LockedInWorkplane()) { Entity *e = SS.entity.FindByIdNoOops(ActiveWorkplane()); if(e) { hGroup hgw = e->group; if(hgw.v != activeGroup.v && SS.GroupsInOrder(activeGroup, hgw)) { // The active workplane is in a group that comes after the // active group; so any request or constraint will fail. SetWorkplaneFreeIn3d(); change = true; } } else { SetWorkplaneFreeIn3d(); change = true; } } // And update the checked state for various menus bool locked = LockedInWorkplane(); CheckMenuById(MNU_FREE_IN_3D, !locked); CheckMenuById(MNU_SEL_WORKPLANE, locked); SS.UndoEnableMenus(); switch(SS.viewUnits) { case SolveSpace::UNIT_MM: case SolveSpace::UNIT_INCHES: break; default: SS.viewUnits = SolveSpace::UNIT_MM; } CheckMenuById(MNU_UNITS_MM, SS.viewUnits == SolveSpace::UNIT_MM); CheckMenuById(MNU_UNITS_INCHES, SS.viewUnits == SolveSpace::UNIT_INCHES); ShowTextWindow(SS.GW.showTextWindow); CheckMenuById(MNU_SHOW_TEXT_WND, SS.GW.showTextWindow); if(change) SS.later.showTW = true; } void GraphicsWindow::SetWorkplaneFreeIn3d(void) { SS.GetGroup(activeGroup)->activeWorkplane = Entity::FREE_IN_3D; } hEntity GraphicsWindow::ActiveWorkplane(void) { Group *g = SS.group.FindByIdNoOops(activeGroup); if(g) { return g->activeWorkplane; } else { return Entity::FREE_IN_3D; } } bool GraphicsWindow::LockedInWorkplane(void) { return (SS.GW.ActiveWorkplane().v != Entity::FREE_IN_3D.v); } void GraphicsWindow::MenuEdit(int id) { switch(id) { case MNU_UNSELECT_ALL: SS.GW.GroupSelection(); if(SS.GW.gs.n == 0 && SS.GW.pending.operation == 0) { if(!TextEditControlIsVisible()) { SS.TW.ClearSuper(); } } SS.GW.ClearSuper(); HideTextEditControl(); break; case MNU_DELETE: { int i; SS.request.ClearTags(); SS.constraint.ClearTags(); for(i = 0; i < MAX_SELECTED; i++) { Selection *s = &(SS.GW.selection[i]); hRequest r; r.v = 0; if(s->entity.v && s->entity.isFromRequest()) { r = s->entity.request(); } if(r.v && !r.IsFromReferences()) { SS.request.Tag(r, 1); } if(s->constraint.v) { SS.constraint.Tag(s->constraint, 1); } } SS.request.RemoveTagged(); SS.constraint.RemoveTagged(); // An edit might be in progress for the just-deleted item. So // now it's not. HideGraphicsEditControl(); HideTextEditControl(); // And clear out the selection, which could contain that item. SS.GW.ClearSuper(); // And regenerate to get rid of what it generates, plus anything // that references it (since the regen code checks for that). SS.GenerateAll(0, INT_MAX); SS.GW.EnsureValidActives(); SS.later.showTW = true; break; } case MNU_UNDO: SS.UndoUndo(); break; case MNU_REDO: SS.UndoRedo(); break; default: oops(); } } void GraphicsWindow::MenuRequest(int id) { char *s; switch(id) { case MNU_SEL_WORKPLANE: { SS.GW.GroupSelection(); Group *g = SS.GetGroup(SS.GW.activeGroup); if(SS.GW.gs.n == 1 && SS.GW.gs.workplanes == 1) { // A user-selected workplane g->activeWorkplane = SS.GW.gs.entity[0]; } else if(g->type == Group::DRAWING_WORKPLANE) { // The group's default workplane g->activeWorkplane = g->h.entity(0); } if(!SS.GW.LockedInWorkplane()) { Error("Select workplane (e.g., the XY plane) " "before locking on."); break; } // Align the view with the selected workplane SS.GW.AnimateOntoWorkplane(); SS.GW.ClearSuper(); SS.later.showTW = true; break; } case MNU_FREE_IN_3D: SS.GW.SetWorkplaneFreeIn3d(); SS.GW.EnsureValidActives(); SS.later.showTW = true; break; case MNU_DATUM_POINT: s = "click to place datum point"; goto c; case MNU_LINE_SEGMENT: s = "click first point of line segment"; goto c; case MNU_CUBIC: s = "click first point of cubic segment"; goto c; case MNU_CIRCLE: s = "click center of circle"; goto c; case MNU_ARC: s = "click point on arc (draws anti-clockwise)"; goto c; case MNU_WORKPLANE: s = "click origin of workplane"; goto c; case MNU_RECTANGLE: s = "click one corner of rectangular"; goto c; c: SS.GW.pending.operation = id; SS.GW.pending.description = s; SS.later.showTW = true; break; case MNU_CONSTRUCTION: { SS.GW.GroupSelection(); int i; for(i = 0; i < SS.GW.gs.entities; i++) { hEntity he = SS.GW.gs.entity[i]; if(!he.isFromRequest()) continue; Request *r = SS.GetRequest(he.request()); r->construction = !(r->construction); SS.MarkGroupDirty(r->group); } SS.GW.ClearSelection(); SS.GenerateAll(); break; } default: oops(); } } void GraphicsWindow::ClearSuper(void) { HideGraphicsEditControl(); ClearPending(); ClearSelection(); hover.Clear(); EnsureValidActives(); } void GraphicsWindow::ToggleBool(int link, DWORD v) { bool *vb = (bool *)v; *vb = !*vb; // The faces are shown as special stippling on the shaded triangle mesh, // so not meaningful to show them and hide the shaded. if(!SS.GW.showShaded) SS.GW.showFaces = false; SS.GenerateAll(); InvalidateGraphics(); SS.later.showTW = true; }