
809 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# cython: language_level=3, embedsignature=True, cdivision=True
"""Wrapper source code of Solvespace.
author: Yuan Chang
copyright: Copyright (C) 2016-2019
license: GPLv3+
from cpython.mem cimport PyMem_Malloc, PyMem_Free
from cpython.object cimport Py_EQ, Py_NE
from libcpp.pair cimport pair
from collections import Counter
cpdef tuple quaternion_u(double qw, double qx, double qy, double qz):
cdef double x, y, z
Slvs_QuaternionV(qw, qx, qy, qz, &x, &y, &z)
return x, y, z
cpdef tuple quaternion_v(double qw, double qx, double qy, double qz):
cdef double x, y, z
Slvs_QuaternionV(qw, qx, qy, qz, &x, &y, &z)
return x, y, z
cpdef tuple quaternion_n(double qw, double qx, double qy, double qz):
cdef double x, y, z
Slvs_QuaternionN(qw, qx, qy, qz, &x, &y, &z)
return x, y, z
cpdef tuple make_quaternion(double ux, double uy, double uz, double vx, double vy, double vz):
cdef double qw, qx, qy, qz
Slvs_MakeQuaternion(ux, uy, uz, vx, vy, vz, &qw, &qx, &qy, &qz)
return qw, qx, qy, qz
cdef class Params:
"""Python object to handle multiple parameter handles."""
cdef Params create(Slvs_hParam *p, size_t count):
cdef Params params = Params.__new__(Params)
cdef size_t i
for i in range(count):
return params
def __repr__(self) -> str:
cdef str m = f"{type(self).__name__}(["
cdef size_t i
cdef size_t s = self.param_list.size()
for i in range(s):
m += str(<int>self.param_list[i])
if i != s - 1:
m += ", "
m += "])"
return m
# A virtual work plane that present 3D entity or constraint.
cdef Entity _E_FREE_IN_3D = Entity.__new__(Entity)
_E_FREE_IN_3D.g = 0
_E_FREE_IN_3D.params = Params.create(NULL, 0)
# A "None" entity used to fill in constraint option.
cdef Entity _E_NONE = Entity.__new__(Entity)
_E_NONE.t = 0
_E_NONE.h = 0
_E_NONE.g = 0
_E_NONE.params = Params.create(NULL, 0)
# Entity names
cdef dict _NAME_OF_ENTITIES = {
SLVS_E_POINT_IN_3D: "point 3d",
SLVS_E_POINT_IN_2D: "point 2d",
SLVS_E_NORMAL_IN_2D: "normal 2d",
SLVS_E_NORMAL_IN_3D: "normal 3d",
SLVS_E_DISTANCE: "distance",
SLVS_E_WORKPLANE: "work plane",
SLVS_E_LINE_SEGMENT: "line segment",
SLVS_E_CUBIC: "cubic",
SLVS_E_CIRCLE: "circle",
# Constraint names
cdef dict _NAME_OF_CONSTRAINTS = {
POINTS_COINCIDENT: "points coincident",
PT_PT_DISTANCE: "point point distance",
PT_PLANE_DISTANCE: "point plane distance",
PT_LINE_DISTANCE: "point line distance",
PT_FACE_DISTANCE: "point face distance",
PT_IN_PLANE: "point in plane",
PT_ON_LINE: "point on line",
PT_ON_FACE: "point on face",
EQUAL_LENGTH_LINES: "equal length lines",
LENGTH_RATIO: "length ratio",
EQ_LEN_PT_LINE_D: "equal length point line distance",
EQ_PT_LN_DISTANCES: "equal point line distance",
EQUAL_ANGLE: "equal angle",
EQUAL_LINE_ARC_LEN: "equal line arc length",
SYMMETRIC: "symmetric",
SYMMETRIC_HORIZ: "symmetric horizontal",
SYMMETRIC_VERT: "symmetric vertical",
SYMMETRIC_LINE: "symmetric line",
AT_MIDPOINT: "at midpoint",
HORIZONTAL: "horizontal",
VERTICAL: "vertical",
DIAMETER: "diameter",
PT_ON_CIRCLE: "point on circle",
SAME_ORIENTATION: "same orientation",
ANGLE: "angle",
PARALLEL: "parallel",
PERPENDICULAR: "perpendicular",
ARC_LINE_TANGENT: "arc line tangent",
CUBIC_LINE_TANGENT: "cubic line tangent",
EQUAL_RADIUS: "equal radius",
PROJ_PT_DISTANCE: "project point distance",
WHERE_DRAGGED: "where dragged",
CURVE_CURVE_TANGENT: "curve curve tangent",
LENGTH_DIFFERENCE: "length difference",
cdef class Entity:
"""Python object to handle a pointer of 'Slvs_hEntity'."""
cdef Entity create(Slvs_Entity *e, size_t p_size):
cdef Entity entity = Entity.__new__(Entity)
with nogil:
entity.t = e.type
entity.h = e.h
entity.wp = e.wrkpl
entity.g =
entity.params = Params.create(e.param, p_size)
return entity
def __richcmp__(self, Entity other, int op) -> bint:
"""Compare the entities."""
if op == Py_EQ:
return (
self.t == other.t and
self.h == other.h and
self.wp == other.wp and
self.g == other.g and
self.params == other.params
elif op == Py_NE:
return (
self.t != other.t or
self.h != other.h or
self.wp != other.wp or
self.g != other.g or
self.params != other.params
raise TypeError(
f"'{op}' not support between instances of "
f"{type(self)} and {type(other)}"
cpdef bint is_3d(self):
return self.wp == SLVS_FREE_IN_3D
cpdef bint is_none(self):
return self.h == 0
cpdef bint is_point_2d(self):
return self.t == SLVS_E_POINT_IN_2D
cpdef bint is_point_3d(self):
return self.t == SLVS_E_POINT_IN_3D
cpdef bint is_point(self):
return self.is_point_2d() or self.is_point_3d()
cpdef bint is_normal_2d(self):
return self.t == SLVS_E_NORMAL_IN_2D
cpdef bint is_normal_3d(self):
return self.t == SLVS_E_NORMAL_IN_3D
cpdef bint is_normal(self):
return self.is_normal_2d() or self.is_normal_3d()
cpdef bint is_distance(self):
return self.t == SLVS_E_DISTANCE
cpdef bint is_work_plane(self):
return self.t == SLVS_E_WORKPLANE
cpdef bint is_line_2d(self):
return self.is_line() and not self.is_3d()
cpdef bint is_line_3d(self):
return self.is_line() and self.is_3d()
cpdef bint is_line(self):
return self.t == SLVS_E_LINE_SEGMENT
cpdef bint is_cubic(self):
return self.t == SLVS_E_CUBIC
cpdef bint is_circle(self):
return self.t == SLVS_E_CIRCLE
cpdef bint is_arc(self):
return self.t == SLVS_E_ARC_OF_CIRCLE
def __repr__(self) -> str:
cdef int h = <int>self.h
cdef int g = <int>self.g
cdef str t = _NAME_OF_ENTITIES[<int>self.t]
return (
f"(handle={h}, group={g}, type=<{t}>, is_3d={self.is_3d()}, params={self.params})"
cdef class SolverSystem:
"""Python object of 'Slvs_System'."""
def __cinit__(self):
self.g = 0
self.sys.params = self.sys.entities = self.sys.constraints = 0
def __dealloc__(self):
cdef inline void copy_to_sys(self) nogil:
"""Copy data from stack into system."""
cdef int i = 0
cdef pair[Slvs_hParam, Slvs_Param] param
for param in self.param_list:
self.sys.param[i] = param.second
i += 1
i = 0
cdef Slvs_Entity entity
for entity in self.entity_list:
self.sys.entity[i] = entity
i += 1
i = 0
cdef Slvs_Constraint con
for con in self.cons_list:
self.sys.constraint[i] = con
i += 1
cdef inline void copy_from_sys(self) nogil:
"""Copy data from system into stack."""
cdef int i
for i in range(self.sys.params):
self.param_list[self.sys.param[i].h] = self.sys.param[i]
for i in range(self.sys.entities):
for i in range(self.sys.constraints):
cpdef void clear(self):
self.g = 0
cdef inline void failed_collecting(self) nogil:
"""Collecting the failed constraints."""
cdef int i
for i in range(self.sys.faileds):
cdef inline void free(self):
self.sys.param = NULL
self.sys.entity = NULL
self.sys.constraint = NULL
self.sys.failed = NULL
self.sys.params = self.sys.entities = self.sys.constraints = 0
cpdef void set_group(self, size_t g):
"""Set the current group by integer."""
self.g = <Slvs_hGroup>g
cpdef int group(self):
"""Return the current group by integer."""
return <int>self.g
cpdef void set_params(self, Params p, object params):
"""Set the parameters by Params object and sequence object."""
params = tuple(params)
cdef int i = p.param_list.size()
if i != len(params):
raise ValueError(f"number of parameters {len(params)} are not match {i}")
i = 0
cdef Slvs_hParam h
for h in p.param_list:
self.param_list[h].val = params[i]
i += 1
cpdef tuple params(self, Params p):
"""Get the parameters by Params object."""
cdef list param_list = []
cdef Slvs_hParam h
for h in p.param_list:
return tuple(param_list)
cpdef int dof(self):
"""Return the DOF of system."""
return self.sys.dof
cpdef object constraints(self):
"""Return the list of all constraints."""
cons_list = []
cdef Slvs_Constraint con
for con in self.cons_list:
return Counter(cons_list)
cpdef list faileds(self):
"""Return the count of failed constraint."""
failed_list = []
cdef Slvs_hConstraint error
for error in self.failed_list:
return failed_list
cpdef int solve(self):
"""Solve the system."""
# Parameters
self.sys.param = <Slvs_Param *>PyMem_Malloc(self.param_list.size() * sizeof(Slvs_Param))
# Entities
self.sys.entity = <Slvs_Entity *>PyMem_Malloc(self.entity_list.size() * sizeof(Slvs_Entity))
# Constraints
cdef size_t cons_size = self.cons_list.size()
self.sys.constraint = <Slvs_Constraint *>PyMem_Malloc(cons_size * sizeof(Slvs_Constraint))
self.sys.failed = <Slvs_hConstraint *>PyMem_Malloc(cons_size * sizeof(Slvs_hConstraint))
self.sys.faileds = cons_size
# Copy to system
# Solve
Slvs_Solve(&self.sys, self.g)
# Failed constraints and free memory.
return self.sys.result
cpdef Entity create_2d_base(self):
"""Create a basic 2D system and return the work plane."""
cdef double qw, qx, qy, qz
qw, qx, qy, qz = make_quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)
cdef Entity nm = self.add_normal_3d(qw, qx, qy, qz)
return self.add_work_plane(self.add_point_3d(0, 0, 0), nm)
cdef inline Slvs_hParam new_param(self, double val) nogil:
"""Add a parameter."""
self.sys.params += 1
cdef Slvs_hParam h = <Slvs_hParam>self.sys.params
self.param_list[h] = Slvs_MakeParam(h, self.g, val)
return h
cdef inline Slvs_hEntity eh(self) nogil:
"""Return new entity handle."""
self.sys.entities += 1
return <Slvs_hEntity>self.sys.entities
cpdef Entity add_point_2d(self, double u, double v, Entity wp):
"""Add 2D point."""
if wp is None or not wp.is_work_plane():
raise TypeError(f"{wp} is not a work plane")
cdef Slvs_hParam u_p = self.new_param(u)
cdef Slvs_hParam v_p = self.new_param(v)
cdef Slvs_Entity e = Slvs_MakePoint2d(, self.g, wp.h, u_p, v_p)
return Entity.create(&e, 2)
cpdef Entity add_point_3d(self, double x, double y, double z):
"""Add 3D point."""
cdef Slvs_hParam x_p = self.new_param(x)
cdef Slvs_hParam y_p = self.new_param(y)
cdef Slvs_hParam z_p = self.new_param(z)
cdef Slvs_Entity e = Slvs_MakePoint3d(, self.g, x_p, y_p, z_p)
return Entity.create(&e, 3)
cpdef Entity add_normal_2d(self, Entity wp):
"""Add a 2D normal."""
if wp is None or not wp.is_work_plane():
raise TypeError(f"{wp} is not a work plane")
cdef Slvs_Entity e = Slvs_MakeNormal2d(, self.g, wp.h)
return Entity.create(&e, 0)
cpdef Entity add_normal_3d(self, double qw, double qx, double qy, double qz):
"""Add a 3D normal."""
cdef Slvs_hParam w_p = self.new_param(qw)
cdef Slvs_hParam x_p = self.new_param(qx)
cdef Slvs_hParam y_p = self.new_param(qy)
cdef Slvs_hParam z_p = self.new_param(qz)
self.entity_list.push_back(Slvs_MakeNormal3d(, self.g, w_p, x_p, y_p, z_p))
return Entity.create(&self.entity_list.back(), 4)
cpdef Entity add_distance(self, double d, Entity wp):
"""Add a 2D distance."""
if wp is None or not wp.is_work_plane():
raise TypeError(f"{wp} is not a work plane")
cdef Slvs_hParam d_p = self.new_param(d)
self.entity_list.push_back(Slvs_MakeDistance(, self.g, wp.h, d_p))
return Entity.create(&self.entity_list.back(), 1)
cpdef Entity add_line_2d(self, Entity p1, Entity p2, Entity wp):
"""Add a 2D line."""
if wp is None or not wp.is_work_plane():
raise TypeError(f"{wp} is not a work plane")
if p1 is None or not p1.is_point_2d():
raise TypeError(f"{p1} is not a 2d point")
if p2 is None or not p2.is_point_2d():
raise TypeError(f"{p2} is not a 2d point")
self.entity_list.push_back(Slvs_MakeLineSegment(, self.g, wp.h, p1.h, p2.h))
return Entity.create(&self.entity_list.back(), 0)
cpdef Entity add_line_3d(self, Entity p1, Entity p2):
"""Add a 3D line."""
if p1 is None or not p1.is_point_3d():
raise TypeError(f"{p1} is not a 3d point")
if p2 is None or not p2.is_point_3d():
raise TypeError(f"{p2} is not a 3d point")
self.entity_list.push_back(Slvs_MakeLineSegment(, self.g, SLVS_FREE_IN_3D, p1.h, p2.h))
return Entity.create(&self.entity_list.back(), 0)
cpdef Entity add_cubic(self, Entity p1, Entity p2, Entity p3, Entity p4, Entity wp):
"""Add a 2D cubic."""
if wp is None or not wp.is_work_plane():
raise TypeError(f"{wp} is not a work plane")
if p1 is None or not p1.is_point_2d():
raise TypeError(f"{p1} is not a 2d point")
if p2 is None or not p2.is_point_2d():
raise TypeError(f"{p2} is not a 2d point")
if p3 is None or not p3.is_point_2d():
raise TypeError(f"{p3} is not a 2d point")
if p4 is None or not p4.is_point_2d():
raise TypeError(f"{p4} is not a 2d point")
self.entity_list.push_back(Slvs_MakeCubic(, self.g, wp.h, p1.h, p2.h, p3.h, p4.h))
return Entity.create(&self.entity_list.back(), 0)
cpdef Entity add_arc(self, Entity nm, Entity ct, Entity start, Entity end, Entity wp):
"""Add an 2D arc."""
if wp is None or not wp.is_work_plane():
raise TypeError(f"{wp} is not a work plane")
if nm is None or not nm.is_normal_3d():
raise TypeError(f"{nm} is not a 3d normal")
if ct is None or not ct.is_point_2d():
raise TypeError(f"{ct} is not a 2d point")
if start is None or not start.is_point_2d():
raise TypeError(f"{start} is not a 2d point")
if end is None or not end.is_point_2d():
raise TypeError(f"{end} is not a 2d point")
self.entity_list.push_back(Slvs_MakeArcOfCircle(, self.g, wp.h, nm.h, ct.h, start.h, end.h))
return Entity.create(&self.entity_list.back(), 0)
cpdef Entity add_circle(self, Entity nm, Entity ct, Entity radius, Entity wp):
"""Add a 2D circle."""
if wp is None or not wp.is_work_plane():
raise TypeError(f"{wp} is not a work plane")
if nm is None or not nm.is_normal_3d():
raise TypeError(f"{nm} is not a 3d normal")
if ct is None or not ct.is_point_2d():
raise TypeError(f"{ct} is not a 2d point")
if radius is None or not radius.is_distance():
raise TypeError(f"{radius} is not a distance")
self.entity_list.push_back(Slvs_MakeCircle(, self.g, wp.h, ct.h, nm.h, radius.h))
return Entity.create(&self.entity_list.back(), 0)
cpdef Entity add_work_plane(self, Entity origin, Entity nm):
"""Add a 3D work plane."""
if origin is None or origin.t != SLVS_E_POINT_IN_3D:
raise TypeError(f"{origin} is not a 3d point")
if nm is None or nm.t != SLVS_E_NORMAL_IN_3D:
raise TypeError(f"{nm} is not a 3d normal")
self.entity_list.push_back(Slvs_MakeWorkplane(, self.g, origin.h, nm.h))
return Entity.create(&self.entity_list.back(), 0)
cpdef void add_constraint(
Constraint c_type,
Entity wp,
double v,
Entity p1,
Entity p2,
Entity e1,
Entity e2,
Entity e3 = _E_NONE,
Entity e4 = _E_NONE,
int other = 0,
int other2 = 0
"""Add customized constraint."""
if wp is None or not wp.is_work_plane():
raise TypeError(f"{wp} is not a work plane")
cdef Entity e
for e in (p1, p2):
if e is None or not (e.is_none() or e.is_point()):
raise TypeError(f"{e} is not a point")
for e in (e1, e2, e3, e4):
if e is None:
raise TypeError(f"{e} is not a entity")
self.sys.constraints += 1
cdef Slvs_Constraint c
c.h = <Slvs_hConstraint>self.sys.constraints = self.g
c.type = c_type
c.wrkpl = wp.h
c.valA = v
c.ptA = p1.h
c.ptB = p2.h
c.entityA = e1.h
c.entityB = e2.h
c.entityC = e3.h
c.entityD = e4.h
c.other = other
c.other2 = other2
# Constraint methods.
cpdef void coincident(self, Entity e1, Entity e2, Entity wp = _E_FREE_IN_3D):
"""Coincident two entities."""
cdef Constraint t
if e1.is_point() and e2.is_point():
self.add_constraint(POINTS_COINCIDENT, wp, 0., e1, e2, _E_NONE, _E_NONE)
elif e1.is_point() and e2.is_work_plane() and wp is _E_FREE_IN_3D:
self.add_constraint(PT_IN_PLANE, e2, 0., e1, _E_NONE, e2, _E_NONE)
elif e1.is_point() and (e2.is_line() or e2.is_circle()):
if e2.is_line():
self.add_constraint(t, wp, 0., e1, _E_NONE, e2, _E_NONE)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported entities: {e1}, {e2}, {wp}")
cpdef void distance(
Entity e1,
Entity e2,
double value,
Entity wp = _E_FREE_IN_3D
"""Distance constraint between two entities."""
if value == 0.:
self.coincident(e1, e2, wp)
if e1.is_point() and e2.is_point():
self.add_constraint(PT_PT_DISTANCE, wp, value, e1, e2, _E_NONE, _E_NONE)
elif e1.is_point() and e2.is_work_plane() and wp is _E_FREE_IN_3D:
self.add_constraint(PT_PLANE_DISTANCE, e2, value, e1, _E_NONE, e2, _E_NONE)
elif e1.is_point() and e2.is_line():
self.add_constraint(PT_LINE_DISTANCE, wp, value, e1, _E_NONE, e2, _E_NONE)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported entities: {e1}, {e2}, {wp}")
cpdef void equal(self, Entity e1, Entity e2, Entity wp = _E_FREE_IN_3D):
"""Equal constraint between two entities."""
if e1.is_line() and e2.is_line():
self.add_constraint(EQUAL_LENGTH_LINES, wp, 0., _E_NONE, _E_NONE, e1, e2)
elif e1.is_line() and (e2.is_arc() or e2.is_circle()):
self.add_constraint(EQUAL_LINE_ARC_LEN, wp, 0., _E_NONE, _E_NONE, e1, e2)
elif (e1.is_arc() or e1.is_circle()) and (e2.is_arc() or e2.is_circle()):
self.add_constraint(EQUAL_RADIUS, wp, 0., _E_NONE, _E_NONE, e1, e2)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported entities: {e1}, {e2}, {wp}")
cpdef void equal_included_angle(
Entity e1,
Entity e2,
Entity e3,
Entity e4,
Entity wp
"""Constraint that line 1 and line 2, line 3 and line 4
must have same included angle.
if wp is _E_FREE_IN_3D:
raise ValueError("this is a 2d constraint")
if e1.is_line_2d() and e2.is_line_2d() and e3.is_line_2d() and e4.is_line_2d():
self.add_constraint(EQUAL_ANGLE, wp, 0., _E_NONE, _E_NONE, e1, e2, e3, e4)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported entities: {e1}, {e2}, {e3}, {e4}, {wp}")
cpdef void equal_point_to_line(
Entity e1,
Entity e2,
Entity e3,
Entity e4,
Entity wp
"""Constraint that point 1 and line 1, point 2 and line 2
must have same distance.
if wp is _E_FREE_IN_3D:
raise ValueError("this is a 2d constraint")
if e1.is_point_2d() and e2.is_line_2d() and e3.is_point_2d() and e4.is_line_2d():
self.add_constraint(EQ_PT_LN_DISTANCES, wp, 0., e1, e3, e2, e4)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported entities: {e1}, {e2}, {e3}, {e4}, {wp}")
cpdef void ratio(self, Entity e1, Entity e2, double value, Entity wp):
"""The ratio constraint between two lines."""
if wp is _E_FREE_IN_3D:
raise ValueError("this is a 2d constraint")
if e1.is_line_2d() and e2.is_line_2d():
self.add_constraint(EQ_PT_LN_DISTANCES, wp, value, _E_NONE, _E_NONE, e1, e2)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported entities: {e1}, {e2}, {wp}")
cpdef void symmetric(
Entity e1,
Entity e2,
Entity e3 = _E_NONE,
Entity wp = _E_FREE_IN_3D
"""Symmetric constraint between two points."""
if e1.is_point_3d() and e2.is_point_3d() and e3.is_work_plane() and wp is _E_FREE_IN_3D:
self.add_constraint(SYMMETRIC, wp, 0., e1, e2, e3, _E_NONE)
elif e1.is_point_2d() and e2.is_point_2d() and e3.is_work_plane() and wp is _E_FREE_IN_3D:
self.add_constraint(SYMMETRIC, e3, 0., e1, e2, e3, _E_NONE)
elif e1.is_point_2d() and e2.is_point_2d() and e3.is_line_2d():
if wp is _E_FREE_IN_3D:
raise ValueError("this is a 2d constraint")
self.add_constraint(SYMMETRIC_LINE, wp, 0., e1, e2, e3, _E_NONE)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported entities: {e1}, {e2}, {e3}, {wp}")
cpdef void symmetric_h(self, Entity e1, Entity e2, Entity wp):
"""Symmetric constraint between two points with horizontal line."""
if wp is _E_FREE_IN_3D:
raise ValueError("this is a 2d constraint")
if e1.is_point_2d() and e2.is_point_2d():
self.add_constraint(SYMMETRIC_HORIZ, wp, 0., e1, e2, _E_NONE, _E_NONE)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported entities: {e1}, {e2}, {wp}")
cpdef void symmetric_v(self, Entity e1, Entity e2, Entity wp):
"""Symmetric constraint between two points with vertical line."""
if wp is _E_FREE_IN_3D:
raise ValueError("this is a 2d constraint")
if e1.is_point_2d() and e2.is_point_2d():
self.add_constraint(SYMMETRIC_VERT, wp, 0., e1, e2, _E_NONE, _E_NONE)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported entities: {e1}, {e2}, {wp}")
cpdef void midpoint(
Entity e1,
Entity e2,
Entity wp = _E_FREE_IN_3D
"""Midpoint constraint between a point and a line."""
if e1.is_point() and e2.is_line():
self.add_constraint(AT_MIDPOINT, wp, 0., e1, _E_NONE, e2, _E_NONE)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported entities: {e1}, {e2}, {wp}")
cpdef void horizontal(self, Entity e1, Entity wp):
"""Horizontal constraint of a 2d point."""
if wp is _E_FREE_IN_3D:
raise ValueError("this is a 2d constraint")
if e1.is_line_2d():
self.add_constraint(HORIZONTAL, wp, 0., _E_NONE, _E_NONE, e1, _E_NONE)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported entities: {e1}, {wp}")
cpdef void vertical(self, Entity e1, Entity wp):
"""Vertical constraint of a 2d point."""
if wp is _E_FREE_IN_3D:
raise ValueError("this is a 2d constraint")
if e1.is_line_2d():
self.add_constraint(VERTICAL, wp, 0., _E_NONE, _E_NONE, e1, _E_NONE)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported entities: {e1}, {wp}")
cpdef void diameter(self, Entity e1, double value, Entity wp):
"""Diameter constraint of a circular entities."""
if wp is _E_FREE_IN_3D:
raise ValueError("this is a 2d constraint")
if e1.is_arc() or e1.is_circle():
self.add_constraint(DIAMETER, wp, value, _E_NONE, _E_NONE, e1, _E_NONE)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported entities: {e1}, {wp}")
cpdef void same_orientation(self, Entity e1, Entity e2):
"""Equal orientation constraint between two 3d normals."""
if e1.is_normal_3d() and e2.is_normal_3d():
self.add_constraint(SAME_ORIENTATION, _E_FREE_IN_3D, 0., _E_NONE, _E_NONE, e1, e2)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported entities: {e1}, {e2}")
cpdef void angle(self, Entity e1, Entity e2, double value, Entity wp, bint inverse = False):
"""Degrees angle constraint between two 2d lines."""
if wp is _E_FREE_IN_3D:
raise ValueError("this is a 2d constraint")
if e1.is_line_2d() and e2.is_line_2d():
self.add_constraint(ANGLE, wp, value, _E_NONE, _E_NONE,
e1, e2, _E_NONE, _E_NONE, inverse)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported entities: {e1}, {e2}, {wp}")
cpdef void perpendicular(self, Entity e1, Entity e2, Entity wp, bint inverse = False):
"""Perpendicular constraint between two 2d lines."""
if wp is _E_FREE_IN_3D:
raise ValueError("this is a 2d constraint")
if e1.is_line_2d() and e2.is_line_2d():
self.add_constraint(PERPENDICULAR, wp, 0., _E_NONE, _E_NONE,
e1, e2, _E_NONE, _E_NONE, inverse)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported entities: {e1}, {e2}, {wp}")
cpdef void parallel(self, Entity e1, Entity e2, Entity wp = _E_FREE_IN_3D):
"""Parallel constraint between two lines."""
if e1.is_line() and e2.is_line():
self.add_constraint(PARALLEL, wp, 0., _E_NONE, _E_NONE, e1, e2)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported entities: {e1}, {e2}, {wp}")
cpdef void tangent(self, Entity e1, Entity e2, Entity wp = _E_FREE_IN_3D):
"""Parallel constraint between two entities."""
if e1.is_arc() and e2.is_line_2d():
if wp is _E_FREE_IN_3D:
raise ValueError("this is a 2d constraint")
self.add_constraint(ARC_LINE_TANGENT, wp, 0., _E_NONE, _E_NONE, e1, e2)
elif e1.is_cubic() and e2.is_line_3d() and wp is _E_FREE_IN_3D:
self.add_constraint(CUBIC_LINE_TANGENT, wp, 0., _E_NONE, _E_NONE, e1, e2)
elif (e1.is_arc() or e1.is_cubic()) and (e2.is_arc() or e2.is_cubic()):
if (e1.is_arc() or e2.is_arc()) and wp is _E_FREE_IN_3D:
raise ValueError("this is a 2d constraint")
self.add_constraint(CURVE_CURVE_TANGENT, wp, 0., _E_NONE, _E_NONE, e1, e2)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported entities: {e1}, {e2}, {wp}")
cpdef void distance_proj(self, Entity e1, Entity e2, double value):
"""Projected distance constraint between two 3d points."""
if e1.is_point_3d() and e2.is_point_3d():
self.add_constraint(CURVE_CURVE_TANGENT, _E_FREE_IN_3D, value, e1, e2, _E_NONE, _E_NONE)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported entities: {e1}, {e2}")
cpdef void dragged(self, Entity e1, Entity wp = _E_FREE_IN_3D):
"""Dragged constraint of a point."""
if e1.is_point():
self.add_constraint(WHERE_DRAGGED, wp, 0., e1, _E_NONE, _E_NONE, _E_NONE)
raise TypeError(f"unsupported entities: {e1}, {wp}")