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2015-04-19 10:59:25 +00:00
2015-04-19 11:26:50 +00:00
* I. Spring Boot文档
2015-04-19 10:59:25 +00:00
* [1. 关于本文档](I. Spring Boot Documentation/1. About the documentation.md)
2015-04-19 11:06:31 +00:00
* [2. 获取帮助](I. Spring Boot Documentation/2. Getting help.md)
* [3. 第一步](I. Spring Boot Documentation/3. First steps.md)
* [4. 使用Spring Boot](I. Spring Boot Documentation/4. Working with Spring Boot.md)
* [5. 了解Spring Boot特性](I. Spring Boot Documentation/5. Learning about Spring Boot features.md)
* [6. 迁移到生存环境](I. Spring Boot Documentation/6. Moving to production.md)
* [7. 高级主题](I. Spring Boot Documentation/7. Advanced topics.md)
2015-04-19 11:26:50 +00:00
* II. 开始
* [8. Spring Boot介绍](II. Getting started/8. Introducing Spring Boot.md)
* [9. 系统要求](II. Getting started/9. System Requirements.md)
* [9.1. Servlet容器](II. Getting started/9.1. Servlet containers.md)
* [10. Spring Boot安装](II. Getting started/10. Installing Spring Boot.md)
* [10.1. 为Java开发者准备的安装指南](II. Getting started/10.1. Installation instructions for the Java developer.md)
* [10.1.1. Maven安装](II. Getting started/10.1.1. Maven installation.md)
* [10.1.2. Gradle安装](II. Getting started/10.1.2. Gradle installation.md)
* [10.2. Spring Boot CLI安装](II. Getting started/10.2. Installing the Spring Boot CLI.md)
* [10.2.1. 手动安装](II. Getting started/10.2.1. Manual installation.md)
* [10.2.2. 使用GVM安装](II. Getting started/10.2.2. Installation with GVM.md)
* [10.2.3. 使用OSX Homebrew进行安装](II. Getting started/10.2.3. OSX Homebrew installation.md)
* [10.2.4. 使用MacPorts进行安装](II. Getting started/10.2.4. MacPorts installation.md)
* [10.2.5. 命令行实现](II. Getting started/10.2.5. Command-line completion.md)
* [10.2.6. Spring CLI示例快速入门](II. Getting started/10.2.6. Quick start Spring CLI example.md)
* [10.3. 从Spring Boot早期版本升级](II. Getting started/10.3. Upgrading from an earlier version of Spring Boot.md)
* [11. 开发你的第一个Spring Boot应用](II. Getting started/11. Developing your first Spring Boot application.md)
* [11.1. 创建POM](II. Getting started/11.1. Creating the POM.md)
* [11.2. 添加classpath依赖](II. Getting started/11.2. Adding classpath dependencies.md)
* [11.3. 编写代码](II. Getting started/11.3. Writing the code.md)
* [11.3.1. @RestController和@RequestMapping注解](II. Getting started/11.3.1. The @RestController and @RequestMapping annotations.md)
* [11.3.2. @EnableAutoConfiguration注解](II. Getting started/11.3.2. The @EnableAutoConfiguration annotation.md)
* [11.3.3. main方法](II. Getting started/11.3.3. The “main” method.md)
* [11.4. 运行示例](II. Getting started/11.4. Running the example.md)
* [11.5. 创建一个可执行jar](II. Getting started/11.5. Creating an executable jar.md)
* [12. 接下来阅读什么](II. Getting started/12. What to read next.md)
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2015-04-19 11:43:07 +00:00
* III. 使用Spring Boot
* [13. 构建系统](III. Using Spring Boot/13. Build systems.md)
* [13.1. Maven](III. Using Spring Boot/13.1. Maven.md)
* [13.1.1. 继承starter parent](III. Using Spring Boot/13.1.1. Inheriting the starter parent.md)
* [13.1.2. 使用没有父POM的Spring Boot](III. Using Spring Boot/13.1.2. Using Spring Boot without the parent POM.md)
* [13.1.3. 改变Java版本](III. Using Spring Boot/13.1.3. Changing the Java version.md)
* [13.1.4. 使用Spring Boot Maven插件](III. Using Spring Boot/13.1.4. Using the Spring Boot Maven plugin.md)
* [13.2. Gradle](III. Using Spring Boot/13.2. Gradle.md)
* [13.3. Ant](III. Using Spring Boot/13.3. Ant.md)
* [13.4. Starter POMs](III. Using Spring Boot/13.4. Starter POMs.md)
* [14. 组织你的代码](III. Using Spring Boot/14. Structuring your code.md)
* [14.1. 使用"default"包](III. Using Spring Boot/14.1. Using the “default” package.md)
* [14.2. 定位main应用类](III. Using Spring Boot/14.2. Locating the main application class.md)
* [15. 配置类](III. Using Spring Boot/15. Configuration classes.md)
* [15.1. 导入其他配置类](III. Using Spring Boot/15.1. Importing additional configuration classes.md)
* [15.2. 导入XML配置](III. Using Spring Boot/15.2. Importing XML configuration.md)
* [16. 自动配置](III. Using Spring Boot/16. Auto-configuration.md)
* [16.1. 逐步替换自动配置](III. Using Spring Boot/16.1. Gradually replacing auto-configuration.md)
* [16.2. 禁用特定的自动配置](III. Using Spring Boot/16.2. Disabling specific auto-configuration.md)
* [17. Spring Beans和依赖注入](III. Using Spring Boot/17. Spring Beans and dependency injection.md)
* [18. 使用@SpringBootApplication注解](III. Using Spring Boot/18. Using the @SpringBootApplication annotation.md)
* [19. 运行应用程序](III. Using Spring Boot/19. Running your application.md)
* [19.1. 从IDE中运行](III. Using Spring Boot/19.1. Running from an IDE.md)
* [19.2. 作为一个打包后的应用运行](III. Using Spring Boot/19.2. Running as a packaged application.md)
* [19.3. 使用Maven插件运行](III. Using Spring Boot/19.3. Using the Maven plugin.md)
* [19.4. 使用Gradle插件运行](III. Using Spring Boot/19.4. Using the Gradle plugin.md)
* [19.5. 热交换](III. Using Spring Boot/19.5. Hot swapping.md)
* [20. 打包用于生产的应用程序](III. Using Spring Boot/20. Packaging your application for production.md)
* [21. 接下来阅读什么](III. Using Spring Boot/21. What to read next.md)
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* IV. Spring Boot特性
* [22. SpringApplication](IV. Spring Boot features/22. SpringApplication.md)
* [22.1. 自定义Banner](IV. Spring Boot features/22.1. Customizing the Banner.md)
* [22.2. 自定义SpringApplication](IV. Spring Boot features/22.2. Customizing SpringApplication.md)
* [22.3. 流畅的构建API](IV. Spring Boot features/22.3. Fluent builder API.md)
* [22.4. Application事件和监听器](IV. Spring Boot features/22.4. Application events and listeners.md)
* [22.5. Web环境](IV. Spring Boot features/22.5. Web environment.md)
* [22.6. 命令行启动器](IV. Spring Boot features/22.6. Using the CommandLineRunner.md)
* [22.7. Application退出](IV. Spring Boot features/22.7. Application exit.md)
* [23.外化配置](IV. Spring Boot features/23. Externalized Configuration.md)
* [23.1. 配置随机值](IV. Spring Boot features/23.1. Configuring random values.md)
* [23.2. 访问命令行属性](IV. Spring Boot features/23.2. Accessing command line properties.md)
* [23.3. Application属性文件](IV. Spring Boot features/23.3. Application property files.md)
* [23.4. 特定的Profile属性](IV. Spring Boot features/23.4. Profile-specific properties.md)
* [23.5. 属性占位符](IV. Spring Boot features/23.5. Placeholders in properties.md)
* [23.6. 使用YAML代替Properties](IV. Spring Boot features/23.6. Using YAML instead of Properties.md)
* [23.6.1. 加载YAML](IV. Spring Boot features/23.6.1. Loading YAML.md)
* [23.6.2. 在Spring环境中使用YAML暴露属性](IV. Spring Boot features/23.6.2. Exposing YAML as properties in the Spring Environment.md)
* [23.6.3. Multi-profile YAML文档](IV. Spring Boot features/23.6.3. Multi-profile YAML documents.md)
* [23.6.4. YAML缺点](IV. Spring Boot features/23.6.4. YAML shortcomings.md)
* [23.7. 类型安全的配置属性](IV. Spring Boot features/23.7. Typesafe Configuration Properties.md)
* [23.7.1. 第三方配置](IV. Spring Boot features/23.7.1. Third-party configuration.md)
* [23.7.2. 松散的绑定Relaxed binding](IV. Spring Boot features/23.7.2. Relaxed binding.md)
* [23.7.3. @ConfigurationProperties校验](IV. Spring Boot features/23.7.3. @ConfigurationProperties Validation.md)
* [24. Profiles](IV. Spring Boot features/24. Profiles.md)
* [24.1. 添加激活的配置(profiles)](IV. Spring Boot features/24.1. Adding active profiles.md)
* [24.2.以编程方式设置profiles](IV. Spring Boot features/24.2. Programmatically setting profiles.md)
* [24.3. Profile特定配置文件](IV. Spring Boot features/24.3. Profile specific configuration files.md)
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* [25. 日志](IV. Spring Boot features/25. Logging.md)
* [25.1. 日志格式](IV. Spring Boot features/25.1. Log format.md)
* [25.2. 控制台输出](IV. Spring Boot features/25.2. Console output.md)
* [25.3. 文件输出](IV. Spring Boot features/25.3. File output.md)
* [25.4. 日志级别](IV. Spring Boot features/25.4. Log Levels.md)
* [25.5. 自定义日志配置](IV. Spring Boot features/25.5. Custom log configuration.md)
* [26. 开发Web应用](IV. Spring Boot features/26. Developing web applications.md)
* [26.1. Spring Web MVC框架](IV. Spring Boot features/26.1. The Spring Web MVC framework.md)
* [26.1.1. Spring MVC自动配置](IV. Spring Boot features/26.1.1. Spring MVC auto-configuration.md)
* [26.1.2. HttpMessageConverters](IV. Spring Boot features/26.1.2. HttpMessageConverters.md)
* [26.1.3. MessageCodesResolver](IV. Spring Boot features/26.1.3. MessageCodesResolver.md)
* [26.1.4. 静态内容](IV. Spring Boot features/26.1.4. Static Content.md)
* [26.1.5. 模板引擎](IV. Spring Boot features/26.1.5. Template engines.md)
* [26.1.6. 错误处理](IV. Spring Boot features/26.1.6. Error Handling.md)
* [26.1.7. Spring HATEOAS](IV. Spring Boot features/26.1.7. Spring HATEOAS.md)
* [26.2. JAX-RS和Jersey](IV. Spring Boot features/26.2. JAX-RS and Jersey.md)
* [26.3. 内嵌servlet容器支持](IV. Spring Boot features/26.3. Embedded servlet container support.md)
* [26.3.1. Servlets和Filters](IV. Spring Boot features/26.3.1. Servlets and Filters.md)
* [26.3.2. EmbeddedWebApplicationContext](IV. Spring Boot features/26.3.2. The EmbeddedWebApplicationContext.md)
* [26.3.3. 自定义内嵌servlet容器](IV. Spring Boot features/26.3.3. Customizing embedded servlet containers.md)
* [26.3.4. JSP的限制](IV. Spring Boot features/26.3.4. JSP limitations.md)
* [27. 安全](IV. Spring Boot features/27. Security.md)
* [28. 使用SQL数据库](IV. Spring Boot features/28. Working with SQL databases.md)
* [28.1. 配置DataSource](IV. Spring Boot features/28.1. Configure a DataSource.md)
* [28.1.1. 对内嵌数据库的支持](IV. Spring Boot features/28.1.1. Embedded Database Support.md)
* [28.1.2. 连接到一个生产环境数据库](IV. Spring Boot features/28.1.2. Connection to a production database.md)
* [28.1.3. 连接到一个JNDI数据库](IV. Spring Boot features/28.1.3. Connection to a JNDI DataSource.md)
* [28.2. 使用JdbcTemplate](IV. Spring Boot features/28.2. Using JdbcTemplate.md)
* [28.3. JPA和Spring Data](IV. Spring Boot features/28.3. JPA and Spring Data.md)
* [28.3.1. 实体类](IV. Spring Boot features/28.3.1. Entity Classes.md)
* [28.3.2. Spring Data JPA仓库](IV. Spring Boot features/28.3.2. Spring Data JPA Repositories.md)
* [28.3.3. 创建和删除JPA数据库](IV. Spring Boot features/28.3.3. Creating and dropping JPA databases.md)
* [29. 使用NoSQL技术](IV. Spring Boot features/29. Working with NoSQL technologies.md)
* [29.1. Redis](IV. Spring Boot features/29.1. Redis.md)
* [29.1.1. 连接Redis](IV. Spring Boot features/29.1.1. Connecting to Redis.md)
* [29.2. MongoDB](IV. Spring Boot features/29.2. MongoDB.md)
* [29.2.1. 连接MongoDB数据库](IV. Spring Boot features/29.2.1. Connecting to a MongoDB database.md)
* [29.2.2. MongoDBTemplate](IV. Spring Boot features/29.2.2. MongoTemplate.md)
* [29.2.3. Spring Data MongoDB仓库](IV. Spring Boot features/29.2.3. Spring Data MongoDB repositories.md)
* [29.3. Gemfire](IV. Spring Boot features/29.3. Gemfire.md)
* [29.4. Solr](IV. Spring Boot features/29.4. Solr.md)
* [29.4.1. 连接Solr](IV. Spring Boot features/29.4.1. Connecting to Solr.md)
* [29.4.2. Spring Data Solr仓库](IV. Spring Boot features/29.4.2. Spring Data Solr repositories.md)
* [29.5. Elasticsearch](IV. Spring Boot features/29.5. Elasticsearch.md)
* [29.5.1. 连接Elasticsearch](IV. Spring Boot features/29.5.1. Connecting to Elasticsearch.md)
* [29.5.2. Spring Data Elasticseach仓库](IV. Spring Boot features/29.5.2. Spring Data Elasticsearch repositories.md)
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* [30. 消息](IV. Spring Boot features/30. Messaging.md)
* [30.1.1. HornetQ支持](IV. Spring Boot features/30.1.1. HornetQ support.md)
* [30.1.2. ActiveQ支持](IV. Spring Boot features/30.1.2. ActiveMQ support.md)
* [30.1.3. 使用JNDI ConnectionFactory](IV. Spring Boot features/30.1.3. Using a JNDI ConnectionFactory.md)
* [30.1.4. 发送消息](IV. Spring Boot features/30.1.4. Sending a message.md)
* [30.1.5. 接收消息](IV. Spring Boot features/30.1.5. Receiving a message.md)
* [31. 发送邮件](IV. Spring Boot features/31. Sending email.md)
* [32. 使用JTA处理分布式事务](IV. Spring Boot features/32. Distributed Transactions with JTA.md)
* [32.1. 使用一个Atomikos事务管理器](IV. Spring Boot features/32.1. Using an Atomikos transaction manager.md)
* [32.2. 使用一个Bitronix事务管理器](IV. Spring Boot features/32.2. Using a Bitronix transaction manager.md)
* [32.3. 使用一个J2EE管理的事务管理器](IV. Spring Boot features/32.3. Using a Java EE managed transaction manager.md)
* [32.4. 混合XA和non-XA的JMS连接](IV. Spring Boot features/32.4. Mixing XA and non-XA JMS connections.md)
* [32.5. 支持可替代的内嵌事务管理器](IV. Spring Boot features/32.5. Supporting an alternative embedded )
* [33. Spring集成](IV. Spring Boot features/33. Spring Integration.md)
* [34. 基于JMX的监控和管理](IV. Spring Boot features/34. Monitoring and management over JMX.md)
* [35. 测试](IV. Spring Boot features/35. Testing.md)
* [35.1. 测试作用域依赖](IV. Spring Boot features/35.1. Test scope dependencies.md)
* [35.2. 测试Spring应用](IV. Spring Boot features/35.2. Testing Spring applications.md)
* [35.3. 测试Spring Boot应用](IV. Spring Boot features/35.3. Testing Spring Boot applications.md)
* [35.3.1. 使用Spock测试Spring Boot应用](IV. Spring Boot features/35.3.1. Using Spock to test Spring Boot applications.md)
* [35.4. 测试工具](IV. Spring Boot features/35.4. Test utilities.md)
* [35.4.1. ConfigFileApplicationContextInitializer](IV. Spring Boot features/35.4.1. ConfigFileApplicationContextInitializer.md)
* [35.4.2. EnvironmentTestUtils](IV. Spring Boot features/35.4.2. EnvironmentTestUtils.md)
* [35.4.3. OutputCapture](IV. Spring Boot features/35.4.3. OutputCapture.md)
* [35.4.4. TestRestTemplate](IV. Spring Boot features/35.4.4. TestRestTemplate.md)
* [36. 开发自动配置和使用条件](IV. Spring Boot features/36. Developing auto-configuration and using conditions.md)
* [36.1. 理解auto-configured beans](IV. Spring Boot features/36.1. Understanding auto-configured beans.md)
* [36.2. 定位auto-configuration候选者](IV. Spring Boot features/36.2. Locating auto-configuration candidates.md)
* [36.3.3. Property条件](IV. Spring Boot features/36.3.3. Property conditions.md)
* [36.3.4. Resource条件](IV. Spring Boot features/36.3.4. Resource conditions.md)
* [36.3.5. Web Application条件](IV. Spring Boot features/36.3.5. Web Application Conditions.md)
* [36.3.6. SpEL表达式条件](IV. Spring Boot features/36.3.6. SpEL expression conditions.md)
* [37. WebSockets](IV. Spring Boot features/37. WebSockets.md)
* [38. 接下来阅读什么](IV. Spring Boot features/38. What to read next.md)
2015-04-19 11:43:07 +00:00