diff --git a/SUMMARY.md b/SUMMARY.md index 92050c1..ed0e807 100644 --- a/SUMMARY.md +++ b/SUMMARY.md @@ -290,3 +290,39 @@ * [64.10. 配置Jetty](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/64.10. Configure Jetty.md) * [64.11. 使用Undertow替代Tomcat](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/64.11. Use Undertow instead of Tomcat.md) * [64.12. 配置Undertow](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/64.12. Configure Undertow.md) + * [64.13. 启用Undertow的多监听器](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/64.13. Enable Multiple Listeners with Undertow.md) + * [64.14. 使用Tomcat7](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/64.14. Use Tomcat 7.md) + * [64.14.1. 通过Maven使用Tomcat7](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/64.14.1. Use Tomcat 7 with Maven.md) + * [64.14.2. 通过Gradle使用Tomcat7](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/64.14.2. Use Tomcat 7 with Gradle.md) + * [64.15. 使用Jetty8](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/64.15. Use Jetty 8.md) + * [64.15.1. 通过Maven使用Jetty8](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/64.15.1. Use Jetty 8 with Maven.md) + * [64.15.2. 通过Gradle使用Jetty8](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/64.15.2. Use Jetty 8 with Gradle.md) + * [64.16. 使用@ServerEndpoint创建WebSocket端点](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/64.16. Create WebSocket endpoints using @ServerEndpoint.md) + * [64.17. 启用HTTP响应压缩](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/64.17. Enable HTTP response compression.md) + * [64.17.1. 启用Tomcat的HTTP响应压缩](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/64.17.1. Enable Tomcat’s HTTP response compression.md) + * [64.17.2. 使用GzipFilter开启HTTP响应压缩](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/64.17.2. Enable HTTP response compression using GzipFilter.md) + * [65. Spring MVC](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/65. Spring MVC.md) + * [65.1. 编写一个JSON REST服务](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/65.1. Write a JSON REST service.md) + * [65.2. 编写一个XML REST服务](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/65.2. Write an XML REST service.md) + * [65.3. 自定义Jackson ObjectMapper](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/65.3. Customize the Jackson ObjectMapper.md) + * [65.4. 自定义@ResponseBody渲染](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/65.4. Customize the @ResponseBody rendering.md) + * [65.5. 处理Multipart文件上传](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/65.5. Handling Multipart File Uploads.md) + * [65.6. 关闭Spring MVC DispatcherServlet](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/65.6. Switch off the Spring MVC DispatcherServlet.md) + * [65.7. 关闭默认的MVC配置](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/65.7. Switch off the Default MVC configuration.md) + * [65.8. 自定义ViewResolvers](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/65.8. Customize ViewResolvers.md) + * [66. 日志](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/66. Logging.md) + * [66.1. 配置Logback](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/66.1. Configure Logback for logging.md) + * [66.2. 配置Log4j](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/66.2. Configure Log4j for logging.md) + * [66.2.1. 使用YAML或JSON配置Log4j2](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/66.2.1. Use YAML or JSON to configure Log4j 2.md) + * [67. 数据访问](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/67. Data Access.md) + * [67.1. 配置一个数据源](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/67.1. Configure a DataSource.md) + * [67.2. 配置两个数据源](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/67.2. Configure Two DataSources.md) + * [67.3. 使用Spring Data仓库](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/67.3. Use Spring Data repositories.md) + * [67.4. 从Spring配置分离@Entity定义](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/67.4. Separate @Entity definitions from Spring configuration.md) + * [67.5. 配置JPA属性](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/67.5. Configure JPA properties.md) + * [67.6. 使用自定义的EntityManagerFactory](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/67.6. Use a custom EntityManagerFactory.md) + * [67.7. 使用两个EntityManagers](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/67.7. Use Two EntityManagers.md) + * [67.8. 使用普通的persistence.xml](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/67.8. Use a traditional persistence.xml.md) + * [67.9. 使用Spring Data JPA和Mongo仓库](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/67.9. Use Spring Data JPA and Mongo repositories.md) + * [67.10. 将Spring Data仓库暴露为REST端点](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/67.10. Expose Spring Data repositories as REST endpoint.md) + * []()