Update SUMMARY.md

qibaoguang 2015-04-23 13:32:19 +08:00
parent 62bd3ca699
commit 1b757c2936
1 changed files with 26 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -273,4 +273,29 @@ Summary
* [60.4. repackage实现示例](VIII. Build tool plugins/60.4. Example repackage implementation.md) * [60.4. repackage实现示例](VIII. Build tool plugins/60.4. Example repackage implementation.md)
* [61. 接下来阅读什么](VIII. Build tool plugins/61. What to read next.md) * [61. 接下来阅读什么](VIII. Build tool plugins/61. What to read next.md)
* IX. How-to指南
* [62. Spring Boot应用](IX. How-to guides/62. Spring Boot application.md)
* [62.1. 解决自动配置问题](IX. How-to guides/62.1. Troubleshoot auto-configuration.md)
* [62.2. 启动前自定义Environment或ApplicationContext](IX. How-to guides/62.2. Customize the Environment or ApplicationContext before it starts.md)
* [62.3. 构建ApplicationContext层次结构添加父或根上下文](IX. How-to guides/62.3. Build an ApplicationContext hierarchy (adding a parent or root context).md)
* [62.4. 创建一个非webnon-web应用](IX. How-to guides/62.4. Create a non-web application.md)
* [63. 属性&配置](IX. How-to guides/63. Properties & configuration.md)
* [63.1. 外部化SpringApplication配置](IX. How-to guides/63.1. Externalize the configuration of SpringApplication.md)
* [63.2. 改变应用程序外部配置文件的位置](IX. How-to guides/63.2. Change the location of external properties of an application.md)
* [63.3. 使用'short'命令行参数](IX. How-to guides/63.3. Use short command line arguments.md)
* [63.4. 使用YAML配置外部属性](IX. How-to guides/63.4. Use YAML for external properties.md)
* [63.5. 设置生效的Spring profiles](IX. How-to guides/63.5. Set the active Spring profiles.md)
* [63.6. 根据环境改变配置](IX. How-to guides/63.6. Change configuration depending on the environment.md)
* [63.7. 发现外部属性的内置选项](IX. How-to guides/63.7. Discover built-in options for external properties.md)
* [64. 内嵌的servlet容器](IX. How-to guides/64. Embedded servlet containers.md)
* [64.1. 为应用添加ServletFilter或ServletContextListener](IX. How-to guides/64.1. Add a Servlet, Filter or ServletContextListener to an application.md)
* [64.2. 改变HTTP端口](IX. How-to guides/64.2. Change the HTTP port.md)
* [64.3. 使用随机未分配的HTTP端口](IX. How-to guides/64.3. Use a random unassigned HTTP port.md)
* [64.4. 发现运行时的HTTP端口](IX. How-to guides/64.4. Discover the HTTP port at runtime.md)
* [64.5. 配置SSL](IX. How-to guides/64.5. Configure SSL.md)
* [64.6. 配置Tomcat](IX. How-to guides/64.6. Configure Tomcat.md)
* [64.7. 启用Tomcat的多连接器Multiple Connectors](IX. How-to guides/64.7. Enable Multiple Connectors with Tomcat.md)
* [64.8. 在前端代理服务器后使用Tomcat](IX. How-to guides/64.8. Use Tomcat behind a front-end proxy server.md)
* [64.9. 使用Jetty替代Tomcat](IX. How-to guides/64.9. Use Jetty instead of Tomcat.md)
* [64.10. 配置Jetty](IX. How-to guides/64.10. Configure Jetty.md)
* [64.11. 使用Undertow替代Tomcat](IX. How-to guides/64.11. Use Undertow instead of Tomcat.md)