diff --git a/VI. Deploying to the cloud/52. Google App Engine.md b/VI. Deploying to the cloud/52. Google App Engine.md index e2d70d4..71c01cb 100644 --- a/VI. Deploying to the cloud/52. Google App Engine.md +++ b/VI. Deploying to the cloud/52. Google App Engine.md @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ ### 52. Google App Engine -Google App Engine跟Servlet 2.5 API是有联系的,所以在不修改的情况系你是不能部署一个Spring应用的。具体查看本指南的[Servlet 2.5章节](http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current-SNAPSHOT/reference/htmlsingle/#howto-servlet-2-5)。 +Google App Engine跟Servlet 2.5 API是有联系的,所以在不修改的情况系你是不能部署一个Spring应用的。具体查看本指南的[Servlet 2.5章节](../IX. ‘How-to’ guides/74.5. Deploying a WAR in an Old (Servlet 2.5) Container.md)。