Update SUMMARY.md
@ -95,6 +95,52 @@ Summary
* [24.1. 添加激活的配置(profiles)](IV. Spring Boot features/24.1. Adding active profiles.md)
* [24.2.以编程方式设置profiles](IV. Spring Boot features/24.2. Programmatically setting profiles.md)
* [24.3. Profile特定配置文件](IV. Spring Boot features/24.3. Profile specific configuration files.md)
* [25. 日志](IV. Spring Boot features/25. Logging.md)
* [25.1. 日志格式](IV. Spring Boot features/25.1. Log format.md)
* [25.2. 控制台输出](IV. Spring Boot features/25.2. Console output.md)
* [25.3. 文件输出](IV. Spring Boot features/25.3. File output.md)
* [25.4. 日志级别](IV. Spring Boot features/25.4. Log Levels.md)
* [25.5. 自定义日志配置](IV. Spring Boot features/25.5. Custom log configuration.md)
* [26. 开发Web应用](IV. Spring Boot features/26. Developing web applications.md)
* [26.1. Spring Web MVC框架](IV. Spring Boot features/26.1. The ‘Spring Web MVC framework’.md)
* [26.1.1. Spring MVC自动配置](IV. Spring Boot features/26.1.1. Spring MVC auto-configuration.md)
* [26.1.2. HttpMessageConverters](IV. Spring Boot features/26.1.2. HttpMessageConverters.md)
* [26.1.3. MessageCodesResolver](IV. Spring Boot features/26.1.3. MessageCodesResolver.md)
* [26.1.4. 静态内容](IV. Spring Boot features/26.1.4. Static Content.md)
* [26.1.5. 模板引擎](IV. Spring Boot features/26.1.5. Template engines.md)
* [26.1.6. 错误处理](IV. Spring Boot features/26.1.6. Error Handling.md)
* [26.1.7. Spring HATEOAS](IV. Spring Boot features/26.1.7. Spring HATEOAS.md)
* [26.2. JAX-RS和Jersey](IV. Spring Boot features/26.2. JAX-RS and Jersey.md)
* [26.3. 内嵌servlet容器支持](IV. Spring Boot features/26.3. Embedded servlet container support.md)
* [26.3.1. Servlets和Filters](IV. Spring Boot features/26.3.1. Servlets and Filters.md)
* [26.3.2. EmbeddedWebApplicationContext](IV. Spring Boot features/26.3.2. The EmbeddedWebApplicationContext.md)
* [26.3.3. 自定义内嵌servlet容器](IV. Spring Boot features/26.3.3. Customizing embedded servlet containers.md)
* [26.3.4. JSP的限制](IV. Spring Boot features/26.3.4. JSP limitations.md)
* [27. 安全](IV. Spring Boot features/27. Security.md)
* [28. 使用SQL数据库](IV. Spring Boot features/28. Working with SQL databases.md)
* [28.1. 配置DataSource](IV. Spring Boot features/28.1. Configure a DataSource.md)
* [28.1.1. 对内嵌数据库的支持](IV. Spring Boot features/28.1.1. Embedded Database Support.md)
* [28.1.2. 连接到一个生产环境数据库](IV. Spring Boot features/28.1.2. Connection to a production database.md)
* [28.1.3. 连接到一个JNDI数据库](IV. Spring Boot features/28.1.3. Connection to a JNDI DataSource.md)
* [28.2. 使用JdbcTemplate](IV. Spring Boot features/28.2. Using JdbcTemplate.md)
* [28.3. JPA和Spring Data](IV. Spring Boot features/28.3. JPA and ‘Spring Data’.md)
* [28.3.1. 实体类](IV. Spring Boot features/28.3.1. Entity Classes.md)
* [28.3.2. Spring Data JPA仓库](IV. Spring Boot features/28.3.2. Spring Data JPA Repositories.md)
* [28.3.3. 创建和删除JPA数据库](IV. Spring Boot features/28.3.3. Creating and dropping JPA databases.md)
* [29. 使用NoSQL技术](IV. Spring Boot features/29. Working with NoSQL technologies.md)
* [29.1. Redis](IV. Spring Boot features/29.1. Redis.md)
* [29.1.1. 连接Redis](IV. Spring Boot features/29.1.1. Connecting to Redis.md)
* [29.2. MongoDB](IV. Spring Boot features/29.2. MongoDB.md)
* [29.2.1. 连接MongoDB数据库](IV. Spring Boot features/29.2.1. Connecting to a MongoDB database.md)
* [29.2.2. MongoDBTemplate](IV. Spring Boot features/29.2.2. MongoTemplate.md)
* [29.2.3. Spring Data MongoDB仓库](IV. Spring Boot features/29.2.3. Spring Data MongoDB repositories.md)
* [29.3. Gemfire](IV. Spring Boot features/29.3. Gemfire.md)
* [29.4. Solr](IV. Spring Boot features/29.4. Solr.md)
* [29.4.1. 连接Solr](IV. Spring Boot features/29.4.1. Connecting to Solr.md)
* [29.4.2. Spring Data Solr仓库](IV. Spring Boot features/29.4.2. Spring Data Solr repositories.md)
* [29.5. Elasticsearch](IV. Spring Boot features/29.5. Elasticsearch.md)
* [29.5.1. 连接Elasticsearch](IV. Spring Boot features/29.5.1. Connecting to Elasticsearch.md)
* [29.5.2. Spring Data Elasticseach仓库](IV. Spring Boot features/29.5.2. Spring Data Elasticsearch repositories.md)
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