Update SUMMARY.md
@ -329,50 +329,50 @@
* [67.8. 使用普通的persistence.xml](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/67.8. Use a traditional persistence.xml.md)
* [67.9. 使用Spring Data JPA和Mongo仓库](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/67.9. Use Spring Data JPA and Mongo repositories.md)
* [67.10. 将Spring Data仓库暴露为REST端点](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/67.10. Expose Spring Data repositories as REST endpoint.md)
* [68. 数据库初始化](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/68. Database initialization.md)
* [68.1. 使用JPA初始化数据库](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/68.1. Initialize a database using JPA.md)
* [68.2. 使用Hibernate初始化数据库](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/68.2. Initialize a database using Hibernate.md)
* [68.3. 使用Spring JDBC初始化数据库](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/68.3. Initialize a database using Spring JDBC.md)
* [68.4. 初始化Spring Batch数据库](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/68.4. Initialize a Spring Batch database.md)
* [68.5. 使用一个高级别的数据迁移工具](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/68.5. Use a higher level database migration tool.md)
* [68.5.1. 启动时执行Flyway数据库迁移](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/68.5.1. Execute Flyway database migrations on startup.md)
* [68.5.2. 启动时执行Liquibase数据库迁移](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/68.5.2. Execute Liquibase database migrations on startup.md)
* [69. 批处理应用](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/69. Batch applications.md)
* [69.1. 在启动时执行Spring Batch作业](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/69.1. Execute Spring Batch jobs on startup.md)
* [70. 执行器(Actuator)](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/70. Actuator.md)
* [70.1. 改变HTTP端口或执行器端点的地址](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/70.1. Change the HTTP port or address of the actuator endpoints.md)
* [70.2. 自定义'白标'(whitelabel,可以了解下相关理念)错误页面](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/70.2. Customize the ‘whitelabel’ error page.md)
* [71. 安全](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/71. Security.md)
* [71.1. 关闭Spring Boot安全配置](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/71.1. Switch off the Spring Boot security configuration.md)
* [71.2. 改变AuthenticationManager并添加用户账号](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/71.2. Change the AuthenticationManager and add user accounts.md)
* [71.3. 当前端使用代理服务器时,启用HTTPS](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/71.3. Enable HTTPS when running behind a proxy server.md)
* [72. 热交换](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/72. Hot swapping.md)
* [72.1. 重新加载静态内容](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/72.1. Reload static content.md)
* [72.2. 在不重启容器的情况下重新加载Thymeleaf模板](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/72.2. Reload Thymeleaf templates without restarting the container.md)
* [72.3. 在不重启容器的情况下重新加载FreeMarker模板](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/72.3. Reload FreeMarker templates without restarting the container.md)
* [72.4. 在不重启容器的情况下重新加载Groovy模板](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/72.4. Reload Groovy templates without restarting the container.md)
* [72.5. 在不重启容器的情况下重新加载Velocity模板](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/72.5. Reload Velocity templates without restarting the container.md)
* [72.6. 在不重启容器的情况下重新加载Java类](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/72.6. Reload Java classes without restarting the container.md)
* [72.6.1. 使用Maven配置Spring Loaded](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/72.6.1. Configuring Spring Loaded for use with Maven.md)
* [72.6.2. 使用Gradle和IntelliJ配置Spring Loaded](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/72.6.2. Configuring Spring Loaded for use with Gradle and IntelliJ.md)
* [73. 构建](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73. Build.md)
* [73.1. 使用Maven自定义依赖版本](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.1. Customize dependency versions with Maven.md)
* [73.2. 使用Maven创建可执行JAR](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.2. Create an executable JAR with Maven.md)
* [73.3. 创建其他的可执行JAR](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.3. Create an additional executable JAR.md)
* [73.4. 在可执行jar运行时提取特定的版本](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.4. Extract specific libraries when an executable jar runs.md)
* [73.5. 使用排除创建不可执行的JAR](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.5. Create a non-executable JAR with exclusions.m)
* [73.6. 远程调试一个使用Maven启动的Spring Boot项目](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.6. Remote debug a Spring Boot application started with Maven.md)
* [73.7. 远程调试一个使用Gradle启动的Spring Boot项目](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.7. Remote debug a Spring Boot application started with Gradle.md)
* [73.8. 使用Ant构建可执行存档(archive)](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.8. Build an executable archive with Ant.md)
* [73.9. 如何使用Java6](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.9. How to use Java 6.md)
* [73.9.1. 内嵌Servlet容器兼容性](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.9.1. Embedded servlet container compatibility.md)
* [73.9.2. JTA API兼容性](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.9.2. JTA API compatibility.md)
* [74. 传统部署](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/74. Traditional deployment.md)
* [74.1. 创建一个可部署的war文件](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/74.1. Create a deployable war file.md)
* [74.2. 为老的servlet容器创建一个可部署的war文件](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/74.2. Create a deployable war file for older servlet containers.md)
* [74.3. 将现有的应用转换为Spring Boot](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/74.3. Convert an existing application to Spring Boot.md)
* [74.4. 部署WAR到Weblogic](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/74.4. Deploying a WAR to Weblogic.md)
* [74.5. 部署WAR到老的(Servlet2.5)容器](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/74.5. Deploying a WAR in an Old (Servlet 2.5) Container.md)
* [68. 数据库初始化](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/68. Database initialization.md)
* [68.1. 使用JPA初始化数据库](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/68.1. Initialize a database using JPA.md)
* [68.2. 使用Hibernate初始化数据库](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/68.2. Initialize a database using Hibernate.md)
* [68.3. 使用Spring JDBC初始化数据库](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/68.3. Initialize a database using Spring JDBC.md)
* [68.4. 初始化Spring Batch数据库](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/68.4. Initialize a Spring Batch database.md)
* [68.5. 使用一个高级别的数据迁移工具](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/68.5. Use a higher level database migration tool.md)
* [68.5.1. 启动时执行Flyway数据库迁移](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/68.5.1. Execute Flyway database migrations on startup.md)
* [68.5.2. 启动时执行Liquibase数据库迁移](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/68.5.2. Execute Liquibase database migrations on startup.md)
* [69. 批处理应用](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/69. Batch applications.md)
* [69.1. 在启动时执行Spring Batch作业](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/69.1. Execute Spring Batch jobs on startup.md)
* [70. 执行器(Actuator)](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/70. Actuator.md)
* [70.1. 改变HTTP端口或执行器端点的地址](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/70.1. Change the HTTP port or address of the actuator endpoints.md)
* [70.2. 自定义'白标'(whitelabel,可以了解下相关理念)错误页面](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/70.2. Customize the ‘whitelabel’ error page.md)
* [71. 安全](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/71. Security.md)
* [71.1. 关闭Spring Boot安全配置](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/71.1. Switch off the Spring Boot security configuration.md)
* [71.2. 改变AuthenticationManager并添加用户账号](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/71.2. Change the AuthenticationManager and add user accounts.md)
* [71.3. 当前端使用代理服务器时,启用HTTPS](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/71.3. Enable HTTPS when running behind a proxy server.md)
* [72. 热交换](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/72. Hot swapping.md)
* [72.1. 重新加载静态内容](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/72.1. Reload static content.md)
* [72.2. 在不重启容器的情况下重新加载Thymeleaf模板](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/72.2. Reload Thymeleaf templates without restarting the container.md)
* [72.3. 在不重启容器的情况下重新加载FreeMarker模板](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/72.3. Reload FreeMarker templates without restarting the container.md)
* [72.4. 在不重启容器的情况下重新加载Groovy模板](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/72.4. Reload Groovy templates without restarting the container.md)
* [72.5. 在不重启容器的情况下重新加载Velocity模板](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/72.5. Reload Velocity templates without restarting the container.md)
* [72.6. 在不重启容器的情况下重新加载Java类](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/72.6. Reload Java classes without restarting the container.md)
* [72.6.1. 使用Maven配置Spring Loaded](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/72.6.1. Configuring Spring Loaded for use with Maven.md)
* [72.6.2. 使用Gradle和IntelliJ配置Spring Loaded](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/72.6.2. Configuring Spring Loaded for use with Gradle and IntelliJ.md)
* [73. 构建](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73. Build.md)
* [73.1. 使用Maven自定义依赖版本](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.1. Customize dependency versions with Maven.md)
* [73.2. 使用Maven创建可执行JAR](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.2. Create an executable JAR with Maven.md)
* [73.3. 创建其他的可执行JAR](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.3. Create an additional executable JAR.md)
* [73.4. 在可执行jar运行时提取特定的版本](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.4. Extract specific libraries when an executable jar runs.md)
* [73.5. 使用排除创建不可执行的JAR](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.5. Create a non-executable JAR with exclusions.m)
* [73.6. 远程调试一个使用Maven启动的Spring Boot项目](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.6. Remote debug a Spring Boot application started with Maven.md)
* [73.7. 远程调试一个使用Gradle启动的Spring Boot项目](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.7. Remote debug a Spring Boot application started with Gradle.md)
* [73.8. 使用Ant构建可执行存档(archive)](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.8. Build an executable archive with Ant.md)
* [73.9. 如何使用Java6](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.9. How to use Java 6.md)
* [73.9.1. 内嵌Servlet容器兼容性](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.9.1. Embedded servlet container compatibility.md)
* [73.9.2. JTA API兼容性](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/73.9.2. JTA API compatibility.md)
* [74. 传统部署](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/74. Traditional deployment.md)
* [74.1. 创建一个可部署的war文件](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/74.1. Create a deployable war file.md)
* [74.2. 为老的servlet容器创建一个可部署的war文件](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/74.2. Create a deployable war file for older servlet containers.md)
* [74.3. 将现有的应用转换为Spring Boot](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/74.3. Convert an existing application to Spring Boot.md)
* [74.4. 部署WAR到Weblogic](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/74.4. Deploying a WAR to Weblogic.md)
* [74.5. 部署WAR到老的(Servlet2.5)容器](IX. ‘How-to’ guides/74.5. Deploying a WAR in an Old (Servlet 2.5) Container.md)
* [X.附录](X. Appendices/README.md)
* [附录A. 常见应用属性](X. Appendices/A. Common application properties.md)
* [附录B. 配置元数据](X. Appendices/B. Configuration meta-data.md)
Reference in New Issue