spring_reference/IX. ‘How-to’ guides
qibaoguang fc408a4874 Update 62.2. Customize the Environment or ApplicationContext before it starts.md 2015-05-19 22:41:08 +08:00
62. Spring Boot application.md Update 62. Spring Boot application.md 2015-04-24 13:10:45 +08:00
62.1. Troubleshoot auto-configuration.md Update 62.1. Troubleshoot auto-configuration.md 2015-05-19 22:36:11 +08:00
62.2. Customize the Environment or ApplicationContext before it starts.md Update 62.2. Customize the Environment or ApplicationContext before it starts.md 2015-05-19 22:41:08 +08:00
62.3. Build an ApplicationContext hierarchy (adding a parent or root context).md Update 62.3. Build an ApplicationContext hierarchy (adding a parent or root context).md 2015-03-23 23:48:15 +08:00
62.4. Create a non-web application.md Update 62.4. Create a non-web application.md 2015-03-23 23:48:49 +08:00
63. Properties & configuration.md Update 63. Properties & configuration.md 2015-04-23 13:25:38 +08:00
63.1. Externalize the configuration of SpringApplication.md Update 63.1. Externalize the configuration of SpringApplication.md 2015-03-23 23:50:04 +08:00
63.2. Change the location of external properties of an application.md Update 63.2. Change the location of external properties of an application.md 2015-03-23 23:51:08 +08:00
63.3. Use ‘short’ command line arguments.md Update 63.3. Use ‘short’ command line arguments.md 2015-03-23 23:51:54 +08:00
63.4. Use YAML for external properties.md Update 63.4. Use YAML for external properties.md 2015-03-23 23:54:05 +08:00
63.5. Set the active Spring profiles.md Update 63.5. Set the active Spring profiles.md 2015-03-23 23:55:42 +08:00
63.6. Change configuration depending on the environment.md Update 63.6. Change configuration depending on the environment.md 2015-03-23 23:56:29 +08:00
63.7. Discover built-in options for external properties.md Update 63.7. Discover built-in options for external properties.md 2015-03-24 00:28:58 +08:00
64. Embedded servlet containers.md Update 64. Embedded servlet containers.md 2015-04-23 13:28:22 +08:00
64.1. Add a Servlet, Filter or ServletContextListener to an application.md Update 64.1. Add a Servlet, Filter or ServletContextListener to an application.md 2015-03-24 00:30:07 +08:00
64.2. Change the HTTP port.md Update 64.2. Change the HTTP port.md 2015-03-24 00:34:29 +08:00
64.3. Use a random unassigned HTTP port.md Update 64.3. Use a random unassigned HTTP port.md 2015-03-24 00:35:06 +08:00
64.4. Discover the HTTP port at runtime.md Update 64.4. Discover the HTTP port at runtime.md 2015-03-24 00:35:44 +08:00
64.5. Configure SSL.md Update 64.5. Configure SSL.md 2015-03-24 00:36:22 +08:00
64.6. Configure Tomcat.md Update 64.6. Configure Tomcat.md 2015-03-24 00:37:04 +08:00
64.7. Enable Multiple Connectors with Tomcat.md Update 64.7. Enable Multiple Connectors with Tomcat.md 2015-03-24 00:38:17 +08:00
64.8. Use Tomcat behind a front-end proxy server.md Update 64.8. Use Tomcat behind a front-end proxy server.md 2015-03-25 22:24:37 +08:00
64.9. Use Jetty instead of Tomcat.md Update 64.9. Use Jetty instead of Tomcat.md 2015-03-25 22:25:43 +08:00
64.10. Configure Jetty.md Update 64.10. Configure Jetty.md 2015-03-25 22:27:17 +08:00
64.11. Use Undertow instead of Tomcat.md Update 64.11. Use Undertow instead of Tomcat.md 2015-03-25 22:33:57 +08:00
64.12. Configure Undertow.md Update 64.12. Configure Undertow.md 2015-03-25 22:36:38 +08:00
64.13. Enable Multiple Listeners with Undertow.md Update 64.13. Enable Multiple Listeners with Undertow.md 2015-03-25 22:39:26 +08:00
64.14. Use Tomcat 7.md Update 64.14. Use Tomcat 7.md 2015-03-25 22:41:14 +08:00
64.14.1. Use Tomcat 7 with Maven.md Update 64.14.1. Use Tomcat 7 with Maven.md 2015-03-25 22:41:43 +08:00
64.14.2. Use Tomcat 7 with Gradle.md Update 64.14.2. Use Tomcat 7 with Gradle.md 2015-03-25 22:42:22 +08:00
64.15. Use Jetty 8.md Update 64.15. Use Jetty 8.md 2015-03-25 22:43:40 +08:00
64.15.1. Use Jetty 8 with Maven.md Update 64.15.1. Use Jetty 8 with Maven.md 2015-03-25 22:44:34 +08:00
64.15.2. Use Jetty 8 with Gradle.md Update 64.15.2. Use Jetty 8 with Gradle.md 2015-03-25 22:46:55 +08:00
64.16. Create WebSocket endpoints using @ServerEndpoint.md Update 64.16. Create WebSocket endpoints using @ServerEndpoint.md 2015-03-29 00:44:01 +08:00
64.17. Enable HTTP response compression.md Update 64.17. Enable HTTP response compression.md 2015-03-29 00:50:58 +08:00
64.17.1. Enable Tomcat’s HTTP response compression.md Update 64.17.1. Enable Tomcat’s HTTP response compression.md 2015-03-29 00:54:53 +08:00
64.17.2. Enable HTTP response compression using GzipFilter.md Update 64.17.2. Enable HTTP response compression using GzipFilter.md 2015-03-29 00:56:12 +08:00
65. Spring MVC.md Update 65. Spring MVC.md 2015-03-29 00:42:00 +08:00
65.1. Write a JSON REST service.md Update 65.1. Write a JSON REST service.md 2015-03-31 23:59:16 +08:00
65.2. Write an XML REST service.md Update 65.2. Write an XML REST service.md 2015-04-01 00:00:26 +08:00
65.3. Customize the Jackson ObjectMapper.md Update 65.3. Customize the Jackson ObjectMapper.md 2015-04-01 00:02:19 +08:00
65.4. Customize the @ResponseBody rendering.md Update 65.4. Customize the @ResponseBody rendering.md 2015-04-01 00:03:25 +08:00
65.5. Handling Multipart File Uploads.md Update 65.5. Handling Multipart File Uploads.md 2015-04-01 00:05:38 +08:00
65.6. Switch off the Spring MVC DispatcherServlet.md Update 65.6. Switch off the Spring MVC DispatcherServlet.md 2015-04-01 00:06:27 +08:00
65.7. Switch off the Default MVC configuration.md Update 65.7. Switch off the Default MVC configuration.md 2015-04-01 00:07:40 +08:00
65.8. Customize ViewResolvers.md Update 65.8. Customize ViewResolvers.md 2015-04-01 00:08:33 +08:00
66. Logging.md Update 66. Logging.md 2015-04-01 00:10:31 +08:00
66.1. Configure Logback for logging.md Update 66.1. Configure Logback for logging.md 2015-04-01 00:11:08 +08:00
66.2. Configure Log4j for logging.md Update 66.2. Configure Log4j for logging.md 2015-04-01 00:11:51 +08:00
66.2.1. Use YAML or JSON to configure Log4j 2.md Update 66.2.1. Use YAML or JSON to configure Log4j 2.md 2015-04-01 00:12:37 +08:00
67. Data Access.md Update 67. Data Access.md 2015-04-02 13:03:29 +08:00
67.1. Configure a DataSource.md Update 67.1. Configure a DataSource.md 2015-04-02 13:04:28 +08:00
67.2. Configure Two DataSources.md Update 67.2. Configure Two DataSources.md 2015-04-02 13:04:54 +08:00
67.3. Use Spring Data repositories.md Update 67.3. Use Spring Data repositories.md 2015-04-02 13:05:18 +08:00
67.4. Separate @Entity definitions from Spring configuration.md Update 67.4. Separate @Entity definitions from Spring configuration.md 2015-04-02 13:05:59 +08:00
67.5. Configure JPA properties.md Update 67.5. Configure JPA properties.md 2015-04-02 13:06:29 +08:00
67.6. Use a custom EntityManagerFactory.md Update 67.6. Use a custom EntityManagerFactory.md 2015-04-02 13:06:54 +08:00
67.7. Use Two EntityManagers.md Update 67.7. Use Two EntityManagers.md 2015-04-02 13:07:23 +08:00
67.8. Use a traditional persistence.xml.md Update 67.8. Use a traditional persistence.xml.md 2015-04-02 13:07:47 +08:00
67.9. Use Spring Data JPA and Mongo repositories.md Update 67.9. Use Spring Data JPA and Mongo repositories.md 2015-04-02 13:08:13 +08:00
67.10. Expose Spring Data repositories as REST endpoint.md Update and rename 67.10 Expose Spring Data repositories as REST endpoint.md to 67.10. Expose Spring Data repositories as REST endpoint.md 2015-04-02 13:12:56 +08:00
68. Database initialization.md Update 68. Database initialization.md 2015-04-06 00:12:42 +08:00
68.1. Initialize a database using JPA.md Update 68.1. Initialize a database using JPA.md 2015-04-06 00:13:31 +08:00
68.2. Initialize a database using Hibernate.md Update 68.2. Initialize a database using Hibernate.md 2015-04-06 00:14:14 +08:00
68.3. Initialize a database using Spring JDBC.md Update 68.3. Initialize a database using Spring JDBC.md 2015-04-06 00:14:57 +08:00
68.4. Initialize a Spring Batch database.md Update 68.4. Initialize a Spring Batch database.md 2015-04-06 00:15:49 +08:00
68.5. Use a higher level database migration tool.md Update 68.5. Use a higher level database migration tool.md 2015-04-06 00:16:24 +08:00
68.5.1. Execute Flyway database migrations on startup.md Update 68.5.1. Execute Flyway database migrations on startup.md 2015-04-06 00:17:08 +08:00
68.5.2. Execute Liquibase database migrations on startup.md Update 68.5.2. Execute Liquibase database migrations on startup.md 2015-04-06 00:17:49 +08:00
69. Batch applications.md Update 69. Batch applications.md 2015-04-08 00:09:06 +08:00
69.1. Execute Spring Batch jobs on startup.md Update 69.1. Execute Spring Batch jobs on startup.md 2015-04-08 00:09:47 +08:00
70. Actuator.md Update 70. Actuator.md 2015-04-08 00:10:25 +08:00
70.1. Change the HTTP port or address of the actuator endpoints.md Update 70.1. Change the HTTP port or address of the actuator endpoints.md 2015-04-08 00:11:07 +08:00
70.2. Customize the ‘whitelabel’ error page.md Update 70.2. Customize the ‘whitelabel’ error page.md 2015-04-08 00:11:51 +08:00
71. Security.md Update 71. Security.md 2015-04-10 00:18:10 +08:00
71.1. Switch off the Spring Boot security configuration.md Update 71.1. Switch off the Spring Boot security configuration.md 2015-04-10 00:18:50 +08:00
71.2. Change the AuthenticationManager and add user accounts.md Update 71.2. Change the AuthenticationManager and add user accounts.md 2015-04-10 00:19:27 +08:00
71.3. Enable HTTPS when running behind a proxy server.md Update 71.3. Enable HTTPS when running behind a proxy server.md 2015-04-10 00:20:12 +08:00
72. Hot swapping.md Update 72. Hot swapping.md 2015-04-12 13:44:00 +08:00
72.1. Reload static content.md Update 72.1. Reload static content.md 2015-04-12 13:45:02 +08:00
72.2. Reload Thymeleaf templates without restarting the container.md Update 72.2. Reload Thymeleaf templates without restarting the container.md 2015-04-12 13:44:43 +08:00
72.3. Reload FreeMarker templates without restarting the container.md Update 72.3. Reload FreeMarker templates without restarting the container.md 2015-04-12 13:45:24 +08:00
72.4. Reload Groovy templates without restarting the container.md Update 72.4. Reload Groovy templates without restarting the container.md 2015-04-12 13:45:50 +08:00
72.5. Reload Velocity templates without restarting the container.md Update 72.5. Reload Velocity templates without restarting the container.md 2015-04-12 13:46:11 +08:00
72.6. Reload Java classes without restarting the container.md Update 72.6. Reload Java classes without restarting the container.md 2015-04-12 13:46:37 +08:00
72.6.1. Configuring Spring Loaded for use with Maven.md Update 72.6.1. Configuring Spring Loaded for use with Maven.md 2015-04-12 13:47:00 +08:00
72.6.2. Configuring Spring Loaded for use with Gradle and IntelliJ.md Update 72.6.2. Configuring Spring Loaded for use with Gradle and IntelliJ.md 2015-04-12 13:47:32 +08:00
73. Build.md Update 73. Build.md 2015-04-12 13:48:04 +08:00
73.1. Customize dependency versions with Maven.md Update 73.1. Customize dependency versions with Maven.md 2015-04-12 13:48:29 +08:00
73.2. Create an executable JAR with Maven.md Update 73.2. Create an executable JAR with Maven.md 2015-04-12 13:48:57 +08:00
73.3. Create an additional executable JAR.md Update 73.3. Create an additional executable JAR.md 2015-04-12 13:49:28 +08:00
73.4. Extract specific libraries when an executable jar runs.md Update 73.4. Extract specific libraries when an executable jar runs.md 2015-04-14 00:33:22 +08:00
73.5. Create a non-executable JAR with exclusions.md Update 73.5. Create a non-executable JAR with exclusions.md 2015-04-14 00:34:08 +08:00
73.6. Remote debug a Spring Boot application started with Maven.md Update 73.6. Remote debug a Spring Boot application started with Maven.md 2015-04-14 00:34:46 +08:00
73.7. Remote debug a Spring Boot application started with Gradle.md Update 73.7. Remote debug a Spring Boot application started with Gradle.md 2015-04-26 21:39:35 +08:00
73.8. Build an executable archive with Ant.md Update 73.8. Build an executable archive with Ant.md 2015-04-14 00:41:08 +08:00
73.9. How to use Java 6.md Update 73.9. How to use Java 6.md 2015-04-14 00:41:47 +08:00
73.9.1. Embedded servlet container compatibility.md Update 73.9.1. Embedded servlet container compatibility.md 2015-04-14 00:42:19 +08:00
73.9.2. JTA API compatibility.md Update 73.9.2. JTA API compatibility.md 2015-04-14 00:42:55 +08:00
74. Traditional deployment.md Update 74. Traditional deployment.md 2015-04-17 00:23:30 +08:00
74.1. Create a deployable war file.md Update 74.1. Create a deployable war file.md 2015-04-17 00:24:16 +08:00
74.2. Create a deployable war file for older servlet containers.md Update 74.2. Create a deployable war file for older servlet containers.md 2015-04-17 00:26:47 +08:00
74.3. Convert an existing application to Spring Boot.md Update 74.3. Convert an existing application to Spring Boot.md 2015-04-17 00:27:48 +08:00
74.4. Deploying a WAR to Weblogic.md Update 74.4. Deploying a WAR to Weblogic.md 2015-04-17 00:28:31 +08:00
74.5. Deploying a WAR in an Old (Servlet 2.5) Container.md Update 74.5. Deploying a WAR in an Old (Servlet 2.5) Container.md 2015-04-17 00:29:13 +08:00
README.md Create README.md 2015-04-24 13:11:06 +08:00



本章节将回答一些常见的"我该怎么做"类型的问题这些问题在我们使用Spring Boot时经常遇到。这绝不是一个详尽的列表但它覆盖了很多方面。

