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- Breaking change: `loadSvgString` now returns a `Promise` rather than accepting a callback - Breaking change: Treat callbacks to `editor.ready` as Promises, only resolving after all resolve - Breaking change: Make `editor.runCallbacks` return a `Promise` which resolves upon all callbacks resolving - Breaking change: Require `npx` (used with `babel-node`) to allow Node files for HTML building and JSDoc type checking to be expressed as ESM. - Breaking change: `addExtension` now throws upon a repeated attempt to add an already-added extension - Breaking change (storage preference cookies): Namespace the cookie as "svgeditstore" instead of just "store" - Breaking change (API): Remove `svgCanvas.rasterExport` fourth (callback) argument, collapsing fifth (options) to fourth - Breaking change (API): Remove `svgCanvas.exportPDF` third (callback) argument - Breaking change (API): `editor/contextmenu.js` `add` now throws instead of giving a console error only upon detecting a bad menuitem or preexisting context menu - Breaking change (API): Remove `svgCanvas.embedImage` second (callback) argument - Breaking change (API): Make `getHelpXML` a class instead of instance method of `RGBColor` - Breaking change (internal API): Refactor `dbox` (and `alert`/`confirm`/`process`/`prompt`/`select`) to avoid a callback argument in favor of return a Promise - Fix: Avoid running in extension `langReady` multiple times or serially - Enhancement (API): Add svgCanvas.runExtension to run just one extension and add `nameFilter` callback to `runExtensions` - Enhancement (API): Supply `$` (our wrapped jQuery) to extensions so can use its plugins, e.g., dbox with its `alert` - Enhancement: Use alert dialog in place of `alert` in webappfind - Enhancement: `editor.ready` now returns a Promise resolving when all callbacks have resolved - Enhancement: Allow `noAlert` option as part of second argument to `loadSvgString` (and `loadFromURL` and `loadFromDataURI`) to avoid UI alert (and trigger promise rejection) - Enhancement: Make `dbox` as a separate module for alert, prompt, etc. dialogs - Refactoring: Internal `PaintBox` as class; other misc. tweaks; no bitwise in canvg - Linting (ESLint): Further linting changes (for editor); rename `.eslintrc` -> `.eslintrc.json` per recommendation - Optimization: Recompress images (imageoptim-cli updated) - npm: Update devDeps - npm: Bump to 4.0.0
2018-11-08 06:48:01 +00:00
{"version":3,"file":"index-es.min.js","sources":["../editor/touch.js","../editor/namespaces.js","../editor/svgpathseg.js","../editor/browser.js","../editor/jQuery.attr.js","../editor/svgtransformlist.js","../editor/units.js","../editor/history.js","../editor/math.js","../editor/path.js","../editor/utilities.js","../editor/contextmenu.js","../editor/external/dynamic-import-polyfill/importModule.js","../editor/dbox.js","../editor/layer.js","../editor/historyrecording.js","../editor/draw.js","../editor/sanitize.js","../editor/recalculate.js","../editor/select.js","../editor/coords.js","../editor/svgcanvas.js","../editor/js-hotkeys/jquery.hotkeys.min.js","../editor/jquerybbq/jquery.bbq.min.js","../editor/svgicons/jQuery.svgIcons.js","../editor/jgraduate/jQuery.jGraduate.js","../editor/spinbtn/jQuery.SpinButton.js","../editor/contextmenu/jQuery.contextMenu.js","../editor/jgraduate/jQuery.jPicker.js","../editor/locale/locale.js","../editor/external/load-stylesheets/index-es.js","../editor/svg-editor.js"],"sourcesContent":["//\n/**\n *\n * @param {Event} ev\n * @returns {undefined}\n */\nfunction touchHandler (ev) {\n const {changedTouches} = ev,\n first = changedTouches[0];\n\n let type = '';\n switch (ev.type) {\n case 'touchstart': type = 'mousedown'; break;\n case 'touchmove': type = 'mousemove'; break;\n case 'touchend': type = 'mouseup'; break;\n default: return;\n }\n\n const {screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY} = first; // eslint-disable-line no-shadow\n const simulatedEvent = new MouseEvent(type, {\n // Event interface\n bubbles: true,\n cancelable: true,\n // UIEvent interface\n view: window,\n detail: 1, // click count\n // MouseEvent interface (customized)\n screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY,\n // MouseEvent interface (defaults) - these could be removed\n ctrlKey: false,\n altKey: false,\n shiftKey: false,\n metaKey: false,\n button: 0, // main button (usually left)\n relatedTarget: null\n });\n if (changedTouches.length < 2) {\n;\n ev.preventDefault();\n }\n}\n\ndocument.addEventListener('touchstart', touchHandler, true);\ndocument.addEventListener('touchmove', touchHandler, true);\ndocument.addEventListener('touchend', touchHandler, true);\ndocument.addEventListener('touchcancel', touchHandler, true);\n","/**\n * Namespaces or tools therefor\n * @module namespaces\n * @license MIT\n*/\n\n/**\n* Common namepaces constants in alpha order\n* @enum {string}\n* @type {PlainObject}\n* @memberof module:namespaces\n*/\nexport const NS = {\n HTML: '',\n MATH: '',\n SE: '',\n SVG: '',\n XLINK: '',\n XML: '',\n XMLNS: '' // see\n};\n\n/**\n* @function module:namespaces.getReverseNS\n* @returns {string} The NS with key values switched and lowercase\n*/\nexport const getReverseNS = function () {\n const reverseNS = {};\n Object.entries(NS).forEach(([name, URI]) => {\n reverseNS[URI] = name.toLowerCase();\n });\n return reverseNS;\n};\n","/* globals SVGPathSeg, SVGPathSegMovetoRel, SVGPathSegMovetoAbs,\n SVGPathSegMovetoRel, SVGPathSegLinetoRel, SVGPathSegLinetoAbs,\n SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel, SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs,\n SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel, SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs,\n SVGPathSegClosePath, SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel,\n SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs, SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel,\n SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs, SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel,\n SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs, SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel,\n SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs, SVGPathSegArcRel, SVGPathSegArcAbs */\n/**\n* SVGPathSeg API polyfill\n*\n*\n* This is a drop-in replacement for the `SVGPathSeg` and `SVGPathSegList` APIs