
203 lines
8.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"name": "svgedit",
"version": "6.0.0",
"description": "Powerful SVG-Editor for your browser ",
"main": "dist/index-umd.js",
"module": "dist/index-es.js",
"directories": {
"doc": "docs",
"example": "examples",
"test": "test"
"engines": {
2020-07-26 18:11:18 +00:00
"node": ">=10"
"scripts": {
2020-08-28 22:07:07 +00:00
"lint": "eslint --ext js,html,md .",
"test": "run-s cypress:instrument test-only",
"build": "rollup -c",
2020-09-02 11:59:47 +00:00
"build:watch": "rollup -c --watch",
"start": "echo \"Open file, e.g., to http://localhost:8000/src/editor\" && web-dev-server --node-resolve",
2020-12-21 08:15:08 +00:00
"start:watch": "web-dev-server --node-resolve --watch",
2020-09-08 23:35:47 +00:00
"cypress:open": "run-p start cypress:open-no-start",
"cypress:open-no-start": "cypress open",
"cypress:instrument": "rimraf instrumented && cp-cli src instrumented && nyc instrument --compact=false src instrumented",
"add-release": "git submodule add --depth=1 -b \"release-v$npm_config_release\" -- \"releases/svg-edit-$npm_config_release\"",
"add-new-release": "cross-var npm run add-release --release=$npm_package_version && cross-var git config --file=.gitmodules submodule.releases/latest.branch \"release-v$npm_package_version\"",
"remove-release": "git submodule deinit -f \"releases/svg-edit-$npm_config_release\" && rm -rf .git/modules/releases/svg-edit-$npm_config_release && git rm -f releases/svg-edit-$npm_config_release",
"submodules": "run-s submodules-init submodules-update",
"submodules-init": "echo \"Performing non-recursive init as don't want submodules to have their own releases!\" && git submodule update --init",
"submodules-update": "echo \"Performing non-recursive fetch as don't want submodules to have their own releases!\" && git submodule foreach git fetch && git submodule update --remote && git submodule foreach git merge origin master",
"start-allow-origin": "static -p 8001 -H '{\"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\": \"*\"}'",
"start-embedded": "run-p start start-allow-origin",
"open-docs-no-start": "open-cli http://localhost:8000/docs/jsdoc/",
"open-docs": "run-p start open-docs-no-start",
"build-docs-remove": "rimraf \"docs/jsdoc/*\"",
"build-docs-create": "jsdoc --pedantic -c docs/jsdoc-config.js src",
"build-docs": "run-s -c build-docs-remove build-docs-create",
"build-and-open-docs-no-start": "run-s build-docs open-docs-no-start",
"build-and-open-docs": "run-s build-docs open-docs",
"open-embedded-no-start": "open-cli http://localhost:8000/editor/embedapi.html",
"open-embedded": "run-p start-embedded open-embedded-no-start",
2020-07-24 14:18:43 +00:00
"open-all-ext-no-start": "open-cli http://localhost:8000/src/editor/svg-editor-es.html?extensions=ext-arrows.js,ext-closepath.js,ext-foreignobject.js,ext-helloworld.js,ext-mathjax.js,ext-php_savefile.js,ext-server_moinsave.js,ext-server_opensave.js,ext-webappfind.js,ext-xdomain-messaging.js",
"open-all-ext": "run-p start open-all-ext-no-start",
2020-07-24 14:18:43 +00:00
"open-compiled-no-start": "open-cli http://localhost:8000/src/editor/svg-editor.html",
"open-compiled": "run-p start open-compiled-no-start",
2020-07-24 14:18:43 +00:00
"open-no-start": "open-cli http://localhost:8000/src/editor/svg-editor-es.html",
"open": "run-p start open-no-start",
"open-cov-no-start": "open-cli http://localhost:8000/coverage/",
"open-cov": "run-p start open-cov-no-start",
"report": "run-s report-no-mochawesome mochawesome-cli",
"report-summary": "run-s report-text-summary mochawesome-cli-dot",
"coverage-badge": "coveradge badges/coverage-badge",
"imageoptim": "imageoptim",
"compress-images": "imageoptim \"src/editor/extensions/*.png\" \"src/editor/spinbtn/*.png\" \"src/editor/jgraduate/images/*.{png,gif}\" \"src/editor/images/*.png\"",
"remark": "remark -q -f .",
2020-08-05 10:04:07 +00:00
"install-offline": "npm install --prefer-offline --no-audit",
2020-04-03 00:20:54 +00:00
"prepublishOnly": "run-s license-badges copy prep build-docs",
2020-07-26 18:11:18 +00:00
"open-tests": "run-s cypress:instrument cypress:open",
"cypress:merge": "mochawesome-merge \"cypress/results/mochaw*.json\" > mochawesome.json && marge mochawesome.json && mbg --file ./mochawesome.json --badge_output badges/tests-badge.svg",
2020-09-13 21:56:45 +00:00
"cypress:run-only": "rimraf \"cypress/results/mochaw*.json\" && rimraf \".nyc_output/*\" && cypress run -q",
"cypress:run-no-badge": "run-s -c cypress:run-only cypress:merge",
"cypress:run": "run-s -n -c cypress:run-no-badge report-summary-mocha-full coverage-badge",
"mochawesome-cli": "node tools/mochawesome-cli.js",
"mochawesome-cli-dot": "npm run mochawesome-cli -- --dot",
"report-no-mochawesome": "nyc report",
"report-text-summary": "nyc report --reporter=text-summary",
"report-summary-mocha-full": "run-s report-text-summary mochawesome-cli",
"test-only-no-report": "run-p start cypress:run",
"test-only": "run-s -c test-only-no-report report",
"test-no-cov-no-core-rollup": "run-s eslint prep-no-core-rollup test-only",
"test-no-cov": "run-s prep test-only",
2020-08-28 22:07:07 +00:00
"test-no-core-rollup": "run-s eslint cypress:instrument test-no-cov-no-core-rollup"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+"
"keywords": [
"author": "Narendra Sisodiya",
"contributors": [
"Pavol Rusnak",
"Jeff Schiller",
"Vidar Hokstad",
"Alexis Deveria",
2018-05-29 08:45:45 +00:00
"Brett Zamir",
2021-01-31 22:16:43 +00:00
"Fabien Jacq",
"license": "(MIT AND Apache-2.0 AND ISC AND LGPL-3.0-or-later AND X11)",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"homepage": "",
"browserslist": [
2020-07-26 18:11:18 +00:00
"not Opera < 59",
"not IE < 12",
"not Chrome < 75",
"not FireFox < 68",
"not Safari < 10",
"not ios_saf < 10"
"dependencies": {
Refactor canvas in multiple pieces to increase maintainability (#446) * #refactor-canvas getJsonFromSvgElement and svgroot code moved to separate file * #refactor-canvas build files changes * #refactor-canvas addSVGElementsFromJson move to json file * #refactor-canvas selected element option function move separate file * #refactor-canvas moveUpDownSelected move to select-elem * ##refactor-canvas build file updated * #refactor-canvas moveSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas cloneSelectedElements move to slected-elem * #refactor-canvas alignSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas deleteSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas copySelectedElements and groupSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas pushGroupProperty, ungroupSelectedElement move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas comment changes * #refactor-canvas UndoManager move to separate file * #refactor-canvas event file move to mouseMove, mouseUpEvent and dblClickEvent * #refactor-canvas mouseDown move to event * #refactor-canvas move to undo file * #refactor alignment changes and set function revert return * #refactor-canvas textaction move to separate file * #refactor-canvas paste-element function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get method move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get function moved changes * #refactor clear file import and regaring function moved changes changes * #refactor-canvas svg related function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas setBackground methos move to elem-get-set file * #refactor-canvas getBsplinePoint method move to event file * #refactor-canvas export functions move to svg-exec * #refactor-canvas svg related function moved separate file * #refactor-canvas updateCanvas, cycleElement move to selected-elem file * #refactor-canvas removeUnusedDefElems move to svg-exec file * #refactor-canvas blur method move to separate file blur-event.js * #refactor-canvas selection related function move to separate file slection.js * #refactor-canvas convertGradients, mousewheelmove event bind function move to other files * #refactor-canvas extension function move to selection file * #refactor-canvas svg tag long string changes to es6 format * eslint fixes * eslint and test fixes * add netlify logo per their requirements * #refactor-canvas path file separate to path-method.js and path-actions.js * #refactor-canvas lint issue fixed * #refactor-canvas path.js file class and const move to path-method.js * #refactor-canvas eslint issue fixed. 'jsdoc/check-examples': 'off' already so removed eslint-disable jsdoc/check-examples * #refactor-canvas path class moved changes and copy-elem.js file cypress test issue fixed * #refactor-canvas UI - Clipboard paste element cypress issue fixed * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test case issue fixed * npm update and fix a few eslint new errors * fix snapshot and run tests * add star tool to cypress * #refactor-canvas shapelibrary, star, polygon and panning tool issue fixed * build * Update layer.js * revert proper declarations Authored-by OptimistikSAS
2020-11-11 10:38:45 +00:00
"@babel/polyfill": "7.12.1",
2021-01-31 22:16:43 +00:00
"@web/dev-server-rollup": "0.3.2",
Refactor canvas in multiple pieces to increase maintainability (#446) * #refactor-canvas getJsonFromSvgElement and svgroot code moved to separate file * #refactor-canvas build files changes * #refactor-canvas addSVGElementsFromJson move to json file * #refactor-canvas selected element option function move separate file * #refactor-canvas moveUpDownSelected move to select-elem * ##refactor-canvas build file updated * #refactor-canvas moveSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas cloneSelectedElements move to slected-elem * #refactor-canvas alignSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas deleteSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas copySelectedElements and groupSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas pushGroupProperty, ungroupSelectedElement move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas comment changes * #refactor-canvas UndoManager move to separate file * #refactor-canvas event file move to mouseMove, mouseUpEvent and dblClickEvent * #refactor-canvas mouseDown move to event * #refactor-canvas move to undo file * #refactor alignment changes and set function revert return * #refactor-canvas textaction move to separate file * #refactor-canvas paste-element function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get method move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get function moved changes * #refactor clear file import and regaring function moved changes changes * #refactor-canvas svg related function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas setBackground methos move to elem-get-set file * #refactor-canvas getBsplinePoint method move to event file * #refactor-canvas export functions move to svg-exec * #refactor-canvas svg related function moved separate file * #refactor-canvas updateCanvas, cycleElement move to selected-elem file * #refactor-canvas removeUnusedDefElems move to svg-exec file * #refactor-canvas blur method move to separate file blur-event.js * #refactor-canvas selection related function move to separate file slection.js * #refactor-canvas convertGradients, mousewheelmove event bind function move to other files * #refactor-canvas extension function move to selection file * #refactor-canvas svg tag long string changes to es6 format * eslint fixes * eslint and test fixes * add netlify logo per their requirements * #refactor-canvas path file separate to path-method.js and path-actions.js * #refactor-canvas lint issue fixed * #refactor-canvas path.js file class and const move to path-method.js * #refactor-canvas eslint issue fixed. 'jsdoc/check-examples': 'off' already so removed eslint-disable jsdoc/check-examples * #refactor-canvas path class moved changes and copy-elem.js file cypress test issue fixed * #refactor-canvas UI - Clipboard paste element cypress issue fixed * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test case issue fixed * npm update and fix a few eslint new errors * fix snapshot and run tests * add star tool to cypress * #refactor-canvas shapelibrary, star, polygon and panning tool issue fixed * build * Update layer.js * revert proper declarations Authored-by OptimistikSAS
2020-11-11 10:38:45 +00:00
"canvg": "3.0.7",
2021-03-09 21:54:05 +00:00
"core-js": "3.9.1",
2021-03-14 22:10:50 +00:00
"deparam": "^1.0.5",
2021-02-23 22:39:14 +00:00
"elix": "^15.0.0",
2021-03-09 21:54:05 +00:00
"jspdf": "2.3.1",
Refactor canvas in multiple pieces to increase maintainability (#446) * #refactor-canvas getJsonFromSvgElement and svgroot code moved to separate file * #refactor-canvas build files changes * #refactor-canvas addSVGElementsFromJson move to json file * #refactor-canvas selected element option function move separate file * #refactor-canvas moveUpDownSelected move to select-elem * ##refactor-canvas build file updated * #refactor-canvas moveSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas cloneSelectedElements move to slected-elem * #refactor-canvas alignSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas deleteSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas copySelectedElements and groupSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas pushGroupProperty, ungroupSelectedElement move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas comment changes * #refactor-canvas UndoManager move to separate file * #refactor-canvas event file move to mouseMove, mouseUpEvent and dblClickEvent * #refactor-canvas mouseDown move to event * #refactor-canvas move to undo file * #refactor alignment changes and set function revert return * #refactor-canvas textaction move to separate file * #refactor-canvas paste-element function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get method move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get function moved changes * #refactor clear file import and regaring function moved changes changes * #refactor-canvas svg related function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas setBackground methos move to elem-get-set file * #refactor-canvas getBsplinePoint method move to event file * #refactor-canvas export functions move to svg-exec * #refactor-canvas svg related function moved separate file * #refactor-canvas updateCanvas, cycleElement move to selected-elem file * #refactor-canvas removeUnusedDefElems move to svg-exec file * #refactor-canvas blur method move to separate file blur-event.js * #refactor-canvas selection related function move to separate file slection.js * #refactor-canvas convertGradients, mousewheelmove event bind function move to other files * #refactor-canvas extension function move to selection file * #refactor-canvas svg tag long string changes to es6 format * eslint fixes * eslint and test fixes * add netlify logo per their requirements * #refactor-canvas path file separate to path-method.js and path-actions.js * #refactor-canvas lint issue fixed * #refactor-canvas path.js file class and const move to path-method.js * #refactor-canvas eslint issue fixed. 'jsdoc/check-examples': 'off' already so removed eslint-disable jsdoc/check-examples * #refactor-canvas path class moved changes and copy-elem.js file cypress test issue fixed * #refactor-canvas UI - Clipboard paste element cypress issue fixed * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test case issue fixed * npm update and fix a few eslint new errors * fix snapshot and run tests * add star tool to cypress * #refactor-canvas shapelibrary, star, polygon and panning tool issue fixed * build * Update layer.js * revert proper declarations Authored-by OptimistikSAS
2020-11-11 10:38:45 +00:00
"pathseg": "1.2.0",
"regenerator-runtime": "0.13.7",
2021-03-14 20:16:35 +00:00
"rollup-plugin-polyfill-node": "^0.6.2",
2021-01-07 00:21:42 +00:00
"svg2pdf.js": "2.1.0"
"devDependencies": {
2021-03-09 21:54:05 +00:00
"@babel/core": "7.13.10",
"@babel/preset-env": "7.13.10",
"@babel/register": "7.13.8",
"@babel/runtime-corejs3": "7.13.10",
2021-01-31 22:16:43 +00:00
"@cypress/code-coverage": "3.9.2",
2021-02-23 22:39:14 +00:00
"@cypress/fiddle": "1.19.2",
Refactor canvas in multiple pieces to increase maintainability (#446) * #refactor-canvas getJsonFromSvgElement and svgroot code moved to separate file * #refactor-canvas build files changes * #refactor-canvas addSVGElementsFromJson move to json file * #refactor-canvas selected element option function move separate file * #refactor-canvas moveUpDownSelected move to select-elem * ##refactor-canvas build file updated * #refactor-canvas moveSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas cloneSelectedElements move to slected-elem * #refactor-canvas alignSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas deleteSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas copySelectedElements and groupSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas pushGroupProperty, ungroupSelectedElement move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas comment changes * #refactor-canvas UndoManager move to separate file * #refactor-canvas event file move to mouseMove, mouseUpEvent and dblClickEvent * #refactor-canvas mouseDown move to event * #refactor-canvas move to undo file * #refactor alignment changes and set function revert return * #refactor-canvas textaction move to separate file * #refactor-canvas paste-element function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get method move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get function moved changes * #refactor clear file import and regaring function moved changes changes * #refactor-canvas svg related function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas setBackground methos move to elem-get-set file * #refactor-canvas getBsplinePoint method move to event file * #refactor-canvas export functions move to svg-exec * #refactor-canvas svg related function moved separate file * #refactor-canvas updateCanvas, cycleElement move to selected-elem file * #refactor-canvas removeUnusedDefElems move to svg-exec file * #refactor-canvas blur method move to separate file blur-event.js * #refactor-canvas selection related function move to separate file slection.js * #refactor-canvas convertGradients, mousewheelmove event bind function move to other files * #refactor-canvas extension function move to selection file * #refactor-canvas svg tag long string changes to es6 format * eslint fixes * eslint and test fixes * add netlify logo per their requirements * #refactor-canvas path file separate to path-method.js and path-actions.js * #refactor-canvas lint issue fixed * #refactor-canvas path.js file class and const move to path-method.js * #refactor-canvas eslint issue fixed. 'jsdoc/check-examples': 'off' already so removed eslint-disable jsdoc/check-examples * #refactor-canvas path class moved changes and copy-elem.js file cypress test issue fixed * #refactor-canvas UI - Clipboard paste element cypress issue fixed * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test case issue fixed * npm update and fix a few eslint new errors * fix snapshot and run tests * add star tool to cypress * #refactor-canvas shapelibrary, star, polygon and panning tool issue fixed * build * Update layer.js * revert proper declarations Authored-by OptimistikSAS
2020-11-11 10:38:45 +00:00
"@fintechstudios/eslint-plugin-chai-as-promised": "3.0.2",
"@hkdobrev/run-if-changed": "0.3.1",
"@mysticatea/eslint-plugin": "13.0.0",
2021-02-23 22:39:14 +00:00
"@rollup/plugin-babel": "5.3.0",
"@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "17.1.0",
"@rollup/plugin-dynamic-import-vars": "1.1.1",
2021-02-23 22:39:14 +00:00
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "11.2.0",
"@rollup/plugin-replace": "2.4.1",
"@rollup/plugin-url": "6.0.0",
2021-02-23 22:39:14 +00:00
"@web/dev-server": "^0.1.8",
2021-03-09 21:54:05 +00:00
"axe-core": "4.1.3",
Refactor canvas in multiple pieces to increase maintainability (#446) * #refactor-canvas getJsonFromSvgElement and svgroot code moved to separate file * #refactor-canvas build files changes * #refactor-canvas addSVGElementsFromJson move to json file * #refactor-canvas selected element option function move separate file * #refactor-canvas moveUpDownSelected move to select-elem * ##refactor-canvas build file updated * #refactor-canvas moveSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas cloneSelectedElements move to slected-elem * #refactor-canvas alignSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas deleteSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas copySelectedElements and groupSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas pushGroupProperty, ungroupSelectedElement move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas comment changes * #refactor-canvas UndoManager move to separate file * #refactor-canvas event file move to mouseMove, mouseUpEvent and dblClickEvent * #refactor-canvas mouseDown move to event * #refactor-canvas move to undo file * #refactor alignment changes and set function revert return * #refactor-canvas textaction move to separate file * #refactor-canvas paste-element function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get method move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get function moved changes * #refactor clear file import and regaring function moved changes changes * #refactor-canvas svg related function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas setBackground methos move to elem-get-set file * #refactor-canvas getBsplinePoint method move to event file * #refactor-canvas export functions move to svg-exec * #refactor-canvas svg related function moved separate file * #refactor-canvas updateCanvas, cycleElement move to selected-elem file * #refactor-canvas removeUnusedDefElems move to svg-exec file * #refactor-canvas blur method move to separate file blur-event.js * #refactor-canvas selection related function move to separate file slection.js * #refactor-canvas convertGradients, mousewheelmove event bind function move to other files * #refactor-canvas extension function move to selection file * #refactor-canvas svg tag long string changes to es6 format * eslint fixes * eslint and test fixes * add netlify logo per their requirements * #refactor-canvas path file separate to path-method.js and path-actions.js * #refactor-canvas lint issue fixed * #refactor-canvas path.js file class and const move to path-method.js * #refactor-canvas eslint issue fixed. 'jsdoc/check-examples': 'off' already so removed eslint-disable jsdoc/check-examples * #refactor-canvas path class moved changes and copy-elem.js file cypress test issue fixed * #refactor-canvas UI - Clipboard paste element cypress issue fixed * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test case issue fixed * npm update and fix a few eslint new errors * fix snapshot and run tests * add star tool to cypress * #refactor-canvas shapelibrary, star, polygon and panning tool issue fixed * build * Update layer.js * revert proper declarations Authored-by OptimistikSAS
2020-11-11 10:38:45 +00:00
"babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread": "7.0.0-beta.3",
2021-01-07 00:21:42 +00:00
"copyfiles": "2.4.1",
2021-03-09 21:54:05 +00:00
"core-js-bundle": "3.9.1",
Refactor canvas in multiple pieces to increase maintainability (#446) * #refactor-canvas getJsonFromSvgElement and svgroot code moved to separate file * #refactor-canvas build files changes * #refactor-canvas addSVGElementsFromJson move to json file * #refactor-canvas selected element option function move separate file * #refactor-canvas moveUpDownSelected move to select-elem * ##refactor-canvas build file updated * #refactor-canvas moveSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas cloneSelectedElements move to slected-elem * #refactor-canvas alignSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas deleteSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas copySelectedElements and groupSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas pushGroupProperty, ungroupSelectedElement move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas comment changes * #refactor-canvas UndoManager move to separate file * #refactor-canvas event file move to mouseMove, mouseUpEvent and dblClickEvent * #refactor-canvas mouseDown move to event * #refactor-canvas move to undo file * #refactor alignment changes and set function revert return * #refactor-canvas textaction move to separate file * #refactor-canvas paste-element function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get method move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get function moved changes * #refactor clear file import and regaring function moved changes changes * #refactor-canvas svg related function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas setBackground methos move to elem-get-set file * #refactor-canvas getBsplinePoint method move to event file * #refactor-canvas export functions move to svg-exec * #refactor-canvas svg related function moved separate file * #refactor-canvas updateCanvas, cycleElement move to selected-elem file * #refactor-canvas removeUnusedDefElems move to svg-exec file * #refactor-canvas blur method move to separate file blur-event.js * #refactor-canvas selection related function move to separate file slection.js * #refactor-canvas convertGradients, mousewheelmove event bind function move to other files * #refactor-canvas extension function move to selection file * #refactor-canvas svg tag long string changes to es6 format * eslint fixes * eslint and test fixes * add netlify logo per their requirements * #refactor-canvas path file separate to path-method.js and path-actions.js * #refactor-canvas lint issue fixed * #refactor-canvas path.js file class and const move to path-method.js * #refactor-canvas eslint issue fixed. 'jsdoc/check-examples': 'off' already so removed eslint-disable jsdoc/check-examples * #refactor-canvas path class moved changes and copy-elem.js file cypress test issue fixed * #refactor-canvas UI - Clipboard paste element cypress issue fixed * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test case issue fixed * npm update and fix a few eslint new errors * fix snapshot and run tests * add star tool to cypress * #refactor-canvas shapelibrary, star, polygon and panning tool issue fixed * build * Update layer.js * revert proper declarations Authored-by OptimistikSAS
2020-11-11 10:38:45 +00:00
"coveradge": "0.6.0",
"cp-cli": "2.0.0",
"cross-var": "1.1.0",
2021-03-09 21:54:05 +00:00
"cypress": "6.6.0",
2021-02-23 22:39:14 +00:00
"cypress-axe": "0.12.2",
Refactor canvas in multiple pieces to increase maintainability (#446) * #refactor-canvas getJsonFromSvgElement and svgroot code moved to separate file * #refactor-canvas build files changes * #refactor-canvas addSVGElementsFromJson move to json file * #refactor-canvas selected element option function move separate file * #refactor-canvas moveUpDownSelected move to select-elem * ##refactor-canvas build file updated * #refactor-canvas moveSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas cloneSelectedElements move to slected-elem * #refactor-canvas alignSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas deleteSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas copySelectedElements and groupSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas pushGroupProperty, ungroupSelectedElement move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas comment changes * #refactor-canvas UndoManager move to separate file * #refactor-canvas event file move to mouseMove, mouseUpEvent and dblClickEvent * #refactor-canvas mouseDown move to event * #refactor-canvas move to undo file * #refactor alignment changes and set function revert return * #refactor-canvas textaction move to separate file * #refactor-canvas paste-element function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get method move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get function moved changes * #refactor clear file import and regaring function moved changes changes * #refactor-canvas svg related function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas setBackground methos move to elem-get-set file * #refactor-canvas getBsplinePoint method move to event file * #refactor-canvas export functions move to svg-exec * #refactor-canvas svg related function moved separate file * #refactor-canvas updateCanvas, cycleElement move to selected-elem file * #refactor-canvas removeUnusedDefElems move to svg-exec file * #refactor-canvas blur method move to separate file blur-event.js * #refactor-canvas selection related function move to separate file slection.js * #refactor-canvas convertGradients, mousewheelmove event bind function move to other files * #refactor-canvas extension function move to selection file * #refactor-canvas svg tag long string changes to es6 format * eslint fixes * eslint and test fixes * add netlify logo per their requirements * #refactor-canvas path file separate to path-method.js and path-actions.js * #refactor-canvas lint issue fixed * #refactor-canvas path.js file class and const move to path-method.js * #refactor-canvas eslint issue fixed. 'jsdoc/check-examples': 'off' already so removed eslint-disable jsdoc/check-examples * #refactor-canvas path class moved changes and copy-elem.js file cypress test issue fixed * #refactor-canvas UI - Clipboard paste element cypress issue fixed * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test case issue fixed * npm update and fix a few eslint new errors * fix snapshot and run tests * add star tool to cypress * #refactor-canvas shapelibrary, star, polygon and panning tool issue fixed * build * Update layer.js * revert proper declarations Authored-by OptimistikSAS
2020-11-11 10:38:45 +00:00
"cypress-multi-reporters": "1.4.0",
"cypress-plugin-snapshots": "1.4.4",
2021-03-14 20:16:35 +00:00
"eslint": "^7.22.0",
"eslint-config-standard": "16.0.2",
Refactor canvas in multiple pieces to increase maintainability (#446) * #refactor-canvas getJsonFromSvgElement and svgroot code moved to separate file * #refactor-canvas build files changes * #refactor-canvas addSVGElementsFromJson move to json file * #refactor-canvas selected element option function move separate file * #refactor-canvas moveUpDownSelected move to select-elem * ##refactor-canvas build file updated * #refactor-canvas moveSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas cloneSelectedElements move to slected-elem * #refactor-canvas alignSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas deleteSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas copySelectedElements and groupSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas pushGroupProperty, ungroupSelectedElement move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas comment changes * #refactor-canvas UndoManager move to separate file * #refactor-canvas event file move to mouseMove, mouseUpEvent and dblClickEvent * #refactor-canvas mouseDown move to event * #refactor-canvas move to undo file * #refactor alignment changes and set function revert return * #refactor-canvas textaction move to separate file * #refactor-canvas paste-element function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get method move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get function moved changes * #refactor clear file import and regaring function moved changes changes * #refactor-canvas svg related function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas setBackground methos move to elem-get-set file * #refactor-canvas getBsplinePoint method move to event file * #refactor-canvas export functions move to svg-exec * #refactor-canvas svg related function moved separate file * #refactor-canvas updateCanvas, cycleElement move to selected-elem file * #refactor-canvas removeUnusedDefElems move to svg-exec file * #refactor-canvas blur method move to separate file blur-event.js * #refactor-canvas selection related function move to separate file slection.js * #refactor-canvas convertGradients, mousewheelmove event bind function move to other files * #refactor-canvas extension function move to selection file * #refactor-canvas svg tag long string changes to es6 format * eslint fixes * eslint and test fixes * add netlify logo per their requirements * #refactor-canvas path file separate to path-method.js and path-actions.js * #refactor-canvas lint issue fixed * #refactor-canvas path.js file class and const move to path-method.js * #refactor-canvas eslint issue fixed. 'jsdoc/check-examples': 'off' already so removed eslint-disable jsdoc/check-examples * #refactor-canvas path class moved changes and copy-elem.js file cypress test issue fixed * #refactor-canvas UI - Clipboard paste element cypress issue fixed * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test case issue fixed * npm update and fix a few eslint new errors * fix snapshot and run tests * add star tool to cypress * #refactor-canvas shapelibrary, star, polygon and panning tool issue fixed * build * Update layer.js * revert proper declarations Authored-by OptimistikSAS
2020-11-11 10:38:45 +00:00
"eslint-plugin-array-func": "3.1.7",
"eslint-plugin-chai-expect": "2.2.0",
2021-02-23 22:39:14 +00:00
"eslint-plugin-chai-expect-keywords": "2.1.0",
Refactor canvas in multiple pieces to increase maintainability (#446) * #refactor-canvas getJsonFromSvgElement and svgroot code moved to separate file * #refactor-canvas build files changes * #refactor-canvas addSVGElementsFromJson move to json file * #refactor-canvas selected element option function move separate file * #refactor-canvas moveUpDownSelected move to select-elem * ##refactor-canvas build file updated * #refactor-canvas moveSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas cloneSelectedElements move to slected-elem * #refactor-canvas alignSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas deleteSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas copySelectedElements and groupSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas pushGroupProperty, ungroupSelectedElement move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas comment changes * #refactor-canvas UndoManager move to separate file * #refactor-canvas event file move to mouseMove, mouseUpEvent and dblClickEvent * #refactor-canvas mouseDown move to event * #refactor-canvas move to undo file * #refactor alignment changes and set function revert return * #refactor-canvas textaction move to separate file * #refactor-canvas paste-element function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get method move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get function moved changes * #refactor clear file import and regaring function moved changes changes * #refactor-canvas svg related function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas setBackground methos move to elem-get-set file * #refactor-canvas getBsplinePoint method move to event file * #refactor-canvas export functions move to svg-exec * #refactor-canvas svg related function moved separate file * #refactor-canvas updateCanvas, cycleElement move to selected-elem file * #refactor-canvas removeUnusedDefElems move to svg-exec file * #refactor-canvas blur method move to separate file blur-event.js * #refactor-canvas selection related function move to separate file slection.js * #refactor-canvas convertGradients, mousewheelmove event bind function move to other files * #refactor-canvas extension function move to selection file * #refactor-canvas svg tag long string changes to es6 format * eslint fixes * eslint and test fixes * add netlify logo per their requirements * #refactor-canvas path file separate to path-method.js and path-actions.js * #refactor-canvas lint issue fixed * #refactor-canvas path.js file class and const move to path-method.js * #refactor-canvas eslint issue fixed. 'jsdoc/check-examples': 'off' already so removed eslint-disable jsdoc/check-examples * #refactor-canvas path class moved changes and copy-elem.js file cypress test issue fixed * #refactor-canvas UI - Clipboard paste element cypress issue fixed * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test case issue fixed * npm update and fix a few eslint new errors * fix snapshot and run tests * add star tool to cypress * #refactor-canvas shapelibrary, star, polygon and panning tool issue fixed * build * Update layer.js * revert proper declarations Authored-by OptimistikSAS
2020-11-11 10:38:45 +00:00
"eslint-plugin-chai-friendly": "0.6.0",
2021-02-23 22:39:14 +00:00
"eslint-plugin-compat": "^3.9.0",
Refactor canvas in multiple pieces to increase maintainability (#446) * #refactor-canvas getJsonFromSvgElement and svgroot code moved to separate file * #refactor-canvas build files changes * #refactor-canvas addSVGElementsFromJson move to json file * #refactor-canvas selected element option function move separate file * #refactor-canvas moveUpDownSelected move to select-elem * ##refactor-canvas build file updated * #refactor-canvas moveSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas cloneSelectedElements move to slected-elem * #refactor-canvas alignSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas deleteSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas copySelectedElements and groupSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas pushGroupProperty, ungroupSelectedElement move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas comment changes * #refactor-canvas UndoManager move to separate file * #refactor-canvas event file move to mouseMove, mouseUpEvent and dblClickEvent * #refactor-canvas mouseDown move to event * #refactor-canvas move to undo file * #refactor alignment changes and set function revert return * #refactor-canvas textaction move to separate file * #refactor-canvas paste-element function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get method move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get function moved changes * #refactor clear file import and regaring function moved changes changes * #refactor-canvas svg related function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas setBackground methos move to elem-get-set file * #refactor-canvas getBsplinePoint method move to event file * #refactor-canvas export functions move to svg-exec * #refactor-canvas svg related function moved separate file * #refactor-canvas updateCanvas, cycleElement move to selected-elem file * #refactor-canvas removeUnusedDefElems move to svg-exec file * #refactor-canvas blur method move to separate file blur-event.js * #refactor-canvas selection related function move to separate file slection.js * #refactor-canvas convertGradients, mousewheelmove event bind function move to other files * #refactor-canvas extension function move to selection file * #refactor-canvas svg tag long string changes to es6 format * eslint fixes * eslint and test fixes * add netlify logo per their requirements * #refactor-canvas path file separate to path-method.js and path-actions.js * #refactor-canvas lint issue fixed * #refactor-canvas path.js file class and const move to path-method.js * #refactor-canvas eslint issue fixed. 'jsdoc/check-examples': 'off' already so removed eslint-disable jsdoc/check-examples * #refactor-canvas path class moved changes and copy-elem.js file cypress test issue fixed * #refactor-canvas UI - Clipboard paste element cypress issue fixed * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test case issue fixed * npm update and fix a few eslint new errors * fix snapshot and run tests * add star tool to cypress * #refactor-canvas shapelibrary, star, polygon and panning tool issue fixed * build * Update layer.js * revert proper declarations Authored-by OptimistikSAS
2020-11-11 10:38:45 +00:00
"eslint-plugin-cypress": "2.11.2",
"eslint-plugin-eslint-comments": "3.2.0",
2021-03-09 21:54:05 +00:00
"eslint-plugin-html": "^6.1.2",
2021-02-23 22:39:14 +00:00
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.22.1",
"eslint-plugin-jsdoc": "^32.2.0",
"eslint-plugin-markdown": "^2.0.0",
2021-03-09 21:54:05 +00:00
"eslint-plugin-mocha": "8.1.0",
Refactor canvas in multiple pieces to increase maintainability (#446) * #refactor-canvas getJsonFromSvgElement and svgroot code moved to separate file * #refactor-canvas build files changes * #refactor-canvas addSVGElementsFromJson move to json file * #refactor-canvas selected element option function move separate file * #refactor-canvas moveUpDownSelected move to select-elem * ##refactor-canvas build file updated * #refactor-canvas moveSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas cloneSelectedElements move to slected-elem * #refactor-canvas alignSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas deleteSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas copySelectedElements and groupSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas pushGroupProperty, ungroupSelectedElement move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas comment changes * #refactor-canvas UndoManager move to separate file * #refactor-canvas event file move to mouseMove, mouseUpEvent and dblClickEvent * #refactor-canvas mouseDown move to event * #refactor-canvas move to undo file * #refactor alignment changes and set function revert return * #refactor-canvas textaction move to separate file * #refactor-canvas paste-element function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get method move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get function moved changes * #refactor clear file import and regaring function moved changes changes * #refactor-canvas svg related function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas setBackground methos move to elem-get-set file * #refactor-canvas getBsplinePoint method move to event file * #refactor-canvas export functions move to svg-exec * #refactor-canvas svg related function moved separate file * #refactor-canvas updateCanvas, cycleElement move to selected-elem file * #refactor-canvas removeUnusedDefElems move to svg-exec file * #refactor-canvas blur method move to separate file blur-event.js * #refactor-canvas selection related function move to separate file slection.js * #refactor-canvas convertGradients, mousewheelmove event bind function move to other files * #refactor-canvas extension function move to selection file * #refactor-canvas svg tag long string changes to es6 format * eslint fixes * eslint and test fixes * add netlify logo per their requirements * #refactor-canvas path file separate to path-method.js and path-actions.js * #refactor-canvas lint issue fixed * #refactor-canvas path.js file class and const move to path-method.js * #refactor-canvas eslint issue fixed. 'jsdoc/check-examples': 'off' already so removed eslint-disable jsdoc/check-examples * #refactor-canvas path class moved changes and copy-elem.js file cypress test issue fixed * #refactor-canvas UI - Clipboard paste element cypress issue fixed * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test case issue fixed * npm update and fix a few eslint new errors * fix snapshot and run tests * add star tool to cypress * #refactor-canvas shapelibrary, star, polygon and panning tool issue fixed * build * Update layer.js * revert proper declarations Authored-by OptimistikSAS
2020-11-11 10:38:45 +00:00
"eslint-plugin-mocha-cleanup": "1.9.1",
2021-02-23 22:39:14 +00:00
"eslint-plugin-no-unsanitized": "^3.1.4",
Refactor canvas in multiple pieces to increase maintainability (#446) * #refactor-canvas getJsonFromSvgElement and svgroot code moved to separate file * #refactor-canvas build files changes * #refactor-canvas addSVGElementsFromJson move to json file * #refactor-canvas selected element option function move separate file * #refactor-canvas moveUpDownSelected move to select-elem * ##refactor-canvas build file updated * #refactor-canvas moveSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas cloneSelectedElements move to slected-elem * #refactor-canvas alignSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas deleteSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas copySelectedElements and groupSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas pushGroupProperty, ungroupSelectedElement move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas comment changes * #refactor-canvas UndoManager move to separate file * #refactor-canvas event file move to mouseMove, mouseUpEvent and dblClickEvent * #refactor-canvas mouseDown move to event * #refactor-canvas move to undo file * #refactor alignment changes and set function revert return * #refactor-canvas textaction move to separate file * #refactor-canvas paste-element function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get method move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get function moved changes * #refactor clear file import and regaring function moved changes changes * #refactor-canvas svg related function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas setBackground methos move to elem-get-set file * #refactor-canvas getBsplinePoint method move to event file * #refactor-canvas export functions move to svg-exec * #refactor-canvas svg related function moved separate file * #refactor-canvas updateCanvas, cycleElement move to selected-elem file * #refactor-canvas removeUnusedDefElems move to svg-exec file * #refactor-canvas blur method move to separate file blur-event.js * #refactor-canvas selection related function move to separate file slection.js * #refactor-canvas convertGradients, mousewheelmove event bind function move to other files * #refactor-canvas extension function move to selection file * #refactor-canvas svg tag long string changes to es6 format * eslint fixes * eslint and test fixes * add netlify logo per their requirements * #refactor-canvas path file separate to path-method.js and path-actions.js * #refactor-canvas lint issue fixed * #refactor-canvas path.js file class and const move to path-method.js * #refactor-canvas eslint issue fixed. 'jsdoc/check-examples': 'off' already so removed eslint-disable jsdoc/check-examples * #refactor-canvas path class moved changes and copy-elem.js file cypress test issue fixed * #refactor-canvas UI - Clipboard paste element cypress issue fixed * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test case issue fixed * npm update and fix a few eslint new errors * fix snapshot and run tests * add star tool to cypress * #refactor-canvas shapelibrary, star, polygon and panning tool issue fixed * build * Update layer.js * revert proper declarations Authored-by OptimistikSAS
2020-11-11 10:38:45 +00:00
"eslint-plugin-no-use-extend-native": "0.5.0",
"eslint-plugin-node": "11.1.0",
2021-02-23 22:39:14 +00:00
"eslint-plugin-promise": "^4.3.1",
"eslint-plugin-sonarjs": "^0.6.0",
"eslint-plugin-standard": "4.1.0",
2021-02-23 22:39:14 +00:00
"eslint-plugin-unicorn": "28.0.2",
Refactor canvas in multiple pieces to increase maintainability (#446) * #refactor-canvas getJsonFromSvgElement and svgroot code moved to separate file * #refactor-canvas build files changes * #refactor-canvas addSVGElementsFromJson move to json file * #refactor-canvas selected element option function move separate file * #refactor-canvas moveUpDownSelected move to select-elem * ##refactor-canvas build file updated * #refactor-canvas moveSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas cloneSelectedElements move to slected-elem * #refactor-canvas alignSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas deleteSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas copySelectedElements and groupSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas pushGroupProperty, ungroupSelectedElement move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas comment changes * #refactor-canvas UndoManager move to separate file * #refactor-canvas event file move to mouseMove, mouseUpEvent and dblClickEvent * #refactor-canvas mouseDown move to event * #refactor-canvas move to undo file * #refactor alignment changes and set function revert return * #refactor-canvas textaction move to separate file * #refactor-canvas paste-element function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get method move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get function moved changes * #refactor clear file import and regaring function moved changes changes * #refactor-canvas svg related function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas setBackground methos move to elem-get-set file * #refactor-canvas getBsplinePoint method move to event file * #refactor-canvas export functions move to svg-exec * #refactor-canvas svg related function moved separate file * #refactor-canvas updateCanvas, cycleElement move to selected-elem file * #refactor-canvas removeUnusedDefElems move to svg-exec file * #refactor-canvas blur method move to separate file blur-event.js * #refactor-canvas selection related function move to separate file slection.js * #refactor-canvas convertGradients, mousewheelmove event bind function move to other files * #refactor-canvas extension function move to selection file * #refactor-canvas svg tag long string changes to es6 format * eslint fixes * eslint and test fixes * add netlify logo per their requirements * #refactor-canvas path file separate to path-method.js and path-actions.js * #refactor-canvas lint issue fixed * #refactor-canvas path.js file class and const move to path-method.js * #refactor-canvas eslint issue fixed. 'jsdoc/check-examples': 'off' already so removed eslint-disable jsdoc/check-examples * #refactor-canvas path class moved changes and copy-elem.js file cypress test issue fixed * #refactor-canvas UI - Clipboard paste element cypress issue fixed * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test case issue fixed * npm update and fix a few eslint new errors * fix snapshot and run tests * add star tool to cypress * #refactor-canvas shapelibrary, star, polygon and panning tool issue fixed * build * Update layer.js * revert proper declarations Authored-by OptimistikSAS
2020-11-11 10:38:45 +00:00
"imageoptim-cli": "3.0.2",
2021-02-23 22:39:14 +00:00
"jamilih": "0.54.0",
Refactor canvas in multiple pieces to increase maintainability (#446) * #refactor-canvas getJsonFromSvgElement and svgroot code moved to separate file * #refactor-canvas build files changes * #refactor-canvas addSVGElementsFromJson move to json file * #refactor-canvas selected element option function move separate file * #refactor-canvas moveUpDownSelected move to select-elem * ##refactor-canvas build file updated * #refactor-canvas moveSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas cloneSelectedElements move to slected-elem * #refactor-canvas alignSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas deleteSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas copySelectedElements and groupSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas pushGroupProperty, ungroupSelectedElement move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas comment changes * #refactor-canvas UndoManager move to separate file * #refactor-canvas event file move to mouseMove, mouseUpEvent and dblClickEvent * #refactor-canvas mouseDown move to event * #refactor-canvas move to undo file * #refactor alignment changes and set function revert return * #refactor-canvas textaction move to separate file * #refactor-canvas paste-element function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get method move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get function moved changes * #refactor clear file import and regaring function moved changes changes * #refactor-canvas svg related function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas setBackground methos move to elem-get-set file * #refactor-canvas getBsplinePoint method move to event file * #refactor-canvas export functions move to svg-exec * #refactor-canvas svg related function moved separate file * #refactor-canvas updateCanvas, cycleElement move to selected-elem file * #refactor-canvas removeUnusedDefElems move to svg-exec file * #refactor-canvas blur method move to separate file blur-event.js * #refactor-canvas selection related function move to separate file slection.js * #refactor-canvas convertGradients, mousewheelmove event bind function move to other files * #refactor-canvas extension function move to selection file * #refactor-canvas svg tag long string changes to es6 format * eslint fixes * eslint and test fixes * add netlify logo per their requirements * #refactor-canvas path file separate to path-method.js and path-actions.js * #refactor-canvas lint issue fixed * #refactor-canvas path.js file class and const move to path-method.js * #refactor-canvas eslint issue fixed. 'jsdoc/check-examples': 'off' already so removed eslint-disable jsdoc/check-examples * #refactor-canvas path class moved changes and copy-elem.js file cypress test issue fixed * #refactor-canvas UI - Clipboard paste element cypress issue fixed * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test case issue fixed * npm update and fix a few eslint new errors * fix snapshot and run tests * add star tool to cypress * #refactor-canvas shapelibrary, star, polygon and panning tool issue fixed * build * Update layer.js * revert proper declarations Authored-by OptimistikSAS
2020-11-11 10:38:45 +00:00
"jsdoc": "3.6.6",
2021-03-14 20:16:35 +00:00
"mocha": "8.3.2",
Refactor canvas in multiple pieces to increase maintainability (#446) * #refactor-canvas getJsonFromSvgElement and svgroot code moved to separate file * #refactor-canvas build files changes * #refactor-canvas addSVGElementsFromJson move to json file * #refactor-canvas selected element option function move separate file * #refactor-canvas moveUpDownSelected move to select-elem * ##refactor-canvas build file updated * #refactor-canvas moveSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas cloneSelectedElements move to slected-elem * #refactor-canvas alignSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas deleteSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas copySelectedElements and groupSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas pushGroupProperty, ungroupSelectedElement move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas comment changes * #refactor-canvas UndoManager move to separate file * #refactor-canvas event file move to mouseMove, mouseUpEvent and dblClickEvent * #refactor-canvas mouseDown move to event * #refactor-canvas move to undo file * #refactor alignment changes and set function revert return * #refactor-canvas textaction move to separate file * #refactor-canvas paste-element function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get method move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get function moved changes * #refactor clear file import and regaring function moved changes changes * #refactor-canvas svg related function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas setBackground methos move to elem-get-set file * #refactor-canvas getBsplinePoint method move to event file * #refactor-canvas export functions move to svg-exec * #refactor-canvas svg related function moved separate file * #refactor-canvas updateCanvas, cycleElement move to selected-elem file * #refactor-canvas removeUnusedDefElems move to svg-exec file * #refactor-canvas blur method move to separate file blur-event.js * #refactor-canvas selection related function move to separate file slection.js * #refactor-canvas convertGradients, mousewheelmove event bind function move to other files * #refactor-canvas extension function move to selection file * #refactor-canvas svg tag long string changes to es6 format * eslint fixes * eslint and test fixes * add netlify logo per their requirements * #refactor-canvas path file separate to path-method.js and path-actions.js * #refactor-canvas lint issue fixed * #refactor-canvas path.js file class and const move to path-method.js * #refactor-canvas eslint issue fixed. 'jsdoc/check-examples': 'off' already so removed eslint-disable jsdoc/check-examples * #refactor-canvas path class moved changes and copy-elem.js file cypress test issue fixed * #refactor-canvas UI - Clipboard paste element cypress issue fixed * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test case issue fixed * npm update and fix a few eslint new errors * fix snapshot and run tests * add star tool to cypress * #refactor-canvas shapelibrary, star, polygon and panning tool issue fixed * build * Update layer.js * revert proper declarations Authored-by OptimistikSAS
2020-11-11 10:38:45 +00:00
"mocha-badge-generator": "0.9.0",
2021-02-23 22:39:14 +00:00
"mochawesome": "6.2.2",
Refactor canvas in multiple pieces to increase maintainability (#446) * #refactor-canvas getJsonFromSvgElement and svgroot code moved to separate file * #refactor-canvas build files changes * #refactor-canvas addSVGElementsFromJson move to json file * #refactor-canvas selected element option function move separate file * #refactor-canvas moveUpDownSelected move to select-elem * ##refactor-canvas build file updated * #refactor-canvas moveSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas cloneSelectedElements move to slected-elem * #refactor-canvas alignSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas deleteSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas copySelectedElements and groupSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas pushGroupProperty, ungroupSelectedElement move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas comment changes * #refactor-canvas UndoManager move to separate file * #refactor-canvas event file move to mouseMove, mouseUpEvent and dblClickEvent * #refactor-canvas mouseDown move to event * #refactor-canvas move to undo file * #refactor alignment changes and set function revert return * #refactor-canvas textaction move to separate file * #refactor-canvas paste-element function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get method move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get function moved changes * #refactor clear file import and regaring function moved changes changes * #refactor-canvas svg related function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas setBackground methos move to elem-get-set file * #refactor-canvas getBsplinePoint method move to event file * #refactor-canvas export functions move to svg-exec * #refactor-canvas svg related function moved separate file * #refactor-canvas updateCanvas, cycleElement move to selected-elem file * #refactor-canvas removeUnusedDefElems move to svg-exec file * #refactor-canvas blur method move to separate file blur-event.js * #refactor-canvas selection related function move to separate file slection.js * #refactor-canvas convertGradients, mousewheelmove event bind function move to other files * #refactor-canvas extension function move to selection file * #refactor-canvas svg tag long string changes to es6 format * eslint fixes * eslint and test fixes * add netlify logo per their requirements * #refactor-canvas path file separate to path-method.js and path-actions.js * #refactor-canvas lint issue fixed * #refactor-canvas path.js file class and const move to path-method.js * #refactor-canvas eslint issue fixed. 'jsdoc/check-examples': 'off' already so removed eslint-disable jsdoc/check-examples * #refactor-canvas path class moved changes and copy-elem.js file cypress test issue fixed * #refactor-canvas UI - Clipboard paste element cypress issue fixed * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test case issue fixed * npm update and fix a few eslint new errors * fix snapshot and run tests * add star tool to cypress * #refactor-canvas shapelibrary, star, polygon and panning tool issue fixed * build * Update layer.js * revert proper declarations Authored-by OptimistikSAS
2020-11-11 10:38:45 +00:00
"mochawesome-merge": "4.2.0",
2021-02-23 22:39:14 +00:00
"mochawesome-report-generator": "5.2.0",
Refactor canvas in multiple pieces to increase maintainability (#446) * #refactor-canvas getJsonFromSvgElement and svgroot code moved to separate file * #refactor-canvas build files changes * #refactor-canvas addSVGElementsFromJson move to json file * #refactor-canvas selected element option function move separate file * #refactor-canvas moveUpDownSelected move to select-elem * ##refactor-canvas build file updated * #refactor-canvas moveSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas cloneSelectedElements move to slected-elem * #refactor-canvas alignSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas deleteSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas copySelectedElements and groupSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas pushGroupProperty, ungroupSelectedElement move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas comment changes * #refactor-canvas UndoManager move to separate file * #refactor-canvas event file move to mouseMove, mouseUpEvent and dblClickEvent * #refactor-canvas mouseDown move to event * #refactor-canvas move to undo file * #refactor alignment changes and set function revert return * #refactor-canvas textaction move to separate file * #refactor-canvas paste-element function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get method move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get function moved changes * #refactor clear file import and regaring function moved changes changes * #refactor-canvas svg related function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas setBackground methos move to elem-get-set file * #refactor-canvas getBsplinePoint method move to event file * #refactor-canvas export functions move to svg-exec * #refactor-canvas svg related function moved separate file * #refactor-canvas updateCanvas, cycleElement move to selected-elem file * #refactor-canvas removeUnusedDefElems move to svg-exec file * #refactor-canvas blur method move to separate file blur-event.js * #refactor-canvas selection related function move to separate file slection.js * #refactor-canvas convertGradients, mousewheelmove event bind function move to other files * #refactor-canvas extension function move to selection file * #refactor-canvas svg tag long string changes to es6 format * eslint fixes * eslint and test fixes * add netlify logo per their requirements * #refactor-canvas path file separate to path-method.js and path-actions.js * #refactor-canvas lint issue fixed * #refactor-canvas path.js file class and const move to path-method.js * #refactor-canvas eslint issue fixed. 'jsdoc/check-examples': 'off' already so removed eslint-disable jsdoc/check-examples * #refactor-canvas path class moved changes and copy-elem.js file cypress test issue fixed * #refactor-canvas UI - Clipboard paste element cypress issue fixed * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test case issue fixed * npm update and fix a few eslint new errors * fix snapshot and run tests * add star tool to cypress * #refactor-canvas shapelibrary, star, polygon and panning tool issue fixed * build * Update layer.js * revert proper declarations Authored-by OptimistikSAS
2020-11-11 10:38:45 +00:00
"node-static": "0.7.11",
"npm-run-all": "4.1.5",
"nyc": "15.1.0",
"open-cli": "6.0.1",
"promise-fs": "2.1.1",
2021-03-14 23:09:32 +00:00
"qr-manipulation": "github:brettz9/qr-manipulation",
"query-result": "github:WebReflection/query-result",
Refactor canvas in multiple pieces to increase maintainability (#446) * #refactor-canvas getJsonFromSvgElement and svgroot code moved to separate file * #refactor-canvas build files changes * #refactor-canvas addSVGElementsFromJson move to json file * #refactor-canvas selected element option function move separate file * #refactor-canvas moveUpDownSelected move to select-elem * ##refactor-canvas build file updated * #refactor-canvas moveSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas cloneSelectedElements move to slected-elem * #refactor-canvas alignSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas deleteSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas copySelectedElements and groupSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas pushGroupProperty, ungroupSelectedElement move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas comment changes * #refactor-canvas UndoManager move to separate file * #refactor-canvas event file move to mouseMove, mouseUpEvent and dblClickEvent * #refactor-canvas mouseDown move to event * #refactor-canvas move to undo file * #refactor alignment changes and set function revert return * #refactor-canvas textaction move to separate file * #refactor-canvas paste-element function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get method move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get function moved changes * #refactor clear file import and regaring function moved changes changes * #refactor-canvas svg related function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas setBackground methos move to elem-get-set file * #refactor-canvas getBsplinePoint method move to event file * #refactor-canvas export functions move to svg-exec * #refactor-canvas svg related function moved separate file * #refactor-canvas updateCanvas, cycleElement move to selected-elem file * #refactor-canvas removeUnusedDefElems move to svg-exec file * #refactor-canvas blur method move to separate file blur-event.js * #refactor-canvas selection related function move to separate file slection.js * #refactor-canvas convertGradients, mousewheelmove event bind function move to other files * #refactor-canvas extension function move to selection file * #refactor-canvas svg tag long string changes to es6 format * eslint fixes * eslint and test fixes * add netlify logo per their requirements * #refactor-canvas path file separate to path-method.js and path-actions.js * #refactor-canvas lint issue fixed * #refactor-canvas path.js file class and const move to path-method.js * #refactor-canvas eslint issue fixed. 'jsdoc/check-examples': 'off' already so removed eslint-disable jsdoc/check-examples * #refactor-canvas path class moved changes and copy-elem.js file cypress test issue fixed * #refactor-canvas UI - Clipboard paste element cypress issue fixed * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test case issue fixed * npm update and fix a few eslint new errors * fix snapshot and run tests * add star tool to cypress * #refactor-canvas shapelibrary, star, polygon and panning tool issue fixed * build * Update layer.js * revert proper declarations Authored-by OptimistikSAS
2020-11-11 10:38:45 +00:00
"remark-cli": "9.0.0",
"remark-lint-ordered-list-marker-value": "2.0.1",
"requirejs": "2.3.6",
"rimraf": "3.0.2",
2021-03-14 20:16:35 +00:00
"rollup": "2.41.2",
2021-02-23 22:39:14 +00:00
"rollup-plugin-copy": "3.4.0",
2021-03-09 21:54:05 +00:00
"rollup-plugin-filesize": "9.1.1",
Refactor canvas in multiple pieces to increase maintainability (#446) * #refactor-canvas getJsonFromSvgElement and svgroot code moved to separate file * #refactor-canvas build files changes * #refactor-canvas addSVGElementsFromJson move to json file * #refactor-canvas selected element option function move separate file * #refactor-canvas moveUpDownSelected move to select-elem * ##refactor-canvas build file updated * #refactor-canvas moveSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas cloneSelectedElements move to slected-elem * #refactor-canvas alignSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas deleteSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas copySelectedElements and groupSelectedElements move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas pushGroupProperty, ungroupSelectedElement move to selected-elem * #refactor-canvas comment changes * #refactor-canvas UndoManager move to separate file * #refactor-canvas event file move to mouseMove, mouseUpEvent and dblClickEvent * #refactor-canvas mouseDown move to event * #refactor-canvas move to undo file * #refactor alignment changes and set function revert return * #refactor-canvas textaction move to separate file * #refactor-canvas paste-element function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get method move to separate file * #refactor-canvas set and get function moved changes * #refactor clear file import and regaring function moved changes changes * #refactor-canvas svg related function move to separate file * #refactor-canvas setBackground methos move to elem-get-set file * #refactor-canvas getBsplinePoint method move to event file * #refactor-canvas export functions move to svg-exec * #refactor-canvas svg related function moved separate file * #refactor-canvas updateCanvas, cycleElement move to selected-elem file * #refactor-canvas removeUnusedDefElems move to svg-exec file * #refactor-canvas blur method move to separate file blur-event.js * #refactor-canvas selection related function move to separate file slection.js * #refactor-canvas convertGradients, mousewheelmove event bind function move to other files * #refactor-canvas extension function move to selection file * #refactor-canvas svg tag long string changes to es6 format * eslint fixes * eslint and test fixes * add netlify logo per their requirements * #refactor-canvas path file separate to path-method.js and path-actions.js * #refactor-canvas lint issue fixed * #refactor-canvas path.js file class and const move to path-method.js * #refactor-canvas eslint issue fixed. 'jsdoc/check-examples': 'off' already so removed eslint-disable jsdoc/check-examples * #refactor-canvas path class moved changes and copy-elem.js file cypress test issue fixed * #refactor-canvas UI - Clipboard paste element cypress issue fixed * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test cases issue fixed changes * #refactor-canvas cypress test case issue fixed * npm update and fix a few eslint new errors * fix snapshot and run tests * add star tool to cypress * #refactor-canvas shapelibrary, star, polygon and panning tool issue fixed * build * Update layer.js * revert proper declarations Authored-by OptimistikSAS
2020-11-11 10:38:45 +00:00
"rollup-plugin-node-polyfills": "0.2.1",
"rollup-plugin-progress": "1.1.2",
"rollup-plugin-re": "1.0.7",
"rollup-plugin-terser": "7.0.2",
2021-02-23 22:39:14 +00:00
"stackblur-canvas": "2.5.0",
2021-01-07 00:21:42 +00:00
"systemjs": "6.8.3",
2021-03-09 21:54:05 +00:00
"typescript": "4.2.3",
"underscore": "1.12.0"